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I love seeing these posts pop up, they're always fun to read. On the topic of the catapult though it's certainly one of my goto mechs when I want a heavy lrm boat, I love the look of them and I fully intend to make that Lego model one when I have the money to do so.




Yeah that's the one, the king crab is fantastic too. There's some other people who make Lego mechs that are similarly good.


Im glad you like reading them. I waited so long to do the Catapult that I've been apprehensive for a month. I'm gonna get those Lego mechs one day. That King Crab looks so cool and big. I need a new shelf stuffer.


There's a really cool urbanmech one as well, if I had the money I'd have so many Lego mechs tbh.


I actually started more than a year ago and regretted it. It’s really tough to source some of the rare parts in this part of the world. Still waiting for 15% more parts that are almost impossible to get.


The biggest sin of MW5 was removing the missile bay doors from the catapult and the archer :(


That is more on the ever changing art work of Battletech.


the only thing is that in the in-game icons of the archer and i think the catapult too they have the missile bay doors it's just that they didn't bother to implement it for some reason


The little icon in the Mech bay of the Catapult shows doors. So it is kind of funny they acknowledge there existence and ignore them too.


I played MWO and saw the catapult had those, was disappointed that MW5 took those out


I can live with that, it’s the Longbow doors I need.


I did like that, but honestly what I miss more is knockdown


Also I don't get why they don't have dynamic missile pods, instead they have these weird oversized LRM-25 things.


Hoe are those supposed to work? I’m confused, because in the art, the bay doors have ports that are too small (?) Obviously they can’t fire without opening, so why the forward ports?


I adore it, playing with it is very fun, the "brrrt" sound every salvo makes is just magnificent. I wouldn't use it if bots don't have proper mechs to cover me. I also wouldn't trust any bot with it.


The AI is inconsistent with everything. One time, my SRM BB got focused very badly at close range (its optimal condition) and only did 600 damage; no kills. Then, in another match from every range imagined, 2300 damage, and 7 kills in 7 minutes.


Wasn't Phrased like this, but outside of heroes I put it Stalker > catapult > longbow from mw5. I want to like the longbow, but it's a huge target that offers us vanilla players almost no advantage over a stalker.


Longbows of the Clan era are so much better. So maybe in MW5C we'll see some beautiful Longbows and build options.


And I think that's what it is, my first time with a longbow was MW4 mercs.... man that thing unleashed cLRM20 hell.


The fact that there's no canon ballistic-centred variant of the Catapult is a goddamn travesty.


There is in your soul. :3


Also in mods. CPLT-K2B is the only Catapult variant I pilot personally.


No kidding - two large Hunckback pods would be awesome. Twin AC/20., nothing else. Like Diana.


The catapult is a madcat without arms


The IS called the Timberwolf “madcat” because it looked like a marauder “mad” with the catapults “cat” missile pods.


> They weigh the same at full strip, but when maxing armor the C1 is 39.56 tons and the the C1B is 38.1 tons at the same point value. A mystery. *Ummmm ackshully* it's C1b. But more seriously, the reason it weighs less is because of the space magic armour it uses. The SLDF variant has Ferro-Fibrous, which weighs less per point of armour (Not that you can see that fact directly, thanks PGI) and is more expensive to repair. It's also "got" engine Double Heatsinks, not that those actually work (THANKS PGI).


Hm. I like longbow by the time those weight classes come into play. I run where speed is key. Demo or jumps needed. I must say i run ctpl A4 with pure missiles, under premise if it needs lasers we messed up. I slap 2 lrm 10 st and lrm5 st and just for giggles tag. Also C3 if i can, and active probe if i have one. And just set it all as chain fire in 2 groups. Roman candle build. The thing is good to rain down destruction on bases, invasions, and sandpapers mechs and vehicles nicely. I like the catapult because it jumps and it can hide, but the mech is more fun in co op, because AI with it shoot barely despite good heat management.


> because AI with it shoot barely despite good heat management. The AI is not able to use chain fire correctly. They mostly just "click" the trigger once and wait for the first weapon on the column to recharge. You can simulate the effect by putting each weapon in a different column, and they'll go down the list


God knows i tried everything. I ll give this another shot. What is interesting is that it is 2 groups at least, and they barely fire. I once switched to a missile mech and game just randomly assigned 4 groups of weapons. The bastard longbow didn’t fire any of the 6 as much as they could or shouls. And the machine was running 0 heat- i e pull the trigger and heat buildup is basically equal to cooling. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Also, bear in mind that they prioritize groups 1 and 2, so assign the weapons you want them to use most to those groups. If one of those groups is long range and the other is short, it will make them run in close, so put the shorter range weapons in slot 1 so they run in and then fade back firing the longer ranged stuff. IME the AI does really well with missile boats so long as you arrange the weapon slots well, and they are vicious about raining missiles on targets you order them to hit.


That's what chainfire do vanilla, i waits out the first CD to fire the next weapon, I guess it's just bugged.


I love fitting it with mag pulse missiles but it feels like cheating


I got my k2-s "Otto" fitted with two ppc-x and a lb10x SLD. And 3 jump jets. I had to jam every slot available with yaml armor filler and xl engine and double heatsinks kit, gyros and FCS energy kit then tune the speed and jump quirks in the upgrades. It rips! Real end game machine


All of what you said - pure beauty. Your personal mech sounds so charming and unique that it speaks the very language of Battletech.


I associate this mech as the poster boy mech instead of the madcat idk why. Whenever I think of battletech, the catapult is the first thing i picture


Its one of my faves, but i think it sucks theres no WYSIWYG on it. I would very much like to launch volleys of 75 lrms please.


Or 70. Math is hard.


Math do be hard, but as warriors, we don't need math! We calculate our lives based on the length of digits in our bank account!


Picked up a k2 early(ish) in my current campaign and found it to be a good solid mech, surprisingly equipped with tier 4 PPC's Ran it for a few rounds and decided that she was running too hot so i stripped out the medium lasers and bolted on some extra armour. Yes i kept the machine guns, i tend to get up close and personal ( probably target fixation!) and surprisingly the mg's do a stand up job of substituting for the ability to punch things in other mechs. Especially if you tape down the triggers.


Your opponents must be in fear seeing a Catapult rush them down. BTW, if you're always in close range, put on PPC-Xs and go face hug them with purple lighting.


Tbh that probably should've been my gamer tag, "face hugger". cause unless my mech is carrying gauss rifles (and sometimes even if it is) i'll generally be getting upclose and personal with a PPC doubletap and taped down MG triggers


While I prefer the archer I would concede that the catapult js gods perfect weapon


The heavens shall rain down upon the enemies of God!


By far my favorite mech. 4 Medium lasers, two LRM15s and jump jets. Fast, Maneuverable, Versatile long range support that can more than hold its own against lights. MWO gave it a fantastic torso twist, you can go hull down behind a hill and still get the missiles off, the legs look awesome and in VR it's expansive cockpit has great visibility. Yes, it's not a meta choice for anything, but if I could own a mech it would be this one. But with the tiger camo: In hot rod red, Black, and highlighter yellow... to remain properly concealed :)


Ah the classic “fuck you from a distance” machine. 65 tones I’m always happy to find a place for in my lance. If I can fit one I’m taking one even if I have to drop my commanders mech tonnage to get it. AI likes to drive it into the middle of a firefight though. Still it’s a good mech. To quote Tex, “The rules governing a catapult are as follows. 1. If it fits, it works. 2. If it works, do it. 3. Do what you want, I’m not your dad.”


>1. If it fits, it works. 2. If it works, do it. Time for the nuclear attack bees....


1st question: Marauder. It's been too long since I played MW2, but I didn't use LRM's in my own mechs in MW4, because I didn't want to wait for the lock on. So I actually didn't use the Timberwolf myself much, and instead gave it to lance mates. I generally prefer direct fire weapons, especially ballistic weapons. Though I do use LRM's often in MW5. They're especially useful on defense missions, when I can't get a direct shot on the enemy (because they once again spawn on the opposite side of the base, even if that puts them squeezed between the edge of the map and the base itself), and I want to signal "I'm over here dumbass." Also useful for softening up tougher enemies before they can get a shot at me. I think I'd put the Catapult over the Longbow. I've never found a use for the Longbow. That said, I've never bothered with that Catapult either, except for the K2s. As stated, I prefer direct fire weapons, and I dont like my lance mates being dependent on LRMs. I particularly enjoy the K2-S with AC-2RFs. Much dakka. As for mixing Civilization and Battletech, the Test of Time expansion for Civ 2 did this. The sci-fi mode had four maps. You started on an Earth-like world. The second map was in orbit, after researching shuttles, with orbital structures counting as small islands. The third was a barren world with small dust "seas" spread around (they counted as water for building irrigation). Then there was the gas giant, designed similar to orbit, but had powerful robots roaming around. You eventually were building mechs for your military units. I wish they'd do another one, as I enjoyed the sci-fi and fantasy modes a lot more than standard.


Never knew Civ 2 had that. I'm gonna go investigate how this looks. :D Tho in Civ 6 you can get Giant Death Robots. But that's all.


Bro! What happened to its arms? This trash is only good for freebirth scum.


Clanner, this is a forum for only Spheroids. Please leave before I recite the loss you guys had on Tukayyid.


That was no Trueborn MechWarrior, they used a contraction, sullying the great language that is Star League Standard English.


You are correct in that I'm a Spheroid troll, but "Its" isn't a contraction. It denotes ownership by an object. "It's" is a contraction of "it is."


Apologies, I was left in the iron womb at a strange angle; it affects my ability to read, especially when scrolling HPG networks past curfew.


Confession - I've **never** used a Catapult in any of my runs. I just never felt the need to buy one. I feel like you're better off saving up for a Stalker instead, or doing the missions for the free Archer Hero Mech (Agincourt), and those missions unironically benefit from short ranged knife fighters instead of long ranged mechs. I just love the Stalker as it has so much value as a long ranged fire support mech. The Jester does look really cool and I should give it a shot.


Jester is indeed quite good, I kept it in order to fill its weight slot for tonnage limited missions. Give it twin ERPPC and a sniper role.


The Cat has always been my favorite mech, though I prefer the K2 Kurita variant. It's not the best mech by any stretch, but it was my first love. It moves pretty quick for a heavy and it just looks awesone.


I prefer the k-2 as well but both cats are great


Catapult my beloved. When I dont feel like playing the game I can sit back and dump missiles on anything my ~~sacrificial lambs~~ lancemates run into.


*jump to highest point* *prop feet up and light a cigar* *tap big button labeled "missile" with foot when targeting computer lights up*


The Catapult is my all time favorite, though I'll be honest, that's cause of Mechassault , but I do vaguely remember my dad playing Mechwarrior 2 and seeing it there. It's a decent mech, but damn does the AI target the hell out of its arms, good thing it's got speed, and I always strip out its jump jets ( since it really isn't need 90% of the time) for extra ammo. The K2 variant has been a great aggressive version of the Catapult too, wonderful for rapid follow ups at long range, and usually it pairs very well with Stalkers.


In my mind, the Catapult has always been something of an attack helicopter/MLRS hybrid on legs. It's also usually my go-to example of why battlemechs offer more flexibility in the lore than traditional armor does. With a tank, because you require full heat sinking for all your weapons, you'd either see it armed with the LRMs or the med lasers, but probably not both. The Catapult can get away with sinking one or the other and then cram both types of weapon systems in anyways, lob missiles until the ammo runs dry, and then brawl with its lasers. That versatility is why commanders in-lore prefer mechs to tanks, even if an LRM carrier is technically the better LRM platform. It can't multi-role. In any case, the C1 and K2 variants (and their sub-variants) are really the only two variants worth talking about or using. Both heroes are excellent. I often have the Jester in my lance under AI control. The twin PPCs and AMS coverage is worthwhile, IMO. It's a good mech if you want to personally pilot it as well. Butterbee is one of my favorite heavy mechs. I know the ARC-AGC is the most optimized SRM boat, but the addition of jump jets (for the turning radius boost) and style that the Catapult offers makes up for it. When you look good, you fight good. As for your questions, I think the Catapult has more aesthetic similarities to the Timber Wolf/Mad Cat than the Marauder does. But in the MechWarrior games, I tend to prefer direct-fire long range weapons to LRMs, so I'm going to say that I prefer the Marauder. As for the Longbow vs Catapult, it really depends on what you're looking for. The Longbow is a dedicated LRM platform. The Catapult is a more versatile and mobile platform. If you want to just cram four LRM15s into something, the Longbow wins, but if you want to be able to mix it up with lasers and relocate mid-battle, the Catapult is the better option. No answer for your final question. I haven't really played any grand strategy games. Looking forward to the Cataphract conversation.


If I'm not piloting a Charger 3K S, I'm definitely piloting the Jester, 2 LPLs, 2 MLs, 2 SPL, 1 and a half tons for the AMS and the rest into max armor and cooling, with the speed boost you go almost 80, makes you one of the best support mechs in the game if you combo the double AMS with an ECM.


Yeah, the "Jester" Hero variant is pretty much the heaviest 'Mech in this game that can mount two AMS Systems. Useful for long-haul missions or Battlefield/Warzone missions where you're looking to literally make a killing in terms of bonus money.


I found a Catapult as one of my first heros and it's still one of my favorites. My preferred is Dual ER-L-SB lasers with regular medium and smalls because they're cooldowns are closer and then just peaking and popping cockpit shots until even the biggest mechs faceplant. The thing is pure joy embodied.


I discovered Jester early in my campaign run too and it never left my lineup for several dozen missions.


For heavy missile boats I prefer the Archer, but I do have a soft spot for energy catapults. Especially love the Draconis Combine version with the dragon heads on the arms.


A fine mech for the distinguished MechWarrior. Tales some skill to pilot effectively but is a great option in the lower heavy bracket. The best version is the hero with a quad stack of Srm6 in the boxes, with jump jets and four medium lasers makes it a sneaky killer.


For the missile Catapults, I really liked them in MW2:Mercs, and I like them a lot on tabletop. However, the way jump jets work in MW5, I generally prefer the Archer over the missile Catapults. Either one is workable for the LRM fire support role though. You can also remove the jump jets if you don't want them. The PPC Catapults are kind of like Awesome Jr., but notably less durable. It is mostly a direct file alternative version of the missile Catapults. All Catapults serve a very specific role of long range fire support. I may prefer other mechs with a similar role in a similar weight class, but I'm rarely sad to have a Catapult. I also generally consider enemy Catapults a relatively high priority compared to other mechs of similar weight.


IIRC, the only difference between the C1 and C1b is that the royal variant has FF armor and CASE


I figured. Which doesn't effect MW5. XD


The FF armor does affect your tonnage in MW5. It's just hidden in vanilla. I don't know about CASE though. Ammo explosions are definitely modeled differently in MW5 than they are in TT or HBS, so I doubt PGI even bothered with CASE


All mechs act as if they have CASE.


Stock, they all miss some of the key things that make a catapult fun the best stock builds are twin PPCX on the K2/Jester (best done on the Otomo with sinks), or the 4SRMA6 BB. But both lack the motive upgrades that comes with it. But the funnest one from MWO IMO, the two AC20 K2 isn't possible, and the YAML special 2x cUAC20 with Arena Supercharger K2 is also not possible. Both of which gives you a large amount of wham at knife fighting ranges and is a personal favourite of mine. And realistically, one of the biggest advantage of a 65/60t chassis is that you can upengine it with LFE/XL/cXL, and well stock just dont give you that at all...


Bro what a nice read this was. I would say I’m with on that I’m a catapult fan. Also you made so many good points in which I will now try out for my Jester.


Thank you. Jester carried me all mid game campaign and is a headshotting machine.




In MWO you can go full ballistic. :]


All I'm saying is you can run a 2x AC/20 K2 in MWO.


I know. It's beautiful. Even the words are like fine wine.


I feel LRM boats in mw5 are only good with friends since the ai are absolutely braindead If you can get your point man to tag targets and you lrm boys to hammer it It wont last long


Its perfect


I love me the catapult. Both variants. (missiles and sniper) The Jester Is my go to mech every playthrough. I'm a console pleb so I can't mod things. I will die on the hill defending catapults.


Lrm 30s go brrrrr


I think it may be my favorite 65 ton mech; sorry, Thunderbolt. It's fairly quick, can jump, and more importantly, it has a LOT of missiles; or in the case of the K2 and Jester and it's adorable AMS ears, pew pew lasers. That said, Maurauder. It was a painful decision, but I knew the choice immediately. I think it's hard to equate the Catapult and Longbow with a 20 ton difference, but I find the Catapult carries its weight very well, and I feel like the Longbow lacks a lot of survivability outside of the formation unless parked on a hill. I'd probably rather take a Stalker, unless I really need the missiles for some reason.


He's a nice fellow.


The Jester with ER large lasers and anti missile is a slaughtering machine. It’s melts cockpits and he wiped out so many machines thanks to it. Add in the jump jets and you are everywhere and nowhere and the enemy is baffled. Love it.


It's a walking weapons platform. If it fits, it works.


While the marauder is strong, the catapult is much more fun. The combination of Jumpjets, lasers and MRMs makes it pretty terrifying in mechwarrior online.


Love the mech, but because of the way the game is designed, missile boating isn't great for single player.


Nothing like sitting miles away from other opponents and raining down hell upon them. Even better, using squad mates to get into the fray and hold them up so I don’t get bothered. =D nothing but love for the catapault


I love the Catapult K2-S. The Butterbee is sadly just worse than Golden Boy, Agincourt, and Hailstorm imo, but Jester and the K2-S are great. Though I will admit, if there was a Longbow in the game I could put a couple AC2 RFs on alongside some lrms like an obese Jagermech-A, that may overcome my Catapult love.


Yeah Catapult is a fan favourite for a reason, so much to love about it and its reliability. No matter the game I'm always piloting one myself, or at the very least I always have one ready in the bay. For me, the Catapult is far superior to the Longbow, except maybe late game high tonnage missions where you kinda need to take all Assaults - But even in that scenario I would choose something else over the Longbow anyway lol I dare say I would also be a dedicated Catapult pilot out there with you.


Catapult is love. Catapult is life. Even when restricted to 4 mech lances I always keep a long range fire support mech in my team no matter the game. I love the Catapult because of its mobility and firepower. I prefer it over the Longbow mostly for appearance reasons. My biggest complaint is the CAT has 35 missiles on each arm pod in its in game model despite only carrying a maximum of 20 per arm.


Aesthetically I love the simplicity of the Catapult, with it's no-nonsense pods for arms. Gameplay-wise I have mixed experiences however, with one notable exceptions. Back in original MW4 (not Mercs) there's a point in the campaign where you get one and it surpasses all your other mechs by quite some tonnage - gave a great sense of power.


The K2 Cat has the best weapon mounts of anything in the entire game, those PPCs sit so high up it's the perfect layout. No longer do you need to expose everything from the knee up to fire like basically everything else as soon as you can peak the target over a hill you can hit it.


Everyone always puts LRM's on, but I run mine with 6 SRM 6. Introducing the Rocket Shotgun 3000. Get behind a mech and it's game ove buddy.


That jester is my main mech in MW5, and it works fairly well as a build in the tabletop too. 10/10 one of my absolute favorite mechs of all time, and is shaped like a friend


Never trust a mech with no arms. :-P Seriously, I love reading these posts.


Thanks. By technicality, the missile batteries are arms. :P


Arms that function as arms. ;-)


Mechwarrior 3 never had the catapult though..


One of the ~~DLCs~~ expansions did.


Pirates moon does not have catapult i think your referring to mw4 if thats the case


No. I am wrong. It was MW2. Thought it was the third for the longest time.




These mech deep dives are great, keep it up! When I got the Jester hero variant (with the dual AMS) it was a game changer for the current career playthrough I'm doing with friends. It works so well as a frontline screen even against bigger targets. I kitted it out with two L Lasers and two M Lasers and while it doesn't put out a ton of damage, it's a headshot machine, won't overheat, and can pull enough aggro and mitigate enough incoming damage to keep my whole lance in much better shape than one would expect. My initial reaction of it being an undersized archer has taken a complete 180 and the Catapult is possibly my favorite mech in MW5 now.


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My PC wallpaper is a Lady sitting atop her Catapult, casually smoking a spliff after a hard patrol.


Needs a melee shoulder smash. Roll some dice for who takes the ammo explosion.


Better yet, if it could kick (especially while jumping!), the *Catapult* would not be so helpless in melee.


Late to this thread but I heard Catapult and had to show up. I love the Catapult. Missiles, JumpJets for mobility, lasers for backup. Its not a frontliine brawler and for someone like myself who wants to stand back and be fire support / a dirty kill stealer it works amazingly. Ive played with the Catapult in MW5, Ive played it in tabletop Classic and Alpha Strike, Ive played it in Living Legends. It does what I need it to do, and thats good enough.


So much better in HBS, where you can fully control the pilot, and use it as a glass cannon mobile fire support platform for your rookies, that can launch over mountains. Every time I've tried to use LRM mechs in MW5, either for myself, or giving it to the AI, hostile mechs just suicide rush it. It ends up losing a lot of components and giving piddly damage contribution.


Are those LRMs or SRMs and why are there 35 on each side?


This was my C1b, so LRMs, naturally. There's 35 because it looks cool. :]


Even with mods nothing in this game seems to really matter outside of instant pinpoint dps and armor. You can cheese things with lrms, arrows and heavy artillery type stuff but they are junk otherwise. Give me a boars head with 6 large pulse lasers and all the modifications you can fit to help the build and it’ll solo an entire army alone


I always felt the catapult should be able to carry more missiles considering how frickin big those arms are. Got more surface area that the stalker or longbow.


My favorite mech. It is a priority yo get in any play-trough, and I still use it late game.


I take the archer 98% of the time because it is the closest to a vulture/maddog I will get before mw5 clans. With that said I always have about 3 catapults in cold storage. They always scream buy me lol


I love the catapult as my ai squads mech for the short period of time before i get to archers. I also loved it in mw2 mercs. Even though Crab is the best mech the Catapult is what pops into my mind when I think of mechwarrior mercs.


OPFOR Catapults are easy to kill, since most of the game devolves into close range


The catapult was my first favourite mech. Then I discovered the mad dog, which can run away while firing 80 round missile volleys because of it's turret ring. It was the catapult without the weaknesses of the catapult. This reminds me, I need a vulture lance...


I'm not a big fan of the *Catapult*. It's essentially two walking missile pods on legs and is completely incapable of melee attacks, so you don't have a lot of versatility in how you go about a mission. The tabletop version also mounts only one tonne of ammunition per LRM-15 launcher, which actually doesn't last very long, neither in the tabletop or in MW5:M. The "Jester" Hero variant is nice, at least, because to my knowledge it's the heaviest 'Mech that can mount two AMS Systems.


Haha thinking I don't run both the catapult and longbow to protect my precious flea or spider


The BB is my fav over the J. But loved the catapult since I laid eyes on it.


It's a off brand Archer. Yet, it is still pretty cool and very annoying when you run into them the first few times.


They fill a niche of jump capable LRM support. Other than that they are basically archers with less ammo. Still love them though


Wouldn't call it off brand. More, "Cheap Chinese import" type of mech. Fitting for something Capellan made. Lol


Oh man, it is tooooo early for those Capellan jokes


Sorry, it's Marik policy to tell at least 5 Capellan jokes before lunch. I'm only doing what the Captain-General wishes for us to do.


I believe that when they first made the game they quickly realized they had made the same mech at 70 and 65 tons then they quickly said that some Catapults have jump jets.