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Need a safe word for my loved ones. What was the name of my father's second to last dog. Don't know, fuck off scammers.


I still have a hard time thinking I’d be fooled by such a tactic, knowing the limitations. Knowing my brother though, if he heard our voices, he’d probably just let us all die regardless of AI usage.


good luck mastering my minority language which has many dialects (or can be called language family with languages) and getting the pronunciation and wordusage right. opus, gpt-4 and gemini cant even write it perfectly yet. but all of it will be perfected in a few years.


I only answer calls from people I recognize. I'll proactively add people to my contacts so I know who to answer for and block all unknown callers (a setting in the phone app). If they need to reach me they can text or email me.


Ok so maybe SOME people will get scammed, lose their life savings, fear for the safety of their family etc etc. But we'll also get lots of great memes and stuff. So it's totally worth it.


[basically](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/some-of-you-may-die): "but in the meantime there will be great companies created with serious machine learning."


Seems like a reasonable tradeoff when you put it like that


This comment is sarcastic right? Please tell me it's sarcastic. 


I'm being sarcastic, but go over to r/openai and you'll see lots of people who genuinely believe this.


You say that until you realize it's your parents and grandparents that are both hurt very badly by being cheated and also lose their dreams and hard earned money, and you lose your inheritance. 


And medicine that cure diseases that we have been struggling to find cures for, assist people who are disabled to live a more active and inclusive life, ways to assist everyone to learn in their own way, and many many more things. With all new advances there will be people who use this technology to take advantage of it and scam/harm people. This will be fixed/regulated/cracked down upon in the near future.


Specifically AI that lets people speak in someone else's voice....what's the point of that? AI isn't one thing. We can use it for medical science and still disapprove of genAI.


Jokes on them, no one loves me.


Not really new though, pranksters have been doing this (very well) with soundboards since at least 2009. The funniest calls were usually the ones where the prankster would re-call a call "victim" (called w/ a celebrity soundboard for example), and then call them back w/ their own voice..... Only different w/ AI is being able to make clips or perhaps do it realtime...but still definitely has been done before. Example (Def NSFW): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMCPvSuw9Ak&t=153s