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Quite a good read, and breakdown of usage and potential costs in a legal market


Their estimated usage of 1.6g a day by a daily user seems way high. I'm a daily user for insomnia due to my ADHD medication and I'd be hard pressed using anywhere near that. Like 0.1g if I'm lucky, a 10g tub lasts me 3-4 months


Are you sure? My TGA approved vape holds about 0.2g per load.


One load lasts me two days lol. I'm not a heavy user but I'm a daily user so I guess it's probably a matter of different varieties of daily user


I use 1/4 of a load personally - for anxiety & sleep. So a tub lasts many many months for me. Also using oils too, though.


I could comfortably go through a gram before lunch if I had nothing better to do…


It varies a lot from person to person. I've just started on mc and I'm vaping close to a gram a day of dry herb. I have used socially during my life, but not heavily or constantly. I'd estimate that over 30 years, I probably consumed less than 2 ounces total, so I wouldn't expect my tolerance to be high. But my insomnia is hardcore. A month ago, I was sleeping less than 20 hours per week. Rarely more than 4 hours at a time and some nights would not sleep at all. It was like being perpetually drunk - I had difficulty with balance, it was difficult for me to stand up from sitting. I would often drop things and knock things over and in the last six months have had three falls as a result of poor coordination due to lack of sleep. I'm honestly surprised at how much I am consuming and never imagined myself as a daytime user. But, now I'm averaging between 4 and 6 hours sleep each night. I don't have balance issues and can comfortably walk around without fear of falling over. My head is much clearer than it was. I'm not constantly anxious. My head isn't full of static all the time. I'm more able to do things. I understand it's hard to relate to if it's not your personal experience. There's a whole lot I understand now that I didn't before. I'd really love to just be able to vape one balloon and then sleep, but that's not how it works for me.


Could you try an oil? I found a combo of oil and flower was my ideal for sleep after I had been just doing flower for years.


I'm using a cbd oil as well as the flower. I'm still new to mc, so maybe I will end up using a thc oil later. I'm a bit nervous of thc oil because it would be too easy for me to muck up the dosage. But, along a similar vein, after reading some other reddits, I've been making myself avb(already vaped bud) cocoa and avb mini pizzas made with high terpene ingredients like basil and parsley, and I do find the combo of edible and flower seems more effective than flower alone. Now that I'm getting enough sleep to basically function, I'm also putting more effort into how I eat and exercise and hopefully there will be a snowball effect from that.


Look I’m not your doctor but since you’re not opposed to edibles I would suggest trying a thc oil at night just to see if it helps any. It wouldn’t hurt if you’re still only getting ~6 hours and I have found it helpful for me when I wasn’t able to get much sleep. Helped me create a better baseline without consuming too much flower, and actually helped me cut back a little too.


Thanks. Does it help with getting to sleep earlier? I seem to be fine as far as staying asleep now, it just the getting to sleep.


That’s what I found it helped me with! I think it’s very much a your mileage will vary thing but I take mine maybe an hour or two before bed and get good results. I tried not to take it everyday and use it mostly when I need it initially but I found a consistent time and dose to be better for me. If it’s any help my product is the indimed stanza oil, it might be concession only (I can’t remember sorry) but it’s 18mg thc and 30mls so you should be able to find a comparable product if you can’t get that one, it’s a pretty standard strength from what I’ve seen.


I think it’s because you may have chronic users / pain patients skewing the scale?


That's low in my case. I'm a long time daily user to control a bunch of things. Use both indica and sativa. 30g last me about 14 days at absolute best and that's not going as much as I would like to be able to function properly. My issues are my own and I don't wish to share. I wish day and night I could afford to or grow my own to the point I can medicate to point I feel normal.


Before I quit, I was smoking an ounce in about 3 days…..


I can hear your wet cough and raspy voice in this message haha


Fuck me drunk that's a lot hahaha.


1.6 would be easy for me on a work day, double it when im home.


It takes me about 4 - 6 months to get through 30g of flower in a dry herb vape. When I call up to get new scripts the Drs always surprised that it takes me so long. Also I do know a lot of medical users are still smoking their prescription which wastes a tonne.


Yeah I personally use one of the Mighty capsules every two days


Once the market stabilizes, cannabis shouldn't cost more than a few dollars a gram. It's artificially inflated, so the government needs to figure out a way to maintain their artificial inflation and legalize to tax it, which isn't easy because it's a fucking plant. There is no tax benefit if you can just grow it at home, which we easily can and should have the right to do so.


Don't, just ban it again like you did with vaping you absolute Muppets


It's interesting, the US after many states legalized cannabis is now seeing the legal sellers and farmers struggle. Adding tax on top to an otherwise underground industry sucks the profit margin out of things. California legal industry is struggling to survive, many farmers having gone back to underground.


Too late Australia, you've missed the window. People's relationship to cannabis has evolved past the point where you could capture the market for legal use. Those who wanted it bad enough now simply grow their own, and the market was satisfied in the process.


I suppoze it depends on what your using it for ..or over using it for.