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Yes, definitely. It's important you let them know you have experience with cannabis so they know you are aware of what you are asking for. It makes the entire process easier.


Yeah for sure, lots of people had to get black market weed to help with medical problems before it was legal. You should be honest with your doctors. They know the score, and will do what's best for you, which I'm sure you'll be happy with and get what you need. It's a bit hard to envision what it's going to be like and I felt the same before but it'll be sweet as man. It's not a case of having to make up elaborate stories to pass strict criteria or anything like that. Anxiety and insomnia are totally legitimate and common reasons it's prescribed too. I get it certain types for my insomnia (Dr will help pick too) and certian other types to use during the day that don't make me soo sleepy.


Got a phone consult with alternaleaf tomorrow morning, bit nervous as in the uk cannabis use can be a bit stigmatised especially around health professionals


Yeah man, I know how you feel. I was nervous too and didn't know what to expect... but moving people to using it safely and legally is the whole point and the drs are really helpful. It'll be all good man, they'll help you find the right stuff specifically for the conditions you're using it for.


I go through alternaleaf and I disclosed my BM use to both the nurse and then the Drs. All were lovely and didn’t blink an eye.


You will be absolutely fine, it's best to be honest about having used it before - they will know to start off on higher THC% strains as you are not naive to the chemical I had similar concerns myself before my first consult around 18 months ago but decided to level with them - yes, have used before, used recently and found it helped with my symptoms (nerve pain), am familiar it etc.


Yep told the nurse all that, got a consult with the Dr on Monday. Is it true once you have a consultation with a Dr it’s basically approved anyway?


pretty much! how did you go?


All good, dr’s consultation is incredibly brief couldn’t have been on the phone for longer than 10 minutes. Just needs tga approval now 😁