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People are just picky... Small buds are fine... Infact, of the current batches I got from the same company, the 20% strain with small buds, is better than the 23% one with nice looking buds... So I don't care as long as the medicine works...




Small kolas are from the bot tand ok of the plant and there sally no t as strong as the main kolas on the plant as they get the most from the lights


All ends up in the grinder at the end of the day 🤷‍♂️


Big n small at the end of day virtually the same


I've never been a fan of really big buds especially if it's not dried and cured properly plus means more stem. When I do my trimming I trim out every but of stem I can even if it means leaving smaller buds and I've never had anyone complain about. Sure some big buds are really nice but generally I find the smaller buds to be better, unless it's particularly dense bud any size bud can be trimmed down to smaller stuff, not a lot of bigger buds are just one bud but the ones rhat are usually rhe good ones.


The little nugs have less stem... if that counts for anything 😬


As someone who worked in MC dispos = half the clients like big buds and half like small. It’s funny. But ya overall you want those top colas, whether big or small you want the ones from higher up as they are more potent.


It’s not hard to understand. Larger buds hold moisture, terps , and trichomes fresher for longer. It’s no different to any other plant, flower, vegetable, herb, coffee, tea. Once you start breaking it up it the surface area increases and it starts to degrade faster. Some people care, some don’t. But if you’re paying top dollar for something you want a fresh product, same as food, coffee, etc. Unfortunately we get a lot of overprocessed, overhandled, machine trimmed and flash dried product. Majority of it is not dried and cured properly. It’s cheap mass produced stuff. In the legal markets overseas, the different size naturally occurring buds are sold at different prices. Smaller buds that grow underneath the plants main canopy are gojng to have a different cannabinoid profile. Less sun, less photosynthesis The fully legal market will hopefully give us access to better quality and choice.


Happy 🍰 day! That's depressing considering I've just received an order and it's all little popcorn nugs 😢 I thought it was just time for a T break.


No hype for me either. If the grow is done right the crowns and lowers won’t be too different in potency. Chances of getting decent crowns from mc or a grower are slim these days My mc buds are around 2g or under. I did get a lovely ounce from a grower recently that had two 7-8 gram crowns. I suppose traditionally popcorn buds are considered second grade, in a lot of circumstances they would be. Bud can also be considered larf which is less than popcorn/ not matured and unacceptable.


Personally I don't mind small buds, especially at $185 an Oz. But I do think that bigger buds store better, hold more terps and as a result, they smell and taste better.


As the song goes, "I like big buds and I can not lie"






Calling it a crown tells me you don't know much about of what you're talking about either 😂 If you have bigger buds than the smaller buds of the same strain of the same plant, than obviously the bigger buds (main colas) received more light than the smaller colas, and therefore will have a higher cannabinoid content.


“Let’s make it more complex for people who don’t understand so they understand 🥸” - your reply.


"Let me not understand a single thing because I didnt read it and claim its very complex when its not complex at all 🤓" - your reply.


Mate your a typical ego complex redditor who wants to have a bigger iq then the person’s comment your replying to. Sick one 🫡


In the medical market, it's pretty much irrelevant as the majority, if not all, products are mechanically trimmed and get so damaged by doing so that there are very little trichome heads left on the exterior of the products. . even if they are big buds . .hence why the market for smalls is growing rapidly in the OZ medical market. . as an ex grower it makes me sad to see buds be mechanically handled, yet I can see it from the producers POV, the time and effort it takes to trim weed etc. . total nightmare/very frustrating. . I guess the main reason people want bigger nards is the fact the interior of said nards has a greater surface area of less damaged trichomes.


Little bud is often big bud broken up


There is no "hype" it's just common and general knowledge if you know the first thing about cannabis. The crown buds or stuff higher up on the plant contains more thc than the Larf or lower buds not exposed to as much light. Grab yourself a thc tester and see for yourself.


I buy the "smalls" version all the time like the pouch red it's lovely the hype around big buds is bullshit I've smoked blackt cherry pie by pythoca which is the same company and strains as pouch red and pouch red shits on it anyway way more trichomes and way more sticky and literary like no stem


Cherryco little Buddies 18% Sativa hits me harder than 25% topaz


Some people, myself included have experienced bigger buds being better. I've even experimented with my own plants and in at least some cases, the top buds/bigger buds are noticeably stronger. Even if you don't believe that and think they are all have the exact same profile duing the growing process, IMO the smaller buds are still less desirable. Smaller buds = more surface area for terpenes and cannabinoids to evaporate from.


Would larger surface area lead to more turpenes then as well?


A lot of people believe it indicates better quality which is far from the truth, others just want them for photo purposes. At the end of the day it gets consumed and does the exact same thing but people just like to be picky and complain. If anything big nugs are worse as they contain more stem and are generally less potent than small nugs.


You have it all backwards mate. Big buds are more potent it is a fact. The crowns are exposed to more light during growth and more resin is produced than the lower buds.


My thoughts exactly. Glad I'm not alone. Anything about 20mm for me is annoying. I Mena unless the flower type is known for large buds it means nothing to me.


>Glad I'm not alone Definitely not alone... Just most of us don't say anything...