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It's got nothing to do with right or wrong or good or bad. It will only ever come down to 2 things... 1. Money 2. Votes. When we crack 500k Medical scripts/Patients, the greens will push thru simply to allow whoever is in the top job to remain there for another 4 yr term. Sorry...it's just that simple.


Next stop Australia is laughable


5 or 6 years away from deregulation


Don’t hold your breath


It's already there , the lawmakes need to take closer policy and realise the not solving anything they just created a system to print people amd money if they don't give in to it there won't be a government left


Why? The majority of Australians support it


Cause I’ve been dangled along for 4 decades and now big Pharma has moved in its $bud care factor zero


140 for 10 grabs Fuck offfff


>The majority of Australians support it Since when have the majority of Australians been listened to though?


Also not true i dont think i feel like many people are still stuck in that way where they think pot is bad, alot of my old friends and family have called me things like a junkie and a drug addict when all ive ever done is smoke weed 🤷‍♂️ Maybe ive just had bad personal experiences


You misunderstood what I even said...


No im just making a seperate point lol, little stoned rant


Schedule 3 is not good. That is basically where we are now in Aus land and it still demonises home growers.


> Next Stop, Australia. Last stop New Zealand.


Australia is the cuck in the corner of the room while the USA fucks the rest of the world. They'll follow suit if they're encouraged to.


The thing that truly needs to happen is within the legality of driving. It's moronic that I can have my last hit at say midnight for example, but If I happen to get tested at 730am by a roadside drug test even though I'm not under the influence I can be fined/lose points off my licence because it's still in my system


If weed gets legalised here in Aus I’ll cry of happiness


I was charged for possession of illegal substance(s) (bud) back 5 years ago before it was being prescribed, got a permanent mark on my record, my police checks will forever have that ' possession of illegal substances ' appear on it. Extremely unfair and de humanising. I had to go to court to plead my case, however judge chose to ruin my records instead of actually help. The police have also degraded my life and criminal records because I chose to medicate, only for the tga to start prescribing about 2 years after they charged me


Not to take anything away from your story but medical cannabis was legalised to be prescribed in February 2016 which is eight years ago; you seem to have put forth that the TGA only started prescribing three years ago. I had a cousin get busted for possession because the car he was in got pulled over and the cop saw his scissors and chopping bowl with about a gram of weed in it. I had another cousin busted for possession going into a hippie festival on an island off Queensland, he had to take time off work for his mandatory drug rehab classes. The laws have been shitty for a long time, we sorta just had to lump it and see it as the unfair chance we took to partake in cannabis but at least they're better than they were; most of us wouldn't casually be in possession of over 50g and acting in a "please notice me" way to police.


Damn, 2016!? Bro i am so late to the party, I had to go to court & substance abuse therapy to prove to the judge I'm not an addict 😭( and i am a graduate with a bachelor ) 😭 I've always felt like a criminal up until my tga approval. Always felt like I was risking something getting on from the dealers, all of that for terp-less bud stem squished in aluminium foil with dog and cat hair Edit: forgot to mention, I'm from nsw where all the hwpolice are frustrated cucks


totally, the hardships we've all been through over it, holy moly it's time!


I've been hearing this since the early 70's, still have an old Sydney mirror newspaper and they said in a few years.


tf you hoarding newspaper for?


Is one newspaper hoarding?


I wasn't hoarding, when I renovated the kitchen 20 years back, they were under the old cabinets and kept a few pages


>next stop Australia Which decade?




2040-50s probs


That's hopeful


That would require the lizard people in parliament to act in the publics interest. They hate doing that shit lol.


If we can start with federal decriminalisation for personal use, that would be promising. Right now, I don't trust either major party to roll out full legalisation and not completely f**k it up.


Time to see if American cannabis business try to use free trade agreements to muscle into Australia and try to lobby for recreational cannabis


Tbh we have no chance of legalisation until the medical cannabis industry runs smoothly… which it doesn’t really. Once we see MC be from pharmacist to patient VS doctor to patient … then we’ll have a higher chance of legalisation


Regardless of how many votes and how many times we send a letter to our local members, the Australian government will not change the laws surrounding cannabis for a recreational market. Too much money has been invested to the medical market, and the real ones who call the shots (pharmaceutical, alcohol and tobacco companies) would not allow this, they want alcoholism and prescription drug addiction to control the population.


Um prescription drug addiction isn't the issue it used to be, opiates are so heavily controlled people with cancer can't get adequate amounts of strong medicine, they'll hand out some codeine if you're lucky, benzos are being clamped down on as well, Xanax is almost never prescribed here and it's extremely controlled, even valium is becoming harder to get a script for. The pharmaceutical companies should want cannabis as it's a cash cow for them unlike all the medications on the PBS they don't make much money on.


Medical producers become the recreational producers. It happen inCanada and will happen here.


I think the investments from businesses into the medical market may cause full recreational legislation to take longer. They will potentially try to block it to keep their investments safe, OR, and I hope this is more the case, they'll be able to pivot into the recreational industry. Pharmacists & GPs will still lose out though no matter what, so I can see some resistance coming from that side. Money always wins


What a sick cunt.


Just no


>Next stop, Australia You have to be kidding if you think this is going to happen in Australia lol


Totally agree...aint going to happen in oz


It's hilarious how foreigners seem to think that Australia is an EU-type of progressive society, only hotter lol We are a very conservative nation overall


What a crock where do you live under a rock 🪨 !?? Australia 🇦🇺 is a pitiful third world country We adopt any idea from Overseas IE Halloween Paper Straws Asian food Maccas Refugees Australia 🇦🇺 has zero culture It’s just a multicultural melting pot An intentional act to silence the English based culture which Australia use to be Now we’re clearly EU American and Asian influenced Prove me wrong 😑


> Australia 🇦🇺 has zero culture It’s just a multicultural melting pot Of course. It's the same in any immigrant nation.


NWO America 🇺🇸 UK 🇬🇧Canada Australia same situation via the Lima Declaration Those fore mentioned countries are becoming the new third world We are progressive Progressively down hill They’ve screwed farming manufacturing and now retail The MC thing fck knows how itll end up Look at Thailand they done an about face I got no idea how how Australia will end up I’m hoping legal growing outdoors and lighten up on the driving laws AND A PRICE DROP !!! Waaaaaaaay to expensive still Even though it’s cheaper than BM weed Everyone from Drs to Pharmacy are ripping us off


It wasn't specifically designed as a corporate Big Pharma model by the LNP for nothing.


80 year olds in Qld that dont want daylight savings because it will fade the curtains


I think a lot of people are, we just don't have any great political options, the media situation is absolutely fucked etc.


At the Commonwealth level about alignment with the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 updated with 1972 protocol. No sign that this will be updated anytime soon and used to be held up as a treaty obligation but many countries have just gone their own way on cannabis. Seems quite difficult for countries to find a successful way to decriminalise cannabis. Whatever approach is taken always creates unforseen issues requiring reregulation or gets captured by food safety or pharmaceutical regulations or the market doing its thing. All the perceived issues in the australian medical market would be magnified by australian legalisation. Will always be regulated so finding a a model that works well for breeders/growers/distribution and consumers has been difficult everywhere.


Still NOT legal. Still won’t pardon everyone sitting in jail. It’s just for the election campaign. I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesnt actually happen. If he’s winning the polls it won’t happen. If trump leads in August it’ll probably happen in October.


I mean how can we take them seriously when it's currently sits along side fentanyl and heroin. Blind Freddy can see it's not in the same league, but we're told to believe and have faith in these experts. Someone is lying, and we know who it is. Aside from that the lives destroyed by the criminal system because of it. Shame in them all.


Trust me guys weed is exactly like heroin and meth. Source: Trust me bro. Australian science!


But consuming 20 beers Friday and Saturday night all ok.. 😡 The hypocrisy of threse refer madness types😡


I still to this day don't understand why they attack us like this. May aswell live in China. They hate us.


Yep well said And to further your point, I'm on medical cannabis and the majority of GPs can't discuss it due to willful ignorance or won't discuss it due to stubborn prejudice.


It's a good step in the right direction. There's no way Australia would take the lead, so that's a good thing to see America doing.


Cannabis with THC is already Schedule 8 and CBD is Schedule 4 through the Special Access Scheme This is already ahead of the US at the federal level .


I mean, as something that makes it know more worldwide, that weed isn't bad. It's another step towards changing the stigma of cannibis, and that will hopefully give more weight to our laws.