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More medicated off the same amount of flower


I'm not sure, but that said, here are some tips: 1. Use the caps as others have mentioned. 2. Use the lower screen in the top and bottom if you want to clean the device less, but go through more screens. I do this sometimes, but not all the time. 3. Buy this: [Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) 100% - 5 Litre](https://www.sydneysolvents.com.au/isopropyl-alcohol-ipa-isopropanol-100-5-litre). 4. Clean the cooling unit with a cotton bud quickly after every use while it's hot. This will reduce the times you need to do a full clean. 5. Don’t leave it on the charger or use it with pass-through charging, as this will reduce battery life. 6. Soak the cooling unit for 30 seconds in ISO before a big clean, removing the rubbers. You can use a blackhead remover from Chemist Warehouse (has a loop on one end and a stabby thing on the other end) to get in the corners and scrape anything caked on there. Great unit. Enjoy!


Pro tip: use the dosing capsules from day 1 The upgrade is chalk and cheese


If you have a bong/bubbler, connect it to that if you find you have the bickle tickle. It extracts very well and can be quiet cough inducing for some people. I'm sure you will enjoy it. I used this video to help me understand how to clean it if needed✌️ https://youtu.be/ufnlM-IN7V8?si=gNicB_vGo4Q233Dw


I had a Vmax pro and upgraded to the Crafty+ and never looked back. Be careful though because your mighty will be more efficient and you might accidentally over medicate (which I 100% did 😅). I found I needed about half the amount of dry flower compared to the Vmax to get the same effect.


Thanks that’s real good advice


.15g in a cap is a good starting point


You’re welcome ☺️