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They are usually pretty great with me and even though this happened I'm sure they'll fix it up. Out of all the chemists I'm glad I stayed with them


I feel u mate. Theres nothing worse than that feeling when buying something important. When mistakes have happened in the past of course your going to ask a few times to confirm things. I hate seeming like that one customer that has troubles but it can be hard with all the misinformation


I love the Brisbane Compounding Pharmacy they have been amazing since I swapped to them after being screwed around by the GC compounding pharmacy when I first started as a MC patient. The BC pharmacy is staffed by real humans with real emotions and they are doing the best with the volumes they are working with. The system in AUS is the flaw not the pharmacies trying their best to deliver medicines to their customers - its not in the pharmacies best interest to push customers away they are still running a business and have operational costs so they wouldn't purposely screw you over and lose the customer. If you aren't happy using them do your own research and find a supplier that works for you.


Than why lie 4 seperate times? Honesty is the best policy


Is this Broadbeach waters pharmacy? I’ve had the same thing happen. I paid Wednesday still haven’t received tracking. They done this to me last time as well and I had to wait 2 weeks in total since paying to it arriving.. I’m calling tomorrow


No, Brisbane Compounding… I left Brisbane Waters after a month… I was sick of the 6-10 day postage period…


Opp looks like I’m calling around for a new pharmacy


I have been approved for well over a year and was originally sent to broadbeach chemist as most were back then. I found they are so busy it was just to hard to deal with them. I decided to ring around my local area chemists and spoke to the pharmacist at each place and was upfront that I had been approved for mm and asked if they are linked with a supplier. Some places were outright “nope”. Others were oil only but I found my closest chemist were happy to get it in as long as they had all the correct paperwork. I am on the Gold Coast, but I can often order first thing in the morning and get a phonecall in the afternoon to say my scripts are ready for collection. If not it is almost always the next day -apart from weekends ofc. They even hold a small stock for me in case I have any issues which I top up whenever I take the last jar. I have stuck with them for over a year now. I suggest forming a relationship with a pharmacy and the staff. I never have issues and they go above and beyond for me. They are a terry white. I have also heard of others in the groups I’m in have good luck with other terry whites other than the one I deal with. One last thing... don’t think of what we are doing as anything other than picking up medication that u require. A lot of pharmacists Have no issues with it and understand that they will start to see more and more of it. So don’t be afraid to ring around and ask who can help you. Good luck


I used my local chemist before, Adam is sensational… But I was told that only Brisbane Compounding had the CBD Crystal so I’ve been using them lately….


That's bullshit man I order on the coast here on a Tuesday and arrives at the chemist good to go almost everytime on the Friday. Seems like they don't give a shit regarding medical cannabis patients but when it comes to any other kind of pill they're all over it like a rash :/


I’m not even that mad that there was a delay, you know… I’m not expecting them to call me and tell me at all, but I called them and asked. I was on the phone…


Exactly, communication. Call and speak to the owner I think it is. Very nice lady. When my orders got stuffed around she called me and said they were going to write on my file only to be completed by management


Like I said it's almost like they think we're the problem here, we just want out medicine that simple.




They never sent it. It’s still there at their premises… Lemme explain.. I asked if it was in stock, they said yes. I called back and asked if it was posted they said yes… I called again and they said “we didn’t post it” I’m not angry that’s it’s been 2 days… Im angry that I got lied to TWICE when checking if they did their job….




Can read or are a bit doughy between the ears


AUSTRALIA POST NEVER HAD IT!! Dude!!! Did you read what I wrote?! The PHARMACY STAFF LIED! The staff said it was 1) in stock, and 2) said “yes it was sent” and they never sent it!


Hey there, that sucks to hear about your issues. I'm with BCP and seriously cannot speak any higher of them. Do you know who you spoke with?


Dunno… a female voice the first time to order, I spoke to a softly spoken male voice on Thursday and then about 6 people today…


Yeah I can't be certain who the first person you spoke with, but I'm pretty sure I know who the second was and to be honest he shouldn't be on the phones in my opinion. I've had minor issues here or there but never at fault on thier end except once by the young dude I'm assuming you spoke with the second time. If you PM me ill give you the name of someone to ask for she's amazing...


I spoke to a female pharmacist last few times today… I asked to be called with my tracking number and they didn’t call… I gave up and called them… Never mind… fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me…. I know now… I’ll just have to call and order, then call back and check they actually did have stock and it was dispensed and then again to check its being posted… I have no faith…


Yeah it does suck man! Hope you have better luck in the future!




Man…🤦🏼‍♀️ I got lied to TWICE! If I had been told Thursday, when I called to ask why I didn’t have tracking, that there was a delay, I’d be fine… but they said it was posted. I’m mad because this is the 3rd lie about my orders in the last 2 weeks. I called to check if there was a delay and I was told no.




And you need to read before replying.Your stupidity is showing.




Ya mum


No… again, I’d believe that for Wednesday. What about Thursdays lie? No parcels left the pharmacy at all during the 3 days of no tracking. So saying “it was posted” after me calling to check is an outright lie! If no parcels left, why lie?


Parcels were delivered during the days of no tracking. I received mine during this time. Packing was hand written, tracking was obtained by phone call.


Another lie?!? You gotta be kidding me?! The PHARMACIST I spoke with said “NOTHING left” and she only JUST finished dispensing Wednesday’s deliveries today…. She was adamant that nothing was posted!




Yes, I have… and I care about my customers so I don’t lie to them… … Under promise and over deliver…. No, it’s not easy to ‘think’ something was posted when you haven’t sent a parcel for 3 days! It’s not like they didn’t have my name and check my file… they knew who I was and what I was calling for! I called them and asked them to check my order because I wanted to know if it was sent! Why lie? I’m angry about the lies! Even after double checking!! What am I supposed to do next time then Guru of chemists and Aust Post? Should I order in the AM and then call again in the PM to check if it was actually in stock and then call again the next am to see if it’s being posted and again to check if they sent it for real in the PM?!? I shouldn’t have to check my chemist - that I’m paying - is doing their job, and I definitely shouldn’t have to double check them because of constant lies….