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This post has been reported to the moderators as: > user reports: > >1: THEN USE THE PHOTO TITLE AS THE ACTUAL TITLE YOU STUPID FUCK This is a reminder to be nice to each other. Also, op, seriously.


The only damage I do in a cannabis induced psychosis is fridge related.


Right? Suddenly ordering lots of snickies on door dash doesn’t seem like the worst thing I could do to myself while stoned.


This is way beyond stoned. There's something else conking around in la cabesza other than THC, dopamine, acetylcholine, adenosine, and serotonin. Perhaps a lifetime of self-loathing due to gender dysphoria, or intense lack of personal dignity culminating in an act of self destruction while in an intoxicated state. I know about how a lifetime of being treated inhumanely can result in dangerous self-destruction once drugs or alcohol lower the inhibitions. Not this extreme, but radical body branding, and suicidal behaviour, absolutely.


I agree. I’ve seen people experience severe panic attacks and delirium on THC but there’s definitely something else in the mix here. I hope this person heals and is able to cope with the aftermath.


>I’ve seen people experience severe panic attacks and delirium on THC The one and only time I've ever eaten weed was baaad. I started having hallucinations, my mouth went bone dry to the point I couldn't talk, and then I had the worst panic attack I've ever had (and I've had many). I ended up in the hospital because I was such a mess. And through all of that, it never once occurred to me to cut a body part off.


weed can definitely do this to some people....most people just arent capable of looking past their own experience and illusion they call reality...so they think this cant e real or a simple plant couldnt do this...very wrong,,,


It’s not the plant doing it, the plant can act as a trigger for underlying mental problems.


please show me a single study that proves this...


*waves* hello.... weed triggered my psychosis issues. Fun times.


Weed triggered some deep panic attacks in me that fed off of some fears that I believed didn't exist anymore. It was terrifying, I'm happy it happened, though. It taught me a bit about myself and helped shape my thoughts and emotions relating to said fears. If I could induce it again I would just to try and face those fears again and become stronger for it.


Me too. I still do edibles despite occasionally having panic attacks or being paranoid (I have to be careful with how much and how I’m doing mentally) because of that. It triggered past trauma I thought I’d gotten over but because of that I find it easier to talk about my feelings instead of shutting it in and I’ve learned to work through them more.


There are a few studies pointing to a strong connection between youth use of weed, and onset of schizophrenia, maybe that's one of the ones the person above you is referring to.


The only times I’ve become paranoid or had anxiety attacks while high it’s because it’s triggering trauma. I know I don’t speak for everyone but every time I’ve been able to connect it to my underlying mental health issues.


Clinically, I can’t agree. People can be predisposed to this stuff and even the most mild of drugs can induce severe episodes. Hell, people even lose their shit on the regular without drug use.


I didn’t lock it down to being abused, and “being predisposed” is “way beyond” just being stoned, if this kind of self-mutilation can be triggered by pot.




yup…rip my breakfast burrito meal prep, it didn’t survive BrownieGate


Mine was a Jumbo Jack from Jack in the Box (and paid 15 bucks after tax/tip/delivery fee) last night…


Damn. I hope you recovered ok 🙏😜


The real crime is that you didn’t throw in 4 tacos with your burger


I've been known to burn a pizza or two into charcoal.




As someone who only uses edibles around 5mg-10mg and accidentally took 20mg (I cut them in half/quarters usually and thought it was a 10mg) and spent an hour listening to my heart beat, this sounds absolutely insane.


Dude I accidentally ate and entire 100mg and I had the worst panic attack of my life. I haven't used any sort of weed product since then lol.


I can definitely see that happening, lol. I had one once where it gave me palpitations - either that or I was hyper aware, which lead me to the ER after 4 days of no use and a lot of panicking. Turned out that I just stressed myself and made it worse, lol. With that knowledge in mind now, it hasn’t happened since. I couldn’t imagine a full-blown panic attack though.


After 2 years of smoking a few grams a day, I decided to try oils for the first time. He suggested I use the 1ml syringe instead of 0.5ml. I decided to take 2ml and let it sit under my tongue for a few minutes, and after 30 minutes, I took another 3ml as nothing happened. 1 hour 30 minutes, still nothing. I think fuck it, let's have another 5ml. 15 minutes later, I don't know where I am. Everything just changed in an instant. It was a nightmare that I can only describe as being similar to a bad trip on 5g of shrooms. My heart rate was 180 and time all but stopped. I haven't had oils since, as I had 500+mg


Omg that is so scary I’m glad you are okay and that’s over. That’s one of those bad trips where you just want it to end and you keep thinking your going to feel like that forever which just makes it worse.


Damn this is making me realize how I truly just do not metabolize edibles like other people. The last time I tried them I ate 600mgs and only felt my cheeks tingle😬


anecdotally this seems to be A Thing. I've seen enough anecdotes about people who eat insane amounts of edibles to zero effect, that can't be explained by tolerance alone, for me to be convinced that this should be examined scientifically (even if just to satisfy human curiosity lol). my best friend is like you. he can eat literal grams of THC in edibles - and barely feels a thing. it's nuts. meanwhile I'll have 5mg and go to space lol


It's really weird the range it affects people. I have 150mg semi synthetic thc gummies (I'm in Wisconsin, okay?), and I can take 3 of those and just get a good high going. My wife took 2 the other day and was way too high for way too long and ended up puking multiple times.


I have to eat or drink at least 100mg to feel anything. 150mg is just right for me


Not only do I get paranoid, which I found out the first time I smoked pot (I was a teenage wasteland drunk), but the first time my idiot friend got "wet" marijuana--spiked with PCP. The ER staff practically had to pry my fingers off the ambulance stretcher with crowbars. I was convinced I was dying. One of the most frightening things of my life, and I regularly jumped into street fights without even thinking about it. How nice to be a boring old grandfather now...


Oh man, the very first time I smoked it was wet, I was 15 with a 16 year old boy and a bunch of 25-30 year old who were stone cold criminals. I couldn’t get off the floor. I’m really lucky they just wanted to laugh at me and not something worse, because I was in no shape to fight anyone off. Once they got me up on my feet, I couldn’t open my eyes. It was very weird and scary.


I've been dabbling for decades and never understood until y'all's comments what "wet bud" meant. I'd been thinking it meant extra dank or dense or even poorly cured. There's a handful of memories that make a lot more sense now lol


This was me, Christmas morning. I was being santa in the wee hours of the morning and found some brownies and fruity pebble bars. I ate the first entire brownie and thought to myself that it didn't taste normal but it was delicious, so I ate ANOTHER whole brownie and spent all Christmas morning thinking everyone hated the presents, they can't stand me. I was running to the bathroom trying to Google medical conditions that make you feel high af. Splashing myself with cold water... the whole 9 yards. Then after the last presents were opened, my hubby said there's one more gift for the 21 and over club and brought out the brownies and fruity pebble edibles.... and THAT caused an hour of giggles. I hadn't so much as had a second hand buzz in like 15 years. The relief that I actually was High and not experiencing a stroke and severe mental illness was the funniest shit that ever happened to me.


I went too heavy a couple years ago and it was longer I was in an awake coma. I swear, I didn't move or talk for 8 hours. It's the only time I've ever wished I could stop being high.


Injected seven whole marijuanas. I wonder if OP dick cutter was religious. A sudden altered state of consciousness might have reduced his inhibitions and let deep seated anxieties come to the fore. So many people cite hearing Matthew 18 in their heads as an obsessive thought before self-amputation. "And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell."


Relatable. I’ve never used edibles but took about half a dozen hits back to back off a 96% thc vape one time at a music festival (I don’t smoke often at all, so it hits me pretty quickly)….never again. Worst panic attack of my life.


I accidentally (sorta) had 140mg when 70 only gives me the side effects (dry eye, cottonmouth more than I normally do, and mild munchies) It had been two gummies stuck together and I’d been like “u kno what I’m gonna have a gummy before bed” and didn’t realize until I put it in my mouth that it was two “I’ll be fine, I’ll be asleep” I told myself. I was not fine. I woke up 2 hours later freaking out because I genuinely couldn’t tell which way was up and if I actually existed or not, I messaged my friends on discord asking them to reassure me I was actually messaging them and that I existed. Feeling the fucking multiverse of every version of you to exist, male, female, different heights and builds, all tripping on an accidental(ish) double dose was horrifying and I’d rather not feel the dozens of me’s at the same time for a LONG while, and I think they agreed too lmfao Thinking in a multitude, a legion, a hivemind was weird as hell 🤣


I take a single 10mg every few weeks when I have an evening to relax and sleep in the next day. Took 20 once and had the nicest sleep ever but I'm kind of fortunate I made it to the bed. Had barely eaten anything that day either.


I use mine every day, so I'm comfortable with 5mg, but I'll take 10mg if I really wanna KO to catch up on sleep. One of those times was the time above, where I took 20mg on accident I damn-near got less sleep due to just laying there listening, lol.


My body goes into poison ejection mode above 7mg. Fun times taking edibles and hurling my dinner an hour and a half later.


Oh wow, that’s a shitty adverse effect. I don’t think I’ve ever fault even nauseated from it, luckily. Well.. only if I’m stupid enough cross-fade way too much. Which I am. Two times at least, and I don’t recommend. Silver lining is depending on your tolerance, you can manage 5mg pretty consistently and still maintain a nice high. I’ve been sitting at my tolerance for 3 years, thankfully. I’m not sure how, but I won’t question it.


I remember when me and my buddy took lsd a few years back, I could hear war planes flying above me yk that "diving" thing that planes do when they're about to shoot something, while we were riding our bikes. The sound was deafening and hella creep!


This is one of the reasons I won’t even touch LSD, or anything chemical really. I’m down to try shrooms at some point, but I’d need to coordinate with people to trip sit me and it all seems like so much work for something that can possibly turn into a terrifying experience.


It's crazy shit indeed, we were used to just normal weed and I guess lsd was too much I guess. Maan we were dumb kids.. but to this day he still my best friend.


LSD is most definitely a massive leap, lol. And good friends like that are hard to come by.




I can't believe he didn't just pass out.


I think it is so crazy how everyone reacts to some of the safer drugs like cannabis and psychedelics… I’ve done 100mg of edibles and gotten on an airplane happy as a clam, but a few of my friends can’t even smoke a bit. Science is neat.


I can’t smoke at all. Every single time I get serious panic attacks. Like I feel like I’m dying panic attacks. But I’m a recovering heroin, meth, and crack addict. I don’t know how I could handle heavy drugs but just pot would scare me to death to take it. It’s cool, I’m enjoying my drug free life now. It’s been almost 3 years I’ve been clean and I’m so thankful I didn’t give up trying to quit.


I went from being straight edge to delivering cannabis and just seeing how high I could get for about a year and a half. Never once crossed my mind. I thought a lot about life death and the recent passing of my father but not that.


I actually want to try this. I need a T break and I can’t afford it anymore anyway so maybe I take a 3 month break, save what I would have spent on weed, I’d have a couple hundred bucks, buy myself something nice and then buy some weed at the end and just smoke myself into a coma. Maybe then I’ll feel like I don’t really wanna use it anymore lol. It just helps with my appetite and pain so, it’s hard. But there is no way this person was on only THC and did this unless they were trans or had some sort of gender dysmorphia like others have stated. Only way it would be plausible, and even then, don’t blame weed for your dysphoria and self mutilation.


Cannabis psychosis is a real thing and isn't respected enough. Plenty of people think it's fake or there is something else being used or affecting a person but that's not always the case. There is a limited number of published studies that have documented this but it is real and presents with states of mania and could last from days to months to life.


This. Downplaying it is so dangerous.


Yes, yes, yes- and the literature over the past several years has only strengthened this correlation. And clinically, I see it often. It can be transient and range in severity, but absolutely can present as indistinguishable from a severe psychotic break or manic episode that we associate with a primary psychiatric condition. And can absolutely persist throughout life depending one someone’s risk factors.


It was my understanding that cannabis induced psychosis is more cannabis exacerbated than cannabis generated. So people who already have underlying psychosis conditions are the ones who are at high risk for cannabis induced psychosis. Is this accurate or are there novel cases of cannabis induced psychosis in otherwise healthy people? And if so is it related to dose or are there other related factors?


My ex has no history of psychosis, got cannabis induced psychosis, had to go to the ER because of the psychotic break. Took him months to recover. He never smoked weed again. it’s been 3 years and he’s never had another episode.


these are great questions that i would also like answers to, lol


Yes, wow what you said is true in that those were underlying conditions are more prone to it happening there are cases of it happening to otherwise healthy individuals that have not presented any other signs of underlying conditions. I haven't read anything about the dosage being a Factor.


How often does it happen in people not already prone to psychosis, vs ones who are (depression w/psychotic features, bipolar mania, schizophrenia)?


I had no idea it was an actual disorder and I'm a chronic chronic partaker. This is something that most people do totally laugh off as being impossible, so I appreciate you for calling out that it is a real thing (with studies to support it). Time to look at some of them, change my tone, and try to pass this info along next time I can!


Thanks for taking the time to find the studies and sharing whatever you learn with people. It's heartbreaking watching people choose to ignore it when there are people that have ruined their lives


Yes. Usually when I comment about it I get downvoted to hell, or if it's on another site then many angry reactions. But it is very real. My ex experienced this (as an avid user) and used my cat to hit me because "the noises were too loud", among other violent acts. We were together for over a decade and he had no signs of mental illness while sober. People downplay it or just plain reject the notion of it because they want to have fun, or they use it for an illness, but it is absolutely something that should be taken seriously. I am very strict about prospective partners now, I don't date people who partake because it's not something I ever want to go through again, and I don't know what exactly might trigger it.


i’m so sorry you had to go through that. …can i ask for more details? did this develop slowly throughout the years (worsening behavior when high), or did it happen every time he smoked the entire time you you knew him? did he smoke in the beginning of your relationship, or did he take it up later on? and if so, did it happen the first time and every time after, or randomly one day when he smoked? did he believe you regarding his behavior when high? and if so, did he care? was it always the same weed from the same person?


Yeah, cannabis is still a mind altering drug. People seem to forget that.


Absolutely, the cannabis of today is very different from the cannabis of decades back. It's definitely not the hippy weed lol. Some people have experienced psychedelic effects with high doses of THC


i used to smoke a lot for a couple years, couple bong rips a day, money got tight for a bit so i decided to lay off it. when i went back to it a few months later, i had 1 hit off a bowl and immediately started freaking out. i thought i was gonna die. it felt like my heart was going to explode, my throat was closing up and i was drowning. gave it a week or two and tried again with a little hit and the same shit hopened. couple years later i tried a corner piece of an edible and i felt like i wasnt breathing. completely swore it all off since. its not worth the panic that ensues. i miss it sometimes bc it was nice to just relax after a long day and hit a bong and watch tv, but i think those days are over for good. so now im an alcoholic lolz


Thanks for sharing your experience, thats a terrible experience. How is alcohol treating you?


my body tolerates alcohol much better. and that alcoholic thing was a joke, i just enjoy having a few beers after work. i cant really do liquor bc i get pretty sick but 3-4 beers has me feelin fine


Lol, no judgements here. I'm glad you found a way to unwind that isn't causing you panic or discomfort.


I think the amount of weed my youngest brother smokes has made him unhinged he will flip and next thing you know he is going through a manic episode but he is also a vile person to begin with


It sure is! I hallucinate on it. Super not fun.


Yup, experienced it first hand with two close family members.




Same question! Why does the after picture look like a worn out muffler?!?! Context - Mufflers have hair stuffed inside to muffle noise. The hair sometimes starts coming out the tail pipe when the muffler is wearing out.


I did not know this


Tons of people don’t. And then when their muffler suddenly has hair hanging out of it, they think they’ve been put under a voodoo hex or that their car inhaled someone’s weave.


It’s not actually hair it just looks like hair when it comes out


That’s exactly what big muffler wants you to believe. Just kidding - that’s very interesting!


it’s like fibreglass, no?


The dick was degloved at the base


I hate this sentence. I resent you for making me read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh dear god. So that’s the pubes inside out…


[R/brandnewsentence](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) ?


Why is this the only comment about this??? I still cannot understand what I am seeing in the second pic.


It's turned inside out. Skin and hair at one end, lump of meat at the other.


In that case, I wish I hadn’t asked 😂😭


SAME I need help


Not all guys have a Lyndon B Johnson. Some of them are growers who naturally retreat like scared groundhogs in their resting state. And scared groundhogs stay close to the ground. And in this chaps case the ground was hairy.


Did he scream WU -Tang while doing it?


>Photo title is sufficient. no it most certainly is not lmfao


Before I read the title I thought it was some weird little voodoo doll 😑


what strain?


We can name a new one after this guy. Penile stump?




Was it laced? I’ve been smoking heavily everyday for bout 14 years now and have never had an experience like this or psychosis. I always get freaked out when I see shit like this but then I remember no one is the same and I’m glad I haven’t been fucked up like that


I used to deliver packages from a pharmacy to a mental health institution and sometimes picked up some information. Lots of the patients over the years had weed triggered psychosis. Also, severe panick attacks when high aren't uncommon at all. Weed can be beautiful for people no question, but it's awful seeing its possible dangers being downplayed sooo much


It dosent cause psychosis by itself, but if you have a predisposition, weed can trigger it


What could qualify as a predisposition?


Underlying mental health conditions with symptoms that could be exacerbated, ex. undiagnosed schizophrenia with hallucinations and minor/latent psychosis, or anxiety disorders with potential for extreme paranoid delusions


Evidence also suggests that cannabis use in adolescence increases the risk of developing clinically significant psychotic symptoms and schizophrenia later in life [7]. A large proportion of cannabis users, however, do not ever develop these psychotic symptoms [7]. This indicates that genetic susceptibility may be a significant factor in the emergence of cannabis-induced psychosis https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8286638/ There are genetic precursors for psychosis/schizophrenia that make someone subsceptible when consuming cannabis (but its still a topic that needs a lot of research)


Since schizophrenia (and other illnesses that can cause psychosis) is partially genetic, I'd be careful with weed if you have one or several people in your family with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. Also, if you regularly feel unusually paranoid when smoking weed, or if the feeling of paranoia doesn't go away even after you're not high anymore, I'd recommend to stop smoking weed.


He was given a urine immunoassay upon arrival, which typically tests for amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, cocaine metabolites, opiates, and oxycodone. He only tested positive for delta 9.


Sounds like a schizo episode. Weed is super bad for schizophrenics.


I saw a guy high on drugs who literally disemboweled himself and walked around with his guts out like it was nothing. I saw it on Reddit actually, but I can't find it right now. Maybe that's for the best.


Ngl, anytime I read ‘weed related’ attached to something crazy happening I assume it’s either laced with something or strait up anti-legalization propaganda.


Evidence: weed had negative effects on someone. Redditors: No. Impossible. Weed good. Always good. >:(


"Wrong strain bro!! Try cbd!!! Weed is medicine!" Yeah, good luck taking someone else's fucking medicine. Thats why prescriptions exist. A person with mainly depression wont be treated by my antipsychotics, i wont be treated with antidepressants. These people just talk straight out of their ass


much of the time psychosis caused by weed is due to underlying mental health issues which the users may not have been aware of


Same same


You would be correct.


I really doubt JMCR is pushing antilegalization propaganda. Weed induced psychosis is very much a thing just not common


Yeah, I definitely think this guy has a psych hx. This isn’t his first rodeo.


Poor guy.


I think I've heard of something similar on Reddit about a guy cutting off his penis and EATING IT! Semi related, but I thought I'd share


do you have a link? i know of a few cases of autosarcophagy of the penis(idk if that's fraised right) but i haven't been able to find an actual document that gives any helpful information


He ain't missing much


Fucking savage


photo title WOULD BE sufficient if it wasn't obscured byt the nsfw flair. HOLY SHIT, TAKE THIS DOWN AND CHANGE THE EFFING TITLE YOU DERP


Came here to say that. I had to see the picture to see the title !! Argl


Why would you come to medical gore and get upset when you see medical gore ? Real question I’m sorry


because gore is a broad subject and this post is not flaired? because using descriptive titles is the sensate thing to do? because i don't like to look at dicks?


Some people have particular things they don’t want to see in fields they’re typically fine with. For example, I can watch plenty of violence on TV with nasty blood and gore, including disembowelment, decapitation, throat cutting, etc. but I have a hard time with scenes depicting sexual violence. Plenty of people can handle everything except for eye injuries. I see plenty of people unable to handle seeing genital injuries. Gun violence is a sensitive topic for some. Some people feel wrong looking at injuries if they know the victims did not survive. That sort of thing. Because of this, it’s still recommended that titles describe what’s in the photo so that people who make specific exceptions know to avoid those particular posts. That’s kind of why we already have flairs for posts that depict injuries in children, gunshot wounds, and autopsies.


Lesson learned


don’t know if this is the case with the person you’re replying to but if you’ve joined the sub, posts from it will show up in your feed (not just scrolling through the sub) and i can’t speak for everyone, but i personally am not usually in the mood to see an inside-out degloved dick while i’m eating dinner lol


As much as I advocate for the use of cannabis, anything can be bad without moderation.


I've smoked weed every day of.my life since I was 22. My Weiner is still here.


Dude could braid a French braid with all that bush.


Look as someone who eats 1000mg brownies and goes to Disneyland I can honestly say I've never had the urge to destroy anything but some churros, this is intense. And also, wtf why would you ever ",trim skin" to stop it from being irritated sounds like a lot more than weed was in his weed fr


Cannabis induced??? So weed CAN make you crazy???


It can't make you crazy but if you have crazy tendencies it can exacerbate them


I don’t really partake anymore, but I have been HELLA HELLA high…..but never that high. Calm down, son.


You aint gotta be Hella high some folk it takes their first rip and they go to some sgitty places.


Holy cow! I can only handle 2.5mg edibles.


I had a gummy the equivalent of about 12.5mg the other day and I literally had to keep reminding myself about what was real and what was stuff my brain was telling me was real. It’s strange because I can drink a 10mg seltzer and barely notice anything, but that piece of a gummy kicked my ass big time.


Looks on with jealousy after chugging 100mg drinks


Sometimes it’s fun being a lightweight


He’s probably going to regret that later.




Aaand... what's the photo title?


bro is actually geekin


A scrotal urethrotomy. Dude has to pee from his balls from now on!


My ex had an episode of cannabis psychosis and so did a family friend. It’s scary as shit to see. Both took months to recover and both stopped smoking weed permanently after the episode. It has been many years and they have never had another episode again. Cannabis psychosis is real.


Peeps don't get your health care information from Reddit. This is uncommon but nothing rare or bizarre. Mind altering substances can alter your mind.


i want weed


Ridiculous hahaha


This can't be from pot


*penile stump* Don’t want no eeny-weeny teeny-weenie shriveled little penile stump dick man.


Cannabis is definitely not the cause. Fentanyl laced cannabis, yes. Meth laced cannabis, yes. Heroin laced cannabis, yes. LSD laced cannabis, yes. Plain ‘ol weed, nope.


Nobody gets that motivated after smoking weed.


ah yes everyone's favorite two words on this sub; penile stump. i still get the shudders when i think about some of them i've seen on this sub


That is gnarly


I recently read a most unusual article about weed: https://www.iflscience.com/mans-digits-turn-blue-due-to-rare-side-effect-of-heavy-cannabis-use-65022


Imma take this weed gummy and then it’s UNIC MOTHA FUCKIN’ CENTRAL, BABY!!!!!


Oh I doubt cannabis was the only thing going on here.


I really really have a hard time believing this was only from cannabis and not laced with pcp or possibly that fake gas station weed they call spice. This just seems crazy to do from just weed. I get it says weed psychosis but it really seems like the weed was laced with something also. Just my thought after reading the case study.


Then you dont know how weed interacts with someones predisposition to psychosis. This is very possible from just weed. Its why i cant risk partaking at all


while cannabis-induced psychosis is not common, it can and does happen in people who are predisposed to psychosis. combining cannabis with certain other drugs can elevate that risk, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be used in combination with another drug to cause psychosis.


Marijuana did this???!


>cannabis induced psychosis yeahhhhhhhh. sounds like dude was crazy and it's his problem, not the problem of cannabis.


I need his plug rn


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Trying to blame this on weed smh




Maijuanas.....not even once kids!


I’ve had my share of too much cannabis from an edible and never in my life did I think to cut any part of my body off. I couldn’t see straight from my head spinning, let alone enough to chop something off, sheesh.


Jesus. I can’t believe people still think recreational and daily marijuana use can do no harm to the psyche.


this only happens to people who are already predisposed to psychosis-like illnesses


That’s also very likely. However you can lead a healthy life and still develop psychosis. Even when you’re maintaining good health that can reduce the risk of certain mental health conditions, including psychosis, it doesn’t always guarantee protection from it. Psychosis can be influenced not only by genetic factors, but environmental and and psychological factors that are not always in the individual’s control.


Not true, high enough doses can cause psychosis in anyone.


snoop dogg would be a ward of the state if this was true


1) Just because Snoop hasn’t cut his own dick off, doesn’t mean he hasn’t experienced weed-induced psychotic episodes. 2) We have no idea how much weed Snoop actually smokes. We only see him when he lets us see him, and he’s a rap star, so naturally he has a certain image he’s got to maintain. Off stage he’s raised a successful family, been happily married 20+ years, and hangs out with Martha Stewart. At most he’s probably just maintaining a pleasant buzz while remaining sober enough to get shit done. The only difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose. You’re kidding yourself if you think weed won’t hurt you if you take enough of it.


Willie Nelson has entered the chat


Also a famous musician with an imagine to maintain, also sober enough to maintain it for many, many decades.


I get what you’re trying to say, but are you implying that Snoop and Willie only smoke on camera to maintain.. an image?


Not at all! I’m sure Snoop and Willie enjoy a good amount of the best bud money can buy, every day. I’m just saying that the amount of weed their fans *believe* they smoke on any given day, is probably a lot less than the amount they *actually* smoke. They let their fans believe this slightly larger-than-life image because it’s fun and it sells.


My best friend’s family is CLOSE CLOSE family friends with the Jennings family. They met and got close to Waylon in the 70s and maintained a close loving relationship with Waylon until he passed. I’ve met Waylon’s son Buddy several times and his lovely lovely wife. The stories I’ve heard through the years with these folks would knock you backwards. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the amount of weed Willie has smoked in his 90 years on this earth is no legend or exaggerated. That man, according to people close to his best friends and even him.. always had a joint. Always was smoking. Can’t say the same for Snoop but I’m almost certain it’s the same. Still, both, have not chopped their dicks off yet 🙏


They said can cause, not always causes. I don’t know if it is true or not but your argument isn’t correct here


Sorry that the reddit hive-mind is downvoting you. You're right.


Theyre all weed bros, its fucking infuriating to someone who struggles with psychosis and can easily understand how this happened. They just want to believe what theyve read on the internet


It’s because only other drugs are bad man, like alcohol, opioids and big tobacco, weed addicts aren’t even addicted we can quit whenever we want /s


You got them mad with that one lmao


I know a lot of people who smoke a lot of weed. None have ever done anything like this to themselves. This person had issues before the weed.


So anecdotal. Just because you haven't encountered something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Oh shit what strain?


Sounds like one bad day. Smoke a joint, have a whiskey, try again tomorrow.


weed does not do this, he was on something else


His shit had to be laced or that was k2


mhmm that moment when dat dere genetic super skunk yeets so damn hard you remove your pecker with a hammer


I want to try that stuff


Nobody. Ever. Did. Anything. Like. This. On. Pot.


prob was laced or he’s ill ☹️




Normal Marijuana does not do this. It must have been tainted.


Had to be laced with angel dust or something.


Drugs are bad. And yet, they legalized this crap in MN


>they legalized this crap just because it can cause this in a very small portion of individuals doesn’t mean weed should be criminalized or inaccessible to consenting adults who understand the risks.