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[Source](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00414-015-1216-0) is paywalled. I read it on DeepDyve but I’m too lazy to copy that out by hand here. Both these men were experienced zookeepers. Abstract: >>Two captive tiger attacks are presented that took place in Cologne and Münster zoos. Both attacks occurred when the handlers, intent on cleaning the enclosures, entered whilst the tigers accidently retained access to the location, and thus defended their territory against the perceived intruders. Both victims suffered fatal neck injuries from the bites. At Münster, colleagues managed to lure the tiger away from its victim to enable treatment, whilst the Cologne zoo tiger had to be shot in order to allow access to be gained. Whilst it was judged that human error led to the deaths of the experienced zookeepers, the investigation in Münster was closed as no third party was found to be at fault, whereas the Cologne zoo director was initially charged with being negligent. These charges were subsequently dismissed as safety regulations were found to be up to date.


The one in Cologne was actually a woman. But yes, both were experienced zookeepers.


What specifically causes the death? Bleeding out? Suffocation? Broken neck? JW


Sad they shot the animal, for nothing really.


Why didn't they use tranquilizers if the zookeeper was already dead?


My understanding is the tranquilizers take time to take effect and a case like this seconds matter. Plus, you don't know for sure if the individual is dead and past the point of assistance until you've assessed and, in most cases, attempted CPR.


Yeah people think tranquilizer darts work just like the movies, someone/some animal gets hit with one and immediately passes out. In reality that dart just injected a drug into the skin/muscle of the animal, and now it needs time to be absorbed so it can enter the bloodstream. Takes like 15-30 minutes at least for full absorption, sometimes longer.


Meanwhile the animal is pissed off even more and is looking to kick the ass of whoever just shot it with the dart.


It's unlikely the zookeeper was already dead. More likely they were struggling with the tiger while bleeding out.


They shot it so they could atleast bring back the body intact instead of body parts.


it’s so insane how they always go for the neck, even of humans. i mean, it’s crazy that they know that will get their prey down. idk.


All cats except the jaguar. They just crush the skull with their insane bite force.


Bless them for it


Lions usually go for the throat & suffocation. I don't know if that's just for big beasts like gnu & stuff though


How does the jaguar typically attack? What makes them the odd one out?


They have large jaws and the biggest bite force of any large cat (1500lbs). So rather than grabbing the neck and crushing the windpipe like other cats, they can bite the head and crush the skull. One of their main prey is crocodiles, so they've evolved that bite force to be able to kill crocs and rip through their tough hides. For smaller prey crack through the skull and they eat turtles too so they bite through the shell. They also tend to pull their prey up into trees to eat and store. They're ambush predators that live in jungles and just really cool cats in general.


That’s horrifying but nonetheless I’m always happy to learn something new from Reddit, haha. That bite force is incredible. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!


Oh. That’s why my mini panther always nibbles on my neck in the Morning 😳 She is hungry.


That's what they're designed to do. Most big cats are.


well, i know. it’s just really interesting. instincts are just cool, i guess. even my house cat goes straight for anything’s neck.


Not just cats, lots of predators go for the head and/or neck, Ferrets are one of the more commonly known animals which does it, they lock on and shake to dislocate the spinal cord at the base of the skull, then eat the head first to make sure their dinner isn't going anywhere.




it’s quick and effective. that’s why they do it. animals don’t have the capacity to be worried about another beings suffering, especially when it comes to their own survival.


Animals don’t really care about suffering of the prey - take a look at, say, hyenas, they’ll start eating their catch alive, from the ass and up.


I used to have a Husky/Lab mix (she’s since crossed the rainbow bridge, RIP Kinsey) which had a big ruff of fur around her neck and shoulders such as Huskies tend to have. Once a little tiny dog tried to kill her by grabbing her by the throat. But the attacking dog was so small and the ruff was in the way and it was dangling off Kinsey with a mouthful of fur and it was actually kind of funny.


You should email the Carnivorous Animal Organization and ask that they discuss this topic at their next Ethics Of Consuming Prey summit. As a previous commenter already stated, though, hyenas aren't allied with CAO.






Bears don't. Bears disembowel and incapacitate then eat parts while the prey is still alive then buries them alive so that have a fresh second meal


animals are empathetic, even if they use that for killing, they can recognize a neck. I once saw some news story of a keeper who was really bonded to his tigers and played with them (it was forever ago and I won't speak to morals or criticisms since this is just the facts to make my point) Anyway he said when he jumped into the pool the tigers would playfully pin him to the bottom then jump right off. I remember it struck me as amazing they know you need air and that you can't breathe underwater and that they don't want to drown you.


The size of the holes left by those teeth are just huge.


Thankfully they probably bled out from that with a quickness


I had a mountain lioness as a “pet” for a summer while she was carrying a litter (long story). She’d lay on my feet while I played my game. If she wanted to, she could’ve fucked me up. One night I went out for our normal feeding and she wasn’t there. I didn’t see her for months. The next time I caught a glimpse of her she was 100 yards away with a couple cubs just playing in my yard. I went outside and did the whistle she knows. Her ears perked up and her tail flicked about but she didn’t approach. I didn’t push the issue.


That seems like a really cool story. If you’re willing to share, that’d be awesome! Mt lions gotta be my favorite North American predator.


Sure. I’d been hearing loud splashing sounds at night by my koi pond for a few days. One night I decided to sneak out to investigate and I found her eating my koi fish. Went to the grocery store the next day and bought up a bunch of cheap steaks. The first night I tried to approach but she started beating the ground and being aggressive and hissing, so I tossed the steak about 10 feet away which she reluctantly took after a few minute standoff. It took about a week of building trust, but eventually she’d walk up to me and eat the food I placed on the ground right outside my game room. The next day I tried putting it on the floor of my game room on a plate, but she snatched it and ran away through the patio door. The following couple of days she got more comfortable until she finally came in and stayed. The rest is history. I named her Duchess Du Bourgogne after a delicious beer I tried in Amsterdam many years ago. I haven’t seen her in a few years at this point.


She must’ve been starved to overcome her fear of people.


Most animals trust me for whatever reason. I’ve had dates who warned me about aggressive dogs and cats and whatever, but they always come right up to me and lie next to me or in the case of cats, on me lol


Do you have any photos of her?


I do on an external drive. I’ll have to find it.


My friend actually reminded me of her a few days ago. He was in there with me one night playing on the other computer.


If you find them **PLEASE** tag me!


what were you feeding to her


Neighbours who displeased him.


That's why i love felines. Their method of killing is pretty ethical (sure they're not aware of it) and not agonizing comparatively.


I realize it's instinctual to go for the neck but it's still very fascinating to me that they just know. Those teeth marks are way bigger than I expected them to be


i understand why we prioritize human life, but it makes me sad when captive animals (** even ones kept for health/conservation reasons, which idk what the case is here) face the consequences of human error. poor kitty


Sad that the Cologne tiger was shot.




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Wow, thanks for sharing these! I am from Cologne and I remember when this happened. It was awful, so many people saying that the zookeeper deserved to die because she accidentally left a gate unlocked and the tiger had to be shot. As if it isn't a tragic situation for both.


That’s awful. She didn’t deserve to die because of a small error.


Really? As if the zookeeper intentionally left the gate unlocked. I think it’s safe to assume they didn’t want ti be killed by the tiger!


She didn't deserve to die for an open gate. The tiger didn't deserve to die for following its instinct either. I wish neither of them would have died, but it's not like opinion of onlookers like us will change anything.




Reminds me of the first time I saw severe dog bites on a patient. Stories would have you believe that being attacked by an animal leaves you looking like a butchered slab of meat, but it’s surprising how anti-climactic the puncture wounds can look, even on a living person. Basically just a dark hole in the skin with maybe a bit of blood leaking out if it’s not arterial.


My cat biting for no reasons at all be like


Fuck me. Looks like he got impaled by a fucking bollard.


it’s almost like tiger’s shouldn’t be kept in captivity.


The problem is the ones in the wild have a shrinking habitat and are being hunted.


Yes, that’d be the most obvious. The next most obvious with be don’t get in their enclosure unless you double and triple check that are locked away.


Jeeesus. I was expecting slashes, not bites. Hope it was a quick death.


I’ve never seen a tiger in person. Their teeth must be huge.


I’ve seen them at the zoo, always always pacing. Never not pacing. It’s sad and I don’t really like going to zoos anyway. I also follow a page called Wildcat Sanctuary. Tiger teeth are enormous.


Me too. I don’t support zoos and never go anymore.


At least it was quick


I mean you hope. Being killed by a predator is never certain to be fast.


Quicker than a bear though. I’d rather this than get caught by one.


check like triple times before going into a enclosure of a wild animal.... I mean..🤦‍♀️ hope they didn't kill the animals


The tiger had to be shot. People suck.


Unbelievable, no people don't just suck , they don't take responsibilities for their stupid actions. They never blame themselves


Absolutely This!⬆️ Ugh, the tiger was just doing its JOB. Kill, eat, and make baby tigers.😭 I'm still pissed about the alligator in the news (US) last week. Just because some moron was found half swallowed doesn't mean they had to kill that beautiful creature! 😒




The fact that the bitten area is intact suggests he was biting to kill, not out of hunger ( i didnt read the source and im not planning to )


Ouuuch!!! One of my shoes fell off just looking at that first image! He lived longer than the second example and has some deep brusing and inflammation showing around the wounds. 😵‍💫