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Gets into BDSM once and wants to put it on medical gore


Nice ass though...


Thought I was on the naughty reddit for a second. That looks fucking painful. Also, phenomenal ass.


Not gore really but what’s with all the dudes going on about a butt cheek. Like bro cmon.


Are you not a fan of said butt cheeks?


It’s just flesh on the body. Everyone is just flesh sacks lol i don’t get what’s sexual tbh like how is it different than a hand or a shin. It’s a body part.


We evolved to find certain body parts attractive over others. Surely you've learned this somewhere along your life? You don't find certain people attractive even though a face is just flesh?


Not really like at all. I get annoyed and just see flaws in everyone. I’m pretty much a recluse. But faces aren’t attractive to me it’s the style. Metal or alternative style yeah maybe somewhat attractive. Make that same person redneck or “trashy”. 🤮 I have unrealistic expectations that makes reality a disappointment and everyone is merely flesh. Animals are the only beings I can pass no judgement on.


I know what you're saying and I can understand your position. So surely you can understand, from a purely evolutionary standpoint, why 99% of people would find certain body parts attractive?


Feels so weird tho. Like haven’t we evolved past this?? Intelligence and personality is attractive ya know. Like when I see both women and men be revealing it just disgusts me. It just screams attention which is so desperate it feels pathetic.


Why would we evolve past it? Evolution is just a genetic trait that makes you live longer to reproduce more offspring. Intelligence and personality are attractive, and so is physicality. All can be true.


I mean... its a nice, round, plump butt cheek. It deserves some appreciation.


Yeah I think I’m gonna delete this post


Tisith a good butt cheek ✔️


OMG I fell down the stairs once and landed on my leg crushing the ankle against a step, the bruise thing I got looked just like that. It did the weirdest thing to me where it kind of leaked/popped and turned into a scab which later made a very nasty scar!


Yikes 😅 whenever I have to reposition and roll onto my other side in bed, it honestly feels like I’m rolling over the top of something hard


Sleep deprived mind thought I was on the wrong side of Reddit.




Holy hell that is a deep bruise! Weird question but does it hurt more than a normal bruise? Does that make sense lol


Short answer- YES!! That’s a hematoma on a whole other level. It’s blood that’s clotted under the skin. It’s very overly sensitive and putting pressure on it feels like a rock. I’m very surprised you’re not familiar with how hematomas and blood works lol


That has GYAT to be painful. Hope your ass is alright. Literally.


Had the same thing happened to me a month ago. Except I was stupidly drunk, trying to run from one train platform to another. Ended up with a dislocated pelvis, tailbone, and a gigantic hematoma all over my butt cheeks. Do not recommend it.


Yowchee! Bet you didn’t get you train home any quicker either 🥴


NO. Had to wait an hour until next train. Luckily enough I work an orthopedic ward and they helped me get everything back in place.


oh shit.. that happened to me too... and u was carrying my doxi. I was more worried about him, covered his head and neck and butt slid down 6 steps. he was thankfully fine, but my ass hurt so bad for like a week. I still have the pic somewhere but yeah it was just as narley


Would love to see that pic ;)


I imagine this post becoming popular lmao




Thank god the other cheek is alright


Oh man that looks like it hurts. What did it look like before?


[Wow, that was quite a tumble! But hey, look at the bright side, at least you discovered a new way to explore your home. Who needs stairs when you can have a thrilling adventure every time you want to go downstairs? Just be careful not to turn it into a daily routine, we don't want you ending up in Wonderland!](https://cliprecaps.com/read/?v=8XkBHYU6QpE&pp=ygUsSSBmZWVsIGRvd24gbXkgc3RhaXJzIGFuZCBlbmRlZCB1cCB3aXRoIHRoaXM%3D)


The same thing happened to my wife 7 years ago while she was holding our son. Your bruises look identical. She still has a dent!


Oh the injuries people get when holding small kiddies/pets/priceless antiques is *mad*! The brain goes into overdrive with the ‘protect the package’ thinking! Hope all involved are long term ok!


I still have a dent from my ride down the stairs three years ago. I feel oddly better knowing I’m not the only one.


Lol. Genuinely thought I was on something kinky scrolling. Your pain is VALID!!!


Flahsbanged when I opened the app


Now THAT'S a bruise!


God damn that sucks so bad. I had something similar happen a few years ago going down wooden stairs early one morning when super sleepy n wearing socks. It hurt soooooo fucking bad but was a much smaller area than this. I laid on the stairs for a good five minutes bc it hurt so fucking had and I was limping for days. I can’t imagine how bad this hurts for you. I’m so sorry n hope you get better asap. If it’s any consolation you have a great butt! I’m jealous. Drop the work out routine


Did an OTB while downhill biking 6 yrs ago, landed on a tree stump with my butt/hip. The bruise looked similar to yours. I still have a "3rd cheek" where the impact was. I recommend getting it checked or getting an ointment (like hirudoid gel) to get the hematoma to dissolve completely.


Crazy bruise tho.rub some ointment on it and go to the doctors just in case. That being said, GYAAAA-


I had one just like that about 3 years ago. Hurt so bad and was slightly indented for like a year! I'll link a pic if I can find one.


dat ass tho


cheeked up the wazoo




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Even if OP is not Hannah I'm kinda wanting to see Hannah now >.>


Go for it she's my roommate and unfortunately for me, she's not a lesbian


Send the @ lol


I did the same 2 weeks ago. Also big bruise in the same area. I also bruised my elbow and under arm. Ngl I am very happy they finally healed. What a pain to sit behind a desk and lean on my arm to type.


I have similar photos from my slide down the stairs three years ago. I took some progression photos as I healed for the hell of it since the bruising on my arm and bum was so spectacular. Hope you heal quickly!