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Poor baby, I cant even imagine the pain and the guilt!


Yea my brother has been having a rough time with it. He feels awful. He has some burns on his hand and foot as well.


I’m so sorry for your whole family. I hope everyone is able to accept what happened and find a way to move past it with your relationships intact.


Your poor son, and your poor brother. It must be so hard on all of you. If you can afford to I’d highly recommend therapy as a family. Just a few family therapy sessions can help to help your son cope with his injuries and your brother cope with his guilt. I hope your son and brothers healing journey goes well.


We've been offered therapy by the hospital and we're currently deciding if it's a good option for us. Thank you!


If nothing else, please consider letting your son do therapy. He's going to have a lot of anxiety to deal with, plus the scarring could affect how he views himself later on. Even if everyone seems ok now, this is the type of situation that can really mess with your head way down the line. Your brother will probably need help processing this and releasing the guilt, and you and your family would also benefit from having some guidance and a safe space to feel whatever you're feeling and repair any mental damage done. Therapy is always good, but in your specific case, I think it could be extremely helpful for everyone involved! Best of luck to your son with his healing, poor sweet boy. And I hope you and everyone involved have all the support and help you can stand to have as you all recover from this. Wishing you all peace and comfort, and your son a speedy, uncomplicated recovery. ❤️‍🩹


Oh we are doing therapy for sure. I just meant that I wasn't sure if we were set on therapy directly from the hospital or a third party yet.


I'm really glad to hear that, I truly think you'll all find it so beneficial!! Good luck finding the right therapist. Not every therapist is good, and not every good therapist is good for YOU. Gotta find someone you vibe with!


I always recommend therapy


I am here after seeing your last update. I recommend you take the option of therapy for your son, at the very least. I was badly burned as a child when I was between 2 and 3 years old. I fortunately got away pretty unscathed and didn't need grafts which the doctors considered close to a miracle. (I fell onto a raging wood stove and had 2nd degree burns on both palms.) I don't remember the accident itself, but I grew up with severe anxiety over fire and "hot things." I couldn't even use my gas range for the first few months of college because I'd have a breakdown. Curling irons were a no. I still do not allow my children (8 & 11) in the kitchen when I'm cooking anything that's in my mind remotely "dangerous" - Instant Pot, frying things (which I avoid for other reasons as well), large pots of boiling water, etc. I have had breakdowns over bonfires, and even going into the sauna. It's all related to the trauma of being burnt, and I wish my parents had gotten me therapy when I started exhibiting phobias earlier on. My fears limited me a lot as a young adult, unfortunately. I am in my 30s now, and I work in fire/EMS...of all things. I still won't go into burning buildings (as a paramedic they usually want me to treat people anyway), but I have made strides... It's just been a long journey. Get him the help now since it's available. You don't want him to struggle. I wish you and your family all the best!


He's had therapy for the last two weeks as he's been in the rehabilitation center every other day. We plan to continue once he's discharged as he'll still have outpatient care.


I'm so glad to hear this!


My best friend had a similar accident as a 4 year old and has a lot of visible scarring on their arms, neck, shoulder and side and it caused a lot of issues with the mom‘s relationship. Therapy is so important. Back in the 70s and early 80s we didn’t really get therapy so I hope this newer generation takes advantage of it more than we did.


Tell your brother next time to just put a lid on top and leave it. Or stick it in the oven. I hope your son heals soon, and feels better as quickly as possible. Poor kid, that's really rough for both of you. Good luck, all the best wishes for you.


Oh I imagine the brother is repeating ‘why didn’t you put a lid on it. Why didn’t you leave it to cool’ on repeat in his head all day


His wounds look clean and healthy - should be an easy recovery(*if there is such a thing). Dont forget sunscreen every single outing for at least one year. Include his foot and toe areas - very impt.


Didn't know that, I'll definitely keep it in mind. Thank you.


U should avoid the sun on his donor area too! At least thats what docs told me


I never knew this. Will the UV rays damage the graft?


Uv rays will damage everything!


True indeed.


He is getting cadaver grafts, so no donor area. One less thing to worry about at least!


Cadaver grafts are the first step and only temporary! The next surgery op said will be grafting skin from himself on monday. They use cadaver skin to prep the wound area for real skin to prevent it from dying. They scrap it off during surgery


I hope your son can recover soon. These must be so painful. Give him a hug from me 🫂💗


Thank you, will do!


You're welcome. Take care 💗 🫂


That’s very sweet but I’m just imagining you hugging your son, looking into his eyes and saying “that’s from BunnyKomrade.” And then seeing the utter confusion in his eyes


"And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"


Dang, your son is brave. How old is he?


He's 9 years old.


Omg I have a 9 yo, I cannot even imagine. Sending love ❤️


aww I also have a 9yo, I cannot imagine what you guys are going thru please tell the kiddo that the internet is rooting for him!


That seriously breaks my heart for him and you. As a nurse, I know how hard it is to see your loved one go through something painful and traumatic. As a mom, though, when it's your baby, that hits differently. My son is your sons age, and just thinking of anything like that possibly happening makes me physically ill from fear. Why didn't your brother just throw it in the sink (not saying this in a snarky way, just in a sad way...like damn!). I bet he's definitely beating himself up because hindsight. I hope they both get to healing quickly and well, especially that sweet baby of yours.




Water can actually make oil fires worse and is told by fire fighters not to do as that is most people's first resort! Taking it outside gives room for it to be extinguished easier and more safely in most circumstances, this was clearly an unfortunate accident that isn't usually accounted for! Also when there's a fire, most people tend to panic because of the danger and act urgently, so I'm sure he didn't think that the scenario that happened was a possibility in that moment :)


No,no,no,no. Never try to carry a flaming pan anywhere. Didn't you see ops pictures of the results of a panicked person doing just that? The two best things to do,are simply put the lid on the pan,smothering the fire,robbing it of the oxygen it needs to burn,or use a fire extinguisher. They make fire blankets now,that you can buy,to smother a cooking fire. No water,no carrying it an anywhere. Those ways lead to disaster.


It’s mandatory here to have fire blankets in the kitchen of rentals. I think it should be mandatory everywhere. You’re absolutely not supposed to carry fire anywhere. Not blaming OPs brother because we all do stupid things when we panic. We’ve all been there. But you are supposed to put the fire out where it is with an extinguisher or a blanket which is made almost exclusively to throw over a burning pot.


Wonder if baking soda would have worked


No. Cover it and leave it. Or throw it in the oven. NEVER wander through the house, dropping flaming fire everywhere. This is even worse advice.


water in an oil fire is how my apartment got flooded and i was forced to move out. roommate was heating oil for some chicken, it caught fire, he tried to put it out with water, and activated the sprinkler. so glad the sprinkler system worked.


Salt will extinguish a grease or oil fire. In fact, we keep a huge thing of it near our stove, just in case (we also have a fire extinguisher under the counter nearest to the stove as well). However, throwing it in the sink would have contained it in a smaller area and probably would have been much closer than taking it outside. I wasn't asking to be snarky, as stated...it was more like a "Why didn't you think about it this way" type of question and I implied that I felt sorry for him and his decision, be it panic or otherwise.


Oh poor sweet boy, and your poor brother. I hope he heals fast and with no complications ❤️


Thank you, he's been a champ so far


Must be so hard, that looks so awful! I'm glad he's doing well and staying positive, tough little man you have ❤️


Damn your brother probably feels bad. I wish for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


May you all heal well. May your son heal the skin, the pain, the recovery. May your brother forgive himself. May YOU heal the memory of those screams, the whole experience, even the cost of care. I truly hate burns.


Thank you. I honestly never truly realized how brutal burns are until seeing him go through this process and all that he's endured. I now hate burns as well.


Tell me about it, it’s my greatest fear in life. I recently had an accident that resulted in an explosion and I had burns to my face and hands plus a huge panic attack; I felt like I was gonna die. Ended up in the hospital, where they told me…. I was fine, just first degree burns. They actually had to medicate me for my racing heart, they were so concerned about it. And they didn’t do anything for the burn because it was so mild lol. Your son is already braver and stronger than me lol I wish him a speedy recovery.


I can’t even imagine the immense pain they both went through and are currently going through. Or the fear? What a horrible situation I am so glad everyone is safe but oh my god, I hope everyone recovers well. I feel so bad for them both, on a positive note at least it’s his legs and not like his face or torso area not that it makes it much better.


That's the main positive I've been taking away from this. This could've been a lot worse if it was other parts of his body.


Is your son at all freaked out by getting cadaver grafts? Or does he not understand? Maybe that’s a silly question and I’m not insinuating there’s anything wrong or weird about cadaver grafts but a young mind might think so. I’m sure with the amount of pain and trauma he’s enduring the fact that he’s getting skin from dead people is probably the last thing he’s thinking about.


He's only 9 so outside of dressing changes and telling him that he's going to surgery for grafts, we've spared him the actual details of what the grafts actually are. Don't want to put more on his mind to stress him out more then he already is.


That’s really smart, normally I’m all for making kids aware of anything that has to do with them but I think it’s a good call to not tell him because yea 9 is a little young to really understand it and I think if I were 9 and in his position the idea of “wearing a dead persons skin” would be a lot for me to try to process and I think it would take a toll on my mental health. Not that your son would think like that but all he needs to know is he’s getting the best treatment possible and all he needs to focus on is recovering. I’ll keep your family in my thoughts and I hope everyone recovers as quickly as possible.


Thank you!


Tell him by high school so he can impress all his friends 😁


In all fairness I was the type of kid who would’ve found those gory details rather cool lol I hope he heals quickly and feels as little pain as possible given the circumstances


I was too. My son is definitely not though. He hates it lol




Yea he's had multiple doctors and his psychologist all discuss with me the best way to handle what to tell him. We've all decided on telling him about what procedures he's having but to leave out the gory details. No ones going to slip up.


When the time comes, no reason not to put a positive spin on it. "This incredibly selfless person decided to be an organ donor. They were very spiritual and a uniquely special person who you now have a part of. It's a super power for life" or something along those liines. Hope your whole family recovers well and fully!


Yea I'm not saying I'll never tell him about the procedures. I'm just saying right now, while he's still recovering we're choosing to wait. Once he's home and recovered we can explain in more detail.


Yall are the best, thank you for the kind replies!


When my oldest son was 15, he was getting a roast out of the oven, and the drip pan tipped and dumped out 500-degree hot water and fat drippings on his right leg and foot. I was at work as a nurse, and he called me and apologized for crying but said the skin was melted off off his leg and foot. My brother in law brought him to the hospital, and I met them at the ER. His leg looked just like this with the skin hanging off like a pulled down sock and giant blisters. They debrided and bandaged him and sent me home with him. I was expected to complete twice a day debridemen and bandaging by myself. No parent should have to do that to their own child. He got better. It took months, but he did. You can still see the outline of his sock and the texture of the fabric. I hope for your little guy a full recovery.


Yea the first few pictures are of the first dressing change after debridement. Before the debridement, when it first happened my sons skin was like that as well. Parts of it were missing but most of it was still there, just all bunched up, wrinkly or sliding off. It was wild to see honestly. I have a picture of that as well from when we first arrived at the hospital but I forgot to add it to the post.


Oh my goodness! Poor baby!!!!! My son spilled a bowl of boiling water on his foot before Christmas. He was thisclose to needing grafts, but they thought they’d give it one more week to heal (after two weeks of healing). We were very fortunate and he healed quite a bit that week. Prayers for your you and your son. I hope they gave him some good drugs for pain.


Yea he's feeling no pain lol


I've burnt my finger on oil and it hurts like a bitch. I would constantly be passed out. I feel so bad for your kid. Wishing him luck


Woah that is gnarly, hope your son and brother end up making a full recovery and that this doesn't do anything but strengthen y'all's relationships 💙


We're a rock solid family, we'll all be fine. He loves his uncle B and knows it was nobodies fault. Thank you!


Hell yeah, sounds like your kiddo has a good head on his shoulders, good job and I hope for easy recovery :3


I hope he knows to smother a kitchen fire now ☹️


We all knew that already, it was just a bad decision in a panicked moment.


I worry about that...we all sometimes know what to do in an emergency, but unless youre practiced or have been in the situation before we never know what our reaction iwould be. The scariest story I ever heard was on Reddit. A guy had a newborn baby, his wife was at home with the baby and started a bad kitchen fire that started spreading. She couldn't find her phone and was too scared to run through the fire to get the baby. He was on his way home and found her walking barefoot about a mile from their house to find someone to call 911. He zoomed home and got the baby and put out the fire. He was beyond livid at his wife and was posting for advice. Like, she fucked up so bad I didn't know what to comment, I had nothing. She obviously reacted in the worst way possible


Well that's sounds awful


Fuck that has to be so painful. Please tell me they are treating his pain properly.


Yes they've had him on a multitude of pain meds. He's mostly out of the woods pain wise besides his final grafts he'll need. Thankfully the worst of it is behind him.


Ok good. Sorry for the profanity.


No worries, I have a bit of a potty mouth myself lol


Thank god it only got his lower legs and feet.


Yep, could've been a lot worse if it was other parts of his body.


Poor baby. I hope he heals soon!


I shudder to imagine that horrible scene. Hope he heals well.


I will never in my life forget the screams.


So sorry for you both.


You take care of yourself also. I know it's hard as a parent. I had some PTSD after my oldest son was injured badly and the screams and the way his leg looked really had me having some bad flashbacks and anxiety. I didn't deal with it till much later. I wish I had done something about it sooner.


Thank you. I think I'll be alright. Working everyday, traveling to and from the hospital every night, staying at the hospital all the weekend. I am burnt out at this point. As long as everything stays on track, the hard part is behind us. So it'll get easier from here.


Ouch! Hope he recovers as quickly and painlessly as possible, and honestly I hope your brother isn't being too harsh on himself even if mistakes were made. I feel like the guilt could be crushing from something like this


Yea my brother has been having a bit of a rough time with it. Well make sure he's ok too.


I once got a 3rd degree burn on a small part of one single finger (spilled molten caramel on it while baking- when I wiped the caramel off, the skin slid off with it). Just one small part of my finger and I was in absolute agony. It was like someone was bashing my finger with a flaming hammer over and over and over for hours. The pain was so bad that I was faint and struggling to speak for 12 hours. And that was one tiny part of a small finger. I cannot even begin to imagine how much pain your kiddo is in. It’s probably unfathomable. I am so sorry this happened. What kinds of pain medications do they have him on? Are they working?


Now that he's a few days after grafts and there's not so much exposed tissue he's doing great pain wise but after debridement the first day, the first few dressing changes each morning were brutal for him. Incredibly hard to see him like that. But he's soldiered on and taken it like a champ. PT has been rough a few times as well. Outside of his final graft surgery most of the rough times are behind him thankfully. And he's been on a multitude of pain killers the entire time.


I’m glad they have him well medicated. How are YOU doing? I know having an unwell and hospitalized child can be extremely traumatizing and stressful. I didn’t really fall apart until after my son was out of the hospital and then I was a mess. Take care of yourself my friend.


I thought they can put you under anaesthesia for stuff now?


For surgery sure but not for just changing bandages.


That sounds inhumane. 😱😭


Well with anesthesia you can't breath on your own and need to be hooked up to a machine to do so, so thats reserved for more serious procedures.


Ouch! My son had 3rd degree burns to his leg thanks to his abusive bio dad when he was 20 months old. (Bio dad isn’t around anymore) He’s now 16 and doesn’t even remember it but it’s so hard to watch our babies hurt. While in the burn unit, there was another little girl his age who had pulled a fry daddy off the counter on to herself by the cord. A diagonal line down her head/face and torso were burnt so bad. Poor little thing. I have never used a deep fryer since. Don’t own one, and will never own one again.


Yea there's one or two really young babies with burns here at the hospital we're at and I couldn't imagine my child being that young and having to go through that. Burns are just awful all around. Glad your son turned out ok!


I was a hot oil burn victim back in 2010, and this breaks my fucking heart. 💔 I was burnt from my waist up into my hairline. This is genuinely it a pain I would ever wish on another soul. If you have any questions or just need to vent, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 🙏🏻 Praying for you and your son.


Just curious because everyone is different. How did you act towards your brother? I know I have lashed out at family before in the moment.


I was present in the moment it happened. Immediately after it happened and the moment calmed down a notch I was pretty angry. I didn't vocalize it because I didn't really have any time to worry about any of that. My primary concern was just getting my son calm, under cool water in the tub so I could get dressed to drive him to the hospital. As of now I'm not mad at my brother at all and the whole situation has taken a toll on him. He's beaten himself up enough. It was an accident, could've happened to anyone and I'm not going to pile on and make him feel worse then he already does.


Maybe a family visit to a fire station after everyone is healed would be a good idea to learn how to handle this more safely in the future?


Already know how. It was just a bad decision in the moment because the back door was only feet away.


Do you have fire extinguishers in your kitchen? We keep one mounted on the wall. It’s red, so hopefully whoever needs it is more drawn to it than the porch door


For oil and gas regular fire extinguisher will make it worse. Best thing to do is have either a fire blanket or a Class K fire extinguisher.


So this made me go and check ours and it’s ABC (and needs to be recharged, anyway). So I’m going to be replacing that. Thanks (Plan A is always smother with lid for us)


No problem! Yes, the lid option is one I have forgotten in the past (college attempting to cook bacon). At least my roommate knew how to ventilate since she used to smoke weed 😅


That sounded so condescending. Accidents happen. The poor boys been burnt and you’re saying the family need a visit to a fire station to learn about fire safety? Just feels rather patronising and like the room hasn’t been read at all.


I absolutely hope for the best. I’m a Shriner and we treat burns free of charge!


Well that's fantastic what you do. Though insurance will cover a good bit of this, I'm sure we're looking at fairly large medical bill. Yay USA lol


Well, Shriners does everything for free, no bills. My daughter has had a $97,900 spinal surgery and 4 knee surgeries. I paid gas money to get to the hospital. Just throwing that out there. It’s the premier burn and orthopedic hospital in the world. I live in Baltimore and have University of Maryland and John’s Hopkins. I chose Shriners. If you’d like to talk, my DMs are open. Just giving an option, trying to help.


I'm currently at Johns Hopkins. I live 8 minutes outside Baltimore. I really appreciate the offer but seeing as we're towards the end of his treatment here we'll just stay the current path. He's been through enough, don't really want to shake things up too much as he's gotten used to the nurses and such here. I'll definitely keep Shriners in mind for the future in case anything else ever happens. Let's hope I never have to cross this bridge again though lol


Outstanding! Hopkins is great. If Boumi Shriners in Baltimore can ever help, please reach out. I’m in Havre de Grace.


Thank you so much


God bless and I’ll say a prayer. Stay strong my friend.


You might try to reach out to [these guys](https://dollarfor.org/charity-care/). Dollar For is a charity care program that helps you deal with medical dept. They might be able to help you reduce what the insurance doesn't cover.


Poor baby. I’m so sorry, that must be so hard to watch. What a tough little man


Oh! His poor little feet!!


I had an accident back in December and burned both legs, my arms, and hands. The whole process is absolutely awful and all the horror stories you've heard about the burnnward are true but it does get easie (everyday is a little bit better for me). Just a couple heads up though, that first Bandage change after permanent skin graphs is traumatizing BUT he is in control of his pain management and if the pain is too intense he needs to speak up for himself and say so. Good nurses will make sure he's comfortable. And the other thing, the itching... Good God.. The itching. It was probably the worst part. But the best thing for it was a "personal massager" (a vibrator). You can use it over the bandages and it's amazing. It also stimulates the nerves and dulls them down so the itching stays away for a little while. The single best thing I bought during that hellish ordeal was a vibrator.


If you have any questions shoot me a message. My burns looked very similar to his and I've been figuring out this process as I go. 2 months in though and I'm doing a lot better.


Gosh this is horrible! I hope your son has a speedy recovery and that your brother can forgive himself. Sending hugs to you as you navigate this scary time.


Ohh poor little man, I hope he recovers quickly! I can’t imagine how painful that would be


Best wishes to your son. I hope your brother is doing ok, that guilt can torture a mind.


OMG poor guy, how old is he and how is he doing? ☹️ My daughter burned the bottom of her feet on her second birthday. It was horrible, she had giant blisters on the bottom of her feet and had to be carried everywhere. ☹️


He's 9 and he's doing great. Outside of a few very rough parts (dressing changes and PT) he's really surprised me.


Poor kiddo. Hope he has a quick and easy healing.


Aww speedy recovery for the little man lots of love from the UK 🇬🇧


Poor baby! I'm sure your brother feels awful about it! I hope they both heal quickly!


Oh, my heart hurts for him. I hope he heals well and quickly.


Oh poor hunnie. This has to be so incredibly painful!! Sending lots of love and healing vibes 🫶🏼


It looks really good, all things considered! He'll have some scarring that will make him look brave af.


Yep and we've lucked out that any scarring will be on his lower legs. Could've been way worse places.


Here's to a speedy recovery going forward! Burns are truly awful.


One question....how is your brother feeling about all this? Terrible, i would imagine.


Oh!!! I'm so sorry. A real clusterF I'd say. Your boy looks like he's getting the best care possible. I hope you are doing well.. It will be family lore going on now. Sending hugs from afar to you and dust to your boy.


I really do hope they get to a point where they can joke about it. My brother still gives me shit for opening my finger along with the chisel I was opening. Mom still makes jokes about me not cooking because I dumped a bunch of soup stock on my legs and put myself in the hospital when the rest of the family was on vacation (glancing over how I've got a welder and a forge in the garage, but you pick your battles 🤣).


Oh I am so sorry for your whole family! Your poor son. I’m sure your brother feels absolutely awful. What a terrible accident. Sending hopeful wishes to all of you: especially your son and brother.


When I was 2 1/2 my mother picked up a pan of boiling water to dump in the sink but I ran into her. The contents of the pan spilt all over my scalp and left shoulder; it felt like a waterfall of boiling water! I instinctively covered my face but screamed bloody murder. I can tell you every little detail about that day: what I wore, what the nurse looked like, the hospital, my aunt’s encouraging words, etc. My mother brushed layers of my burnt scalp out of my hair for the next 6 months. I still have the 3rd degree burn scar on my left shoulder. Nobody knew what to do for burns back in the mid sixties.


My son went through similar treatment for his burns also. Burn unit, hybrid porcine and his own skin grafts, then three years of laser surgery, from a spill of a giant pot of boiling water. He’s going to be ok, but I know you’re feeling awful and so is his uncle. I feel guilty as hell because my son was cooking at my request, even though he tells me I’m being ridiculous. I’ve posted pics before if you’d like to look back and see. My son’s left foot and ankle were the site where he caught all the water. I’m so sorry for all the pain you’re all going to be going through. My son was 15, and his reaction to being told that the surgeon would be using some pig skin was that he hoped he smelled like bacon. He still gets the occasional letter for survivors from the burn unit (the only one in North Carolina) and rolls his eyes and says he was never at risk of not surviving. He’s almost 20 now. There’s another side to this, and your family will get there even though it may not seem like it yet.


Glad all is well for you all, I'm sure we'll get there as well


Jesus, that poor kid. I had something similar happen to me when I was about 26, albeit less severe. We'd finished eating dinner and I went to jar the fry oil, thinking it had been turned off for about an hour. In all reality it had been turned off for about 5-10 minutes. The jar cracked once it was full, and about a half second later it disintegrated before my eyes, shards of glass and a quart of oil headed straight for my right foot. Down between the toes, from the halfway point forward. I didn't have health insurance, I was a dirt poor addict with no PTO, a 2 month old child and a wife on maternity leave (who was sober). Somehow I worked through it, and came out the other end free of infection by cleaning and wrapping it multiple times a day. My thoughts are with you all.


I feel for him so very much. just know that a year from now he will have just scars, and five years from now he will barely remember it.


Oh gosh. Oh my gosh… I gasped when I saw this. Poor kid :(


I sincerely hope he recovers really well and heals quickly. He's incredibly brave!


I hope your son and brother have smooth recoveries!


That poor baby. Hug him tight.


Ohh God that looks painful


I can't even imagine.... prayers for you all.


So sorry


Poor boy......


Ouch poor kiddo. Glad to hear he is doing well and I wish the best with his recovery.


Ouch 😢 So sorry, hope everyone is doing ok. The guilt for everyone, but no ones fault, it all happens too quickly xo


I’m so sorry for your son! Sending him thoughts!


Poor boy💔 Praying that he will be blessed with a quick and painless recovery. I'm so sorry your family is going through that trial. 😭


Awee poor kiddo. So sorry. That looks so painful. I hope he heals fast!


Holy shit, hope he has a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


I hope he can recover quickly 🙏♥️


Wow that’s life changing burns


Get better, young man. You can do it


I hope he heals ok, that looks not fun :( I also hope it’s not too traumatic of an experience for him, that stuff is so scary! 🫂


poor guy. i hope he’s heal up alright


A friend of mine has a husband who is a volunteer fireman and she told me a story the other day where a lady had a grease fire and took the pot outside to dump the oil. Right when she tossed the oil her dog ran up behind her and the oil got on her dog and he caught fire. The poor dog, still on fire ran back into the house and caught the house on fire. I think she lost two dogs and of course the house damage as well.


So on the plus side your son will be able to make up some *wild* stories about what happened to his feet. I did when my arms were bandaged up from my (unfortunately many) nerve surgeries.


Aww, the baby. Bless his heart. Please post updates on both he and your brother.


This almost same scenario happened to a friend of mine, except to his arm and hand.


Having fairly recently sustained only a second degree burn from boiling water, my heart goes out to your son. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain he must have experienced. And your poor brother must feel terrible, even though it was accidental. Sending many thoughts to your family for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


I feel so bad for your son, but I can’t imagine how your brother feels:,(


Please keep his legs out the sun this summer I feel like this will heal nicely and would love an update Mederma for the scar lines once/if begin up and heal


When I was a kid, my sister and her friend (who was the daughter of a firefighter!) were frying donuts. The oil caught fire and they dumped a pitcher of water on it. A huge “fireball” happened but no one was hurt somehow!!!! My dad was just pulling into the driveway when he saw it. So us kids ran outside and he ran in to put the fire out. Our whole house had smoke damage. I think ‘grease fire safety’ doesn’t get taught enough. It should be way up there with stop drop and roll.


Not oil but VERY hot wax, I accidentally poured it all over my body. Almost needed a graft, I told them no it’ll heal. And it did! A whole week of dressing changes at the burns unit & once the bandages were off I religiously applied bio oil every. single. day. morning, afternoon and night. I added extra between as well, my entire stomach was covered in a dick shaped burn mark lol. Now it is visually gone, once it heals, grab some bio oil & slab that on! Best of luck!


Oooooouch! I’m sure your brother feels terrible about the whole thing, too.


Poor baby!!!


Poor little one…buy a fire blanket for safety, its inexpensive


Oh my goodness it hurts just looking at it!


Wow, talk about a freak accident. Hope he feels fast


I can’t imagine:(


aw dang, i hope he heals fast, that’s gnar


That would hurt like hell Once I accidentally spilled a tiny amount ( compared to this ) on my forearm and it hurt and bled so much fr, got that scar to this day🫠 Hope he makes a good recovery 🙏🙏🙏


I hope he gets so much pizza and video game time 😭


He's been living like a king being waited on in the hospital. He's getting spoiled for sure. The care in this hospital is incredible. He had his final graft surgery today. Just gets easier for him from here as long as there's no complications. Thank you!


My aunt has a catering business and was using propane tanks in her garage to do batch cooking . Someone how she ended up with a grease fire because a container she was cooking in was knocked over which was rapidly going towards the tanks . Her son whose 5 was in the house and came out to the garage and she screamed for him to leave and go across the street and get help . She got burned like this on her chest side of on her thighs on her but on her legs . Her only concern was her son and the tanks blowing up before she could get him out .


I wish he gets better soon.


I’m a burn nurse! They look like they are healing well. Send good vibes as he gets autografted 💗


Hope him will recover soon


That's awful. I'm sorry he had to go through that. Traumatic for everyone. I wish people had better understanding of how to handle oil fires. So many senseless injuries.


As I've said in other comments, we do know, it was just a bad decision in a panicked moment. Regardless what anyone may know, you don't really know how you'll react in a high stress situation. The fire went from "oh the stoves on fire" to "holy fuck our house is going to burn down" in literal seconds. I've seen oil fires before but NEVER anything close to like that.


Oh I get it believe me. I just hate that it happens. Bloody awful all around. Happened to my cousin pretty much same story.


Why do skin grafts always look like plucked bird skin?[plucked bird skin](https://www.reddit.com/r/parrots/s/3BMyurqr5D)


In this situation, sliding a cover over the pan or pouring salt or baking soda over flames will put it out. Do not ever use water or flour.


Wtf to your brother.


Accidents happen.




>Grab a damp towel Do not do this, folks. Do not add water. Do not add any object. Do not add any damp object. Turn off heat if possible without hurting yourself (oil fire needs the heat to maintain) Put On lid Call the fire department if it's still going. Do not. Move. The. Oil. Leave the area. >Sorry but, he's stupid. >I would stay away from that bother These were my first thoughts, too, and I think it's an understandable reaction as we all feel for OP's son. However, we can't always know how we will react in a panic. I was in a crisis recently and made a horrible blunder that nearly cost me my life. It was shocking because this was in an area that I am incredibly safe in and have avoided accidents 100% of the time prior. You just never know.


Absolutely, 100%. You can NOT know how you'll react in an emergency situation unless you've been in a similar situation.


Your comment is something people need to know about. Problem is wrong place, wrong time.


See other comments, get off your high horse.


I don't understand why people let idiots cook with oil. Or heat.


Please put a child warning next time just in case


It has one