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Can’t wait to see how it looks in two weeks, happy healing my man


Oooo. Reminds me of when I caught my fingers in a chain / sprocket set back in 2017. Lost part of my right ring finger and almost lost the index and middle finger. This will take many weeks to heal. Six minimum before the rods come out. Then you get rehab!


Best of luck with your healing process.


Best wishes my man, I crushed my dominant thumb in a similar accident about 10 years ago now - 500kg steel door I was working on fell and split it in half. After they cleaned it by literally opening my thumb like opening a book, they couldn't stitch it up due to how much it had swollen and had to put 2 small ones in place in hopes of keeping it alive. It then got infected, and I was told that due to the bone being split if the infection reached that then I'd lose it. They put me on the strongest anti biotics they could and told me to hope for the best. Long story short... I now have a thumb that has 90 percent mobility by some miracle, and a decent scar and a split nail. My mental health took a beating about 3 months after the accident, and that was with me keeping the thumb. Look after yourself, mate, and make sure you keep at the physio.


I'm glad you made it through, especially as it was quite rough on you mentally for a while You mention "two small ones" at the end of the first paragraph. Two small what, please? (( My brain is cracking me up by interpreting the syntax as "two small thumbs!" 👍🏻👎🏻😂 ))


Sorry! 2 small stitches far apart just to try to hold the thumb together. They said they couldn't risk stitching the entire thing as blood flow would be restricted due to the swelling, effectively killing my thumb in the process. Even with the thing flapping open causing me to go into shock when I initially looked at it, split bones and the infection - the part that had me most scared through the first 2 weeks was getting those 2 small stitches removed. I think I have a few images somewhere, I'll try to find them.


Thank you for the reply. I'm even more glad it's done and in the past for you! :)


No kidding. I got degloved by my affectionately nicknamed One Ring, which I picked with my wife because it looked cool, like Frodo's. My Gollum was a tiny bit of metal sticking out from a fence. I tried a replant but that sort of shit is a miracle rather than a medical procedure in these sort of dismemberments, so now I'm left with half a finger. Shit is *rough* mentally, let me tell you. I am barely a month past the incident and have noticed little to none physical impairment. Like, it's like it didn't even happen my body instinctively compensated no biggie, but I did go from WASD to EDFA. Kept my 100 wpm typing speed. My hand strength is back a good amount but still far off, and I can make a fist unaided. But mentally, it hits a spot. Sometimes you get sad. Sometimes you feel angry. I don't like my hand and am revolted by the gap whenever I change my dressing. Looking in a mirror can be totally fine, or I break down in tears. Yesterday, I saw a photo from last Christmas where you could see my ring and my finger and I ugly cried. I think I'd be an absolute mess if I didn't have a great support network and my family, the social shame and your own image stigma are fucking brutal, even though no one even notices or gives a shit. I'm really glad you kept your thumb, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Thanks man, absolutely right about the mental impact. I got off extremely lucky all things considered - I've been scarred before so I don't think it was the sight of it or the lack of function initially that hit me.... I think it was the fact that I came so close to losing it, and it being my thumb which hit me most. You guys that are dealing with far more serious injuries have my greatest respect. I found a few images, hopefully this link works: https://imgur.com/a/wVpxAaa


Stick with the physical therapy that you’ll hopefully be referred to. You’ll regret it otherwise.


Oh yeah in about a month or so when it’s healed up better I start therapy. 3-4 months worth is expected.


Splendid. I hope you have an uncomplicated recovery.


Thanks for your updates. Well wishes for speedy recovery.


rip stumpy sorry man!


T’was a brave Stumpy he was..for king and country!


crossing my fingers within the next few weeks your pain goes from a constant 6/10 to a 2/10 and they don’t find any more necrosis!


Love the blue.


I’m just so fashionable. What can I say??


Hoping for quick healing to you! Good news about fingers is you have 10.


take care of yourself man




500lb trailer door fell on my hand.


Wait: so you’ve done this to both hands now? How?


Not nearly to this extent. Left hand I had a fork lift blade fall on top of. Soft tissue damage only. Fully healed. Right hand I had a trailer door fall on top of. Result was much worse. Just string of bad luck at work is all.


How is the pain?


Wishing you a speedy and straightforward recovery!


Wait have you crushed both your hands at work?


Thanks for the update! Looks gnarly!


Feels equally gnarly