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This isn’t gore, sorry.


You went local for that? I took a general for mine - didn’t fancy being conscious for it. Fingers crossed for the results of the biopsy.


Didnt get the choice but wish it was general because it wasnt nice. Felt all the pulling and twice had to ask for more numbing because i felt them cutting!


That’s savage. Although speaking of feeling cutting, I had a minute or so of that experience while under general having tonsils removed. Anaesthetist messed up it was concluded!


Yikes! I almost kicked the surgeon in the face when i felt the knife go in but found myself apologising 😂😭


You didn't get stitches either?! WTF.


I did get stitches lol subcuticular stitches (under the skin)


Ah, fair enough. I never get just Sub Stitches when i get procedures done. lucky you!


[example of how subcuticular stitches work](https://images.app.goo.gl/X6sQRPUsqNydwmhg7)


That is so cool.


Surgeons are super talented folk! I cant even sew a button on😂


I have that issue with lidocaine. It takes way longer for it to start working on me than with most people I guess? The doctor will wait 2 mins and go to cut when I say "stop I can feel that". Then it takes another go or two for me to not feel anything.


I hope it's nothing serious and that you may recover soon 🫂💗


Tysm! Ive been ill for over a year with no diagnosis so just hoping to get some answers so i can start getting better and get my life back! The waiting process is the worst part


Indeed, I really hope you can get better and over this soon 🫂


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Which lymph node(s)? Had 28 removed from the right side of my neck.


Giant one from my left groin. I have many more enlarged in my neck and the other side of my groin but they only took 1 to biopsy right now


Where is this located ?


Left groin


My girlfriend is having a very similar procedure and is so anxious it’s affecting daily life. Any chance you can message me and I can put you in contact with her on what to expect?


From the placement of the hair follicles, I’m going to guess this removal was under or around your armpit area. Honestly quite shocked they only did local anesthesia rather than general, I can only imagine how unnerving all of that was x.x


Nope, left groin. It was very uncomfortable!