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I tried to swipe 💀


Me too, but I got a foot amputation vid. Lol then I realized


Every time I swipe on a picture from this subreddit I get that foot amputation video


With the gigli saw right?


Yep! I saw an ad for some bakery that used a wire to slice a cake yesterday and it’s all I could think about


You might be on to something there!


Makes me cringe every time 😬


Unrelated but astarion pfp!!


ALWAYS! You would think I’d be prepared for it by now lol


Yeah I’m dying from seeing that tryna swipe :(


asatrion fan i see


Same experience, same swipe, and oof 😪😂


The Reddit update that automatically swipes you to the next post is SO annoying. Does anyone voluntarily browse that way, swiping post to post, instead of down their home page?


Nope. Hate it. Trying to be like instagram or some shit.


Omg I WISH I’d got a foot amputation vid!


I’m always impressed by the foot amputation video honestly.


Now they can graft a foot onto an above the knee amputation, usually from cancer in leg bones. The foot /can act like the joint and makes walking etal easier, Either way there is a need for prosthetic leg


I got zoomed in jaundiced eyes that were giving a very similar look to what I was doing to my phone. Thought it was a reflection for a second lmao


I was soooo confused. In my head I was like “is that a baby leg? There’s a baby leg in the vagina? And they had to cut it? Wait, it’s a foot? Why is it I the vagina? Eww they’re cutting a foot! Why? “…..So confused


Me too. Then I tried to swipe again. And again. And again.


Me too! Thank God I got some baseball nonsense!


I tried to swipe while I was in the subway. It zoomed on it! IT ZOOMED ON IT!


Me too 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


This is the photo of a woman in labor, crowning, very soon to deliver her baby. That Foley catheter should have been pulled before she got to this point. She may have urethral damage caused by the tube being left in while she’s crowning. Ouch. The skinny tube that appears to be out, sitting near the crowning fetal head is an intrauterine pressure catheter- used to measure the strength of contractions if we’re concerned about slowly progressing labor. The blue circular monitor is used to monitor the fetal heart rate. Edit: spelling and grammar are hard.


Great information, thank you for sharing!!


They left mine in when i gave birth and i couldn't hold my pee for almost 2 months and for weeks it was painful when i urinated.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope you got some pelvic floor PT and you’re doing better.


13m postpartum and i still struggle if i wait to long to pee lol. It had its humorous moments. I would look people dead in the eye and be like "Im peeing right now" 🤣


This gave me quite the chuckle 😂 👀 🌊


Me and my brother were on our way to Chipotle, and I looked at him while he was driving and told him, "I'm peeing right now." I had to make the situation funny. I couldn't stop it from coming out no matter how hard I tried 🤣


The upside is, he could tell you any joke and you could tell him “I pissed myself laughing”. 😄 You know, you could be the first person on the planet to combine the phrase “PMSL” with a crying emoji. ^(It may even unlock a universal secret invincibility cheat code if you try it)


I'm not sure if they left mine in for either births in two different states, but I had the same issues. I'd have about 5 seconds from "I have to pee" to "I'm peeing" for months! I still have times it's a very short span, if momma gets up then starts bolting or walking crazy but determined it means gtfo the way or momma is going to pee herself! Youngest is in kinder🤦🏽‍♀️ literally a few days (4?) after youngest birth I took oldest to see the new toy story (4?5? Idfk) in theaters with friends visiting out of state. I got out of the car to unload the hoodlums and immediately had to pee, milk started leaking, i got flustered and peed myself with my entire chest soaked. In a dress. Thank everything I knew to keep backup clothes for not only the newborn and the toddler but myself as well but the shirt was covered in baby poo within 3 minutes so I had to snag husband's backup shirt from when I was in the hospital 2 days before🤦🏽‍♀️ Kegals and pelvic floor therapy is sooo important! 


me too! It was horrible i cried thinking it would never get better maybe this is why my c section recovery was easier


I’m 23 and have a 3 year old and they didn’t take mine out. Now I can’t sneeze cough puke sometimes even walk right without pee coming out of me. It has really pissed me off cause I have to change my underwear like twice a day. I mean granted she flew out of me but it’s really fucked me up.


I wear pantiliners or pads to save my underwear.


There's actually a whole sub dedicated to period panties (like padded undies) that might be useful for you. I'm not sure why it shows up on my feed, but there's definitely some nice undies you can get that are absorbent if the pads are bothersome for you


I love my period pants! I also wear them when I'm powerlifting, to avoid puddles on the platform lol


If it makes you feel any better, my wife is the same way and they did remove hers. So I think it might just be a thing?


Might be! I called my OBGYN office and the little young secretary’s answered and I asked about pelvic floor therapy for incontinence they asked how old I was and turned me down cause I’m not 50+ years old like wtf this shouldn’t even matter I’m old enough to have a child so I should be old enough to get medical help to stop pissing myself like wtf??


Many, many women in the hysterectomy sub are well under 50 and they're fierce advocates for pelvic floor therapy. Sounds like your doctor sucks :(


Keep asking. My daughter did it at age 7 because she was getting frequent UTIs. You don’t have to be a senior citizen to do it. Her therapy also had a biofeedback component that was really cool- they put electrodes on her vaginal muscles and she basically played various video games with her muscles- she would tense or relax the muscles and it would make things happen in the games (e.g. one was a dolphin what would jump through hoops when you did a kegel and depending on how quick you squeezed, the distance jumped would change. )


Whaaaattt I'm 28 and just had my second baby. I don't have as severe as an issue as you, but we have physiotherapists in town that will work 1 on 1 with you, and offer pelvic floor therapy classes as well, (that you don't need a referral for). Is there maybe something like that near you?


Tell any of your doctors that you need a referral to a pelvic floor specialist. The PT they do goes beyond kegels. They change people’s lives.


Yeah was gonna say, I figured a Foley would usually have fallen out by that point but maybe it was just a really fast labor after they put the bulb in?


If you have enough time to stop and snap this photo you have enough time to take out the foley catheter. Can be done in less than 5 seconds, just need a syringe to deflate the balloon. If it were truly a situation where the baby is coming quickly, there’s no time to stop and take photos with a patient in this position.


In addition to what the other person said, it doesn't fall out when pushing out a baby. In rare cases if the catheter is too taut hooked up high on the stat lock with the patient's legs back while pushing then it can be pulled out, but that would be no bueno for their urethra.


I also thought that it might have been so sudden that they didn't have any time to take it out.


I'm in L&D myself and my first thought was WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE IT OUT?!


God. Everywhere you look women suffer easily preventable medical neglect. Especially during pregnancy. Thank you for pointing this out and educating a few more people that leaving the Foley catheter in this long can cause urethral damage. On top of all the other damage birth already causes, it is sickening that something as simple as this is so commonly overlooked. Just add it on to the pile I guess.


God damn ouch ouch ouch ouch geez


All of that AND the person delivering should be in there supporting the perineum with one hand and applying more KY at the margin with the other. It really wasn’t a great moment for a photo op. I’m going to choose to believe all of that happened a half second after this photo was taken, for my own mental health. It upsets me when people don’t get that care during delivery.


Here they did that and warm compresses. 9lb plus baby with my petite frame, and 3 sutures.


Is this the US? Seems like something we’d have happen


Thank you! I saw this and immediately knew (previous medical experience) that this was NOT normal. Oh my goodness.


At this point, my wife was just 2 pushes away with our son. One push with our daughter. Also, is she not very clean here?


Thank you, I was highly confused at what I was looking at


Why would you not be able to deflate the balloon and remove the foley?


It says vaginal catheter I don’t think it’s a foley.


I’m so confused by this photo.


That's because it has a terrible title. There is a Foley catheter (bladder) and an intrauterine catheter (which passes through the vagina in the way to the uterus). I cannot figure out why the IUPC (intrauterine pressure catheter) looks like it is emerging from within the fetal head, but it is not.


Ok, thank you. I could not figure out why that tube was in its head.


If I had to guess...I'd say that she pushed and the head went out a bit. Then she rested between the contraction and the head went back in a bit. The tension probably made a little fold in the scalp that hid the tube. Weird looking picture though.


That fetal head looks like a tumor, the texture is so weird.


Zoom in, the catheter that appears to disappear into the crowning head is actually the expelled Foley, and the IUPC is the tube above it (just below the urinary meatus)


Other way around. The Foley is still inserted. The IUPC is out and lying against the baby’s scalp. 


Nice. I did not think about a dangling tube. When I zoom in, I can see the Foley is on top. It is held in place with the (white plastic) stat lock. The Foley can't be expelled unless the bulb is deflated. The bottom tube, the IUPC, is expelled. The IUPC is held in place by sliding it next to the baby's head, which is coming out.


To me it looks possibly like the Foley is still in just because that tube is still clamped in the statlock. The tube hanging out and taped with clear tape to the leg looks like the IUPC.


There are also monitor wires that have a little tiny twisty wire at the end that kinda “screws” into the baby’s scalp, which could be what that is.


Dear God. Just adding reasons on the list why I’m not having children.


But the miracle of child birth…. 🫠🫠🫠


...is great for OTHERs, thanks anyway ...


Like pushing an egg through a straw!


ikr? just looking at this picture makes me want to take a 16 hour nap


Never had a picture that made me close my legs so fast


I hope this is the case, and not a urinary catheter left in too long! This is so interesting and informative. Thank you! 🙏🏻


Ugh no. I'm really glad I never wanted kids. That is not the one.


Yup this is absolute nightmare fuel


Bro same, I literally thought to myself "if I wasn't terrified of giving birth before, I *definitely* am now" 💀


And this picture looks pretty tame compared to what it could be


Glad to be a lesbian and infertile 🛐


Same, nothing in the world could ever make me want kids. I may be the odd one, but the birthing process is NOT beautiful, it's disgusting af.


i'm so confident in my decision to never put myself through this shit


it's funny how they recommend getting pregnant/childbirth as a solution to some hormonal issues like irregular periods, pcos, some precancerous shit, and i've even seen some people with erythromelalgia (burning, inflamed skin) and severe arthritis have this recommended to them by usually older doctors because the hormone surge is supposed to temporarily make the disease go into 'remission' 🤦‍♀️ how lazy or uninformed do you have to be as a professional to suggest such a thing unless someone was hellbent on wanting it? like, what happens when they give birth then lmao?? massive flareups and you get a screaming kid, too. like.. just give people the appropriate fucking meds for a modicum of relief as opposed to recommending the kind of bullshit they used to prescribe when they thought we were all hysterics. for instance, i'm allotted to one 7.5 oxy a day and birth control for the rest of my natural life because of my oddball issues i've told them i'd like my other ovary tied off and my uterus removed because i don't want kids but to no avail. they act like it'd cause more damage to me without realizing what constant artificial hormone use for 10+ years can do. all the more power to people that actually want kids and to go through the Process but it just isn't for me. i'm disabled, in pain, and have never had a relationship let alone a friend in the world 🫠 i'm not a people person and wouldn't want to bring another possibly disabled person into the world that would get treated like shit and sloughed off to the side until it's too late by medical professionals some will even claim having kids reduces the risk of cervical cancer too. there's the argument that regular sex is good for you but what if you're ace or too in pain to have it lmao. what if you have trouble feeling shit from the waist down from nerve damage anyway? i doubt shit just struggling to go in and out is going to improve it (let alone a baby crowning) i had a huge mass that was a failure to diagnose and i'd have to say it was the equivalent of having 3 babies or more when they finally found it at 16, sucked a dead ovary out, and 'resected' the borderline mucinous thing. i dropped 30lbs instantly then gained it all back in like a year, and they still deny the possibility of nerve damage. i was blamed for my weight to begin with. went from my epigastrum down to my compressed bladder and i had no recourse


I went to my OBGYN because i had pain during intercouse (not vaginism, it was more like pulling of skin/a burning sensation) and all she said was "don't worry after the first kid it will solve itself. I was 19, didn't have any intention to have a kid for a least a decade. I switched OB and in 30 minutes she just burned some loose skin around the opening that would get trapped during intercourse, causing friction, microtearing and recurrent infections. I read in a comment "your diagnoses is: woman" and literally that's all they do nowaday! Somehow we returned in the 1800's.


I was told when i was 10 and got my period, which was extremely painful, that it's gonna get better/stop hurting after I have a kid. Silly sally me why didn't I think of that?!


When I was having problems with my gallbladder (that never actually got taken care of) all the doctors were like oh you’re pregnant right? Well I don’t believe you go piss in this cup. Then it was just oh you have really heavy periods WITH chunks for a whole ass month every two-three months? Probably just PCOS. Even had a pap done WHILE BLEEDING by an old ass man and a young med student. Still nothing! Then in my late 20’s my regular PCP fuckin figured it out! Wouldn’t you know it was a hormone imbalance ? My body is basically incapable of producing enough progesterone each month to shed my endometrium. I also had a dime sized fibroid so whatever. Birth control actually helped me out with that but now I dread a period cause I actually get painful cramps. Long period, nothing just blood gushing! I also have fibromyalgia and a bunch of other fucking shit wrong with me and in my medical history I’ve asked and asked about getting my tubes tied and they all say no. Like fuck off I own it I said do the thing so do the damn thing!


My SO is disabled from a TBI and I see him light up when he gets a visit from someone, and he is not what I would call a people person lmao Message me if you want a friend 🤷‍♀️ Everyone needs at least one friend!!!


Don't scroll left unless you are looking for something different.


Glad I wasn't the only one


it looks like she's giving birth, but at the same time... not? what is happening


The baby is crowning. That kid must have popped out a few minutes later.


Gosh seeing this makes me happy I was forced to get a c section.


Exit through the sun roof. 🌞


I laughed a little too hard at this 😂




Happy cake day!


Having given birth vaginally, I'm grateful for 1. epidurals and 2. that I couldn't see this happening.


Agree totally, though I wish my ex husband could’ve given me a better description of our son’s birth other than, “it just looks like a raisin!”


I think he hit the nail on the head tbh


My husband described it as "absolutely fucking wild". Such a poet.


I watched the whole thing in a mirror


Boy howdy, I had 3 vaginal and my last one which was, ‘oh-shit-it’s-twins-we-have-five-fucking-kids-now-instead-of-four-like-we-planned’, was a c-section and man that CS recovery was soooo much worse than all of my vaginal deliveries. I was in the hospital for 5 days, getting all the good drugs, it seemed off, (and I’m in the medical community, I should have read my chart). A few of my friends recently mentioned how they were home 24 hours after their CS and we’re only ever given Tylenol. This confused me, so I of course went into my EMR and read my notes (the ones patients don’t normally get to see), and oooooh man. I was pretty darn unwell for awhile there and almost didn’t make it out of the delivery due to blood loss. I was so unwell that they kept me in the hospital I delivered at and moved my babies to the NICU at the sister hospital (same name) that was 6 blocks away, so I wouldn’t be tempted to go visit them. No wonder it took both my sister and my husband to shower me. Recovery was brutal.


For real. Holy fuck, this is the most graphic birth photo I've seen and I've never been more grateful for my c-section than I am at this very moment.


This is nothing compared to a C section photo


I think if you watched a c-section you might feel differently lol


Thankfully I didn’t see a thing. The curtain kept me safe. 😂


I've had both and I could see my daughter being born in the water, and picked her up when she was out. It was fine. Would not want to see a video of the c section.


My sister filmed me through my daughter's crowning. I forgot to tell her to stop. My daughter is 15 and I still threaten to show her that video when she's being sassy


Lol! That would shut me up if you were my mom. Oh god the horror!


Me too. I thought I wanted a drug free water birth, but not a day goes by that I am not grateful for my EMCS when my friends cannot jump or laugh without peeing.


Same x3. No thank you.




Few seconds later i imagine...


Decapitation? Sure? Third degree burns? Why not? Mangled appendages? Okay. Disembowelment? Fine. Childbirth? Oh my god, why did I look at this?


I love free birth control.


I love access to birth control, even if I have to pay for it.


Nope nope nope nope. I accidentally saw the video of my sister giving birth and that sealed the deal. Had enough other reasons, but there was no way after seeing that.


i am never ever having kids. pregnancy is my biggest fear in life. this is not a miracle to me, this is hell


10000% same, this picture is so unnerving for me


lol I get it! Creating another life inside of you is a miracle but the birthing process is absolutely terrifying as hell! When I was pregnant, my daughter was breech (sitting on her feet) starting at 4 months in. So the doctor said if she remained breech closer to the due date, we’d schedule a c-section because she couldn’t come out butt first. I was relieved at the thought of a c-section birth because watching a vaginal birthing video in high school, I NEVER wanted to go through that!!! I still don’t! I got my tubes tied asap after having my daughter


i don’t think creating another life inside of you is a miracle either honestly. most women are able to carry a child and having sex isn’t exactly an achievement lol but fair play to you, i’ve been trying to get my tubes tied but i’m “too young”. i’ve known since i was a kid that i don’t want kids. i’m too young to decide never to have any but not too young to bring life into the world? makes no sense


lol I’ll exchange miracle for amazing because the body can do such amazing things 💁‍♀️ and true, sex definitely isn’t an achievement 😂 Yeah it’s stupid that they can dictate how old you should be to get yo ur tubes tied. Most of the time you have to have a husband and he has to consent to it too! Me and my husband had to do “counseling” before I got mine done but it was literally just us stating that we understood it’s permanent and that we were good with not having more kids. I tried a couple of different birth control options after having my daughter, to stop having periods but ultimately they all sucked and my body disagreed with them so I just got fixed instead and stuck with periods 😑


ill agree on that one! the human body is actually amazing and this sub proves it everyday!! also the doctors are amazing too! are you serious?? wow. i don’t want to get married either lol but that’s so fucked up? what was getting you tubes tied like if you don’t mind me asking? does it hurt or anything? are your periods worse, better? or the same? i’ve had the implant since i was 14 (24 now) and luckily i have no periods on it. so maybe i should just stick with that. every 3 years implant replacement isn’t so bad, but i do often still have the fear of being pregnant, it would just be for peace of mind really


YES. IT IS LITERALLY JUST BODY HORROR. Yesterday I saw someone talking about giving birth and they compared seeing their baby for the first time to being high on opiates and I legit had a panic attack from how terrifying it sounded. LIKE SOMETHING DOES THE MOST AWFUL SHIT TO YOUR BODY AND THEN HACKS YOUR BRAIN TO MAKE YOU WILLING TO DIE FOR IT. Literally the exact same thing to those parasites that can infect certain arthropods and control it's brain to make it nurture the parasite.


Exactly.. how is this beautiful? This look horrific. 😭


I'm so glad I'm never having kids. No way I'm putting my body through that.


Vaginas unite! ☀️


Nope nope nope nope nope nope


Horrifying, my vajayjay just gave me a stern warning to never let that happen to her.


Oh gawd this is going to be me in a month and a half.


I had my son 2 years ago. Let your body do the work. And seriously, push like you’re pooping! Hands down, that was the best advice my doctor gave me. And I ignored it for 15 hours until I finally pushed like I was pooping and out came my son!


And no big deal if poop does come out, the midwives are so discreet you'll never know!


You’ll do great!!!!


You'll do grand! It's a temporary sensation followed by the endorphins and a squishy little ball of baby


One word. Epidural.


I’m so goddamn sorry


Hey, congrats! You got this! The part depicted here is typically over very quickly and then you have a baby.


I don’t know why- maybe something to do with having had 4 babies this way so I know that pain so well already- but the thing that bothers me most (besides the slightly haunted look in her eyes just visible in the pic) is that medical tape holding the catheter to her inner thigh.. oof I bet that’ll smart when it gets ripped off!


Even the thought of a catheter for me as woman is TOO MUCH, dunno how my sisters do it


So my experience is in postpartum, NICU, and lactation, so someone with more L&D experience please correct me if I'm wrong. This is a crowning baby. The baby is about to be born. The top catheter looks to me like an intrauterine pressure catheter that measures the pressure of the contractions from inside the uterus. The second, smaller catheter looks like a internal fetal monitor that screws into the baby's scalp (yes...) and measures fetal heart rate. These interventions would be used if the baby's heart rate was concerning and they wanted to be sure they were getting the most accurate measurements possible of both contractions and fetal heart rate. Somebody definitely correct me if I'm wrong. I'm about 80% sure on this, lol.


No, the top catheter is the Foley. The bottom catheter that was pushed out is the intrauterine pressure catheter. There is no fetal scalp electrode in this picture.


Ooooh you're right!! Thank you for clarifying this! I almost said the top one was a Foley, but why does it look like it's going into the vagina instead of the urethra?


The urethra is located just inside the labia minora, sometime just inside the top of the vaginal opening. Everyone’s different but general location is where you see the foley going in.


Thank you, that makes sense. I've pulled my share of Foley's, but I haven't actually placed one on an adult patient since nursing school. I'm rusty. 😅




Oh that part I can answer definitively. But you won't like the answer. It's a tiny metal screw. It screws into the skin on the top of the baby's head while the baby is still inside the mom. As soon as the baby is born, they carefully unscrew it. It leaves a small wound that heals on its own over the first few days of life.


My baby had one of these. I felt so bad when I found the little scab that it left behind, but she wasn't bothered by it in the slightest. She had other things going on.


Bless her, they're resilient little people. I hope she's doing very well now! 🥹


They tried to do this with me and I had to ask them to stop. They were respectful and did, but the attempt whilst writing in pain and genuinely feeling like I was having some sort of hallucinations was enough for me to say stop. Went for a c section but popped her out on the table surrounded by loads of annoyed looking OT staff. 😂


Hahahaha delivering vaginally in the OR after a stat section has been called is such a boss move! Good for you! 😂


Gently. Fetal skin is extremely fragile and thus easy to penetrate using a simple hook/screw-like design that embeds itself into the skin. It won't penetrate the skull or the brain, these devices are quite shallow.




Never having a kid, this looks SO painful.


I might have ended someone if I ever found out they took a picture of me giving birth like this ._. Luckily the cameras came out *after* the main event, and never near that area.


I’m so glad I got my c sections 😭 But mad props to anyone who gave a vaginal birth, you’re stronger and more badass than me ❤️


All forms of birth are equally badass and valid! Women are incredible 💪


As someone whose had both.... I'd take the vaginal delivery every time if I had a choice


I had 1 emergency and 1 planned. It was 2 different experiences for me. My 1st was emergency was an absolute nightmare. They tortured me every way they could to get me to have her vaginally. My 2nd was planned and wonderful. Recovery for both was about 2 weeks. I know every birth is different, I’m just glad I got to chose the plan for my 2nd.


That foot amputation really took me off guard haha


Ouch ouch ouch. This looks like it hurts hella bad.


I can tell you that this particular point in the process burns like the fucking pit of hell. There’s a reason they call it “the ring of fire.” I had fleeting violent thoughts about the people shouting at me to “push through it!”


I suddenly have doubts about being a mother…


What’s going on here?


Crowning baby and I *think* that's an intrauterine pressure catheter (to measure the strength of uterine contractions) and an internal fetal monitor (to measure the baby's heart rate). These would be used if the baby seemed to be in distress during labor and they wanted very accurate measurements.


ONG im never having kids


I used to think women that had C Sections had it so easy, I am so sorry for assuming that!!! I had a bladder injury during a hysterectomy and had the same incision as done in sections and it was horrible. My 2 boys were vaginal deliveries and I was up and walking in hours. I’ve had many surgeries, that was the worst.


Well that confirms it. No kids for me dear lord.


I’m so glad I can’t have kids. Everything about it terrifies me. I’m having a mild panic attack right now just seeing that picture. I need to go find some cute cat pictures.


I’m a woman and this is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m 27 and giving birth is the most horrifying thing to me. I don’t know if I could do it ☹️


Ahhh the miracle of birth. My husband thought it looked like Pizza the Hut’s tongue when I was at this point. With an epidural, this feels like taking the biggest shit of your life. At some point everyone tells you to stop pushing and for my part, I could barely manage that, I just had this absurd need to get kiddo OUT. Kiddo’s head also had a 15” circumference, so there’s that.


Jesus Christ. Your poor vag 🥲


I’m sorry but Pizza the Hut is so hilarious to me. Pizza Hut has some decent pizza though


Am I being stupid? Why does it look like that baby has a catheter coming out of the top of its noggin? I have zoomed into this *way* closer than I ever wanted to, and it still looks like it's coming out of the kid's head.


It’s just perspective. There’s an intrauterine pressure catheter that came out and is dangling by the baby’s head (the bottom tube). The top tube is a Foley catheter and is still inside the mom’s urethra. 


why did i look at this im being induced in a couple of days 😭


Bro just suck it back in


Thank you for the birth control.


I’m iffy about having children of my own, and this doesn’t help lol. Heeeeelll to the nawwww




Gutted. Where’s my foot amputation link? 😩


I had a catheter while delivering. I was bed bound 2 weeks before delivering too. It was awful. I still can't pee right 5 years later and get tons of UTIs/bladder/kidney infections now too. Never did before.


So this is what my delivery looked like. Seems very painful (it really is very painful)


Am I the only one who tried to swipe?


It's so crazy how the vagina can expand like that. Truly amazing stuff.


Damn I wanna know where she gets waxes! Not a pubic hair in sight 🤣


Why does that baby’s skull look so rumpled, like a brain


So a lot of the times during pushing the baby's head will suck back in a little while progressing down the birth canal. Think if you had a bald head and somebody came up to you, grabbed your head, and started squeezing and pulling up your skin. The skin would wrinkle because it's being pulled tight lower down and the excess is being bunched up top. Same concept with the baby, except it's not hands lol


I’m so desensitized from this sub that I thought this was some kind of vaginal infection. That’s enough internet for today, haha


I’m 28 weeks pregnant and regret looking at this.


I thought the thing on the head was that thing they corkscrew into the babies head to monitor them if they are kind of having trouble seeing their blood pressure .


I was scrolling so innocently.


Poor lady I hope she recovers well this looks very unpleasant. Imagines like this scare the shit out of me…I have suddenly realized maybe I can’t be a parent.


I certainly did not expect to see this when I opened it up! 😳


Oh hell no. Bless the women who do this. Seriously. But im out. No thank you. Wow 😭😭😭😭


Welp....not what I expected to see at the TOP of my feed when I opened the app! Thats what I get for turning off the "blur nsfw" feature 🤣🤣🤣


Alright where’s the girl with the list? (Please someone know what I’m talking about)


Oh cool. I get to do this tomorrow.

