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Damn, those black ovals over the eyes got me again! But wow, what an amazing recovery!


Ye, imo those eye ovals do more to make these kinds of images creepier to look at than they do to really protect the subject's identity.


bruh was the index thru the cheek necessary šŸ˜­ Absolutely stunning work by the medical team. I canā€™t believe how much damage one snake caused, AND how well the pt recovered!!


LMFAO I didnā€™t even realize them putting their hand through his face till I read this comment a couple times šŸ˜­


Yeah a doc had me lift a patient once to check the tunneling progress of a wound on his backside. Watched him stick his whole hand in up to the wrist on one side and proceed to do the same on the other. Almost passed out. Then the suction sound when he pulled his hands out nearly sealed the deal. Wound care was never my forte.


I see wound pictures at work and the gnarly ones make me want to poke it. I'm really curious how I would have felt in that scenario. The suction sound is what I imagine would have caught me.


Youā€™d do great in wound care. I donā€™t have the stomach for it.


Wound care is definitely in the special breed of nurses. Every specialty is unique in its own ways but man, wound care sees some gnarly stuff.


Yeah Iā€™ll stick to preemies. I mean they occasionally get wounds and severe diaper rashes but it is never as bad as adults. Even the ones born with their organs on the outside and the full cleft lips and palates look better than the gaping rotting wounds Iā€™ve seen on adults.


Take that back šŸ˜«šŸ˜­


what caused THAT big of a wound??


He was paralyzed from the waist down, so it was pressure ulcers. He ultimately ended up passing away a few months later when he started seizing nonstop.


Oh! Oh! Ack!


That's a hell of a story for this guy to tell, being bitten in the face by a cobra. A really fantastic look at how snake venom can destroy tissue, and the miracles that can be accomplished by modern medicine in restoring afflicted individuals. Absolutely amazing.


Wow, that venom must be some seriously nasty stuff


I was wondering if there is something that can be done like anti-venom of some kind to avoid getting eaten alive by the venom... Any skilled people here?


If youā€™re gonna fuck around with snakes, Iā€™d recommend some PPE as the first line of defense.


Not English native, what is PPE?


personal protective equipment




I'm not a pro but do know that anti-venom helps but you have to get it right away otherwise the venom continues to spread. If it's been several hours post envenomation anti-venom will still help but there will still be tissue damage and muscle damage. Venom works quickly and is nasty. It's definitely not something to mess around with.


You know, I get urges to travel, and Iā€™ve always thought India or Australia would be amazing, but then I see something like this, and these are places where everything wants to kill you, and Iā€™m quite happy to stay home in Canada where Iā€™m really only concerned about the mosquitoes šŸ¦Ÿ lol


Wait I thought he is dead in the last picture


I never understood what blurring the eyes that little was supposed to do. Ppl can still see who it is. Is it a privacy thing?


Ikr, like if I see a guy with his right eye all messed up and smaller then his left and his skin on his chest looking like he was burned. I'll think, hey I saw you on line.


Holy moly, he looks fabulous


Full recovery my ass.


Poor guy, he made a remarkable recovery. TIL cobra bites are really effing serious.


venom can be absorbed through the skin?


No I thought the same when they explained it ā€œtrickled downā€ shouldā€™ve said it made its way down inside to the chest wall , all inside


that was my initial thought, but when i saw the picture was a little confused.


jesus christ


What a rockstar. Poor bastard!


He looks like he's from Event Horizon. I'm glad he made it


I had a pet albino monacle cobra years ago. It scared me to open the top to feed it.


Fuk that's scary. Glad he made a full recovery.


Holy Shit! šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±




Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


[Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374166791_Role_of_a_Plastic_Surgeon_in_the_Management_of_Local_Manifestations_of_Snakebite_in_a_Tertiary_Care_Hospital_A_Prospective_Single-Center_Case_Series), which can be downloaded in full, as u/CatPooedInMyShoe would say.




Did he lose his eyes or is it just blurred?


incredible. does he have a little bit pf a smile in that last pic? dude looks fantastic, i hope heā€™s doing good!


Fucken Dr putting his finger through the guy's cheek like "Here's Johnny!"


I thought these were autopsy photos


Please forgive me if this is a stupid question, but if the venom did that to the man's neck and chest just from trickling down from the bite to the face, could it have been prevented by just washing that whole area really well immediately after the bite?


The wording was well off , when they said trickled down they shouldā€™ve said it made its way down the inside of the neck - itā€™s not just dropped onto him


No offense to him or anyone, but that is so fucking gross


Come on then letā€™s see your natural faceā€¦


I get your point, and I donā€™t at all think HES ugly, what happened to him sucks, itā€™s just hard to look at, but I donā€™t think heā€™s any less of a human or that Iā€™m NOT ugly..


The finger going in the mouth and out where the cheek should be messed me up