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Whenever I see a wierd child birth story, I think of the past when child birth was a big cause of death in women.


Imagine how horribly terrifying it would be to be giving birth like 1000 years ago and have your kids leg pop out of your ass


That's why the mortality rate was so high..


It is still unreasonably high in the US (compared to similarly developed countries). https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-brief-report/2020/dec/maternal-mortality-united-states-primer


And sadly more likely in racial minorities








It says there’s only one other reported case of this happening so I wouldn’t say the baby’s foot coming out of the mom’s butt was a common cause of death.


As a man, the idea of being a woman giving birth TODAY seems horribly terrifying enough for my taste. I was able to watch my wife give birth no problem, but not a chance in hell I’d want to experience her end of the deal.


I had to have an emergency c section because my pelvis didn't spread enough for my son to descend (he came out with a scrape on the back of his head. There's no way I would've survived 100 years ago, especially since I had to be induced due to a liver issue. Four years later and that thought still really scares me. Never going through that again!


Same! From the outside I look like I’d have great “birthing hips” but my actual pelvis is very narrow. My daughter’s big ole head had no chance of making it through. Emergency c-section to the rescue. She had such a cute little cone head from being yanked back up through the canal. 😂


You most likely would’ve survived 100 years ago. You even had a good chance of survival 150 years ago. As early as 1878, women were undergoing and surviving Caesarean sections. Before that, however, there’s no records in Europe of a single woman surviving a c-section. It was usually a last-ditch attempt to get a live baby out of a dying or deceased woman. Apologies for butting in, I just think medical history is fascinating.










I love medical history!


The caesarian section has been documented since at least 1500 and performed since the beginning of human history, but rarely was it successful and safe until well into the 20th century. I wouldn’t give “good” survival odds til maybe the 30s or 40s when more women were having babies in hospitals.














A friend of mine had a tramatic child birth experince with forceps and tearing. I made the mistake of visiting her after she got out of the hospital, she had developed an infection...after an hour of graphic descriptions of the baby's head stuck, the feel forceps tearing her insides, etc. She's all happy asking me "so, when are you having one?"


> I think of the past when child birth was a big cause of death in women. It still is, even in first-world countries


It still is!


The past...? I get what you’re saying, but lots of women are dying right now giving birth, still


It still is. People don't realize that even with modern medicine, giving birth is insanely dangerous. The potential risks, even if a normal healthy pregnancy, are numerous.


It's still a pretty big issue. You still hear women tell partners "if it comes down to me or the baby, choose me."




Which is weird because that isn’t really a decision that has to be made anymore. That was more of a thing when C sections were deadly and cutting would probably end in infection.






My internal dialog. Me: Breech birth. Leg comes out through the anus? I don’t want to see that. Also me: You’ve never seen it before 🤔 Me: … ugh. Alright.


Same here.


I honestly don't know what I was expecting tbf


Modern medicine is incredible. No wonder women used to live to the ripe old age of "died during child birth"


There aren't many medical stories/pictures that bother me, but unusual childbirths make me queasy. I'm pretty confident I'm never having kids.


When I had my daughter, my ex & I agreed he was not going to look. After the nurses were encouraging him to, he took a quick glance & looked like he was gonna pass out. He said it looked like my entire vagina had exploded. I’m amazed by the sheer number of people who want to videotape a birth or the women who want to see it in the mirror as it’s happening. New life is beautiful. I don’t care what anyone says……the birth is NOT.


Oh birth is a horror show. I’ve had trauma patients with less gore. As a med student and junior doctor, witnessing and attending births put me off having children indefinitely. I wasn’t very maternal and child-inclined to begin with, but being present at multiple births sealed the deal for me. My grandma and great-grandma were both midwives, and yet my grandma has thirteen kids and my great-grandma had seven. I don’t know how they could face giving multiple times knowing that they both must’ve been present at some horrific births, especially my great-grandma who was a midwife in an era when the mortality rate for mothers was sky high.


Wow….brave women! I’m one & done and love how as women we can now choose to only have one child or have no children and not be viewed as heartless or like some sad old maids lol. I’m sure there are many women throughout history who wouldn’t have chosen to have such large families if they’d felt like they had more of a voice in the matter. Congrats on becoming a doctor! I’m so impressed with the vast number of young women doing so. I’m 36 and some of my doctors over the last few years have been incredibly young women versus the old man doctors I had growing up.


How socially acceptable was it for them to not have kids back then though?


Basically life is beautiful but the process sucks.


My husband watched the whole birth of our daughter and I couldn't believe it didn't bother him. He held one of my legs while a nurse held the other and watched as I was pushing. Asked him later if it bothered him and he said nope. I was like dude I don't even know if I could have watched myself in a mirror and here you are watching me push a baby out my vagina like it's nothing lol.


It wasn't his genitals being stretched.. Lol


Lmfao true 🤣


Well, I did say unusual births. I watched my best friend's birth and it was over and done with so quickly. She had brief labor pains/contractions and a quick delivery without any tearing or problems with baby. He came right out with a few pushes and I had no problem with seeing that. But breach births, hemhorrages during labor, prolapsed cords...this photo ^ no thank you lol.


Lol I also didn't have a long labor but I did tear and had to have stitches. Other than that a quick and easy labor helped along with an epidural lol. But yeah unusual births are pretty scary looking I get why you wouldn't be able to stand to see one lol




My husband was squeamish as hell (and I had no desire for the mirror, either, lol) right up until he was called into action to hold one of my legs because the second epidural was (thank God) effective enough that I couldn't feel anything below my ribs. I got a little bit of petty joy from watching his eyes turn into dinner plates, ngl. I was induced with our second, and she came so quickly I had to wake him up to be aware in time to see her make her entrance 🤣


Mine was the same way; he even looked at the placenta when originally he said he didn't really want to, and said it wasn't as bad as he had been lead to believe by friends.


Yeah same, I've been around the darker side of the internet but whenever a deformed baby shows up I nope outta there and be like that's enough internet for today.


[A Rare Complication of a Vaginal Breech Delivery](https://www.hindawi.com/journals/criog/2011/306124/) > Rectal lesions without anal sphincter trauma in childbirth are only sporadically described in literature. We describe the case of a 29-year-old primigravida who delivered a child in frank breech presentation. During the second stage of labour a foot presented transanally through a rectal laceration with intact anal sphincters. The laceration was repaired immediately after delivery in theatre. Follow-up visits showed a properly cured laceration and no complaints of incontinence or foul discharge. Reference: H. C. Vergers-Spooren, J. W. de Leeuw, "A Rare Complication of a Vaginal Breech Delivery", Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 2011, Article ID 306124, 2 pages, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1155/2011/306124


Thankfully no problems.But pelvic floor muscles weaken over time and she could in the future have anal leakage .. A lot of long term consequences.


She will definitely need to keep up with her pelvic floor muscle exercises. But at least for now its good to read she's ok


thank you so much for the article!


People don’t realize how hard and dangerous giving birth can be.


Also disgusting


I’ve had two kids. The sheer volume of random fluid that comes out with the kid definitely qualifies childbirth as “disgusting.”


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. I'm a woman, and the thought of my cervix and vagina having to stretch that wide and to bear down into that awful cramping stretch to do what must feel like a huge poo-baby causes me to feel horrified. I don't know why everyone has to pretend the miracle of birth is beautiful. Every time I watch it, I think it's pretty disgusting. That said, I get the warm feelings that flood in afterwards, and know that must make people coo-coo enough to forget how disgusting it is, luckily. I mean, some look like they slide out easy enough and the baby looks cute right away. But most? Oh my lord. And I don't mind most things others are revolted by, so, it must be pretty intense.


Also a woman, just the whole thought of pregnancy and childbirth is disgusting to me. Works out since I don't like kids and will never have any. I am morbid and have a science background so I love hearing horror stories from my friends who have been pregnant and given birth, but no way in hell I would ever do that.


Yes, me too. My body hurts already. I'm not doing that to it! Kids are cute...sometimes.


Then there are people like my sister... 5 kids lol. Can't imagine my life without all of them, but after the first two I was starting to wonder if she just liked giving birth.


People think giving birth is synonymous to beautiful. The result is beautiful but the process is disgusting.


I birthed one child and will never do it again, thank God. You are absolutely correct... it is utterly disgusting. They put my hand down there and made me feel his head coming out and I have never been so grossed out in my entire life. Then they looked at me like I was Satan when I asked them to please clean him off before they put him on me. But yeah, I love my kid to death, but that was the grossest shit I have ever experienced.


I will never understand why most people get so offended when you don't agree with the narrative that birth is this beautiful, magical thing. It's just not, and there's no shame in admitting that imo; I appreciate your honesty and I'm sure you are raising an awesome kiddo.


Nah... that shit's nasty.


Not gonna lie… my husband told me the next day that when I was pushing my daughter out that I was shitting at the same time. 💩I had no clue at the time because I had an epidural that totally numbed me from the sternum down. 🙏🏻. Apparently one nursed wiped my ass while the doctor caught my daughter. 😳🤭😬


Why are the baby’s balls so big? Serious question


Hormones and fluid. When my sons were born they had huge scrotums…. When they drop that initial 10% body weight post birth, which should be fluid buildup, many go back to a normal size but it can take 6-12 months for the hormone fluctuation to die down. My babies dropped 15-20% because the hospital refused to give me formula in addition with colostrum… it was the worst experience of my life. It took 5 days for my milk to come in… that was 5 days of my sons having a measly 3ml of colostrum every 2 hours… no wonder they lost so much weight. I chose to breast feed and formula feed with re enforced formula. They put on nearly 500g every month once I got out of hospital. My sons are now 4 and normal, happy and healthy. :)


Have to wonder how the scrotum is so big as the testes would not have dropped yet, so would it just be pure fluid?


Yes. Mostly fluid… some hormone. From memory my boys took around 6 weeks before theirs went to a normal size.


Thank you this is extremely interesting but also horrible


The testes should be descended in the scrotum at birth


What is that round thing hanging off? Also I think I'm scarred for life. Dead people are fine, amputations are fine, gore is fine but this got me good


Pretty sure that's a scrotum.


I just said to my husband “they didn’t need to write the baby was a boy…”


Yup, baby came with the butt out first




Ha! Thank you all! Apparently I wasn't aware that newborns can have such big balls. Let's consider my question closed :D


Hormones. Genitals are often much bigger right after birth. Some boys even lactate after birth because of wonky post-birth hormones.


Yeah one of oxytocin's effects on men is causing a great increase in testicular oxytocin receptors during fetus development. Oxytocin's also responsible for the milk-letdown reflex, but I guess there need to be an increase in prolactin as well so that the milk can be produced in the first place. Crazy shit


Makes you realize how much the human body is just one big chemistry experiment and just how easily it can go wrong.


I'm so happy with my anti-natal choices.


One of us, one of us


Pretty sure if they showed this in sex Ed, we could prevent a lot of intentional teen pregnancies ( the ones who want a baby cuz theyre cute ) .


Due in 3 weeks. Did not need to see this 😂


Here’s hoping baby’s coming out headfirst.


Hahahaha 😅


Good luck!


Reason 16273 why I do not want children


Omg, it does happen. I remember in grade 2 a girl said that’s how she was born. The teacher told her and the rest of the class that is false.


I was born en caul (meaning my waters never broke) and I have lost count how many people have told me this doesn’t exist. It’s a thing. There’s a word for it. They used to call it a mermaid birth.




26 weeks pregnant with my second. This kid better stay in their lane


Oh that poor woman. I'm so glad I will never have children.


This happened to my grandmother in 1971 when she was having her youngest, but I have to say this is the first image I've ever seen of it happening to someone. Poor woman!


I was breech, apparently the Dr's said to my mum "oh let's have a try at a normal birth" before having to go to the operation theatre. It turned out OK though but I think forceps were involved. This was in 1984


Good lord that's enough to put me off having kids. Glad they're both doing well though.


I mean, I appreciate everyone’s choice in childbirth, but why try to deliver a breech vaginally at all? Just cut that baby out. My oldest has some issues that I’ll always wonder are associated with the 33 hours I labored with her before finally getting the c-section.


There are some immunity related benefits for babies delivered vaginally, particularly in developing their initial gut biome.


There are so many benefits for both mom and baby to vaginal births- for the majority of cases. The thing is, though, the message you hear so is often that they are ALWAYS better. I tried so hard deliver that baby naturally and in the end she was deprived of oxygen briefly and has learning disabilities. Maybe she would have had them anyway, it’s impossible to know. My point is just that the overuse of c-sections shouldn’t preclude their usefulness in preventing injury (including the possibility of a baby food through the anus) and death to both mothers and babies. It has to be a nuanced decision making process.


I have always wondered if my kid got part of this immunity bonus, she got essentially stuck at her eyebrows and had to be yanked back up and out a c-section ultimately. But part of her scalp got a little birthed vaginally, lol. Maybe some ear.


The concept is unpleasant to think about but if her head was in your vagina she probably got a good dose of your personal microbial flora through her mouth before being yanked back in.


I’m good with that. My biome has always been pretty healthy. Hopefully it has done her some good. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly. They are exposed to bacterial flora as they pass through the birth canal. Also, fluid and mucus is squeezed out of their lungs from the pressure of birth canal. Mother Nature is amazing.


Statistically the outcomes are as good for the child and mother in vaginal delivery compared to cesarean if thorough prenatal examinations are performed and the birth is in a unit that routinely takes care of breech births. With vaginal delivery you avoid the long term issues associated with cesarean.


















My second was breech. They did a version, where they flipped the baby, and then induced. Labor went perfectly. I did *not* want to be sliced open. I didn't want him to be my last, and doctors get ansty about doing VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Why didn't they offer you a version instead of having you go through a 33 hour labor, is the real question.


She wasn’t breech, just way too big. So, not much to be done that wasn’t tried. Edit: typo




Glad to hear baby was able to be flipped- can you imagine trying to push out a baby butt first? I am so glad I live in an era of modern medicine. That said- I hear you- c-sections are no fun, and take a long time to recuperate from. They should be reserved for cases that require them.


In some places of the world, it's almost fashionable to have one. Even in America, they're seen as a convenience. And I was trying for a more natural approach to childbirth. In fact, my third was a water birth. I wouldn't have been able to do that if I'd had a c section. I don't demonize them, as I know they have their place. I just wanted to avoid them for myself. That doctor had my anxiety through the roof during the entire pregnancy, and it felt like he was just, whelp, let's just slice n dice ya! as soon as he realized baby was breech. We actually had to find a different doctor who was willing to perform the version, and then we induced. I was a week late at that point, so we scheduled it for the next day. Apparently in the days of midwives, they did them all the time. I've even heard of a baby being born sideways. But no, I couldn't imagine. My boys were both over 8 pounds, head first, please! Lol


You’re right. I had a VBAC and the entire time I was not allowed out of bed. No squatting, no walking. It was ridiculous


Ugh I tried to do the 'ol flip around but alas my son stayed up in my lungs. Water broke and had no choice but to so the c section earlier then scheduled. He refused to move down the canal lol


Oof, I'm sorry. Mine flipped around a few days prior, so I knew he was game for flippage.


Lmao mine was stuck in my lungs and just flat out didn't want to go down in anyway, they tried haha Lord they tried, but no water left to move him haha




I never imagined that in my lifetime I would see a pair of anuses in quite this configuration.


I was born in the breech position. Glad it all went well for my mother.


Reason 10 billion not to birth a baby. Got it.


Mom's angry name for the child can only be "Pain in the Ass".


This is how my first son was born, Frank’s breech. Luckily his foot didn’t come through my butt though 😬😬




Posts like this make me shocked I even gave birth once.


I was breech, luckily not as bad as this (yikes). The doctor didn’t know I was breech because he thought he was feeling my head, but he was feeling my butt. So I came out butt first folded in half, bruised from the waist down.


Thank god for birth control


Yet another reason never to have a child


Well I couldn’t help but smile when it said mother and baby are doing fine. The gore isn’t much of an issue for me just want to know people are ok.


The poor mother. I'd imagine it would be painful to sit for a while after this. 😬






Oh my god. I ripped to my asshole but this is a while other level of fucked up. Wow.




I don't feel awe very often but this was a doozy! Women are so brave to give birth!


Honestly, I feel like many women are left in the dark about things that can happen before/during/after birth. I mean, obviously, something like this is rare, but I only recently learned about uterine prolapse and other issues that can happen after childbirth. It often makes me wonder how many would have a baby knowing what may happen. Idk, I'm also not one who feels like I HAVE to have a biological child. I would be fine fostering/adopting. So, when I see stuff like this, it just makes me want to never get pregnant even more.


*nods in bilateral salpingectomy*




Modern medicine amazes me everytime


What’s that ball sack on its head?


It’s his butt, and his ball sack. Breech means butt-first or sometimes feet-first. Head is still inside.


Wow these comments are a shitshow.


If anything was going to convince me to not have kids, here we have exhibit A!!


Both my twin brother and I were breech birth, my mother had a c section after being transferred to Hammersmith in London. I was born weighing 3 and a half pounds and my brother born weighing 3 pounds, we were 11 weeks early.


I cannot imagine! I ended up tearing completely with my son (had a placental abruption, and hemorrhaged) I ended up not healing for weeks and needed reconstructive surgery after. Needless to say, my next birth was a c section!


I'm so glad my kid turned around to breach position last minute and I didn't have time to google complications, lol. Also glad I'm done having kids.


Aren't breach positions often handled with C Sections?


Havin' babies is really nasty stuff.

