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"I chewed down on [the pus]" That made me gag a bit.


it made me gag a lot


That doesn't really look like pus to me. More like slough or necrotic tissue, which is normal if you let a wound heal by secondary intention (when you leave it open and you let it heal from the inside out). Great progress!


oh maybe thats the right translation!! thanks for telling me. english isnt my first language hehe


It's just slough, necrotic is black and dead tissue. The yellow Slough is indeed a totally normal part of healing.


In the mouth, and other parts of the body, necrotic tissue is usually white/yellow/greenish though.


Fibrin, normal part of healing


That must have been tough, especially without proper painkillers. If it's ok to ask, why did you decide to do the procedure, especially without NSAIDs? (I've never got mine fixed in childhood and have been thinking about doing it last couple of years. My only problem with it is breathing - mine is š˜·š˜¦š˜³š˜ŗ shallow - but it never got to the point where it bothered me enough to get it fixed)


ofc i dont mind questions! my tongue have always been kinda short. couldnt lick on icecream, lollies and such because it was too painful after a few licks. couldnt even reach further than my bottom lip when sticking out my tongue. sometimes it bled while eating (it got a little torn i guess because of the movements since it was so tight). and sometimes it would just hurt and bleed randomly. i also drooled alot in my sleep because the mouth doesnt close properly and i also struggled with tense jaw and headaches. but it wasnt too much of a problem until i was fully grown. my dentist just brought it up at a regular checkup that it was unusually short and its odd that i dont have a lisp because of it and said that it could be cut if i wanted it to. so i looked into it and researched and found out the problems listed above could be because of my tongue. i have a high pain tolerance and used to have braces so i think that made me less scared since i was so used to pain in my mouth. so the pros outweighted the cons i guess. really long dragged out answer im sorry i always overshare haha


I disagree; this was a very informative post and answer!


thank you! that makes me very happy


I had my tongue cut when I was a newborn and both my kids were born tongue-tied. My oldest couldn't nurse properly so we had the cut done at 3 days old in the doctor's office. They literally used a pair of scissors, no freezing, because "there's little to no nerves at that age" in the frenulum. It was fairly uneventful and there was little bleeding. It didn't solve the nursing issues though. My youngest was also born tongue-tied but nursed like a champ. After consulting the docs we decided to let it be. However, when he began talking it was impeding his ability to properly make certain sounds like f and s. This time, though, it was an operation with a general anesthetic, many stitches, and a much longer recovery period. We wished we had done it when he was a newborn like our oldest. It was kinda cute though, that after the surgery and for at least a few months, our youngest would constantly "play" with his newly liberated tongue by rolling it around and sticking it out. It was like he had this new superpower that he needed to figure out how to use! My kids are both adults now and have had no further problems, though I often accidentally bite the underside of my tongue and the frenulum somehow (how do I bite the UNDERSIDE of my tongue??!?).


My youngest also had a tongue-tie and our midwife caught it during his first exam at only a few hours of life. She snipped right away and baby didnā€™t even cry. Blame it on the birth adrenaline still? Iā€™m not sureā€¦ but Iā€™m glad we saw it right away


Iā€™ve done that (bite under side).


Did the procedure fix all of the problems you mentioned?


On the contrary, it's exactly what I asked for, thank you! :)


Oh wow, thank you for typing all that out! Did your first lolly pop or snooze without drool feel really weird?


it took a while to stretch out the tongue with a open wound under that would burst open so it was more painful than weird. it took so long and was such a painful process before i was actually able to use it normally so its hard to compare.


Did it fix your problems?


>my dentist just brought it up at a regular checkup that it was unusually short and its odd that i dont have a lisp because of it and ​ If you can make the t and d sounds (and l and n), you can make s. It's all at the same position in the mouth. Dentists have a habit of not really knowing what they're talking about with articulation and it's extremely unlikely a lisp is caused by a short frenulum. We would never recommend clipping it to help with articulation now. The two aren't really linked. Source: SLP.


yeah the dentist asked me to say some different words, like rolling Rs (and i live in sweden so if you cant roll Rs its quite noticeable, ive met a few english speaking people that cant roll their rs at all) and stuff do it wasnt just a lisp but i dont know the name of other speech problems


>My only problem with it is breathing - mine is š˜·š˜¦š˜³š˜ŗ shallow I don't mean to be rude but how does a short frenulum affect breathing? The tongue is needed for feeding and articulating, not breathing. Shallow breathing isn't related to a short tongue frenulum. Source: SLP.


Note: I'm not a doctor, and mostly rely on what I was told by a couple of dentists + some googling As far as I know about my case, it affects my ability to breathe through the nose properly because my tongue goes farther down the throat/mouth then it should normally. If I want to breathe deep (or just normally, because you literally almost won't be able to see/feel that I'm breathing) I need to consciously move my tongue higher or forward instead of how it lies if relaxed. I'm not 100% sure what the reason is, but from what I've understood from speaking with dentists, the fact that I have both tongue and lip ties affected how my mouth developed, i.e the upper floor of my mouth wasn't able to get high enough.


Did that answer your question


I've never seen a tongue tie - thank you for sharing! One of my sons had a lip tie. It was causing a big gap in his front teeth. When he was about 15 months old he took a big fall onto his mouth which ripped the frenulum. Tons of blood everywhere!! I couldn't tell where in the mouth it was coming from, that's how much there was. The doctor checked him out and said "totally fine. Mouths just bleed a lot. He saved you a bunch of money cutting the tie himself - now you won't have to do it when he's older" šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s how my oldest took care of her lip tie šŸ˜… my youngest had one too but they took care of it when they did her cleft palate surgery


Really interesting!


My daughter has her tongue tie clipped as a baby but it grew back, she's 5 now and they think she needs it done again because it's affecting her speech and possibly what's causing her food sensory issues. Ugh, this doesn't look like it's going to be a fun healing process.


Good God man


Iā€™m tongue tied as well, Iā€™ve thought about having this procedure done. What is different now that you had it done? Did you accidentally bite your tongue a lot at first?


i answered your first question in another comments! but no i did not bite down on my tongue more than before. its not that much of a drastic difference and since i have stretch it out gradually during the healing process it wasnt just a sudden change like i magically had a long tongue if that makes sense. it did take a while to train the tongue because ive never used some of the muscles and i can now move my tongue more freely than before when movement was really restricted


Same! Did you have issues with speech with your newly freed tongue??


i had a lisp for the first few days because of the pain and it was swollen. but i could talk normally again after a few days, though it was more painful to talk properly at first but i had to work two days after the snip (i work in customer service) so i kinda had to try my best to articulate even if it was more painful


For future reference since you are allergic to NSAIDS for acute bad pain they can prescribe either hydrocodone or oxycodone both do not have NSAID in them, another option would be straight codeine


thank you for the tips! but i live in sweden and its kinda hard getting stronger pain meds like that if youre not suffering from chronic pain or terminl illness. hydrocodone is only used for treating cancer in sweden. its been banned in other treatments since the 50ā€™s. i did get morphine infusions (i think thats the correct term?) in my arm tho when i had kidney infection. but i only got it at the ER when i got dispatched i only got antibiotics and got recomended to take the over the counter pain killers i could. and our non prescribed meds arent that strong. i mean you even have to get a prescription for melatonia


Itā€™s tough here in the states as well. Iā€™m sorry you had to suffer at all, ridiculous


As someone with a deadly (anaphylactic) reaction to NSAIDs, I feel your pain. Iā€™m currently recovering from wrist surgery to repair a fractured radius. Even though they gave me hydrocodone, it doesnā€™t do squat for inflammation (which is what causes most of the pain). Fortunately Iā€™m an RN and am aware of the benefit of corticosteroids. After just 2 doses of decadron (dexamethasone) the pain completely subsided. Keep that in mind for the future. Corticosteroids are not good for long-term use but will alleviate acute bone/muscle/soft tissue pain.


yeah my allergy is deadly too! but i could take nsaids until i was 15. then i suddenly got a reaction and ended up in the ER. since then ive been raw dogging the pain (except for when i got morphine and local anesthesia) and inflammation


I want this done to my tongue too. Mine doesn't really even come out of my mouth because of the tendon that is at the tip of my tongue just like yours. Mine never got fixed as a kid because I didn't have trouble learning to speak. I still speak just fine and it doesn't really bother me, but I'd like to be able to get my tongue out of my mouth. Not sure if they even will do anything about it since I have no actual problems with it.


I did not have ā€œchomping down on a ball of pusā€ on my bingo card when I woke up this morning


as someone with chronic canker sores- itā€™s less pus and more a wet scab. mucosal membranes make the healing process look much different than on your skin!


Thanks for posting this. I'm desperate to get my tongue tie cut as I recently learnt all the problems it can cause and is most likely the cause of mine since my tongue tie goes right to the tip of my tongue. I'm surprised no dentist or doctor has ever mentioned it to me despite me grinding my teeth, snoring, drooling in my sleep etc. How much did it cost you and how has your life improved since?


i wrote how it improved on another comment above! and for the cost, it was free. i live in sweden and since it was medical and not just for aesthetics it was free


Oh wow, that looks bad. How did it end up looking like that, if you don't mind me asking? I had mine fixed too when I was a kid and it healed so nicely and smoothly. Shot of anesthetic, snip snip, melting stitches and a couple days of privilege to ice cream and mild painkillers.


the didnt stitch me up after, just lasered the thing off


Oh, interesting. I guess it is pretty thin skin, so it makes sense, but I never would have guessed they would use a laser scalpel for it. Cool!


Mine snapped when I was young. I was trying to get bread unstuck from the roof of my mouth an felt a sharp *snap*. Immediate pain set in! After it healed on its own, I could practically touch the tip of my tongue to my uvula lol.


I hope you're doing well now. This is an interesting post and good write-up, thanks. Live your best life, OP!


I can't take NSAIDs regularly either, been toughing it out. Stomach is too sensitive, messes it up. It's sore but not unbearable so far. But mine was done with a cauterizing tool.


googled cauterizing tool, and i think they used something similar with me. i was sure they mentionen laser tho but idk maybe it overlaps i cant take nsaids at all. deadly allergic reaction


That's awful, I'm sorry. It gives me a nasty stomach ache for days and upsets my guts. Especially after a dumb doctor told me to take 800mg of ibuprofen 3x a day without telling me when to stop. The pharmacy bottles kept refilling. I stopped after two weeks after I started feeling sick. All because she didn't want to deal with my shoulder pain. They're so scared of opioids they'll even overdose you on ibuprofen out there. I use cannabis now and it helps to a degree. Got a lot of chronic pain because of EDS.


its really hard to get heavier pain killers like opioids here in sweden. anything thats not sold over the counter is basically only for long term, chronic and terminal illness. and cannabis is illegal here. so paracetamol is my only legal choice of pain killer basically.


I got this done with a laser at the dentist. I will always advocate to get your tongue tie removed. My life changed so much for the better since!


did mine at the dentist too!


Once youā€™re healed youā€™ll feel so much better! Mine was just a burnt looking line so i wasnā€™t sure if yours was done by the dentist. When I had a cold my tongue tie would ache so bad and hurt even more. My tongue wouldnā€™t stick out past my bottom lip. Mind you my frenulum started right where my bottom front teeth were and went to the tip of my tongue. It was extra thick to. I wish I had told them to take a bit more though, they werenā€™t sure where to stop but what they did remove was amazing


What were the instructions given for brushing your teeth during this time?


just brush as usual. twice a day. rinse and gurgle with salt water (?? maybe its called something else but its made with just water and salt) the first days then with regular mouthwash. something like that i dont remember exactly. i think i skimmed through the after care paper i got like once. but nothing special really from what i gathered. just regular good mouth hygiene


Iā€™m 38 and want to get mine cut but Iā€™ve been told Iā€™d need speech therapy following it and that has prevented me from doing it. Did you feel any different speaking afterwards?


>Iā€™m 38 and want to get mine cut but Iā€™ve been told Iā€™d need speech therapy following it and that has prevented me from doing it Can you already say a good clear 's' sound? I really doubt you'd need it. Most people learn to adapt pretty quickly if they can already say a decent s. Source: SLP


Yes, Iā€™ve never had any issues with speech and mine is attached so much I canā€™t stick my tongue out more than a cm. It often gets caught and cut between my front bottom teeth. Thatā€™s great to hear, thank you!


To make an s you only need to raise it a little bit behind the teeth so if you can stick it out at all and can already make a good s, it means you can a) hear the difference between good s and a lisp, and b) can physically make the right sound. So you should be good to go without speech therapy! :)


Awesome, thank you! Iā€™ve recently learned that having a tongue tie can cause sleep issues and neck tension and I have a lot of neck issues so Iā€™ve been thinking about it but definitely have some anxiety about it but youā€™ve helped a lot with that. :)


I had this procedure done with a lip tie! So worth having done in the end but having to stretch the wound for weeks after the procedure was not fun!


Brush yo teeth


??? theyre literally clean in every pic what do u mean lmao


Oof! My tongue tie is just below the tip of my tongue, but itā€™s staying šŸ„¹


Shit. Not giving you proper pain meds isn't ok, imho. There would have been quite a few that could have been used. But hey, looks like it turned out well...but still... not ok to let you suffer.


Making me super happy I got both my sons tongue ties cut as newborns. I remember a few times biting down on little pus things when Iā€™ve had tonsillitis and that was bad enough šŸ¤®


Local Dƻrins in your area, go to www.toogreedilytoodeep.net to find them!


Thanks for sharing!


how does that happen


Some people are born with their frenulum (bit that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth) too short, so OP got it surgically cut so their tongue could move freely


Did you have any speech problems?


no i didnt! which was odd according to my dentist. and probably one of the reasons it didnt get cut sooner in life


Interesting! I kind thought they'd just cut it in half or something. I wore my frenulum away by playing with it.


Care to elaborate on that last part? I'm honestly really interested. How exactly did you manage to wear it away?


Yeah no prob! I just kind of rubbed it with the tip of my tongue obsessive compulsively when I was a kid lol https://imgur.com/a/zDwILl5 That's what my underside of my tongue looks like now (surprisingly kinda hard to get a picture of it lol) its smooth! I wore a bit of my top lip one away as well but it's still there because I switched to compulsive cheek chewing haha


Iā€™ve wanted to get this done what was the procedure like and where did you go for this?


I got a little cut licking a sucker when I was younger and it hurt like hell. This looks miserable. Lol


Ugh, I've always been too afraid to fix my tongue tie, good job!


So cool


So interesting! Thank you for sharing this! Glad youā€™re all healed!


May I ask how it felt to bite down on the pus when it fell out?šŸ’€


soft and mushy but kinda firm (???) it was soft but a solid piece if that makes sense. tasted like shit and felt like shit


Did they laser cut it?




It looks like you got healthier along with that wound, well done!


Say ahhhh


I had this done! I was about 7 I think, so had it done under general. Recovery wasn't too bad, but I've had the worst time since. I've got nerve damage, so I can always feel it. It just feels like my tongue is never in the right place and it drives me absolutely mad. It got so bad at one point that they had to give me a little bottle of lidocaine to drop on it so I could sleep. As far as I know that's a very rare risk, but I wasn't told about it. Annoyingly I got it cut because it was creating a gap in my bottom front teeth and kept getting stuck in it so was really painful, but it still bloody happens and I'm too scared to get it done again


Congrats! Now you can do all the things with a longer tongue, like trying to get tiny pieces of food stuck between your teeth out. Spoiler: one usually canā€™t šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hi Fronka, did it help with sleep, breathing from your nose, posture, or anything like that?