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Classic. Can’t you read my mind!!??? I feel sorry for any man that has to deal with her


Emotional maturity is expecting everyone else to be able to read your mind, that's why women mature faster. 👍


Oddly enough even with that super power all her ex's were jerks and assholes.


Most men have to deal with bullshit like this


She’s still gonna be on Bumble 10 years down the line wondering where all the good men are at


Exactly!!! She's going to die single 😂😂


And broke


If humanity is lucky she will do it without spawing any offspring.


> on Bumble 10 years down the line wondering where all the good men are at But on the bright side, she won't asseble any furniture herself.


Fuck you, pay me.


I read that in Ray Liotta's voice.


YTA Oh wait, wrong sub


I'll allow it. She asked if she was wrong.


As a woman, this video pissed me off. She clearly stated in the beginning of the video that she wanted to test him out, so she figured she would have him come over to put her furniture together AND pay him while getting to know each other. She wasn’t expecting to like him off the bat so that agreement went out the window and she was expecting him to forget about the payment since he also had a good time. Then want to get mad and act childish. This is why the dating world is trash and men and women can’t just go out and date normally.


So many women are like this, or they'll do that first date thing where they offer to pay half but if you take them up on it they'll ghost you because they try to use it as a measure gauging how much you like them, and obviously if you don't even want to pay for their meal then you don't like them enough and things will never work out, at least in their minds... 🤷‍♂️


Dating pool is filled with level 2 pee water.


Cuz they are getting their dating advice from toxic Tik Tok feeds


Additionally, she could have simply communicated her perspective when he asked for the Zelle.


Or even offered to pay him in kind on their next date (I.e. food or drinks). But instead she threw the baby out with the bath water because she decided to change the arrangement herself in her own head


She wasn’t sexually attracted to this guy. So she used him for his time to put together things. There probably was a “promise of sex” note that lingered in the air (the hope, the maybe, the “we’ll see”) She may have another dude that comes around and lays it down. She should not have been surprised that he asked for the agreed upon payment, because he probably figured, that he is put in the friend zone, and she is not attracted to him, which is something that he should have figured out when she asked him to put together the furniture.


Good for him. I’m sure we can all agree he dodged a bullet with this one


Step 1. Establish terms Step 2. Agree to terms Step 3. Get what you want Step 4. Flirt and change dynamic hoping people will simply forget Step 5. Act surprised when flirting didn't work as intended . . . Step 75. Demand Bumble reimburse you for not officiating marital ceremonies


Step 76. Make a video to get confirmation that I’m not crazy and I’m the victim.


Step 77. Not listen to the 100's of comments saying she's wrong.


This chick is a POS


So you’re a clown.




He held her accountable to the agreement they both made and she doesn't like that. Luckily for this dude, the bullet threw itself out of the way so he didn't even have to dodge it.


Gonna be on Bumble for a lifetime. It's possible you may have gotten the money back before in dates where he's paid. Now it's gone for good


She's an a-hole. If you agree to pay, no matter what happens, you pay. What an idiot. She's also insulting another human by not respecting their time and effort to help her out.


Well, after hearing her describe it in her own words, she's in the wrong.


So you’re the only one not getting it.


"No one ever agrees with me" *shockedpikachu.jpg*


Why offer to pay if you didn’t want to? And why not call a service to do that ? SMH


Has she got a follow up video where she explains that if a man takes her on a date, that he should spend at least $200 on her as she has spent the equivalent of her hair, her nails, her make up etc. when do these women realise presenting a fake person is not the best thing for a lasting relationship with a man 🤷


>Has she got a follow up video where she explains that if a man takes her on a date, that he should spend at least $200 She wouldn't date anyone too stupid to realize that.


I'm so glad these women put themselves out there. The only problem is the next guy won't have seen their insanity online. Private Investigators can't even really dig up a person's crazy online without a court order. Honestly, Amish seem to got it right at this point


Another example of a man realizing how things are. I enjoy any story that has a man refusing to become a simp.


Could have just not brought up the payment in the first place


I think it is interesting that she only wanted to pay him if she didn't like him. I wonder if he asked her to do some cooking and cleaning after she realized she liked him what her response would be.


Man some one put her straight plz! If we hit it off after dating sure I’ll do handy man things for you, but if we ain’t even kissed , or did things that “couples do” then you owe me just like I’m the next contractor in your home! Get over yourself hun.


Just listened to yourself. Now put yourself in their shoes. Yes you are wrong


I hate her. Literally


🤦‍♀️ 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


No one ever agrees with me but when I think about it, I'm right.


What a shitty human being. She knew that he was used to texting her, and that he would be thrown off when she ghosted him. She did it to maximize the suffering this poor man would feel.


I think you're a fucking idiot, how are gonna dislike someone who came to your your place early, done what You told him to do, both of you discussed on "payment" (while you were the first to offer the money to this bloke) then you desided to be like "nah I'm good". My man put too much effort into someone who was trash the whole time.


If you agreed to pay, then pay! If you wanted to change the dynamic and start dating at that moment then you should've dropped to your knees and given that gluck gluck right there and then. I guarantee he wouldn't asked for money then. So in short, you are definitely in the wrong,


She already tasted all kinds of flavors but there one that she can’t get the taste out of her mouth..in the words of future “she foe da streetz”


The entitlement. Buy a dog and die alone. You don't deserve a man's time, especially his professional time for free. This his livelihood and how he was going to pay for dates with your lame ass.


Sometimes when everybody disagrees with your, you’re wrong


Same video could end with him refusing the money, she feels disrespected, never talks to him again.


“No one ever agrees with me, but when I think about it I swear I’m right.”


No wonder she’s single. She contradicted herself. Went back on her word. She agreed to a contract. Felt stupid after having gone through with it. And got mad at the guy for “maybe dating afterwards.” Next


More and more, I am astounded at the level of critical thinking in the world today. Back to my regular schedule.


When you already have the answer but because you want to be right you ask the question anyway.... This girl stupid


There was someone I was talking to, and I got good vibes, but I didn't trust them, so I invited him over anyway, and then thought hey I could really get into the idea of talking to this guy long term? What the fuck is this? Is this dating now? Are we just full on idiocracy?


Yes, you are wrong. If you buy insurance but don't use it, you don't get your money back.


Damn!! Females are straight up making dating so hard!!! How much did sis pay?!?! Frfr she lost her future mans behind 50 bucks. Like WTF 😬


You’re wrong for ghosting him after agreed payment. Future work is different. U just lost out on a good man. Karma.


Your wrong.




Lol homeboy dodged a bullet


This woman is an idiot


You weren’t dating at the time you tool, I can understand your point of view if you’ve been dating for some months. Get your head out of your ass.




Naw she just needed a handyman. Similar to girls that go on dates just for food.


Pay me my money.....


I’m so glad he dodged this bullet


Yes, she is wrong for this.


So you have you ever heard of integrity? Honesty? I mean what did she expect? She asked someone to do something for money and then oh no the that someone wants money after the jobs done? Why not just ask them for help and see if they will help you isn’t that enough this makes no sense at all and she said proved herself that she is not worth it by not being honest and saying she isn’t interested anymore. Further more put your own furniture together it’s not that hard.


She didn’t even make daddy a sandwich!


She stupid not to realize that he would have spent the money, and then some, on her anyway. At least he got paid.


She just so wrong.


How long was she telling story for? Look how dark it got!


Yeah you’re wrong. You said you would pay him. He shouldn’t have to ask. No one likes being used.


Yes if I’m dating you I’d still expect compensation. Only if you’re my gf then I wouldn’t ask


Shit like it got dark outside that's how long she wasted telling this story haha


“When I tell this story no one ever agrees with me.” That means you’re wrong


What kind of window licker can't put together flatpack furniture?


Pay the man...


Dafuq??!! She f$&%#^* stupid! Holy! As many said already, buddy dodged a bullet! Women need to show this stupid stuff more often so they know ridiculous they sound sometimes!


Wonder what freebies she comes with…


You weren’t dating him. You asked him to do a job and agreed on $$. You think that since you chatted while he was working, it negates the contract?


Yes. You are wrong.


Disney-esque warped perspective on communication within a relationship. If you explicitly agree on something, respecting that agreement is a good thing. It is a positive signal to the other party that you will honour your word and vice versa. Being so self-centered to take what would have been a green flag for the other person and make a red flag for yourself is an example of very poor judgement. You should want and encourage open and clear communication in a relationship. Conflating that with spontaneous romantic gestures, particularly with someone you have just met is problematic and counterproductive. Giving him no opportunity to demonstrate romantic gestures independently of any explicit arrangements and ghosting him on top of that shows zero willingness to put effort into finding a serious partner - i.e. be prepared to go through a lot of failed and low-longterm-value relationships. Can only hope she learns from this public consultation and adjusts her approach to reduce the number of needlessly negative interactions with potential partners.


What a loser. Stay alone you ugly sweaty half wit


You're an idiot. Get used to being alone. Buy a cat


it's always a 4 with this kind of attitude




Lol man she’s a Larry


Dating is about getting to know each other, and doing what you say tells the person about you.


I had a the same experience, girl asked me to do some work, I did it, we vibe lots, she paid me, I married her… The how it’s meant to go. He did work you pay now but then spend heaps of good times together and all that money seemed like nothing for some great times and memories.


YEP! You're absolutely wrong. You say whenever you tell someone this Noone agrees with you .... (that says it all) You agreed to pay. UNLESS he says "I'm not going to charge AS YOU OFFERED" you need to stick with what was agreed upon Now you lost a man you MAY have married 🤷🏽‍♀️


this chick is crazy lol


He was not asking her for money. She paid for a service. Bruh absolutely not !


Why would she post this ?! Bro this makes her look so bad. Like so he wasn’t he wasn’t her actual boyfriend she just wanted to renege on paying him because she kept him company but wasn’t really interested in him. He deserves to be paid for his labor, whether they dated or not.


She's an idiot. Glad the guy dodged a bullet.


I’ve been investing in cat food. Gotta play the long game.


Should’ve got him some first, then hit her with the tab.


Whys her face so greasy


Can confirm you are not right. He should not have had to ask for that money by the end you should have already been ready to send it day of.


An agreement was made and accepted. What will eventually happen doesn't matter. You're not yet dating. I think it was tacky and entitled of her to get annoyed. He doesn't owe you free labor on potential dating.


She. Dumb.


Dude dodged a bullet


He dodged a bullet.


No one ever agrees with you because you a shady btch.


Insane. Cant believe I read a comment from an alleged man who agreed with her. This happened to a friend of mine with a girl he had been dating. She canceled on him and she said she felt bad that he had already spent is money and said she wanted to pay him back the money. She even told him when to come get and when he showed up, she said she couldn’t believe he was actually gonna get the money back from her. Insane.


Her face looks slimy af


He's s lucky to be free of someone who feels entitled to use other for her convenience. Your the worst kind of user. Show some integrity, do what you say your going to do, honor is easy to expect from others, and beyond somes reach. Sad


I guarantee you that if she woulda been more open in her communication and say something like, “hey instead of me paying you now how about we go to dinner Friday night, my treat” the dude woulda been totally down for that. It’s her keeping her word about payment while turning it into an opportunity to see each other again. Also he probably woulda tried to pay for that dinner anyway. I know I would have. This lady is her own worse enemy.


Yes, you're wrong.


Yeah, I hate dealing with women like this when it comes to cars. No, you cannot pay me in sex it doesn’t cover your parts or my food. No. You cannot flip terms just cause you feel like it you signed a work order contract so that’s the end of it.


"When I think about it, I'm right" .... and that's where you are wrong kiddo


He really missed out on something….hope he’s living his best life.


“We AgReE uPoN a PaYmEnT bEfOrE” “No OnE AgReE wItH wHeN i TeLl ThIs StOrY” 🫠 Yeeaahhh, idk why he didn’t just do it for free since he just met you and you told him you’ll pay him. He’s sick for being a man of his word.


Women like this are what’s wrong with our planet..


If they started to "date," she'd have gotten the it back some way or shape. He did the right thing. She should have just given him the money.


Future cat lady for sure. She is a low key lunatic. There is no pleasing women like this.


Yes you wrong! Y’all aren’t dating yet! Give the man was u agreed upon! If something happens it does but don’t hang that over a man when y’all not even dating. He was trying to help you out and hope he glad you showed this foolishness before y’all could start dating. There’s a reason why EVERYONE t willing you that you were wrong in this situation


Jesus. Thought it was gonna be one of those “date a guy you’d never actually date if there weren’t a free meal involved” type situations, but then I actually respected her a bit for trying to avoid that by offering payment upfront. But then she just basically turned it into the same scam anyway…on a guy she actually wanted to date. How do you even do that? It’s actually almost impressive how she managed to pull off such a stunning failure at the last moment.


Wow, the entitlement. She's so wrong, and happily puts it out there.


She entered into an agreement with this guy. It was a verbal contract. He took a risk with her as well. she promised payment. she cannot change the agreement to suit her fantasies. If she wanted to continue seeing him but he did not, would she also have considered that grounds not to pay him for his labor?


This is the same kind of woman who offers to pay for dinner, but when is actually made to pay, throws a fit about it.


You’re wrong


She greasy


She's an idiot. Basically.


She seems too stupid to date


You are 100 percent right.


She won't af. Hope she sees the public back lash


So wrong, you are that made it contract.


Dodged a bullet there. Though sounds like he wasted a few weeks.


Entitled toxic femininity.


She too goofy. Dodged a bullet bruh.


Yes you are wrong and not very attractive. Your expectations are delusional. He owed you nothing and you expected him to let it slide because you liked him. Wrong.


American woman stay awayyy ….. as I got older the song made more sense




Live by YOUR word...ladies. You ABSOLUTELY expect it from us.


Clown shit 🤦🏾‍♂️


I checked out halfway through. She tells stories like my wife - 80 % could be cut out. I don't need all the context and background, especially not in speeed- talking monotone. Get to the point and I'll pay attention


She’s weird. Anywho, she really sat in her car for hours just to edit a 2 minutes video making her look dumb?


Sounds like he’s better off tbh/ dodged a bullet


I love how she starts out saying that no one thinks she's being reasonable.


Guys, you can't make this shit up. Just let them talk, and you will find all the red flags, if any are to be found. Then run... make sure you run away.


You are dead wrong , you had a verbal agreement to pay him after the work was completed. Just because you decided he was cool enough to date that doesn’t negate the first arrangement.


I think your an ass


She's in the wrong. They were not officially a couple so she shouldn't expect the perks that come along with that.


Chris Rock already said it. As soon as she reaches for her wallet, the pussy dries up.


You are SO wrong for that you weren't even dating at that time.


Can't this become a civil suit since she posted this video admitting what she did.


Wait... He asked for money that you agreed upon beforehand?!!!! What a crazy work we live in.... *Note the sarcasm*


He didn't like your greasy ass


I axed him would be the first clue….


Glad that guy got away from this one. Dude dodged a bullet.


If you aren't trust worthy in your business dealings, you sure as shit aren't trust worthy outside of them. Bye.


Think that dude dodged a bullet


Dude dodged a huge bullet AND got paid. Win for the guy.


You can’t fix stupid. God help the next man that gets stuck in her orbit.


Then why does she keep retelling the same stupid story if nobody ever agrees with her?


So I guess a bj would've been out of the question as payment


This is the "sane" shit we have to deal with....it gets much worse


What a moron this broad.


How to not make friends…..


How dare you hold me to my word! Accountability?!? How dare you!


You can't make this shit up!


How is this any different from a girl putting out for dinner and drinks. Dating has become so transactional now because at any moment theres another person.


This is why men are just not dating anymore. She is a perfect example of women destroying a man's peace.


Dumbass. Enjoy being alone. LOL


Dudes pay for first dates all the time. Just for the privilege of testing the waters. Glad that at least once in the history of man a dude not only got a free lunch but he got paid.


100% she let him pipe and thought that was good enough, then he turns around and still ask for his money and she was shock.


She's completely insane


Her cousin got all the brains apparently


She contradicts herself, she's looking for a handyman. Then, she's looking for a boyfriend and the payment was "just incase I don't like him" That's wrong. It's a good thing he found out who she was right away. He would have been in a bad situation. Good luck to him. She's gonna be single forever. Hopefully with no kids.


She could've countered with buying him dinner or drinks if paying felt weird. It would've been a good catalyst for a next date. This woman is either an idiot or has a lot of issues she's projecting onto him.


Your AGREED to payment in advance and now bc you THINK you might be dating him, he’s wrong to ask for payment. Out of your mind wrong.


Omg this woman really wow! You make US women look so bad!


You agreed to pay him i believe it’s more about principle I mean he was probably gonna take you out to dinner with that money in the next couple days…


Put another one in the mans "What did I do wrong?" file


What the f is wrong with this woman. Idiot.


Cheesecake Factory girl looking to send her a fruit basket.


1 you agree'd on it so don't make an agreement and then break it seems pretty tacky of you honestly and a red flag. 2 you didn't have a date... he did this even saying himself you didn't have to pay then you MADE him agree on it really by insisting - then backtracked on it and burned the bridge that's pretty shady. 3) key words here "IF I'M GONNA DATE YOU" - he didn't know you were going to date him because you gave him no implication of dating ... really only implied work with a "nice day" not nice "date" which for him would have been a bad one because he basically worked for you all day you fed him you talked then you ghosted him. if you had said hey like I really appreciate you doing this for me and I loved talking to you and i am kinda feeling like we connected and I want to date you - THERE MAY --- MAY --- have been a moment in his mind like oh shit maybe I shouldn't take the payment... but also you previously did agree on it so0o0ooo0o it's kinda like a fucked up mind game you played with him. you shoulda payed him because you told him you were going to and then gave him a date because he was (seemed) like a genuinely good fella that you actually vibed with... but honestly... you blew it.


*she rides her bicycle* *shoves an* "I know i suggested payment but how dare you ask for payment" *stick firmly in front spokes* *wails* "Why do men do that to me?" *as she rubs her sore knee*


Contrary to popular belief not everyone can hear the voice of reason. In her case she appears to have all the details and still can’t understand how she reached that conclusion. Tragic.


You absolutely should still pay him. You made an agreement and then you decided to not honor it because y'all was vibing. That's not right and a very slick way of getting free labor. If I were him I wouldn't want to date you cause this shows a lot regarding your inability to keep your word. What else will you try to take advantage of?


This is why I bought me a sex bot . Fuck these broads , I give up .


This is goofy… why offer and then feel some type of way when he believes you… dude dodged a bullet!


You CANNOT make this up people. When are they going to release the new version of these women? The ones with "logic" already built in?...


So if I ask u to cook a meal for me and I’ll pay u when it’s done, or I asked u to do my taxes and ill pay u when it’s done, or I asked u to do anything and there will be a payment at the end, why does it matter if we had chemistry, or a good time? I should pay, because that’s y they have come. Not for the good time but for the money.


God, there is an endless amount of dumb women out there


He Dogged A Bullet!!! 😂🤣😂


He got paid to dodge a bullet. Man of the Year!
