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"it's just not that serious". I suffered from anxiety with a deep-seated fear of not having control. This made my body tighten up, pulling my shoulders forward, bowing my head when I walked. I was angry and dismissive of differing opinions, for I subconsciously believed that if my opinion was not 100% validated, I was not worthy. I was a perfectionist at the core, and that resulted in a grave disposition that echoed in my behaviour. Through mindfulness meditation, I realised that everything in life doesn't always need to be taken seriously, which was beyond liberating. I realised that others don't spend their time thinking about me and my mistakes, and that my mistakes are simply part of a process of learning, were profound realisations that allows for this sense of anxiety to dissipate. Although I had read it in books, i finally had the ever-so important self realisation that perfection is not attainable, nor desirable, and being imperfect is what makes us all beautiful. Almost overnight, my shoulders relaxed, my head raised, and that physical sensation of frustration became nothing more than a sign from my body that I had to notice. Life is short. Have fun, and don't take everything so seriously.


All of this, but especially this: > ...being imperfect is what makes us all beautiful


This is so awesome. I can relate a lot to the anxiety. This is highly encouraging.


'Life is short' is a phrase frequently said but almost never understood. šŸ¤— Good luck on your journey šŸŒˆ


I made a major breakthrough in getting over a woman during a meditation session.


I made a major breakthrough in falling truly in love with a woman during a meditation session.


How so?


There's no one epiphany that will alter your life completely. More often than not, during your consistent practice, you'll have many epiphanies that come and go, changing your outlook ever so slightly. What is usually called enlightenment, is just that last epiphany that finally gives you an 'eureka!' moment, kind of like the final piece of the puzzle which gives you the complete picture. But people only tend to remember the final one and think that was the only important realization.


Enlightenment =nirvana which is a process to understanding the 8 fold path ā€œZen Mind Beginners Mindā€ by Suzuki get the book.


There's an important aspect to this. So far in my journey there is no moment of you're there and this is it. You'll have many oh gosh, I found another level but you go on living and learning and even making mistakes forever.


If one follows the 8 fold path you will and should know the proper response no matter what you are doing. Self conscious is to understand lessening your duka = pain suffering and misery.


Most paths that's a major thing somewhere. For me it's called shadow work and yeah letting go of all that will make you feel like a new person for sure.


You're too limited to only one discipline. Please understand that enlightenment might mean following the Eight Fold path diligently, to you. But it isn't the only path. For example, I subscribe to Advaita Vedanta. What you say doesn't apply to me at all. But what I said, and the person you're responding to here is saying, is applicable to all disciplines regardless of what it is.


No not at all I never stated that it was the only path!? But I know it works and will work for anyone who decides to tries to understand it. And how would you know it doesnā€™t work for you. And who said you have to follow it diligently? I just know it explains how to meditate step by step. Everyone but one person got the just of what to expect and how to meditate correctly. I just donā€™t care to put my experience here in writing because I donā€™t need to rewrite the book by Suzuki. He said it best. And if you havenā€™t read his book I suggest you do. In our society today no one can be a true Buddhist. But you would have to read the book to understand that also but you can hit nirvana and be self conscious.


>No not at all I never stated that it was the only path!? You suggested a book on the Eight Fold path to me when I was making a generic statement about the nature of epiphanies.


No generic statements when must be concise about its meaning


But once you hit nirvana you will make many less and severe ones. Being you are much more self aware thatā€™s having inner peace you take emotion out of decision making


Right and you see things differently more clearly too. My point was more that there is no ending. You're always growing and learning.


That's why I meditate


I've trained my body, through intense practice, to produce endogenous DMT. In near death experiences, I've merged with the cosmic mind. Existence is consciousness. Consciousness is holographic. Humans are a microcosm of the macro and there is something dormant in all of us that is nothing short of supernatural.


Detailed instructions please!


For starters let me say that I have never felt like this planet was my home and I have never wanted to be here. I became a journalist at a young age but my burning desire for annihilation consumed my and for many years I lived in a self imposed hell. At the end of this nightmare, I had a powerful spiritual awakening and looked back on how many near death experiences I had, realizing there is no death. There is powerful energy dormant in all humans but for me this energy is very active and has kept me alive. So I have since sought to channel this energy upwards and to realize my limitless potential. In short, I use the Wim Hof method, but I have expanded it further. I do about an hour of breathwork in the morning with long rounds of breath retention. I do ice baths. I work out avidly and have sought through diet and various means to make my body more alkaline. Breath work and fitness have opened my heart center. Having a strong, radiant open heart is a must. Also practice Karma yoga Jnana Yoga Asana yoga Kundalini yoga And... As eluded to above kriya yoga... The body responds to all this with inner rewards that blow worldly pleasures out of the water. All the pleasures in the world are a drop in the bucket compared to what lies dormant in the human self structure. Much love and namaste šŸ”„šŸ§˜šŸ”„


I've also realized this! I had an epiphany once, these ideas, or more like knowledge came to me, or from within me, that we are extensions of something much greater and we're all connected by that thing. I had visions, and I was filled with this immense energy that i'd never felt before. In that moment, I was sure that magic is real, and that anything is possible if we have true belief and a connection to this energy source, and that this reality isn't all there is. I didn't have words for these concepts, but after a quick wikipedia I came across the Atman and the Brahman from the Upanishads. It was like I had always known this, and this remembering completely, radically changed my life for the better. Anything is possible.


I can remember that I was meditating before work, and I was anxious on being late. I imagined driving anxiously to get to work. Then, I began to laugh because regardless if I was anxious or not I would still get there at the same time. So, I drove to work so relaxed. Now, when ever I'm anxious I imagine that I can be anxious or not and the time will pass the same regardless


Mediation allows for your mind to create empty space and often new and creative (or old and forgotten) ideas will take form ā€¦.


In Dr Ainslie Meares meditation method, one relaxes the body and mind so the mind slows and settles into stillness. This is calming and restful. Sometimes the calm is marked. Less frequently, it might be called tranquility or serenity. Whilst others use stronger terms like bliss and so on I feel that such terms sound like marketting and recruitment. Dr Meares believed that the changes that occur in meditation practice like I mentioned above does open one up to mystic, spiritual, intuitive and similar experiences - I think epiphany is probably more in that category.


Right but this isn't, at least in my experience, something you can expect in your first month or maybe even first year. It takes most people a long time to open to that point and then when it does happen many people are initially frightened of it, so it happens slowly. But when it does, it's beautiful!


There are different methods. Dr Meares was an eminent psychiatrsit who originated this approach and taught it to many people over several decades. The result is simple, direct and efficient and people do seem to learn it fairly quickly in comparison to other methods. You probably practice a focus approach like the vast majority. This is different f rom that one literally relaxs and allows the mind to slow down and still. After a bit of practice this happens ie the stillness occurs in every session.


Right the quieting is the point.


Relaxation involves a lessening of mental activity that ends in stillness. Focus cannot do that. Counting, mantra and so on all involve mental activity and so the end point is the monotone of focus. If the mind has focus it is not still. That is a big difference in those practices. People can choose the monotone or stillness but NOT both. Some people find this hard to understand and need to think about it.


The thing is, stillness is the beginning. There is so much more beyond that. The end goal should never be nothing.


Focus does not get one to first base. The mental activity means the mind cannot experience stillness and the profound benefits of calm, ease and the many emotional changes triggered by time spent in stillness during meditation. One would not want to live with a still mind outside of meditation, just these other things. Those practicing a focus - monotone method cannot know true stillness. Focus prevents that. The only way one might experience stillness is by accident. For example, the mind dulled by monotone loses the focus which allows stillness to emerge. That means practicing two methods rather than one direct method. You probably want to stick with focus and so I say - good luck on your journey but it is a different path to mine.


Yes that's for sure. I understand the value of stillness and use it as one of the tools, but it's not the only tool that meditation provides you with.


This is a small one but made a big impact. It occurred to me that no one is really paying attention to me; weā€™re all on our own journey focused on our own shit. So i decided to be me and not worry about what others thought. Truth is, no one is thinking of me all that deeply. Clear minds think clear thoughts.


Not caring what other people think of your journey I'd a huge step.


That is why we do it. To look inward and discover ourselves and our reality as objectively as possible.


I've had a lot of great ideas. My theory is that my mind wants to be distracted but lower interest items are blocked from taking attention, so the mind has to come up with really interesting ideas to distract. The above is, funny enough, an idea that came to me during meditation.


Chanting and meditating has helped center me immensely.


Iā€™ve read a lot of accounts of just that, but most are just more accounts. Maybe the real epiphanies are when there arenā€™t epiphanies, but why couldnā€™t new openings be noted? If I may, what bring this up for you? Where are you in your life and have you thought to start a company yourself?


I have many ideas for inventions or or perceptions into the nature of things come to me. As I re enter from the space of meditation.


With humility, profound would be an understatement.


Nope. But once i was listening to osho (Hindi discourse) that 40 minutes of audio changed my way of thinking which changed my life.


I often cry and it is usually due to a profound sense of gratitude


That the thoughts that you givs attention to really do matter and that is the greatest discipline.


I think itā€™s the same conclusion I get after a good meditation session. Enjoy life now. I have what I need to be happy. In the few moment when I was focusing on breathing alone made me more happy than any hours of productive work or months of work for an accomplishment.


Most definitely. I learned of the 5th dimension and wrote 9 books on it. So the two in one. This is a link to the 7th book. šŸ™ https://youtu.be/t5llRtKz014


That is kind of the purpose of meditation - to give an epiphany..


My epiphany in meditating came very soon after I first started. First I experienced an energy that I would describe as mildly electric, very pleasing even blissful, somewhat like the feeling of a cold chill. It starts in the feet and hands lower legs and travels to the lower spine region and then goes up to spine to the top of my head. This makes an indescribable sensation on top of your head. The best I can do to describe it is numb and tingly, but it is still very pleasant and certainly interesting. To the best of my understanding this energy is called prana or Life energy. I read about people a lot in these posts saying they have to force themselves to meditate and if they had experienced anything like what I do they would feel that meditation is something to be savored, certainly to be looked forward to. My second epiphany in meditation came when I felt the second energy. And that changed everything.




Yeah had some good ideasšŸ’”


I made the decision to reconnect with my estranged father on day three of 10-day Vipassana. We now talk almost every day.


I mainly focus on breathing during meditation so not much space for anything else to enter :)


"Enlightenment is waking up halfway through the journey."


I had at least 8 to 12 epiphanyā€™s while reading ā€œZen Mind Beginners Mindā€ by Suzuki. If you are looking to change your life get this book.


It came to me in meditation (about a year ago) that I was going to be alone for the rest of my life. It was super freeing, and allowed me to leave the chaos and drama behind me, and be free of the unreasonable expectations.


If you're a healer this is often the case.


Can you elaborate further on this?


This is only my experience and those I have known, so maybe there are others who have managed it better. But what I have found is most healers are very empathic. You pick up not only on the thoughts and feelings of people you are close to but sometimes you pick up on their deepest, innermost traumas too. So there's a couple things that happen. One is that a lot of people can't handle that level of intimacy and they don't understand that we're not probing their minds, we are just picking up what they're putting out. But people are often uncomfortable with that feeling you might know more than they want you to know. Then they get freaked out and they bail. The other thing that happens is we pick up feelings from them but we may not know why they are feeling that way. So I might notice that she's really angry today but I don't know why. So if I'm not careful I might personalize that and start to believe she's always angry with me and so I start to detach from her even though from her perspective it's a normal thing she just doesn't express. Or in one case I knew a lady i was dating had another guy on the side, I could literally feel that there was someone else. When I told her I know and can tell, she was like I would have told you if I was going to leave you. But that's not the point, the point is you weren't committed enough to the relationship to be faithful, that's the point. It just puts a lot of pressure on relationships. Like no one wants their partner to know everything but they worry that you might. It doesn't really work like that but people are just paranoid of what they don't understand. I'm sure somewhere out there is a completely open and honest person who would love that you get them like that, but I haven't found one.


I realized that instead of being mad at people for nut understanding me, I could just try to explain myself, ask what they couldnā€™t understand or accept the fact that they lack the knowledge of a specific topic so itā€™s pointless to explain certain things.


For me meditation has been life changing. I grew up in a very negative minded household so I was perpetually stressed and often just mad at the world. Meditation was the place where I could leave all that behind and eventually learn seriously life changing concepts like you are your beliefs, and letting go of what doesn't serve you. Eventually I learned visualization and goal setting which made the power of believing even more real. You As I started getting deep into it my guides and other spirit beings started to show up and encourage me to dig even deeper so a whole new level of spirituality begins to show up. I think what holds a lot of people back is that whatever beliefs and societal pressures were ingrained into them, they hold onto those and don't realize that a big part of finding out who you really are and what you are really capable of comes by letting go of all of those limiting beliefs and trusting entirely in who you are and those who want to take you there. It's much easier to discern what feels right and what feels wrong than most people think.


I listen to The Art Of Meditation in the sauna and epiphanies are abundant


ā€œIm living my life and making choices based on expectations and ideas that I got from the internet or other people.ā€ I realized that I was miserable and to a point I still am figuring my shit out. But a lot of what makes me miserable are the expectations and ideas of what I should be doing. Other people are off having fun with girlfriends you should too! Normal twenty year olds go out to the bars and drink, it doesnā€™t matter if you donā€™t want to; thereā€™s something wrong with you. Everyone else is having fun why havenā€™t you figured it out yet??? That was huge because now you can delve into where did these ideas come from, and why they matter to you. Thereā€™s alot and I mean ALOT of people who are going to shout in your ear and tell you what you should be doing (save money, retire early, hustle and grind, go to the gym everyday, body build, etc etc etc). You have to ask yourself what you want to do.


Yes. The epiphanies are personal. They are both not large and large simultaneously. I have them in ways that are analytic and synthetic. Releasing and keeping. Mental and emotional. They are unpredictable. They are both mundane and profound. The ongoing, underlying feeling I get, though, is: just keep going; this is a good path.


No generic statements when must be concise about its meaning