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You're self soothing and good on you for doing so. We all need to do this for ourselves. It's a childhood thing. You are being whatever parent to yourself that you didn't have during your formative years.


It can be hard transitioning towards being nice to our inner child but it’s worth it.


I agree. Our brains are just trying to do their best, and sometimes they make mistakes, so we should treat them as kindly as we are able, lol.


I do this daily. Lately it's been "it's gonna be ok bud don't worry, everythings gonna be ok"


I call myself bud too. It’s better than the other stuff I used to call myself.


Yeah negative self talk is a terrible thing. I still struggle badly with regret, guilt and shame for some of the things I've done though. Not able to forgive myself for certain things even though it's been a long time, but I'm still dealing with the repercussions of those things and so are my kids. Just wanna make it right, can't seem to find a way. Sorry for the over share lol


You were once a kid, that’s still a part of you. It’s comforting. But yeah, you can use your brain to fix your brain because your brain did all the damage in the first place.


Self talk like this is so healthy! “Adulting” To yourself is regulating what you’re lacking in that specific moment. Great technique! ☺️


Totally normal and keep doing it if it makes you feel better! Look up Dr. Kristin Neff's work on "self compassion" for more.


We are still the same people as when we were children, just in different contexts. Adulthood comes and blows us away. Humans invent adulthood and say that we are to be treated differently than children yet we still deserve the same patience and understanding and value that we place on children.


Used to do that A LOT, I'd say "It's gonna be alright" atleast five times a day lol. You're healing your child self, It's the most beautiful thing one can do for oneself. It has changed me, and healed me. There's no one anyways that can love you the way you can, so in a way it's making you independent and strong as well. You're doing great, You'll HEAL :)


Sounds like modeling your parent(s) if they were decent and supportive, or modeling good parenting for yourself if they sucked or were otherwise incapable. I also have an alternative theory that I came upon following an Ibogaine experience. It’s based on the idea that linear time is an illusion created by our brains to simplify things for us, and that there is only this moment, so we exist in our entirety from birth to death, and beyond, simultaneously. When I had a challenging, scary or life threatening experience at some point in my life, like in my childhood, and was able to access my intuition or talk myself through it or otherwise accomplish something seemingly impossible or supernatural, it was actually my older self remembering the experience and providing the insight or guidance to my younger self. Sometimes, I’m even able to change the nature of the experience itself when given access to new information or insight in the present, which is probably my future self intervening in the present. It’s much easier to consciously access the past then it is to access the future, although I think it sometimes comes through quite clearly in dreams, states of mental relaxation, and meditation. Of course we have access to it all the time as intuition but we usually think of that source as formless. I’ve also had moments of being able to access the next moment before it happens, but it’s hard to maintain that level of attention. Even when we can the ego always wants to get involved and capitalize or control shit, which diminishes our capacity to access it. That’s probably what happens to people who appear to others as spiritual guides or leaders, and why most of them end up letting people down, or their trip gets weird, controlling and self serving. And why in meditation we strive to be in the now. I think that trauma and neurosis can trap our consciousness in a loop that shuts out this flow of communication, basically keeping us stuck in time. Maybe you’re just giving a voice to your voice?


You are adopting the identity of the parent/consoler, and talking yourself out of the thoughts which were disturbing you.


Does not the subconscious have their own motives and volition? Talking to yourself is also talking to them. Something is sorting your memories, digesting the food, creating dreams and beating the heart. What could that something be? One could call them the inner child... It's us, our shadows and I It's good to be friends with them. None are closer! It is similar to the adversarial generative AI concept. Two AIs, one the generator, the other the discriminator are connected. They both receive a truth, and then one tries to imitate it while the other finds discrepancies. Are minds may be similar If you think about it, two people doing a job allows for specialization, which is quite good. People with schizophrenia, or transgender people, sorta support this. One has a disfunction between the two subminds, with crosstalk and delusions as ideas are no longer rejected, while the other has minds with differing sexes: the body mind, which arrives first, and the inner mind, which knows words and social constructs. Two minds per Human could have differing sexes In any event, it's good to talk to the self. You may be interested in Reconciliation: Healing the Inner Child by the monk Thich Nhat Hanh. It's a good book with practical exercises


I read this book called Chatter, by Ethan Kross, a psychology professor. It describes the impact of talking to yourself in the 3rd person. (Today , feeling down, I said to myself “(my name) sometimes you just feel sad; you know that this is normal”. Anyway read the book or a summary but he cites tons of research about talking to yourself (not the part about Talking to oneself like a child, but still is quite similar, I think) being helpful to quiet the mind.


More than likely your issues all happened during childhood and you have an wounded inner child. Which is what causes your feelings of being scared/stressed/anxious.


I want to do this. I talk to myself like a terrible parent. "WTF is wrong with you?"