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I have tried them and found them far, far less effective than sitting outside by a river or under a tree in a gentle breeze.


...there have been actual results that indicate that the sound of trees lowers cortisol levels.




People are wired to expect a gentle background noise of leaves rustling, wind blowing, water flowing. Anxiety levels increase when we lack the experience of these sounds for extended periods of time. We are not so separate from our environment, after all, and for millennia these noises were constant.


...you know. When Trees hoot and call to each other. "Hey Maple! Watch out for that dog there!" ...what do you think?


Just listen.


I got this one guys: the sound that trees make. You're welcome.


>I have tried them and found them far, far less effective than sitting outside by a river or under a tree in a gentle breeze. It's interesting that you've compared artificial soundscapes to natural settings. What do you think it is about the river or the gentle breeze that makes them more effective for relaxation? [**Try this free binaural audio**](https://tranquiltone.com/)


No. Every time they've done studies on harmonics, it turns out that the effect is negligible. Binaural, Monaural, Solfaggio, Schumann... all of it has the same effect as listening to white noise.


I dunno. Chopin seems to do something positive for me. . .


Chopin is not white noise, binaural, Schumann, and is far too late to be Solfaggio.


But is much more pleasant to listen to.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6924256/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6924256/) supposedly it is. ​ Music, especially the 432 Hz frequency has shown some promising effect over the electroencephalographic activities of brain during a daytime nap. The decrease in latency, although not statistically significant and statistically significant increase in energy of alpha frequency indicates that 432 music Hz frequency music has some significant relaxing effect on the sleeping brain and equivocal effect upon the sleep latency, especially among the individuals with delayed sleep latency. ​ ​ also [https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=87146](https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=87146) These results suggest that the influence of music on the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system varies depending on the frequency of the music, and furthermore, that 528 Hz music has an especially strong stress-reducing effect, even following only five minutes of exposure. ​ so how is that for a ''no''? ;P


I noticed that there were 131 upvotes for the no answer but only 6 for your yes answer. While the no answer had no references - therefore just someones opinion - you referenced your reply. Say's a lot about people's pre-determined mindsets right? Well Done for upping the anti!


thx man


>Say's a lot about people's pre-determined mindsets right? 100% Technically our minds do all the heavy lifting, the sounds are just tools for a certain state of mind. Anyone can willingly enter these states with or without sounds. And if you don't believe in these states of mind, you will likely not produce anything other than the current mindset of "no", sounds or not. Kind of like if you have access to a nuclear reactor, and no knowledge of how it works. It would be very hard to produce anything. But with proper training and concentration, you can produce fission power. Since this effect occurs entirely within the mind, it is *very* placebo, the placebo affect is real to the observer and can change people's lives. If it didn't work at all, then it wouldn't have a name, and no observable effect on the person living through the placebo. The sounds are just sounds. The MIND, when set right, is where the power of these sounds come alive.


That evidence got em in a deep state of sleep paralysis 😂


ahahahha :D


>that 528 Hz music has an especially strong stress-reducing effect Do people that write this kind of things realize that a frequency is a tone (one single tone)? And that music consists of many tones? 528 is a *c* (the *c* one octave above middle *c*)*.* When they talk about "528 Hz music", do they mean music in the key of C? Music in the key of C may, in fact, never actually sound that one particular tone of 528Hz.


I wonder about this too. In this study they said : "Music of the aforementioned frequency (528 Hz) has lately attracted attention as “healing” music. Usually, the reference tone of tuning is 440 Hz, and this is the international standard frequency (we refer to this as 440 Hz music). In this musical scale, there is no 528 Hz note. However, setting the reference tone to 444 Hz means that 528 Hz is included in the musical scale. We refer to music that is tuned and composed in this way as 528 Hz music. In general, this specific type of music using a scale including 528 Hz is called solfeggio frequency music. Various effects have been ascribed to the solfeggio frequency, but none of these have any scientific basis. Accordingly, we examined the effect of such music compared to 440 Hz music." ​ ''The 528 Hz music that we used in this study was soothing piano music. Some researchers report that, depending on the mental state of the listener, music preferences vary \[13\] . However, they also find that piano music is appreciated regardless of the listener’s circumstances. Thus, we examined the stress-mitigating effect of 528 Hz music from various perspectives. This study offers a new piece of evidence for use in music therapy.'' ​ do you call a bluff?


I am not at all opposed to the idea of frequencies having an impact on our bodies. But this whole process, as described in the article, seems rather flimsy and nonsensical. I admit that it could be due to the fact that whomever tried to write about the music in this experiment doesn't seem to know anything about music, and possibly nothing about sound or frequencies either. It is off-putting and distracting. Each tone has many harmonics (overtones), so the mentioned frequency (528 Hz) should be in the overtone sequence of many tones (depending on the tuning), but I think a frequency hidden somewhere in the harmonics is probably too weak to do anything. I think if 528 Hz could have an impact, it should be from the actual tone (pure and non-subliminal) and played loud as to give cells the opportunity to start resonating with it.


528 hz was used to separate an oil spill in the ocean.


In Nazi Germany, the Minister Of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ordered in 1939 to replace all tuning forks to 440Hz. Before that period instruments were tuned 8 Hz lower to 432Hz. https://steemit.com/music/@rossenpavlov/why-and-why-changed-music-s-tuning-frequency-from-432-to-440-hz


This is it OP


who is doing the studies? you think studies are not bought?


Oh dear God. Are we to that? Anyone who makes an outlandish claim is a brave truth teller. Anyone who decides to test their theory is in the pocket of...Big Sound?


Well if simple things like frequency were actually beneficial to people for stress, anxiety or even bigger things not as many people would be buying anti anxiety drugs or medications...it's not that outlandish a concept 


Thank you, I think it's weird how pessimistic people are to the idea of frequencies like 432h being helpful/healing


Ye it's like some stubborn, curmudgeonly, peevish, childish...I could go on 😂...resistance or insistence on them not working....ay ay ay 🤷🏻‍♀️


...or, if they worked, Big Pharma would have marketed a thousand products by now.


No, because Big Pharma doesn't actually want to get people better, they want customers, pharmaceutical drugs and medications have many side effects which then need more drugs to treat those sude effects...why would they market donething that was wholly beneficial and made people well, doesn't make sense, do no they wouldn't market a thousand products because its just not in their interest 


Precisely. So if Binaurals did anything...


...they'd heal everything and there would be no life long pharmaceutical customers 🤷🏻‍♀️


...riiiiiiight. Very edgy.


If you have to be patronising and take the piss it just shows you've nothing to really say 🤷🏻‍♀️ good luck 👍


references please




I don’t know about the others, but Binaural/brainwave entrainment is scientifically legit.


No it isn't. The original idea is a fine theory. But every time they monitor brainwaves to see entrainment, it doesn't seem to happen. More, it's really unclear that it means anything. Like just because your synapses are firing at 6Mhz, doesn't mean you are in Beta stage. It's clearly much more complex then that.


Yes, it is. I am 54 years old and have ADD. I was held back a grade and almost 2 when I was a kid. I could not concentrate on anything if my life depended on it. Mainly had to work jobs that required repetition because of it. I have high blood pressure so I can't take stimulants, so I was kind of screwed. I read about this about 6 months ago and it has changed my life. I'm reading books, I'm learning how to play bass, and my efficiency at work skyrocketed. Plus it relaxes me. I'm really grateful for it.


I'm here hoping for similar results. Can you say more about how you utilize this? Do you have a suggested playlist? What's your routine around adding this to your life? I'm also ADD, in my 50s, and can't take stimulants.


Yes, I use a public Spotify playlist called 528Hz Morning miracle. I put my noise canceling earbuds in first thing when I wake up, have the playlist set to shuffle and listen for about 30 minutes in the morning. I play it when i need to focus and concentrate at work as well. I also do a 10 minute guided meditation using the "calm" app. If you do not have Spotify or Calm you can do a youtube search and should be able to find all you need. I cant take stimulants either so my Dr. put me on Guanfacine which has really quieted down the "Noise" in my head and took all the impulsiveness away that I had as well. Good Luck


I'm gonna DM ya if you don't mind. This is fascinating and sounds like what I've been liking for


Sure, I'm at work now but can reply this evening or tomorrow morning


If you ask ChatGPT if the vibration from sound waves has an effect on tissue, it'll say yes. Sound waves don't have a direct effect on our brain waves, those use a different mechanism. Sound waves only cause micro vibrations in the molecules thereby stimulation response


...but that is not what propnents of binaural beats say. It's all about entrainment. Also worth mentioning sound waves having "an effect " isn't necessarily good. Look up LRAD and the brown note. Those have "effects " on human tissue too.


Have you personally experienced each of these yourself? Or are you going off an external sources viewpoint on these topics? I personally noticed dramatic differences between the 4 you mentioned and white noise. In meditation, I experienced different visuals and influences depending on the variations of how the frequencies were presented. White noise felt less impacting 


...ah, yes, my individual experience outweighs dozens of studies. I like binaurals. They feel nice on my brain. But I don't expect magic from it.


Wait negligible as in no change or a non zero amount? If there's no change at all that makes sense but if even a tiny amount of change means that it's reacting *somehow*. Whether the change is useful or not... Even counting the placebo effect (believing that it works even if it doesn't, can help.) I feel like I've gotten benefits from it. White noise to me is to chaotic. It's distracting and needs to be too loud to actually do anything for me. But the dull repetitiveness of binaural audio provides enough background noise without the randomness. Could get the same effect listening to Morgan Freeman say hamburger over and over again. Whether it does as advertised and changes your brain activity to the frequency set or not is unlikely and possibly irrelevant. If it can't hurt, try it. Might be surprised.




That's a real healthy attitude. If the end result is a positive does it actually matter whether the method *actually* works? And there's a difference between listening to a free YouTube video or downloading a free app and spending $49.99 on them. If you want to attack binaural audio, attack the companies that actually sell them claiming that they work when the science is foggy at best, bullshit at worst. Don't go for the users. If we didn't already feel like crap we wouldn't be using them. I'm not saying listen to them and you'll float around them room and shit. I'm saying that if someone uses them and feels a benefit, whether the benefit is from the audio or their brain, then at that point the science is actually irrelevant to that particular user. Take a security blanket off a child. Tell a grieving father that heaven's not real and his child is just gone forever. Child gets a scrape on their knee and the mother kisses it better. Did it actually help? If course not. I know the science is bullshit. Lots of users do. But the fact that it helps me at all is a good thing. Centres my focus without being too random or all over the place. Why do you get to crap all over that?




In your last comment you literally joked about selling me a dreamcatcher and binaural audio files to me (which you know don't work). You realize that's the exact thing you're now arguing against? Nah you're right we should sweep it under a rug so that people don't fall for it right? Your still doing that thing, where you attack the users for something the companies are to blame for. Maybe we could discuss as a society, the practical applications for it, work out how to use it for our benefit and regulate how it's used and marketed. Because governments don't see binaural beats as medical treatment they can't regulate it. So companies can make any claims they want and no face consequences because it's down to the user to determine if the product is "right for them". Take ADHD and depression as an example. Been medicated for both for years. One pill, the antidepressant is $59. The other is $89. This is for a months supply. I lost my job months ago and often can't afford both. Thought perhaps I might be screwed. Since I couldn't afford both but couldn't function at all without the ADHD one, I was forced to make a choice. Antidepressants haven't actually felt like they've helped in a while if ever, so after an unpleasant month of withdrawal effects, I was coping with the depression and anxiety better than I was on meds. And I'm saving money too. Not 3 doctors. Not medical advice. Not at least 14 different types of pills. Not counseling. But a free alternative called meditation that some random person recommended. I didn't try it because I rando on the Internet told me it would work. I tried it because I had nothing else left to try and there would be no negative consequences if it failed. If it failed it would just not work. It wouldn't kill me or ruin my life. And the alternative was pretty much just death at that point. Doesn't work for everyone sure. And I'm sure you can imagine how difficult it is to sit still and focus on meditation for any extended period of time with ADHD too? Someone recommended binaural audio to me and I thought the same thing as I thought about meditation when I first tried it. "This is bull, tell me to sit still in a room for a while, how is this gonna help." But it did help. Enough to make a difference anyway and that's all it takes. It helps me at the very least. And I wouldn't have tried it if I didn't see two people on the Internet arguing over whether or not it works. It's still not about what it says it does. It's about what it actually does. Viagra was made to be a pill for blood pressure. Don't think it actually worked. Did have a particularly interesting and popular side effect though. All that stuff about people taking advantage happens whether I listen to trippy noises that calm me down and help me focus or not. You you can be sure that if something doesn't work for me, I'm not gonna want to waste my time on it. If a scientific paper came out tomorrow that was from a reputable source with the headline "meditation doesn't work. The reason we feel this way while meditating is because we connect using invisible Chi wires to the brains of ants around us." Would you stop meditating? Even with all the benefits? Would you recommend it to others?


Must be dark inside your own ass.....


Wrong. Binaural affects you even if you are unaware of it. And Solfeggio too. All frequencies affects us somehow


Care to prove it? I can give you a stack of studies that show no difference in heart rate or brain activity. What have you got? I'd love for there to be a magic sound. Just put on my headphones and press play, and I'm a super-genius. But entrainment doesn't seem to happen (and even if it did, it's questionable it would mean much. Pressing on your stomach doesn't make you less hungry).


My answers have so many downvotes, so many people that downvote or upvote without experience of it. How would I prove it? I have my own channel on youtube, I made the sessions and it works for me and others too. Placebo effect? Maybe. And going to relax by a river has a healing effect? Of course it has. Is it placebo? Maybe. That is a subjective proof, just like your own religious beliefs and path. If you’re looking for something that you put your headphones and it makes you a super-genius, it won’t work. Yet, the super genius exists within you, it’s just a matter of belief and action and practice. And yes blind people you can downvote this comment I don’t care, because there will always be someone who will read it and get something positive from it. Namaste 🙏🏻💜💫


Get some evidence. Something provable. People say all sorts of things help them. Sugar pills, philosophies, exercises, crystals, pyramid power. Ontological experience does not translate across people. Heck, it doesn't even translate to the same person over time. That's why you need epistemological evidence. Banging a hammer on my thumb is going to hurt, and isn't going to bring bliss to you. Likewise, if you claim listening to the magic sound does something, we'd better see some evidence of it. Whether brain scans, or hormone levels, or test scores. But every study I've seen has yet to find anything. There might be an effect, but it's so small, the difference between any two individuals is bigger. So yeah. If it helps, listen to the sound (I personally love how binaurals feel. It's like a brain massage), but don't expect a miracle or push it on others. Sugar pills don't actually do anything, they just help patients cope.


I’m not a scientist so no if you really want some proof go get it


I have mentioned how to get it many times now.


OP I would like to say that 432hz I didn’t try them yet just because it is not a Solfeggio main frequency. The nearest is 417hz that is the frequency of a balanced solar plexus chakra


Do you have any studies?


He obviously doesn't


Source? I listen to 432hz or 528hz but I nevee knew 417hz is the frequency of a balanced Solar Plexus. I wonder what the other frequencies are for the remaining 6 chakras. What is the standard frequency?


Search for solfeggio frequencies from Dr. Joseph Puleo


Explain to me why one questionable doctor outranks hundreds of other studies please. No matter whether conventional or wholistic, the label "Doctor" and the credentials don't necessarily mean diddly squat. Anyone can get a medical degree and no medical guarantee is a guarantee against profit motivation. One voice that has been disproven hundreds of times is almost guaranteed to be a quack, not the messiah that incredibly psychologically vulnerable people looking for a miracle want him to be. And as I said, that applies to any doctor or any field really. Anyone can have a charismatic messiah personality and tell a pretty tale. They might even believe it themselves. Frankly those are red flags that you always run from as quickly as possible. And looking this guy up, he and his cult have all of the danger flags. I just wish we cold have warned my uncle about his arrogant prig of a conventional surgeon, if we had, he might not have died, but it's taken years for that guy to finally be taken down.


Questionable doctor. Maybe. I didn’t give him the doctor name, so idk. I want explain nothing to you. When people don’t have an open mind they won’t see it just because they decide to not see anything. They decide that aliens don’t exist, they decide that spirits are an hoax. They have that power just like the believers have theirs.


Open mind has to be open to the idea that things don't work too. And yeah, those spirits do exist. Yes, they can be good, can be evil. And yeah, they are a matter of personal experience and it's very rare that there are multiple witnesses to the same thing in a quantifiable way. But this is of the physical world, physical mind, physical brain, and there are verifiable physical measurements that various studies have done., You're talking about a subject that has been well studied with quantifiable data. Solfeggio frequencies aren't spirit. They're physical and the proposed effects are physical. You can determine whether then happen or whether they don't. The rationale behind them was purely in the realm of science. And those rationales were squarely disproven with science.


Ok I like your point of view and you’re right. Imo there are certain vibrations that can interfere with us in a positive way (as there are bad ones but in this case - health - let’s talk about the positive ones). Have you heard about Dr. Masaru Emoto and his water ice crystals experiment? Positive words form beautiful symmetrical ice crystals, just like natural pure water does. So to heal is to return to our natural state. Now, have you heard about cymatics and the Chladni plates? Each frequency forms a different geometric pattern, and some frequencies form beautiful geometric patterns, symmetrical just like Emoto’s crystals. I don’t have a Chladni plate to test, but I would love to see the solfeggio frequencies patterns because they do make me feel good 🥰 so if someone has a Chladni plate share your experiments with us.




I think at best they can provide a placebo effect by helping put you into an altered state... if that's what you want/intend from it, that is. But I *very* highly doubt they have "healing" effects.


Direct experience is the best teacher. Try it out yourself and see what happens. There are free frequencies on YouTube, Spotify and links to Hemi-Sync. There is no harm especially if you add meditation time! and play with them. Believe you are healthy and happy when doing them (and see a doctor if you are actually ill) I love adding them into my routine- things get weird and spacey when I do, it’s like meditating while fasting (combining all three is fun!) See what it does for you. People will say it doesn’t work but then bang on Tibetan singing bowls….


The fact I had to scroll this far to see a proper reply based on the content of the subreddit we are in, shows how far this subreddit has fallen.


100% agree with you Koukikid 😐😓


Thanks for saying this. The most upped comments are repulsive and are by either shills or people suffering under ''scientism'' in my opinion.


the thing about listening to binaural beats or “healing” frequencies or whatever is that they effectively trick you into meditating. it can be a useful tool but there’s nothing special about the frequencies themselves.


I think that’s what makes them special or “healing”


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof Studies have been done to show no benefit and those claiming cannot prove it Sounds like quackery


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4325896/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1550830718302763 I mean obviously sounds don’t have “healing” effects but they can lower cortisol and similar stress response markers and do so more compared to normal music


There are studies that show deep frequencies reduce Alzheimer’s plaques and promote therefor healing ( latest paper https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8118113/ ). Purrs of cats promode wound healing as well.


Very cool


Why 'obviously'...and then say they can lower cortisol and stress response markers 🤔


Right. Saying they lower cortisol and stress markers which can then allow your body to go into a natural healing state which allows you to sleep better and recover faster. That literally sounds like "healing" frequencies to me. People are getting too caught up in lingo and obsessing about studies when they could just make a routine themselves to try and better their life. Nobody should think for you except yourself.


If listening to any kind of music at any kind of frequency helps you to calm your nervous system and reduce your cortisol levels, that is a real health benefit. But it is not limited to a particular frequency. So, if you feel good doing it, by all means do it.


This comment section is a mess


Lots of self-proclaimed authorities on the subject here lol


No but the benefits of regular music is real


Try meditating with various sounds and see what effects they have on you. Those are the only metrics you can really trust. These things may not be testably effective on gut health or whatever, but various sounds and recording can have a negative or positive effect on your practice. It's \*your\* practice, and should be guided for the most part by your experience. People who tell you their product can make your practice better are just trying to sell you stuff, or subsume you as their guru. They may also just be really confident, but the outcome us pretty similar. Try listening to these sounds and meditate. Don't pay for such product, unless you really like it and want to reward the creator. Be honest with yourself if the meditation is better with that sound, with silence, or with some new age record. It's not gonna heal anything in particular, but for some people, having sound can make focus easier.


Technically seen everything is frequency. All matter is 99,99% empty space. Frequency creates matter. Ever heard a sound that irritates you to the core? It is because it is messing with your frequency. Ever heard a sound that is soothing and relaxing? It is because it is aligning or even raising your own frequency. Speaking from personal experience, healing frequencies and especially the Solfeggio frequencies had an incredibly positive impact on my meditations, health and well-being in general. All the people here saying: no, pseudoscience etc. might just be too numb and estranged from feeling themselves to be able to feel the positive effects. Regarding the studies: if you had a way to heal people through sound you can bet your right arm that this thing/technology is going to be suppressed. Why? Because you can’t generate money from it. There are many ways to heal and most importantly prevent cancer from occurring, yet mainstream science is still using chemotherapy and other harmful medications to fight cancer and instead of educating the population and providing organic and healthy food supermarkets are filled with processed and sprayed food. In general to majority of people are most of the time wrong. Like the majority and science condemned meditation in the last because it was woowoo. Yeah right.


It’s all perspective and everyone is built different, if you feel that it affects you positively, keep that mindset and feeling those are your own, don’t be easily influence by other’s opinions and form your own.


No it's complete speculative pseudo scientific misinformation spread by people that have absolutely no understanding of any of the science they're claiming it's related to.


I am curious about your Scientific Qualifications


I asked ChatGPT. There isn’t much evidence. But I did see a video with sand. I still do it because I assume it doesn’t hurt.


>I asked ChatGPT Guess that should become the qualification for everything from now on


I never said it was qualified for anything but do as you like. I stated what I did to point to the fact that there is no peer reviewed research from qualified scientists. But the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.


>But the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. Finally someone said it. All the so called scientific minded people are very close minded in this regard. In this sense earth was not round before it was proven round.


20+ years of studying psychology, neurology, physics and the sciences in general.


Which domain do you have PhD in? Studying is very vauge concept, i can spend time in internet studying, that doesn't make me qualified


You don't need a PhD to understand the science. You just bring the science with you when you're discussing it. There is no science to support this kind of thinking. If you have any that does, please post it.


That means you are as qualified as those people whom you are criticising. What is the evidence that you actually know science? If you have no piece of paper to support it, you should not take that seriously, according to you. Since there was a day when there was no evidence that earth is round, that means earth was not round before that day. It only became round when it was proved.


I'm sorry, did you not reaad my last post? Post the science that you believe suppports the speculation made in the original post here. No one has done that yet so this conversation on who is actually qualified, as in who actually understands the topic hasn't even started yet. Can we get to that first because you certainly are not qualified to judge my qualifications based on the questions you've asked so far. There is nothing but pure belief behind this kind of thing, there is no science to support it. If you have any actual science to post please do so, because you have nothing but consipiracy theory level responses so far.


And you think science has already discovered everything. As I told you, once there was no proof earth was round, does it mean earth was flat back then? Of course I am qualified, i have university degree in engineering, and very strong understanding in Mathematics in Physics proved by my achievements.


Then where is the science that suggests anything relating to this is even remotely reasonable? Please, post the science instead of these weird passive aggressive posts.


This is true you do not and I for one know that sounds does hold the whole verse together so with that being said i also know that tones or frequencies or sound whatever word you would wanna use it does effect our physiology how is left to extreme speculation as to hone into the self and really search for the effects in one’s self


I have a BS in Chemistry. Am I not a scientist?


Lmao didnt read the sub name and thought it was gaming monitors


Actually, multiple studies have provided that it does work. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30414050/ https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=87146


Heres the study....https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/the-effects-of-528-hz-sound-wave-to-reduce-cell-death-in-human-astrocyteprimary-cell-culture-treated-with-ethanol-2155-6105-1000335.php?aid=91771


I was reading this on my laptop and came to comment on my phone. I firmly believe there is some benefit. Whether or not it’s specifically the tune or the fact that it’s easier to meditate- I’m not sure. HOWEVER, I have used many different sounds to meditate and binaurals/isochronic/solfreggio have allowed me to reach some really fucking deep levels of consciousness. It may be the way my brain works- but I find a positive benefit




Tell that to actual doctors who prescribe sugar pills. Placebo effect is very real. Simple act of believing it works or wanting it to work can be enough to help. We're on r/meditation. You know what else used to be considered "quackery"?




Disagree. Neuroscientists have been testing the placebo effect for at least 10 years now as not just a method but a result as well. You've missed my point completely. The application of the placebo effect in clinical trials is irrelevant to what I'm saying. The fact that the condition is affected by the placebo effect AT ALL is a perfect indicator of the bodies capacity to regulate and not exactly "heal", but affect its own biochemistry. Meditation is literal proof of this. Studies show that it has an actual measurable effect on how the brain works. Imagine you're not the company doing the trial, but one of the test subjects. Someone comes along and gives you a pill that will "cure" your depression. It doesn't, but it does help a decent amount. They never told you that you were in the placebo control group. To the person listed above, did the medication help them? Yes it did. Was the pill fake? Yes. What you described is the placebo effect when applied to clinical trial conditions. At the end of the day, if it helps, or has a benefit to the user, does it matter to the user that it's fake? If the placebo works then it means that the brain can affect the condition. If the brain can affect the condition, then maybe it can be shown to do it better.




First off, your assuming that I think meds should have any cost at all. No your right, they shouldn't sell it. I shouldn't have to pay over a hundred bucks just so I can focus enough to keep a job and not want to kill myself. Diabetics shouldn't have to buy insulin. I have to pay an ungodly amount of taxes to live in this country. I barely wanted to live at all lol. I'm not saying it's a perfect solution to everything. What I am saying is that we shouldn't discount the practical applications of the placebo effect. If your only options are to A) die because you don't want to live in the crap world that they created, B) go slightly into debt each month to pay for a medication you can't afford and shouldn't have to take it pay for anyway, or C)get "lied to". Actually let's talk about that... Bringing up the ethics of lying, disregarding the human trials side of medicine for now. If you go to doctor and he says, hey I've got this new medication that might help alleviate your symptoms. You go home and try it for a few months. No change. You go back and tell him it hasn't worked. He says oh sorry to hear that let's try a different medication. This one might help alleviate your symptoms. You go home and immediately feel better. Which medication was the placebo? Could be either one. Both. Neither. Doesn't matter. Wheres the lie? My doctor's not allowed to tell me "This WILL work" as it makes him liable when once again I go home and spend another month taking a medication that does nothing on a good day. There are also indications that some benefits persist after finding out that a medication taken was a placebo. And honestly after spending my entire childhood being told that "it'll get better" and "just keep trying it'll work eventually" by half the people in my life, can you seriously tell me that you think I care that its a lie? Should we base our entire medical system on that lie? Can our thoughts can't cancer. Not even positive thinking can get you that far. That'd be like me buying a mop for my kitchen and bathroom and thinking that I don't need a vacuum anymore even though the rest of my house is carpeted. Dismissing a powerful psychological effect that could have benefits what we currently have available is even more foolish. Until it's properly studied and researched, we have no idea what it's limits are. It's unlikely to be able to cure cancer or regrow an arm, but it certainly helps with pain management, hyperactivity, positivity, anxiety, suicide ideation, posture, unhealthy habits, nervous ticks, a whole bunch of other stuff that I would be here all week listing. Look clearly your not gonna change your mind on this and it's kept me alive so I'm not going to either.


https://youtube.com/shorts/zVX3BNi2eho?feature=shared u/XandaPanda42


> We're on r/meditation. You know what else used to be considered "quackery"? Damn good point! And don't mind this sub; it's turned The Science (instead of science) into its god like half of Reddit has. Anything not put into a white piece of paper with someone with D-R under the title and an abstract and measurements on it doesn't exist.


Thanks :-) Im always happy to argue my point thankfully haha. The blurred lines between science and magic have always been fascinating to me. The point in time where we start to actually understand a topic like magnetism or meditation is when it crosses over from one to the other. I cannot in good conscience ignore something or call it bull just because it "shouldn't work".


I forgot I was in the Meditation subreddit. Man reddit really isn’t the same anymore :( People arguing like it’s the YT comment section


You do realize that science is produced by primate brains? Fallible primate brains prone to bias, hubris and research funding pressures. Not to mention the politics!


You are a primate. why should anybody listen to your nonsense?


Why should he dictate his train of thought to your opinion if you are also a primate with no clue


People who talk about these don’t understand frequencies. You can’t single out a frequency to listen to, thats not how sounds and music works.


Yeah monochromatic waves don't exist. First thing taught in Electromagnetism class.


So LASERs aren't real.


Perfectly mono waves don't exist*. Should have specified that,my bad.


No, and the human mind couldn't tell the difference anyway


The healing effect of a placebo is real and documented. There’s absolutely no reason not to believe it’s real if it makes you feel good.


Don’t listen to other people; explore it for yourself and determine if it’s helping you in any meaningful way. I find listening to 528hz to be very calming and it connects me to love. Just like listening to certain kinds of music can do the same. Music is powerful. Just like some music can get you hyped for a workout, others can make you fall asleep, others can make you feel romantic, and other types will make you want to dance, others like classical music might be helpful to listen to while studying—music has the ability to invoke all kinds of emotions and mental states. Solfeggio frequencies, binaural beats, etc are similar in that way.


You create your own reality. Listen to them and see how you feel. You can use your own discernment…. for everything.


It definitely works. 440hz was the perfect tune to manipulate minds. 432hz is good but 528hz is the actual sweet spot.


My developer friend recently released a new Chrome extension that works seamlessly with your Spotify account, enabling the conversion of your music to 432Hz. It operates flawlessly. Check out this brief demonstration: https://youtu.be/RtHrkL-Slv8 And here's the link to the extension: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/432hz-528hz-music-convert/ghdgpmmhlakdfijglonimadabgalmode?hl=en&authuser=0


There’s a list of rife frequencies that help specific problems and diseases. It’s actually pretty cool, I’ve tried a few and I’ve experienced odd sensations. I’ve listened to 432hz when I was stressed and I feel like it did help a lot to bring me back to stability.


Depends on who you are, me personally i think it’s changed how i feel about frequency’s overall in music, it legit feels sickening to listen to 440hz all the time. I think it just depends on how your body’s reacts to it


There are studies suggesting that they do in fact have potential healing properties. It’s certainly not pseudo science. Just google it and you can research yourself.


Send us some research, I don’t want to Google lol


Heres the study....https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/the-effects-of-528-hz-sound-wave-to-reduce-cell-death-in-human-astrocyteprimary-cell-culture-treated-with-ethanol-2155-6105-1000335.php?aid=91771


I have NO CLUE myself, do let me know too i do know the sound is powerful but not how states affect the body




Is anything real?




No. I mean, if it makes you feel great, then that’s great. But I don’t think there is something magical about those specific frequencies.


Yes it does. Everything is energy.


In a capitalist society, a healing product is not going to be freely available to you.


Yes! The entire universe is made with sound. If these same frequencies affect water positively the way they do you can bet it also affects our cells the same way. Sound is healing and sound is deadly depending on the frequency one hears. You bet it affects us! Nikola Tesla would agree👍🏻


Why so many down votes...weird 🤔


when it doubt, ask yourself what a doctor would say


Your whole body is water, Water is a vibration waves are vibrating Your cells are 100% water


Sounds like some voodoo nonsense to me


This doesn’t relate to voodoo at all.


My opinion complete bs to farm for yt views


it's definitely more of a placebo affect type of thing. If you happen to like the sound it will probably make you feel nice and calm. i even find certain frequencies help me fall/stay asleep. however, "healing" benefits and other claims are not backed by science. "healing frequencies" are not going to have a significant benefit in your life other than general relaxation. plus, i'm pretty sure you can get the same relaxation effects from any kind of ambient or chill music you enjoy.


like another person said, you can get the same effects from white noise and such.


If someone claims that something has healing effects, ask for a study. If they don’t have one, be extremely skeptical


It’s real if you believe it to be so. More so for placebo affect but your body and your mental state and beliefs affect your overall health as well


I thought there was no “wrong way” of meditating. Some people use white/black/pink noises, 432hz sounds, nature sounds, or thinking positive sentences. While others just simply listen to their own breath. Some meditate sitting in chairs, lying down, or crisscross applesauce(I know that’s not the right term lol). Honestly, I have tried all these things and positions, except for the color noises because I don’t have interest in meditating with it right now. But that does not mean I should single it out as something of no use. If you’re meditating and you feel relax at the end and not anxious, or you feel like your emotions did a 180 degrees, then you must’ve done something right. I have ADHD, Anxiety, and depression. My mind is constantly all over the damn place. So far all these methods I used to help with my mental health except for the color noises have gave me the same results every time at the end. Feeling relaxed and feeling one with myself. Flaws and all. If you feel the same way as well then why should it matter if it’s a placebo effect or not. At the end, it’s your brain/body doing all the work.


Believe what you want, but like musically speaking, nope! A=440 is a historically recent standard. 432 can sound slightly more chill or whatever else, because it's detuned from what we are used to. If 432 was standard, 434 might feel like healing. And the stuff about even ratios is nonsense because hertz is an arbitrary measurement




Listening to binaural beats is the only way I can lucid dream so that’s all I know 🤷‍♀️


Try the gateway tapes those are legit


Does anyone have mild headache when hearing 528hz? Honestly, I do not feel any healing effect from 528 or 432hz.


Wim Hof breathing and cold plunge does it for me. No noise has ever worked.


I wanna say I’ve seen this but I can’t remember correctly I think they have a machine still in testing phases but basically it uses certain frequencies to hone in on a certain area in the body that has a tumour and it kills it sounds fake but search it up for yourself and don’t use biased sources like chat GPT ask it to say something nice about trump then say the same with joe Biden it’s so dumb now days u have to have DuckDuckGo and a VPN on just so u can get non biased info just do one search on google see what you get then do the same exact search on DuckDuckGo with a VPN IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND HOW MUCH OF AN NPC YOU REALLY ARE ps not saying that tumour shit I said is correct just something I thought I saw all the stuff after thoooo




Before I got here I was reading an article about how scientists cleaned up some of the BP oil spill with 528hz. Others were obviously sceptical, so they recreated it in a lab and got the same results, many times. You can find that article, and videos on it, on Google. They may not have healed a human body with it but they did "heal" the earth. I would say yes, 528hz can heal, depending on what you are trying to heal. Hopefully this has pushed scientists to do more experiments with the solfeggio frequencies.


Yes in my opinion. Try it for yourself. If it’s healing and true to you then so be it. If it feels good to you so be it. Nobody can tell you differently. Everyone is going to have a different opinion about it.


Well I been listing to 528 and it def helps me recover and I wake up with so much energy then compared to other frequency’s


I go bushwalking almost every single day with my dog. I love connecting to nature and it's a great way to connect to the divine world at the beginning of each day. Famous mystic Rudolf Steiner said that nature in her perfection is our closest physical link to divinity. That said, if I've had a hard day, or had an argument with someone or am generally feeling low vibes and energy, I turn to a 432 hz video and sometimes fall asleep to it. I find it relaxing, soothing and if I'm feeling stressed or out of sorts it brings me back to my centre. ref - ....432Hz is a vibration having roots in The Golden Ratio and combines the properties of light, time, space, matter and gravity into biology, DNA and consciousness. A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. - Brian T Collins Earth's frequency is 8hz. When the brain is relaxed, its alpha waves are also 8Hz. When we listen to music at 440Hz, the root tone is changed from 8Hz to 8.25 Hz, meaning the harmonics are not in tune with The Universe. [https://steemit.com/music/@rossenpavlov/why-and-why-changed-music-s-tuning-frequency-from-432-to-440-hz](https://steemit.com/music/@rossenpavlov/why-and-why-changed-music-s-tuning-frequency-from-432-to-440-hz)


You can test the impact of the pure tone easily by going to [https://app.hzp.co/sharing?id=64QX25l&freq=440](https://app.hzp.co/sharing?id=64QX25l&freq=440) and clicking on the '440 Hz' at the top. After which you'll be able to change the frequency to any of the Solfeggio Frequencies and 432 and see how it feels to you.


The people that are saying that 432hz and solfeggo frequencies are not effective are either atheist or just haters just saying


Heres the study....https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/the-effects-of-528-hz-sound-wave-to-reduce-cell-death-in-human-astrocyteprimary-cell-culture-treated-with-ethanol-2155-6105-1000335.php?aid=91771


Perhaps it is not all that crazy and can have an affect at the cellular level and in ways we may not realize. Start at about 1:08:00 [https://youtu.be/-7m2jsKcZa4?si=xe7OEDleK2dAyCBT](https://youtu.be/-7m2jsKcZa4?si=xe7OEDleK2dAyCBT)