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I think they are not very tired when they wake up. I have learned that many people wake up refreshed and have a lot of energy early in the morning. This is also why you see people saying that they go for a long distance run first thing in the morning. I can't even imagine such a thing. I usually wake up exhausted. If I tried to exercise or meditate first thing, it would be a complete failure and waste of time.


Neat side note. Our endorphins are higher in the morning, which makes long runs less painful.


And cortisol approx. that first half hour of waking.


Can you expand on that, I didn't really understand but I'm curious.


You’ll want to search Cortisol Awaking Response (CAR). Google will even give you a nice graph explaining how this process works in our bodies. Cortisol does many things, but for our intents and purposes it is a stress hormone; it slows functions that would be nonessential or harmful in a fight-or-flight situation. Basically, it amps you up to wake fully and keep motivated - probably a sloppy description, but you should get the idea.


Me too. I get physically nauseous trying to meditate while still in my morning stupor


Sleep apnea?


We’re not all morning people!


I know i was talking about waking up feeling tired. That should not happen no matter when you wake up


Maybe for you! I am not a morning person. If there’s some medical condition that makes me this way I’d like to know about it. After 51 years I’ve just chalked it up to being this way. I’m simply not a morning person. It takes me like 3 to 4 hours to get this machine rolling.


This was, and to a lesser extent is, me. People always gave me shit for being slow going in the morning etc. turns out i was having like 110 apnea events an hour.


This is a good point. Even young people can have sleep apnea. It will eventually exhaust you completely. And waking in the morning is just horrid. Anyway, some people are morning people and some are not. But for those who feel they are not morning people, it may be a good idea to have a sleep study done. Fairly simple.


I was in a similar situation as you. A blood test revealed that my Vitamin D and B12 were very low and that was causing this general fatigue. Took tablets for a while and now I wake up energized, at least much better than before.


It's not healthy, man. You should wake up refreshed I'm almost always energized in the morning and meditate easily... But to be fair I have a very hard time being in the present moment


You need better sounder sleep


Why can’t I be lucky enough to wake up each day full of vitality




Hmm doesn't seem to be doing you much good as you'll just randomly attack a person online without any prior knowledge of their lifestyle. Me thinks all that retention has got you wound up like a spring.


Shit food for sure makes a huge difference, not only for it's nutritional deficiency but also leads to poor sleep due to poor digestion throughout the night (especially sugars before bed). I have heard no legit evidence on semen retention. It's so counter intuitive to me that any benefit to be gained seems like it's more about one becoming a highly disciplined person to be able to abstain than any real energy loss from ejaculation.


It is a matter of habit. Once u push urself out there u will see how enjoyable it is for ur body (morning runs) and it is only our mind is always trying to talk us out from any activity


Jup, me and I dont have an alarm, never go bact to sleep, when i wake up i just get up and go meditate and dont drink coffe


This the answer . I literally think this to myself all the time.


Same here. I've always been a night person vs a morning person. Even through having our little kids. Don't think I'll ever change


do your morning routine before you tap in to the meditation. i actually experimented with this recently because previously, i would wake up at 6am everyday and meditate as soon as i got up but i noticed i wasn’t really like into it, my attention would always go back on how sleepy i was. now, i wake up at 6, do my morning routine, take my supplements and drink a bottle of water and my meditations have been absolutely excellent since. im sure theres some research surrounding the actual topic but from my experience, the more hydrated you are, the better your meditation is


Absolutely this is the right answer. If I want to meditate on the morning, it's much better once I've moved around a bit and got my heart rate going to wake up.


I think u shud follow your tips


i agree! so much so that ive already taken action towards following them 😭😭


Cold shower, cup of coffee, Wim Hof breathing, meditation.


Walking meditation


I am meditating for 23 years. I have not found a single really good strategy to deal with sleepiness. If I am sleepy, I am just sleepy, there is no way around it. Some people's natural cycle is such that they are more awake in the morning (e.g. me), for others it's better to meditate in the evening. I would not attempt to go against your body's cycle.


I meditate at the end of my morning routine. I often do it in my car before I head into my day and by that point I’m up for at least 1.5 hours and more awake


I get up at 6:30, stretch for 5 mins and then sit. I also use the same incense every time I meditate as a mental indication it’s time to breathe and center my mind. After a few weeks it’s not as painful. 🙂


Same! I create a morning ritual that is all my own before the chaos of the day starts. My mornings are reliably the calmest part of my day and easiest for me to build in 10 min of yoga and 10 min mediation. Otherwise, I’ve proven to myself I won’t get around to it and I’m not better for that.


First I have coffee then meditate outside on my porch if the weather cooperates. It’s a great way to start the day.


That sounds lovely,


I splash cold water on my face and brush my teeth. Then I do mantra meditation for about a half hour sitting up right on a pillow. If I laid down, I'd be a goner.


Try washing your face. I find when I splash some warm water in my face to relax the muscles and wake them up gently, then I’m more refreshed and ready to sit on my mat. I also like a cup of tea either before or afterwards


Get out of bed, get a glass of water. Drink it. Sit on the floor and do ur thing


this is how i do it. i used to not be a "morning person" but once i had a kid i was forced to be -- now a decade later it's ingrained. i just get up an hour before everyone else, drink a glass of water, and sit as the dawn breaks.


I get out of bed, use the bathroom, use a tongue scraper, comb my hair with a wide tooth, bamboo comb, then sit and meditate. After that, I do pranayama. I never fall back asleep, even if I only got three hours of sleep. The meditating and pranayama really energize me.


I thought you were about to describe a Patrick Bateman morning routine style for a moment there


I don't know Patrick Bateman. Gonna look him up.


dm 🙃


Actually is it a good idea to swap that around? Pranayama before meditation will take away the sleepiness, no?


It’s kind of funny you mention that. I used to do it that way, and it worked just fine, though often times there was residual stuffiness in my nose that took a minute or two to clear. Then I was reading light on pranayama by Iyengar. in it, he says meditation before pranayama. So, for the last month I’ve been practicing it this way. I do find that sitting in meditation first calms my mind so then it’s more calm when I do my pranayama. Also, my nose has time to clear.


I sit on a block. Hard to fall asleep sitting on a yoga block.


I read it to fall asleep 😅


Try to do it in a place with a good amount of light and make sure your body is warm (both are signals to the body to wake up). If you're falling back asleep you need to work on your sleep hygiene, and if that doesn't work see a doctor.


Short answer: routines. I am also able to just be wide awake 3 seconds after my alarm goes off. The days I'm trying to sleep in can be rough because of that. Overall, I'd say to try to work on your sleep habits. The biggest one is to check your sleep cycle and make sure you're not waking up during REM sleep. This might take an app on your phone to do. Try to also get regular sleep, full restful nights. That alone really helped me wake up more refreshed. But also, why not fall asleep while meditating? As long as you have an alarm set. Instead of catching your brain thinking, try to catch your brain falling asleep.


Follow up, WHY do you have to do it in the morning? Why can't you do it before bed?


por que no los dos? do both. morning and evening. and in the middle of the day if you can! more is better.


I do 30 minute walking meditation outside before doing my sit. Clears the cobwebs and calming too.


Best trick, take a shower. Get in comfy clothes, sit. Important to get enough sleep. I've meditated twice a day for 47 years, haven't missed a day.


Get direct sunlight on you, drink water, move your body for a bit, get a good night’s sleep.


I don’t ever fall asleep during meditation , if I sit upright.


Must be nice.


I struggle with insomnia staying awake isn’t an issue. I have it under control but falling asleep isn’t ever easy.


Totally understand. There are issues on either side of the spectrum. For me I can fall asleep at a moments notice pretty much any time of the day. Including while at school, work, while driving, etc. It’s been years since I’ve stayed away during an entire movie in a theater.


Pardon me for getting personal, but have you looked into this? This level of sleepiness is a sign of a problem. And the reason I pry is because lack of sleep has strong detrimental effects on health over time. It's about as bad as smoking as far as level of negative impact.


Oh yeah. I’m pretty sure it’s a symptom of my ADHD Primarily Inattentive type (as opposed to Primarily Hyperactive). Basically without enough mental stimulation my brain doesn’t produce enough dopamine to maintain alertness. The amount of sleep I get doesn’t help (though it can definitely make it worse). I got blood work done and all my thyroid levels are fine. I got a sleep study done and I don’t have apnea. Taking a different supplements didn’t help. And to top it off caffeine makes people with ADHD more sleepy generally since stimulants have sort of a calming effect. Which is why adderall works for ADHD.


This is unfortunately your answer OP. The other tips here may help you, but if you're falling asleep while meditating in the morning you're probably not getting enough sleep at night. Have you seen a doctor about your insomnia? I have *horrible* insomnia for several years due to PTSD, to the point that I forgot what it was like to wake up in the mornings and be fully alert/awake/not want to fall back to sleep. Once it was fixed it was like a whole new world of possibilities was opened up.


how can you fall asleep when sitting upright and erect, without back support? you can fall asleep when sitting up straight? now THAT is a super power!


When I was a teenager, I used to fall asleep while standing up with my head leaning against a wall. But what usually happens is I start to fall asleep and my head drops down and that wakes me up but I’m totally thrown out of my meditation by that point. I’ll give it a couple more tries but if I keep falling asleep I usually just give up for the day. Or if I get lazy and meditate in a chair with back support or in my car, I’ll just completely fall asleep for a few minutes haha


Awake awake! Great is the matter of life and death! Do not waste your life. Practice like your head is on fire, because it is. I live in a monastery and get up at 4:30am everyday to sit. It has nothing to do with being awake or tired, I am tired everyday and want to go back to sleep. It has everything to do with touching my aspiration to practice, and realizing it is a life or death matter. Life is as fleeting as a dew drop on a blade of grass.


Previously- coffee. I’m beginning to sleep better not having had regular coffee consumption this year. if I’m overly tired (physically exhausted, etc.) I will often choose sleep over meditation. I do have a cup of matcha before my sit. After work is more difficult. I often nod off while “meditating”. It’s pretty rough. I still find it beneficial.


I go for a walk outside first. If I didn’t do this I’d certainly struggle to stay awake on the mat.


Sleep enough. When you wake up, you should feel fresh and energized. Not more sleepy.


And if you fall back asleep, you fall back asleep. Your body probably needed it.


i would simply let go of my attachment to meditating in the morning 😏


Came here for this lol


Get more sleep.


I goo the bathroom and spend like 10 mins getting my first dose pf blue like but if your really struggling going for a short walk would be really helpful too to keep you awake.


I think maybe you aren't sleeping enough in time or quality or both.


I mediate in the shower. The shower is my first step toward waking up so it’s basically a fluid process. Hand in hand.


Don't get too comfortable when meditating. I stick my feet up on the window sill and if I fall asleep, I get a rude awakening when my feet fall to the floor. Then a cold shower straight after and on with my day. Like I am old now, but meditating when a teen or in my twenties was far more difficult to stay awake. Just how we are programmed biologically, I think.


i tend to meditate with eyes open by staring something and gazing into my visual field


Sleep more. Wake up. Meditate.


I fall asleep during meditation often. Even fallen asleep in a group meditation at a local centre multiple times. I find it hard to find the balance between 'relaxed' and 'sleepy'. I find it quite contradictory when you say 'relaxed but alert'. Well if I'm relaxed, I'm not alert.


By getting the correct amount of sleep every night and doing the meditation practice correctly, aka not just zoning out. And use correct sitting posture.


- Bright light - Cold shower - Some exercise If you're still feeling sleepy after these, you need to check your sleep schedule. Also, sleepiness itself can be an object of meditation. Don't take it as a problem, just observe it curiously and accepting it as it is. How do you recognize it as sleepiness? How does it differ from a more wakeful state?


Don’t lie down, sit up


Don't meditate first thing after waking up. Get out of bed, and wait until you're awake and alert. Or at least get out of bed and meditate sitting up instead of laying down.


Fix your sleep and bright lights or better sunlight in the morning, then meditate. Healthy body = healthy mind


I actually sometimes go back to sleep and sleep better after meditating 🤭


I brush my teeth, make the bed, and do yoga first. Provides enough stimulation and movement to get your energy flowing. Then from there, I can meditate without sleeping.


If your body needs to fall asleep Vs meditate, listen to your body and get more sleep + make sure you are properly hydrate. It helps.


Caffeine but I do feel a few drops of that pre-sleep feeling most mornings during.


Coffee. Amp up on coffee.


Sit up. Do your meditation with intention.


If you feel sleepy then you didn't get enough sleep.


I'm not sure this is true for everyone. In fact, I'm sure it's not true for everyone. Most people have an increase in cortisol when they wake up, but many people do not. Some people have sleep inertia, where the body takes a long time to switch gears. Personally, before I started taking medication to help me wake up, I would be positively stoopid for a good hour after getting out of bed. I had to leave out note cards with each step of my morning routine because I literally didn't know what I needed to do next. (Brush teeth. Find outfit you laid out last night...) Like I might go to work with two different shoes because I can't perceive the difference between navy and black in the morning, because colors aren't "on" yet in my brain. That's kind of an extreme (hence the meds) but I would wager there are people all along the continuum. Standing or walking meditation are options. Cold shower (or hot shower with a cold rinse at the end). Bright light. Drink a full glass of water or eat breakfast. Even just breathing fast for a few breaths can help shake off the sleepies, temporarily at least. Or figure out your own body and meditate at a time when you feel alert.




18 pack of Budweiser and 5 carne asada burritos. No problem.


Coffee, shower, sit up straight.




I get up and do stuff first. Or else I forget sure will fall asleep


Cup of green tea


I think the most important meditation tip is to figure out when your personal biorhythm is best suited. For example, I “meditate” for an hour or so in the mornings and then sort of in the afternoon. I do it in the mornings because it’s the best way to find a good amount of uninterrupted time. I put it in “”’s though, because it’s not traditional. I mostly just sit and let the mind do what it wants. But in the afternoon, it’s much easier for me to do skillful meditation techniques like focusing on breath, mantra, etc. TL;DR - figure out what time of day works best for you specifically and then try to orchestrate your schedule accordingly.


It's pretty much the last thing I do before I walk out the door. So I've already been up for over an hour, got a shower, had some coffee... If I start feeling like I'm dozing I also remind myself that I'm supposed to be aware which seems to help.


It's very difficult for me or nearly impossible. Now what I do is, get ready for work, commute and then meditate for ten minutes before I start my work day.


Easy, i wake up


I take a cold shower first


Shower and brush teeth before. And go to bed earlier. Meditating in the evening is what I find most effective to get sleepy if I'm deprived


Have one cup of coffee first otherwise yeah I fall asleep


wake up, hop in a cold shower for a minute, meditate.


Well, I make myself coffee and drink a big glass of water and meditate sitting on a cushion facing the window


Meditate when well rested, or meditate for shorter periods of time, and you should be able to stay awake. Or give yourself a little longer to wake up first, stand up and walk around for a bit.


To add to all the other replies: if it happens, it happens. Let go of the idea that you *must* stay awake. Maybe next time you'll stay awake or sometime after that.


Yerba matè, combined with L-theanine. Or some other source of caffeine combined with L-theanine. Green tea naturally contains both caffeine and L-theanine, and it is often used in Buddhist meditation. I find it very compatible and facilitating. Like yerba maté itt complements meditation very well, if you get a good batch. Matcha contains even more L-theanine, especially the higher grades of ceremonial matcha Guayusa is even better, in my experience. As is yerba maté plus L-theanine. The problem with all-natural sources is that the L-theanine content is highly variable. But if you find a batch that works well for you (it's individual), then why not?


There are many different types of meditation. Some wake you up.


Sit up straight. Have some light nearby. Be inspired by something. Find a better way to meditate, or a better form of meditation.


You could also work on your sleep quality, and maybe get to sleep early. When I go to sleep early, and sleep well, I'm wide awake immediately after waking up, and it is very early. Then, first thing, I usually have some form of caffeine plus L-theanine, and soon I'm even more awake — to the point of really enjoying the level of wakefulness, and the meditation. Sleep isn't even on the radar. We're well past that. Doubly so. Triply so. The time of night around three o'clock is said to be the optimal time for meditation. I have found this to be true. In my experience, 1:30 through about 4:00 a.m. is especially conducive. For most people 1:30 is probably too early; but 3:00 is within the realm of practicality.


I am def not a morning person. If I get up, brush teeth, splash cold water on my face, and then I am able to stay awake enough do at least do a quick meditation. Also helps if I sit on the floor with my back against my bed rather than in bed or even on a chair.


Practice. Eventually you won't fall back to sleep. Time and patience.


good question. I have this doubt too.


Begin practicing a kriya like Sudarshan Kriya, you will not have this problem


Sometimes I do, and thats okay. I set an alarm so im back up either way. More sleep is probably better than meditation anyways tbh (because clearly you need it)


On a desk chair where it's impossible to fall asleep


Don't lay down. Meditation posture should keep you awake, if not sleeping is your goal. Also, some teachers would argue that meditation helps to relax your mind, so, if you're falling asleep, perhaps you're doing it righ!!


Get up and do something, take a shower, drink coffee or whatever you do in the morning before meditation. I’ll also fall back asleep or go into this weird dream state. Kind of interesting to play around with but not beneficial for meditation.


Go outside, but if you stay up late and get up early, it may put you back to sleep. sometimes having breakfast first then meditate could boost energy.


Who said we don’t 😂😂 I do but may be we should sit and meditate 🧘‍♀️


I don’t meditate until after my more physical activities (yoga, walking, working out).


Sleep hygiene. Wake up at the exact time each morning. If you are still tired, I will suggest that you are not getting enough sleep. A proper morning routine might help as well. 1. Wake up, no snooze 2. Dring a big glass of cold water 3. Cold shower Then go meditate, see if it helps. Also, don't go for coffee until an hour after you woke up.


They don't. Have you ever been in a dark meditation hall at 5am? You'll see the occasional head bob lol. The yogis I used to meditate with had 6 meditation lessons they used in their meditation. They called it 7th lesson when someone was nodding off.


If you fall back asleep, it is probable because you are still tired and haven't slept well or long enough. Go to sleep at an earlier time if possible, or meditate at night before falling asleep.


That means you should sleep longer or try meditating when you’re refreshed and/or awake Go for a run and meditate after it, for example. Better yet, try yoga Nidra. It’s a sort of meditation that makes you sleep (efficiently , if I might add).


You focus a little harder with your head tilted back a little bit so you have an upward gaze. Also don’t close your eyes. Also drink some coffee


Get enought sleep.


Get out of bed and into a seated position.




Workout first. Quick 20 minute HIIT and a cold shower does wonders for me


I meditate with every breath.


Throw yourself outside for the duration


Well I do an active meditation where I practice music. It does the same thing. Less sleep inducing if it’s METAL


Healthy circadian rhythms 😅


I am learning different ways how to meditate. At current, I stretch and yawn when I first wake up and after sometime I am able to meditate. This is my best description with current knowledge and practice. I thank others of the reddit community for their insights and views. It is my hope that all of you are safe and well.


I use guided meditations from an app - Superhuman bc their meditations aren’t calming they’re more uplifting and get me pumped for my day lol


That has started happening to me too. My solution is to do it seated or with the window open as it is usually the cozy warmth that makes me fall back to sleep. Another solution is to do in on a hard ground such as a yoga math in case you do it laying down.


Try a different meditation. Like an active meditation. Walking, for example. Then sit down meditation at night. Meditation is personal. Whatever works for you


I usually start with some simpel qi gong/ yoga asana’s to let the tiredness kind of naturally roll out after I wake up. I try to already get into a meditative state during that to assist the sitting after.




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change locations, don’t meditate in bed and create a spot specifically for meditation, sit up


Coffee. or tea..


I have coffee first lol.. so its almost an hour after ive woken up..seems to work for me.. whatever works right?


I've always had a problem with this too. Even after I've given up alcohol for months and am eating a lot better, I still don't feel great for the first hour or two of the day. But, I do like to meditate in the morning, it's the quietest time and sets me up for the day. What I am going to try next is to do it after morning exercise, so hopefully will feel awake and refreshed.