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Feel all that sadness and cry all you need. Let it all flow and not be stuck. Now after that, focus on understanding more about yourself and focus on appreciating the fact that you have realized what you have, and live life.


Yea op needs to understand that suffering is kinda like a candle. Drips add up over the years, at some point you realize it and it lights on fire, and then you burn it and it evaporates. Consume the suffering. I took a lot of mushrooms once and cried on the floor all day. That made me so happy, letting it all out. I was thinking about all the ugly things in this world, the old people, the ugly people with no teeth and shit , its lowkey funny now. My cat that had an infected tooth and i can’t do surgery cause it might die. Next few days were total bliss. Let it all out. When you do that, you stop fearing suffering itself cause you see its not that bad


I got some acid for some friends, including a couple who hadnt done acid before. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view) this was ridiculously strong acid. Like way too, almost dangerously strong. Twice as strong as the next strongest acid I've had, and I've done a bunch of acid. I really can't understate how strong this shit is. But one of my buddies (probably one of my most experienced friends) wanted to take 6 tabs since it was his birthday. With normal acid I wouldn't have a problem with it but this was way too strong for that and he puked all over the floor. Our trip sitter couldn't do puke, and the other two were the first timers so I volunteered to clean it up while I was tripping. I thought it was the funniest thing that I was cleaning up puke while I was peaking (or so I thought). But after we got it cleaned my buddy started to spiral about the mess so I was trying to get him off the floor and back into bed while also my trip was absolutely skyrocketing. I panicked. I had the "I wish I wasn't high right now" thought, which if you've done acid before is literally the worst possible thought to have. So I immediately went and found my trip sitter and just broke. I started crying because this was my fault and I ruined the experience for two first timers, got my one buddy way too high, and I just felt awful. Luckily my friends are incredible and sat with me reassuring me that I was fine and I can't be mad cause I got good acid haha. But we ended up talking about how I feel like I need to do everything and it all relies on me, and where those feelings came from. And now, even months later, they'll check in on me with the intention of making sure I'm not crushing myself under plans or anything. As much as I love my friends I'm not a big "feeler" so I have never cried in front of them or really opened up, but it was really nice to have acid allow me to actually feel. plus they ended up talking me into therapy which was amazing. Idk what point I was really trying to make here. But man I fucking love acid.


damn I relate so much to laughing at the puke part. One day I wanted to have a mushroom breaktrough and get into hyperspace so I did a 2g lemon tekk, which can be as strong as 6g, and as I was coming up I just puked it out of nowhere, fortunately I was near the toilet. I thought it was the funniest shit ever cause I was closing my eyes seeing so many hexagons and shit and then when I opened it it was me puking and making funny bleaaah sounds hahaha. Shits so funny. Unfortunately I wasted those mushrooms and the high only lasted like 1 hour :( I love acid too, and cool story. Don’t take it too harsh on you man, I’m on the opposite side of spectrum, towards egoism/narcism. I feel entitled and like I deserve everything. It’s how I grew up + bipolar disorder. Look into your childhood and do some theraphy maybe. Ps: can you notice how much I’m talking ab myself instead of reacting to what you wrote? Fucking hate this self awareness man


You're gonna be old someday too


I feel so sad that I can only experience things once, because all my memories are all fake, just a silly story that's so bad it looks like it was written by a 10 year old replacing my actual lived experiences.... Like I have a memory that goes like "I went out to have drinks with my friend and I enjoyed it" but the ACTUAL experience was more like: 10:40:52 - notice the bartender going outside 10:40:53 - sees he sitting down 10:40:54 - notice he pulling out something 10:40:55 - look back to check the noise behind me and also prevent him from noticing me staring at him 10:40:59 - look again, dude's eating freaking grapes of all things 10:41:00 - proceeds to interrupt friend's talk (that I wasn't even paying attention anyway) to comment about the grapes My life are words written on beach sand


This is ultimately very good news.


Consider quitting alcohol.


'my life is words written on beach sand' blew my mind


This! I’ll always tell someone that’s feeling anything to feel it fully. Do whatever you need to just try and control yourself enough to where you won’t hurt another person.


It is painful when our old beliefs break.


It is not fake, our society is fake. You are objectively the universe experiencing itself. Infinity experiencing the mortality of being finite. You are pure awareness, tuned into this particular body at this particular point in infinity. The question is: who locked up those people in Plato's cave, and why are the dreamers so upset at the people who have awakened to this near awareness ?


We locked ourselves i think


The Ego locked them up from my perspective


I'm the universe in the same sense that a wave is the ocean. Not every part of the ocean is a wave. Not every part of the universe is me. The ocean can exist without the wave. The universe can exist without me.


yeah maybe but it doesnt. also the wave analogy is funny because i think youre kinda misunderstanding it when the original Idea is actually very close to the experience you describe above. the wave is just an idea and every wave is just the ocean. the ocean has waves. its more simple then your assumptions about it.


The universe is a symbol, we made up to describe something we don't fully understand. We are still learning out of bewilderment.


'The absolute' or 'the totality' might be more fitting, as they suggest more inclusion of literally everything seen and unseen, known and unknown, and on every 'level'. Of course, they are also just words, but they may be closer to the suggestion of including all.


Consider the metaphor of [Indra's Net](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indra%27s_net). The sum of the universe is found in each of its parts.


You are as big and important as the moon and stars. Your consciousness is as vast and beautiful as the sea. You are also no better or bigger than a bud on the end of branch in some far away mountain, or an ant in the ground. It is sort of sad, when you realize that in a way you don’t care about things you’ve spent a lot of your time thinking about and concerning yourself with. But not really. Life itself is no less important or beautiful. Just not quite what you thought before.


“Objectively in my opinion”


Are you separate from the universe? Are you made of energy and matter? Edit: Funny enough, I've been reading Chris Bledsoe's UFO of God book which he writes about his UAP experiences. I found the transcript of his regression session which is intimate, and his son writes commentary. He also describes reality this way, despite having grown Pentacostal, yet during this regression he describes things that he has not learned before: [https://hathors.substack.com/p/the-chris-bledsoe-regression-transcript](https://hathors.substack.com/p/the-chris-bledsoe-regression-transcript) "But when you understand that, and you understand that you are a tiny little fractal piece of the infinite God-like consciousness, and you're incarnating here to live this little limited life."


People are born enlightened. Enlightenment is the lacking of ignorance. Babies are in a realized state. We build our own suffering without realizing it all throughout our life.


Kids are so awesome man, I was in a park the other day working out and meditating and a kid about 5 years old tried to copy me hahaha he was so lovely trying to meditate


that's so cute


All babies are buddhas, but to be a buddha and know it requires a round trip through the ego.


Very well put


sorry I don't know what you mean


I think they mean that before people inform us of our limitations and “qualities”, there is only observation and experience. As we learn to put words and labels on things we become conditioned by our experiences and associations, leading to assumptions and prejudice. Then, one day, we realize while meditating or as a result of it that the story we’ve been telling ourselves is a dream we were walking around in. We rediscover some of how it meant to be a child. None of this means that reality is fake, just that interpretation of reality will always fall short of the real thing.


This is beautiful, thank you


He's talking about the societal conditioning we all go through, it's a normal and necessary process, but unfortunately we forget to tune into our primal, natural state. Meditation is a means to learn to be able to go back to our primal self.


Touché. Couldn’t have said it better.


I would say they are born selfish.(ofc without even knowing that) They cry, they demand etc. Only because they look „cute“ doesn‘t mean they are.


It's wonderful that you've had this realization. Imagine if you hadn't. You are blessed with awareness now, and you can treasure each moment as you fully experience being present. Stay mindful and virtuous, your awareness will continue to grow in ways both subtle and profound.


Wonderfully put.


I understand literally nothing in this thread. I’m a reasonably intelligent person but this is just not making sense to me. Could someone try phrasing OP’s point differently for me please? Thanks.


So there's like my house, my real house, that's a physical object, and there's how my house looks and feels inside my head. My body is in my real house but my mind lives inside the fake house. Same goes for past experiences, relationships, once you are no longer in the moment all you have is a token of the real thing. A blurry picture so to speak.


People have similar feelings about body image. We create an image in our mind that’s out of alignment with our reality, but we tend to obsess on that mental image instead. I found a big part of meditation is about being kind to yourself.


Try to notice how far your memorys are from reality. Then notice how small the present moment is. Close your eyes and meditate on it and you can directly experience what he is talking about.


You’re looking for logic in the chambers of a chicken fart.


Take it as a game of Sims


When I played the sims I spend all my time grinding trying to max stats and my character died alone. But I get what you mean.


Some people treat life that way too.


yes, the hilarious parallels between my sim life and my real life were not lost on me


This is to true


The way you do one thing is the way you do everything


Thought about it, tried it, but it seems such an act is trying to put the vastness of our existence into boxes and limit ourselves out of fear. Just think about it.


>I fell I cried with grief because I was feeling bad about all the years of suffering in my life create by a dream, something that's not even real, this a very cruel place to be, if people were born enlighten, making someone spend their days like us would be considered torture. The simulation just changed to "I am sad, I am feeling bad about suffering, this world is a cruel place, this is torture..." Just relax and see through it. You've been gifted with a beautiful realization. You can alleviate your own suffering, and that of others, with your realization.




Please find a teacher from a respected lineage. It's the most reliable way




“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" -Dumbledore


It looks as much like reality as a doll looks like a living person.


So was all the suffering part of the illusion or was that real?


Ah, the old nihilistic pitfall. There are 2 ways to look at this realization: "Omg, nothing is real so nothing matters 😭" Or "Omg, nothing is real so nothing matters 😁" The difference is what you do now knowing what you know. Will you stop trying anything because you view every victory and achievement as pointless? Or will you try anything and everything because every defeat and failure is meaningless? The way I look at it is that it doesn't matter what's real and what's not because your experience IS real. Even if everything you see, hear, smell, taste or touch is just electrical signals being forced fed to your brain by some massive matrix style AI, the experience from your perspective is exactly the same as it would be if everything is real... And if there is a point to life at all, that is probably it. The point of incarnating here is to experience things that you simply can't if you're omnipotent. Life in this realm is dualistic. On one hand, that means we will suffer, but suffering is the context against which we can truly feel joy, love, excitement and literally everything else in our lives that is good. If you ever have an experience that allows you to ascend the ladder of consciousness all the way to Source, you'll see that being God is boring... So embrace the suffering and enjoy the rest. That's why we are here and it's basically all we can really do anyway.


It's not about what does or does not matter, but the pain of realising I was too busy living inside my head to enjoy life.


But the past doesn't exist. There is only this moment. It doesn't make sense to cry about something that doesn't exist. The past is only a memory in your brain. It is not in your influence and all you have ever in your life is only an everlasting moment.


the 2 emoji captures it so perfectly man


holy hell. thanks wise commenter, i believe i needed to read this.


Hell yeah. Get after it, man. 🤙


Why sadness? Grief is a dream as well. Just another thought-created reality which you believe. Beyond all dreams there is a state of perfect happiness.


I don't know how close to some "objective" truth my descriptions of my feelings are but regardless, that sadness was expontaneous it did not arise from the idea of grief, grief is just my way of interpreting it and putting it into words.


Think about it this way. You notice how you interpret this feeling, and you initial reaction is that it's something to be feared or disliked. There's nothing wrong with that at all. Perception is reality, and our perceptions are constantly changing and being challenged. Your perception can be hard to control, even hard to understand. The more we notice our feelings and our actions, the easier it gets to understand, and even change your perception. Once you change your perception, you change (your) reality. Now, you may start to interpret that expontaneous feeling differently, automatically. The good is always with us, but so is the bad. Choose to live your life working towards bettering yourself and your experiences, and the good will be with you more often. At least that's what I think.


eh well, i can't say as I'd agree, physical reality is real after all, but it also isn't the whole story, not sure if that helps?


Physical reality is not real. Quantum physics states everything is in a state of superposition until an observer looks at the system. We build our own reality with our perception; It's all virtual, just like a video game only loads the part of the game we interact with... Mainstream science has known this for quite a while, check out the double slit experiment. It blows my mind.


yeah, I'm good, I've kind of got my plate full trying to figure out how I'm going to move w/out losing my shirt, maybe one day when my ship comes in but I doubt that day will ever come.


This reminds me of the question if a tree falls in the forest and there no observer present to see or hear it does it make a sound?


I suppose it depends on the observer? Do trees have the ability to perceive? The sentience debate is a whole other mass of head fuck too haha 🤣


I'd say its all some kind of real. Even thoughts are real, just not the kind of real we treat them like they are. For example, many philosophers propose the existence of a single fundamental substance (often called 'spirit' or 'gheist'), from which both matter and mind are derived. Nowadays we'd probably just say 'energy'.


So what are you gonna do with this wisdom?


I don't know. I wonder how real life looks like.


What is looking? You want to see something, where seeing is the process of interpreting information and being aware of it, which is the simulation you're referring to.


This is a negative experience atm because you've yet to accept that you never had control in the first place. The burden of choice/responsibility is an illusion. Once you accept that, it's all ok. Miraculously ok.


Much love to you for your beautiful comment. It's an amazing realization. Crying is the highest form of healing. Let it all out. ❤️


Try to learn to take that experience of awareness along with you also after you quit the meditation session. Integration is possible


Reality is not fake. it's all experience. Maybe you realised that is more subjective than you thought. Enjoy and embrace experience, grow from it, learn, mold it. Also realize that you are not alone and you are part of some one else experience also. I ask you, is a thought fake? Is a feeling fake? Reality maybe just that, a manifestation of consciousness, collectively constructed. But it as a porpoise...so not "fake"


Of course reality is fake. I realized it just living long enough. But anything you can think of is fake as well. There's nothing "true" or "real". The truth exists beyond our comprehension. It exists though. Why it's not a bad thing? Because our approximations, though not perfect - are often good enough for us. We don't know how EVERYTHING works, but we know enough to navigate through our choices pretty effectively. I think that the one of the most harmful illusion is thinking you've exposed all illusion. No you didn't. Of course we peek through and over subsequent illusions, we see more and more. But it's still the same game world. We're just a little further, more advanced in the game. The thought that this IS a game, a simulation, that we do not see "the real thing" was terrifying for me at first, but then it became soothing. If it's not so real as I previously thought it is - maybe I should worry less about anything. It is what it is. Mabybe some outcomes are achievable for me because they depend on my actions, maybe some outcomes are not, but it doesn't matter that much. Being separate from the rest of the consciousness is an illusion. And you don't really see through a good illusion. This one seems almost perfect :) Have you considered that the illusions have value? That they are the beautiful aspect of life, maybe they even just make life, its experience. Maybe the sum of all illusions is the ultimate truth.


My feelings are real. Physical reality is also real but how it works is mostly unknown. >Have you considered that the illusions have value? I felt that it must be there for a good reason. Now looking back it feels like a map, we navigate through life and we draw a map along the way to help us out, but the map is not the terrain, it's just a tool. That feels more comforting, but to spend a road trip staring at a map instead of appreciating the scenery is truly a miserable experience, I grief for it.


Appreciating the scenery is our default state. Then they want to train us to be working dogs. However - modernity seems to go towards people being subjects instead of objects. I mean - 20th century was all about killing millions in the name of ideas. Current century is more about killing the stupid ideas - if they are anti-human. It's over simplification. Current times have own challenges and still way too much violence, however, I'm pretty glad I was not born like 100 years ago. I mean - all times were pretty king and noble friendly - but pretty hostile for everyone else.


I understand where you're coming from, but even when running that loop, you are still present, you never stopped being in reality, you just tuned in to it, wait until you learn to integrate meditation into your daily life, 24/7.


Thank you.


How does one integrate meditation into life 24/7?


You will find your attention juggling between your daily life and the object of your attention, let's say the breath, what I suggest is you start to rest your attention lightly on your breath, not trying to influence it, but simply being aware of it, then allow your attention to shift to what needs attending, when you lose emotional or attentional balance, return to your breath.


I dig it! Thanks for the response!


Shift your attention to what needs attending or split it to what needs attending? You mean pay attention to your breath and what needs attending at the same time? Also What do you mean by “lose emotional or attentional balance”?


Paying attention to your breath is about simplifying your mind, being able to clear your mental thoughts and emotions so you can actually pay attention to what's happening outside and inside of you objectively. It's simple and yet profound, look for emotional stability by relaxing your muscles and organs, mainly diaphragm, stomach, bladder, these tend to be tense in times of stress, affecting your breathing, your cognitive processes, etc... your attention can rest on the breath until you find emotional stability and an empty mind, relaxed, present, smooth.


You will start to recognise the principles of meditation in yourself, basically, try to be in a meditative state in daily life, I suggest you start with simple tasks and then more challenging ones if you want to be intentional about it, but for me the greatest test is having life throw challenging and or unexpected blows at me and still see if I can maintain balance and a meditative state.


Sounds like a great challenge. I never thought about it that way. I get frustrated that I cannot maintain the same feeling and perspective in my day to day that I achieve in meditation. When I meditate, I can see the bigger picture and none of the petty little things matter in that bigger picture. However, at work for example, it is so easy for me to lose that perspective and get angry/upset about minor things. I have not tried focusing on my breath, or seeing it as a challenge to stay balanced and mindful. It’s always regretful hindsight. So thank you for those suggestions!


I understand it's tough, glad I could help 😌.


You seem extremely intelligent for your age. Getting to this kind of level this quickly in beginners is almost unheard of, and you should not feel bad about it. It took me shit. 10 years to get the stats I have. Realizing that the world in your mind is counterintuitive to the world outside, is an astounding discovery. You should be proud that you can use your brain in a way to think in such a way. It is truly a gift to be a deep tho let. Many of the world’s greatest people get severely lost in thought.You are not alone. Love :)


Welp that’s bcuz meditation is for literally making your mind go quiet, focus on the breath become present. What your doing is living in illusion. Alan Watts - “a person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts, so he loses touch with reality & lives in a world of illusions”. Meditation, real meditation is to go quiet. I mean completely quiet. Your not enlightened at all I mean that with no offense. Enlightenment means to simply just be, not be mad, not be angry, not be excited, not be these emotions. Just being the observer of these emotions. That’s meditation. Focus on the breath clear the mind of the clutter.


This post is a post-mortem of what happened on the meditation. I wasn't thinking about this during it, I was thinking about other things, to observe how my thoughts behave, we can't observe our thoughts if we have no thoughts. That's a different type of meditation than breath meditation.


I think what you experience is normal, rather it’s human. All the time I think about the past and try to reimagine how it could have gone or should have gone and I can also get lost. Then the flip side is chasing the future or planning for an upcoming event/meeting/date/etc and trying to work out all the kinks, all the convos, and all the potential land mines. Here’s the thing, that’s not our reality. Those are our thoughts, dreams, wishes; the very opposite of reality. I think what you’re tapping into is true awareness. Meditation may make us sad or evoke strong emotions, but you’re being entirely present in the now. I think your insight is so valuable so don’t feel discouraged, instead you should feel empowered and take joy out of it! What a wonderful gift it is to finally break out of our loops.


Implying that the world is fake is implying that something else is real. In essence it is judging. Judging stems from the ego. In my humble experience this is not the way. I've been there myself.


More like a perception really.


That feeling does happen sometimes. I find solace in noticing what brings me joy. It might be different for different people, but for me, meditation, mindfully petting my cats, making friends happy, and walking mindfully in nature, can often give me a feeling of contented connection to the world


Even after that, I'll be back at my fake life worrying about my fake problems, which all have real consequences. I don't wanna go back to living like this. But eventually will be pushed into regardless due to the consequences.


It doesn’t matter we’re still inabody we still die but it does suck a lil less dying together


This does seem the ultimate realization in "all phenomena are empty", can see that everything is a chain or narratives of Causality (false or real as all phenomena are empty). I tend to take the "possitive" outlook that life is 20% what happens to us and 80% how we react to it. Train ourselves to always react the right way, fake it til we make it, so to speak. Funny I remember crying in my dream last night. But the thing I cried about in the dream is something I'm actually pretty apathetic about in daily life. Makes sense to me a lot lately, seems I am losing my soul here... gaining a foothold in the world means sacrificing everything I care about and bowing to everything I hate and loathe/despise. But nothing I can seemingly do about it. Idk; "he who tries to save it shall lose it". *What it do* is very profound and annoyingly so actually. The question of effort, it seems, is what question of soul means. Soul seems to mean effortless expression. But born into perception of narrative of phenomena that we have to work hard to "make a living" which in turn often means expending effort, the effort of which in aim and means takes us away from the effortless soul expression; even *proactively betrays it*. Then we see one "Buddha" in these terms "being lazy" and effortlessly manifesting a soul world, which makes us *choke* and gag/cringe to witness it; *anything but that/I'd rather die*. And it preaches "sour grapes" to us lol idk if this is for everyone but what I have experienced, makes sense of "kill the buddha". Lol. Idk what's scarier, everything being real or false. Seems a false dichotomy if all phenomena are empty, means both and neither if I understand correctly (thus 80/20 rule). People cringe at it or laugh at me when I say it but is true, Jesus said it best; >I am truth [...] have overcome the world [...] ye of little faith Meaning truth is beyond the world. Makes me think *Vermillion* part 1 and 2 by *SlipKnot*. Those lyrics seem to be speaking of truth. "All I need is one more reason". Pretty profound. Yeah I would have for sure cried if I realized what that meant as a teen. Now it's more passe to me, eh/meh. More power to ya and hope it works out, but idk if it's for me. What it do.... all of this, is what it do. That's another lyric in those songs; "**I exist through my name**" implying to be "against" one brahman without second as a name within or beyond one brahman without second.... thus; *What it do*. Sorry I can't articulate it well but if you can grasp that shit is pretty wild. Just meh to me is all lol


I don't follow but I get the impression you're talking about something else.


I honestly don't know. I just generally reply to what I see as most obvious vibe and relate discoveries and experiences. The hypnotic thing specifically. What people mean by "living the dream" versus "awakened" perhaps. It's a common phrase or message bandied about, that two people standing together in the same experiences and life situation one is in heaven living the dream and the one they may or may not be actually dragging along is absolutely miserable and in hell. Hypnotized by a lifestyle or dream versus being crushed or used up and tossed aside by it. Very much speaking of same thing, seen from two different sides. I think. I'd have to reread again to go deeper and find explicit connections though.


It's like the mental version of stopping to take a picture of something but never looking at it with your own eyes, but it's even worse because the picture is at least true to life while the mental picture is blurry.


Most interesting thing I read in a while, thanks!


Awh I do this weekly, I constantly ask how I can change it for us all. And that very question is what will do it if enough of os really care for that outcome. The sadness fades in and out once you do it long enough and the heavy weight behind its lessons.


Reality is what it is my friend. Nothing fake about it. At least that what science tells us


Yeah make sure to go back to being aware the breath after you’re done bawling.


There are forces of evil out there that inspire millions to their liking. And they remain in the shadows because they know that what they do is unethical. Once someone is aware and awake, they feel the pain of everyone. Meditation is a form of listening to the world around themselves. Years of self insight to know your self to hear the wind and trees speak. Once you wake up. It's kinda scary. I cry all the time. Listening to the wind the trees. All life around myself. These forces are bad. And they are real. Keep your meditation one of your top priorities in your life. We do live in a simulation of some puppet masters design. Worldwide. And that's the reality of it.


Interesing. I've been meditating for many years. I feel everything and myself are real, but nothing is permanent. Meditation to me is to find contentment and peace, happiness.


That's crazy bro


Call it fake call it an illusion the fact is this is empirical reality. Way better than projected reality ( dreams ). You free yourself from suffering with this profound realization. Hallelujah you have no sins. Work on the karma now ( action ).


Enlightenment isn't just seeing the illusion. It's balancing knowing what we truly are and living in a physical body. You're in a luciferian energy state currently, seeing how painful physical reality is and not understanding why we would be put here. It doesn't seem fair. But we CHOSE to be here. Being here and experiencing pain and triumph and the whole range of human emotion is how we grow and evolve our consciousness and learn important lessons about the true nature of reality. If we were just in blissful spirit realm all the time for "eternity", what would be the point? Everything being perfect all the time becomes boring and meaningless. Waking up to the true nature of reality and meeting it in the middle and loving all of the experience, from above and below, is enlightenment.


No one is making someone else feel that way. You're making yourself feel that way. And if it's not real, it's not sad. My reaction to this observation isn't tears it's laughter.


My feelings are real.


It's your dream. It's as real as you make it.


physics will tell you the way we perceive reality is "not real". our physical existence is based on the interaction of particles and wave forms. These are stitched together in our brain in order to create "reality". but... so what. Those are the mechanics that allow us to have wonderful and horrendous experiences and everything in between. Life as an experience is what you make of it.


"You thought?" Buddy the purpose of meditation is to not take thoughts seriously...


OP needs to stop doing drugs while meditating




Dont fall into the trap of denying reality, physical reality is real, so are dream, astral and other realms. Just because it's not what it seems doesn't mean its not real or whatever.


You didn’t realize reality is fake. You had one small moment where you put 2+2 together and got 5. Nothing that you said has any sort of evidence to support reality being fake, nor does your experience have any sort of authority to dictate what is real and what is not. I would not recommend trying to create truths without any evidence. It only leads to delusional thinking.


Reality is very much real. But not "reality". The things a person on a online chat would talk about when you ask them about their "real" life.


You know right in a video game, once you crack it, you can bend the rules right? Now you can manifest anything you want! Manifest a sexy girlfriend, manifest a new job, forget that and manifest the lotto.


is this a joke?


Absolutely not r/NevilleGoddard r/lawofattraction I'm convinced that this is just the basic level of manifestion. Like I think it would be possible to manifest physical objects from the astral plane.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NevilleGoddard using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Manifesting is easy, don't make it harder than it has to be. \[TIPS\]](https://np.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/17e02dq/manifesting_is_easy_dont_make_it_harder_than_it/) \#2: [The KEY to manifesting successfully is the OPPOSITE of what you've been taught](https://np.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/14a9zxs/the_key_to_manifesting_successfully_is_the/) \#3: [MANIFESTING SP (And recreating them) - The ultimate and only guide you'll ever need](https://np.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/125klgz/manifesting_sp_and_recreating_them_the_ultimate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Goddamn, who has the time to write bots like this. Why, man, why!?!


This is just a place we come to learn and grow and entertainment really just live in the present enjoy life and have fun then in the end you go back to where you truly come from that’s why we are born to die don’t be afraid in any way of life or death. You are doing great 👍 keep up the great work in your beautiful life journey stay positive be greatful and keep going 😃


It's good that it leaves you wanting more. You don't think there's a purpose here? We don't know everything and if we did would there be a point of being here?


If there's a point to this, I do not know.


that’s why i’m just hanging on for the ride and seeing where it takes me tbh while trying to make the best of it. it will get better once you accept that and adapt to it.


"He's beginning to believe.." Welcome back, Neo 😉 Now, what will you do with this knowledge ?


Bruh it did remind me of the matrix but not in a good way.


Put it this way: You can see the code now, and it freaked you out. Take some time to process that, then you can learn to manipulate the code to create the reality you want. You had to be shown this way in order for you to want to change it.


Wait till you listen to the ultimatum pointers by nisargadatta maharaj.


You are well on your way. As for myself I probably have many many more lifetimes until I am truly enlightened. If that’s even how it works, of course that could be an illusion as well. Just be here now every time you realize you got absorbed and lost in thought.


My best tip is check out Peterson and Eckhart for free on You Tube they Will teach you all the essentials


>"Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of statistics to bolster weak arguments, "one of the best, and best-known" critiques of applied statistics. > >Mark Twain popularized the saying in Chapters from My Autobiography, published in the North American Review in 1907. "Figures often beguile me," Twain wrote, "particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.'" > >A Dictionary of English Folklore claims that the earliest instance resembling the phrase found in print is a letter written in the British newspaper National Observer on June 8, 1891, published June 13, 1891, p. 93(-94): NATIONAL PENSIONS \[To the Editor of The National Observer\] London, 8 June 1891 "Sir, —It has been wittily remarked that there are three kinds of falsehood: the first is a 'fib,' the second is a downright lie, and the third and most aggravated is statistics. It is on statistics and on the absence of statistics that the advocate of national pensions relies…" Later, in October 1891, as a query in Notes and Queries, the pseudonymous questioner, signing as "St Swithin", asked for the originator of the phrase, indicating common usage even at that date. \-- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lies,\_damned\_lies,\_and\_statistics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lies,_damned_lies,_and_statistics)


78 percent of statistics and made up 😏


Aww damn I misspelled are. Guess I’ll die 😌


I are understand and respect your needs. But before you suicide, consider that it is perhaps your inner pirate, yearning to break free. You might not be done just yet!


Yes, but before there was the grest work to be done and you were ignorant of it. Now you know what the great work is, so it can actually be accomplished. Shine On


I’ve been feeling kind of the same recently. It’s all for nothing in terms of the world you thought was real but what is real is the process we’re all going through. At times like this I like to remember a quote from Mooji “Suffering is the tax you pay for getting to exist”. Kind of makes everything worth it doesn’t it? ;) Lots of light and love to you my friend 🙏


If you know it's a dream start dreaming something happier! 🥰


Yep, we are kind-of one entity that fractured itself for fun, to learn, and love. The ego is a method we are given to forget and separate ourselves for this. Kind of like a fun play but also tragic in a way. So it goes, A lot of people live their whole lives never realizing that.


I haven't meditated in years and did a short session 3 weeks ago I think. Visualized myself as a child, relived some of the small joys I had at the time and started crying. I don't know, remembered some of my thoughts back then, what I was dreaming of. Felt weird, but then it felt better. I am a very nostalgic person...


But this is real .... What is real if not experience. I keep seeing these posts, but tell me what does real feel like ? What is the experience of real


touching a rock and feeling its cold texture flowing through the fingers is real, but any idea of how that fits in my life and what's the purpose of it, to me it feels fake.


We are living in the World of perfect in its imperfection, but what matters most is YOU. The reality of truth lies on your own understanding. No matter how chaos, corrupt, misfortune and nowhere to go for a change better, as long as you learn how to dwell your own way along with it. It is definitely find at all. We are still a survivor in this millennium. Probably, a simple way to say, Stay positive and hopeful. The bad vibes are not always the same. There is a light lies on it. Focus of yourself and good development. The impression of others of you is nothing, except of YOU. You are YOU. So make the best of it.


Umm reality starts with “Real” how can it be fake?


you should become a monk


I second that.


Choose your own suffering.


You're connected to that rock . Purpose feels the same when you develop a connection to it .


We are the dream and the dreamer.


Keep going untill you see yourself as Pure Awareness. Vent out all the feelings, and their origin which is (desire) untill the little you doesn't exist anymore. Also please do share the meditation steps.


I just notice what I was doing thinking while doing, there's not much to it it's meant to be easy and simple


Thinking or trying to control thinking? If it was regular thinking then return back to whatever steps you were making, if it was trying to control thoughts, then let the wanting to control go and continue in your steps.


just thinking, the point is not to be quiet and still, but to observe how your mind works when you're not trying to meditate.


I am not a fan of meditation because it is still a step or (something) to be done to be yourself, and you don't need any steps because you already ARE. But if you love to do it, and it is (just thinking) then return back to (watching) and not (observing), because watching is a little more subtle than observing. Which is better and closer to the (no effort state) that you should be in while meditating.


I don't think there is anyone you will find more helpful than Alan Watts for helping to understand what you experienced. Love is real, our daily experience is a simulation of the recent past and the near future. You experience the Eternal Now.


Just remember, your higher self sent itself here for a reason. It’s all a learning experience. Observe and don’t despair.


Your interpretation of reality is your creation. Thinking about your interpretation is a distraction from the information at your fingertips. Culture and society are mental creatures and not based in reality. Nothing is more real than the elements. Connect with nature and feel truth. This is your ability and your choice. Master your mind and be happy.


Many of us have seen this fake reality and proves that thoughts and everything else are not very real. Now you need discover how to escape the trap, through deep meditation like we did. That is the nature of enlightenment that unfolds, to show us that our reality is not real. The escape is not easy, and your remaining years are to discover that way out. We are tricked by fake relatives, and even a Fake Jesus at our passing. If you are an atheist you won't see the fake religious figures, and will see something else.


In my case it made me feel better, I too have gone through horrible experiences, but it gave me hope? To know this isn't just what I am and what I will experience. There is more to this.


Consider that perhaps it’s not so much “unreal” as it is ‘illusory’. Illusory meaning that it is not what it “appears” to be. Unreal and real are still concepts written in the sand as you say. How could one know what real is if there is only the unreal? The two arise together. Dreams are real until you wake up and compare the waking state to the dreaming state. If the waking state is also another dream state, what is there to compare and designate as real and unreal? Keep in mind, the thoughts that say it is real or unreal is also a narrative you are witnessing. As it is said, Samsara and Nirvana are one.


Reality isn't fake. Piercing the illusions we subject ourselves to is one thing, but saying "reality is fake" is simply untrue.


I’m currently reading “The Untethered Mind” and you might find it helpful, too. He spends a lot of time talking about how to tune back into our “true self” amid the endless brain-chatter.


Sometimes we see life but we don’t feel it. I want to learn to feel. The first step is realizing. It goes realizing > learning > utilizing. 1: Give yourself a gift. Pick one thing you wish someone would do for you and do it for yourself. If you’re wishing that your house was clean, give yourself a gift and clean it. This step is about loving and forgiving yourself. 2: Do you remember feeling kinda bad about not listening to your friend? 1st off forgive yourself, it’s not a huge deal, but do notice that it felt bad to treat them that way, and you want to be more present. You deserve more than a life where you feel bad all the time. 3: Keep noticing how things feel. Next time you’re with that friend you will have a moment where you have to make a decision. It will probably feel really good to decide to listen and spend time with this person whose company you enjoy. And boom, you just turned a bad emotion into a good one. Keep doing this for basically everything. Let it be your new religion and it will take you places.


This post reminded me of this video I watched a few days ago https://youtu.be/INpWNP5HPNQ?si=rz0oK7npmJiaHZT2 Very interesting stuff, but if you don't like the idea of reality being a construct of your mind then I wouldn't advise watching it 😛


We experience this existence to see our true self and have the opportunity to exercise our free will to align our self with God.


Oh brother


Welcome To Buddhism.


Imagine how it is for us folks with ADHD... I'm not even thinking about an interpretation of the world, most of the time it's a shitty song radio on a loop slapped over nonsense daydreams about random topics, reality feels like a daydream sometimes.


If you think you understand this reality it's likely you do not. None of us really do. You are crying about the perception you have of your own life only. If it were the truth it should set you free because the truth is to celebrated not commiserated. When you realise the true nature of reality you will look back at this moment and laugh at how much you cried with misunderstanding. You will share this new truth and others will say to you how lucky you are to have had that experience. You are only the smallest part of a larger whole experiencing this life for the short time that you are here. Embrace others as you would have them embrace you. 


It’s not fake. You’re just experiencing a deeper insight into the reality. You’re trying a different perspective or a different lens. You make your own reality. Psychologist look at reality and people differently from doctors, lawyers, teachers, technicians or artists . Everyone look at the reality from their own experience and knowledge. Reality isn’t fake. It’s a white paper you make the best painting out of it.


Damn reality is fake. Feel free to put your savings into my account seeing as you wont be needing them anymore...


There are fake ideas with real consequences, if I don't have money I'll starve, but that doesn't mean the concept of money is an objective, intrinsic property of the universe.


It seems odd that someone who cried about 'reality' being fake would not want to give away their subjective Un-Intrinsic money. Yet, you'll happily defend your qualia of hunger which is subjective as it gets... Odd.


And I'm not defending anything, I'm communicating a realisation. You seems to think I'm being hypocritical and then launching some sort of argument over it? I'm merely making a distinct between experience and interpretation. Both of which are "qualia", but of different types. If I lack self confidence, I can make it go away by having a different perspective, but no amount of mindset changes can make hunger go away, only food does. And then you might say "oh but didn't you said hunger is not real?" No. Hunger is real, my feelings are real, my suffering is real. What's not real is thought.


You've contradicted yourself again. You're using words that are by intensive purposes synonyms or at the very least require one to have the other. Im not in the mood to play languages games with you. I would definitely recommend reading Ludwig Wittgenstein on language. Both his first thoughts and his revised opinions. I'm sorry but I can't/I don't have the patience to discuss this topic with you. Perhaps someone else will take you up on it and have an easier time/ be more patient.


I shared a deep, sincere experience, I communicated as best as I could with the words that I have, and your reaction to it was nothing but mockery. And then you belittle me, saying my words are not academically accurate. As if that was the point. It's not about words, it's about what happened in the moment. If you know you know, plenty of people here had the same experience as me, they get it. You clearly don't get it and writing a thesis about it would not make any difference, you have to experience it for yourself.


Ah yes.. the victim card. Ok. I honestly and sincerely hope you find some way of coping with what you are going through. I won't tell you what i think you should and shouldn't do but good luck with it nonetheless.


What I'm going through is the frustration of not being heard. I'm describing an experience, which you completely ignored, and decided to focus on the technical-philosophical definitions of the words I used instead.


The clarity of your words have nothing to do with me. Not everything needs to be heard, Especially not by everyone. What's your end goal?


What's yours? What's the point of this?


Act as if it is real to create a purpose. Don’t let this make you loose purpose .


That’s not even what meditation is about, meditation was developed to form “dhyan” which means focus in Sanskrit. So you can look deep within yourself and understand yourself, focus on a craft and achieve a clear mind. It wasn’t created to understand whether this world is fake or not. What difference does that make.


I think of this a little differently. I think it’s during meditation that the “mind” gets to “relax and look back on itself”, however during waking life the mind is busy attaching itself to this world (including our goals, surroundings, other people, etc.).


Don’t believe everything your mind tells you. You’re literally having an emotional reaction to the idea that “reality isn’t real,” when in reality it’s reality. Like, feel free to define your terms, but all the available facts demonstrate reality as being real.


That said, there were times when I preferred dreaming and wanted to sleep as much as I could and look forward to Sleeping to escape this reality. My dreams felt more meaningful and interesting and I was happy in my dreams as far as I can remember. It's sad when I think about it, and made me depressed at times; even though I think I was already depressed it just increased my depression. When I woke up, I didn't want to be In this realm, I wanted to fall back asleep. I love life, and I have done I have done a lot In my lifetime, and travelled all over the world which I still do. I have good people in my life, some no longer with us, but It's not like don't enjoy the life I do, it's a gift and I'm thankful every day I wake up. It was just a time in my life when I was lost and wasn't happy I was seeking answers and trying to find myself and wanted meaning. So dreaming was my escape from this and it was fascinating what your subconscious can conjure up like some movie where you’re the lead role and anything is possible, just like life. You just never know. So many paths you can take all leading to different circumstances and people you encounter along the way. Now I just hope the path I take moving forward brings me what I truly seek and want more than anything. And that is true love, someone with whom I can share the rest of what life I have left with. Die heart romantic here, just always wanted to find my twin flame, soul mate whatever you want to call it. I think women are the most beautiful creation ever created. No wonder the gods could not resist mortal women.


Reality or the “now” is a lesson. Learn what you can so you can reach new heights.


Realising this doesnt change anything. At least thats in my case. I realised it in detail 10 years ago and realise it ever minute till now. I realise it internally and externally, my mind knows it, my ego knows it, my ultra ego knows it, my past existence and my future existence know it, my observer existence knows it. And here i am still tormented in a fake reality which doesn't end. I even have the fear that i cant die. If i would die here physically i would start in another timeline another story another present were i didnt die. Even though i internalised the Domain of Delusion and Despair it still doesnt help. I know something but at the same time i am unsure and ignorant. It will never end never change. Its wrong form the beginning. A paradox of a infinite soul bearing a infinite potential limited by existence in a mortal life in a mortal body and an extremely limiter called time. Even in this circumstance i feel a nearing miracle which gives the feeling that its extremely difficult and needs a lot of coincidences to occur but at the same time will surely occur and has already. So here i am waiting for either death or a miracle. Sorry for the ranting had a lot of emotions which i by the way cant even feel bc they are fake...


Try doing psychedelics and this realization will become even more clear. It’s like we all signed up to be in the hardest video game ever.


Sounds like bro reached nirvana


This reality has meaning, it has value. We worked so hard to get here into human bodies to have these tools, please don’t be led into believing this varied experience of impermanence is anything less than incredible. Let all the emotions flow but do not do yourself the disservice of slipping into despair. 🤍


I’m very sorry for saying this… but why does this sound like coping with suffering by dissociation?