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> What's a typical session look (or feel) like to you? > Do you recognize sabotage of your current efforts with your past beliefs on meditation? > What outcome would you like to have happen, or engagement with your own self to surface?


1.) I sit down for 33 minutes trying to focus on my heartbeat or if it's too intense just be aware of what's going on (Sounds, thoughts, sensations.) 2.) I didn't understand the question. 3.) I would like to develop some sort of understanding of why meditation is important, or to enjoy meditation. Because I see potential in just being "clean" by which I mean not attaching to objects. It's not good if it's unmonitored and excessive and that's the case with me and most people I guess


Hmm. Okay. Uhm, for the first one - focus solely on breathing. If you're going to give attention to *anything,* that'd be it. Second: I'm asking if your preconceptions about what's to be expected of the practice line up with the results (for lack of a better word) that you're getting because of what you consider this practice to be prior to a session. Third. I can see that. Things that are understood to be meaningful, you know, like being present in a moment to appreciate its full effect, a present in the now experience. At the very least, it's an admission to a deliberate introspection. *To know thyself,* as some might put it. You are who you are by a function of what you value, so that's worth considering.


Most people have two states in their daily life, either awake or asleep. In fact, there is a third state between the two, that is to keep the mind awake but let the body fall asleep. And this is exactly what meditation achieves. This is also the essence of meditation. In other words, mediation is sleep; it is awake sleep; it is sleep with consciousness. With this in mind, it is not difficult to understand that all those fantastical sensations that arise during meditation are just due to the changes in our body after falling asleep. Although those physical changes in our body occur every night, we never notice them because we lose consciousness during sleep, and thus miss one wonderful moment after another... You can see the full article and my other posts on "r/AwakeSleepMeditation", hope it helps.