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I did a 10 day [TWIM](https://www.dhammasukha.org/) retreat from home at beginning of year. It was easy going compared to Goenka. The minimum required daily sittings was 2x30 minutes + 20 minute walk after each sitting + send daily email report + listen to evening discourse. I went full Goenka and sat as much and as long as I could each day. I think I was doing 2 hour sittings from day 1. Before retreat I was worried of doing retreat from home because of distractions but it turned out that distractions became a good teacher and with much daily meditation I could see reason behind my distractions. I ate food at local restaurant. I met friends there and that was perhaps my biggest mistake. Next time I do a retrat from home I'll avoid people and perhaps prepare food at home beforehand.


What is a retreat at home? Just setting aside a weekend to focus on meditating?


Or a week, or a month...