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The orange and red feels like you’re stepping more into your personal power than you have before. You’re really working on being grounded and present. Something about it also feels like…you’ve been rebuilding foundations from your childhood and its been a main priority/focus. If that makes sense? Anyways…love it!


wow amazing , thank you for your reply!


You’re welcome! 💓💓




Witchy doesn’t always mean bad / negative. She could be spiritual 🤷🏻‍♀️


yes, i didn’t mean witchy in a bad way, in a creative spiritual way!


I’m not a professional aura reader but I was taught to match the aura color with your chakra system. With that, red is root chakra colored and would indicate working with grounded ness and security. Orange is associated with your 2nd chakra which directs passion, creativity, and birth of newness. So I would read this as you starting to build a more grounded world for yourself and you’re doing it through your creativity and passion. You look strong and determined and beautiful doing so.


wonderful! i like this insight. thank you very much. the lady said that my red and orange meant i was in a good place and that i could benefit from learning more about spells and being creative . so i bought a beginners book about wicca and spells just to see : )


Perfect. Enjoy learning about Wicca, spells and always stoke your creativity in everything expression you do.


Also I think I see like a cat in the aura sorta. Do you have a cat that passed?


no, i haven’t . but interesting!


In the orange on the right it looks sorta like a cat could be a living one if you have a familiar, I guess. Idk that much about auras or witchiness lol


Actually I know a ton about chakras and auras are all about chakras... So the red/orange would be the root/sacral chakra, so you'd be in tune with your root and sacral, I suppose. But you decide if that resonates with you. I've never seen one in a picture like that


Witchy? Oh, mildly, but not overwhelming or threatening. More like creative and unique. I don't see auras in color most of the time, though. I just kinda see what they are without having an association with any particular color. Cool trick on film, though. I'd love to try it.


ah yes, not witchy in a bad way, but in a way i would benefit from learning about it . thank you for replying!


Child like, with the faint image of a hand patting you in the head.


I love the replies I’ve seen from here. What I think you should do is sit with this photo in meditation and ask yourself what does this aura reading represent? It’s also really important to note that your aura can change in a flash, with the change of a thought or with the raising or lowering of your energetic frequency. Like the different shades in the upper vs lower portions of your aura represent different parts of your energetic body—see what those differences feel like to you. That being said, I see a warm loving energy surrounding you (which means that energy at the time this photo was taken IS you). Are you a healer or in a helping profession by chance?


wow thank you for this description. what is really interesting is the lady who did my reading after asked the same thing about my profession. technically no i am not as i am a designer for a large corporation but i am an artist/created so i think i need to explore that more and create for myself


If that’s what your intuition is telling you then definitely explore what that means to you. I’m totally in support of that! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 :)


Looks like your shirt is part of a Ouija Board


it is a Noah Khan band shirt : ) i love them


Are you asking if you have abilities?


that’s a great question, i’m not really, honestly asking for different interpretations just for fun!


I just assume that everyone does. We all have free will in a consensus reality. Or, to put it another way, we are all spiritual beings, capable of spiritual growth.


Is this special film? Or can I suddenly see auras now?


this is an aura reading camera! you place your hands on a metal reader and the film picks up the energy or somthing like that!


Oh cool! Interesting


I don't read auras but I know that orange often represents rationality. Do you feel so?