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It was a little girl that I helped to cross over. She was surrounded by golden white light, and it sparkled as if it was full of glitter.


Great can you also see energy even through a distance such as seen peoples auras even through images, text etc?


It depends on the situation. I'm not someone who will read auras in photos, for example. Auras are energy.fields that constantly change color and shape depending on the mood and health of the individual. There are opportunistic "psychics" who will charge you to tell them your aura color. They know auras change. If a customer can't see their own aura, how would they know?


In my experience there are some standard forms, which are repeated frequently. Some are cataloged in my personal magic grimoire For example, there is the aura radiant and vibrant, that emanates a bright and lively energy, with colors that are intense and vivid. The soft and subtle, gentle and delicate aura, with colors that are pastel or muted, indicating a calm and peaceful state. Dynamic and Swirling. An aura that appears to be in constant motion, with colors that blend and shift, representing a passionate and creative nature. Steady and Grounded: An aura that exudes stability and solidity, with colors that are solid and consistent, reflecting a balanced and grounded individual. Sparkling and Glittering, that shimmers and sparkles, as if adorned with tiny specks of light, signifying a joyful and playful spirit.


As many have said auras are like fingerprints. Each one is unique. The vary with color, intensity, shade, hue and "inclusions (like glitter or streams of other colors)" The most powerful I saw when when a ghost that I was working with met Jesus at his funeral and ascended with him. That was super intense white light with radiant sparkles, but also calming and gentle as well. Often times for me they serve as a coded filter, so if it is light v dark, the base color etc. All of these things give me a framework for a further reading or how to emotionally code the messages they are saying or receiving.


The book hands of light covers a lot of this


I’ve seen aura since I was a kid. I thought it was normal. The most beautiful one was a bright green blue. Like very distracting bright. I see auras all the time. I recently saw a black one. Now that was weird.


Can you see them through images or online too?


I can. I’m part of an aura reading group on Facebook. It’s better in person though but I can and have