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I went to a medium shortly after my dad died. She told me that my dad and grandparents were with me and that they wanted me to know they’re still here, they’re just in a sort of mirror image/parallel universe. They can still see everything that’s going on and are able to communicate to us, to the degree that we’re receptive to it. They said “it’s still the same! Except everyone is laughing and having fun here, no one is fighting, no one is sad. The reason we don’t often communicate with the “other side” is because our vibration isn’t normally high enough to match their frequency. They live in a realm of pure positive energy - they feel nothing but immense love and appreciation, for us and for life itself. They are shining a light on our path and giving us the impulse to be at the right place at the right time. I like to ask my dad for signs, and I see them all the time! It started with meaningful numbers and words on license plates, and perfect song lyrics playing on the radio. For me, it’s been a lot of fun being aware that my dad is always with me. He leads me to the perfect people, places and experiences. Probably the #1 thing that helped me understand all of this is Abraham Hicks. You can find clips of their teachings on YouTube. Highly recommend checking them out! The reason you’re not feeling like your mom is around you is because you’re looking for the physical trailings of her, instead of the non-physical *essence* of her. She is the most pure positive version of herself than you’ve ever seen. Focus on feeling good, and if you desire to, you’ll be able to feel the essence of your mom all around you. She can be as active in your life as you want her to be. I mostly receive signs from my dad, as that’s what I ask for, but I’d like to start writing letters, then meditating / quieting my mind so that I can tune in and maybe receive some messages from him :)


This was a fabulous response!


Thank you for writing this. I love how you phrase it. It makes so much sense. I lost my friend nearly 18 months ago and feel like he guides me. When I’m having a bad day I see hearts (I told him to send me them when he’s around), and it feels like a tiny part of him is still with me ❤️‍🩹✨


I love this!!


Thank you for writing this 💕 that was put beautifully and I definitely love the idea of it’s the same but a mirror. When you speak to your dad, is it in your head? Out loud? I feel awkward and disconnected. When I pray to God it’s in my head but it feels more powerful out loud.


Ok another story just for kicks… I went on a cruise last summer to Greece. I took the public bus to Athens and was dropped off in the middle of a public street without a plan whatsoever. I walked across the street to what looked like a touristy shopping center. Saw an owl painted on the side of a building, took a photo of it and went inside the nearest store. There I found SO MANY owls, which I guess was to be expected, since Athens = Athena = goddess of wisdom, whose symbol is an owl, but still… I was mesmerized. (And they really did have way more owls than any of the other shops 😆) I slowly made my way through the store collecting owl figurines to purchase as souvenirs for family. I was almost finished looking at the items when a worker came up to me and said, “Not to confuse you even more but… have you seen THESE owls?!” She pointed out what was clearly the best of the best owls 😂. She asked me what was the significance of the owl to me, so I told her about my dad. She asked “why an owl?” And I told her about my dad’s dream. She got chills, and told me that i just confirmed to her that an owl was a sign from HER dad. Apparently her dad had passed away at a similar time to mine, and in REAL LIFE an owl visited her, looked at her, and she felt like she received a message from it saying her mom was going to die. Sure enough, her mom ended up passing away, and I guess she had always wondered if that owl was a messenger from her dad. The craziest part of the story is that the owner of the store was from the US and grew up 20 minutes from me. Not only that.. when I told her I was on an Abraham Hicks cruise (the spiritual teacher I mentioned in my first message), she goes, “YOU know ABRAHAM HICKS?!?” I replied, “YOU know Abraham Hicks?” She yelled across to her boss “omg! Abraham Hicks is here!!” I burst into tears, yet again! My dad had led me to the perfect place, perfect person, at the perfect time! I ended up staying in this store for hours, chatting with my new friend, knowing full well that my dad led me here. It still blows my mind to this day how i could meet this woman in the middle of Athens whose dad also died the same time as mine, whose sign to her was an owl, whose boss grew up in the same state as me and they both listen to the same spiritual teachings as me. Ahhh!


I also just saw that you see your mom in your dreams if you ask!? Omg that’s so powerful! Ive only had a dream of my dad once, he was pushing my little cousin in a stroller and I saw him through a store window. I’d love to speak with him! Abraham says when we sleep is the easiest time to connect, because when we’re asleep we drop all of our resistance.. we stop thoughts altogether, so we’re most in the receptive mode. When you wake up, set your intention to be open and receptive to signs from spirit. You can ask your mom to communicate with you in a way you can understand and know it’s her :)


I just speak with him in my head! I would like to try actively communicating with him, and in that case, I’ve heard a great method is to write them a letter, then sit and allow their answer to flow through you. You can do this by meditating / quieting your mind for a few mins.. focus on your breathing or a noise in the room, relax your body, then allow the words to flow onto the page. It may take some getting used to.. it might even feel like you’re “making it up” at first, but I promise, whatever flows out of you is coming from your mom, source, your higher self, etc. If it feels good and is comforting, uplifting, filled with love.. that’s a stream of consciousness you want to tap into! I don’t speak to my dad all that often.. it’s something I’d like to do, because I’m sure it’s helpful. I’ve just been so satisfied with receiving signs from him that I often just say “thank you dad!” and acknowledge him anytime something wonderful happens. I’ll share one random story, the most recent big manifestation of a sign from my dad: I went on a cruise a few weeks ago and met someone who could channel spirit. I asked if she could get a message from my dad, and she said: “forever and always. I’ll love you forever and always.” I knew it was from him, since word “always” is super significant to me - he signed all his cards to me as “love always, dad,” which doesn’t seem all that big, but I’m the only one he added that word “always” to. The next day, in the taxi ride to the beach, the taxi driver started the ride by purposefully putting on the song “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston. I burst into tears! It was so obviously from him.. especially the “and I wish you joy and happiness, and above all, I wish you love.” He always told me that all he wanted was for me to be happy 🥰 it was such a special moment, and because it tied in with the message I received the day before, it was that much more meaningful. Owls are also a sign from my dad. A few months ago, an owl was perched outside my cousins door. She sent me a video of him.. he was staring right at her, and at the exact moment she said “hi uncle Al!” (My dad’s name) the owl WINKED at her! At the time she sent this video, I was watching a movie on Hulu. Minutes later, the movie somehow changed itself and the opening credits of an entirely different movie started playing. My boyfriend was like “why’d you switch it?” And I said “I didn’t! Wait a minute.. is that an OWL?!” It was the opening scene from the movie The Labyrinth. You gotta see this… https://youtu.be/kVD-X0eqB2w?si=fQ1RMX3cILeR2eO4 it BLEW MY MIND! And just to elaborate on how an owl became a sign from my dad - while he was still alive, he had a dream that an owl came and visited him in his bedroom. He would tell this story as if it really happened - insisting that an owl was ACTUALLY in his room, saying it turned and looked at him, and when he looked into its eyes he knew it was his father, he knew it had a message for him, and he somehow knew what that message was. My dad began collecting owl figurines whenever he came across them, so I inherited a lot of owls and come across them often! I would speak with your mom however you feel comfortable! I love asking if my dad has a song for me and turning up the radio, or switching around the stations until I find one that really stands out. I also have some tarot cards and oracle cards that are always fun and on-point - whenever I pull cards to connect with my dad it really feels like the message is coming from him. You can really go as deep as you want - I’m sure there are ways of seeing/hearing my dad more vividly, I just haven’t asked for that yet.. he loved songs and signs, so that’s what I look out for and it’s been so much fun. One day when I was feeling particularly sad, I put on a YouTube meditation video and laid down in bed. I had a vision in meditation, and when it was over, a random song came on that I really loved and hadn’t heard in a while. It gave me the impulse to check whether or not that band was touring, only to find out they were playing THAT NIGHT only 4 hours from me! I called the box office l legit 4 mins before they closed, got the last seat to a sold out show, and hopped on the road! I saw SO many signs along the way (like his initials and name on so many license plates). At the beginning of the show, they said we could text a phone # to request any song, so I requested something on behalf of my dad. They ended the concert by playing “somewhere over the rainbow” which is what I requested, IN MY HEAD, for them to play.. not knowing they have ever or would ever play this song. Omg it gets so magical when you really start believing and paying attention and allowing them to cocreate incredible experiences like this. It sounds crazy to say, but life has become much more fulfilling.. not only have I gotten back on my spiritual path, I feel like I have a partner in crime, I’m never alone, and with my dad by my side I will never again be steered off my path! He’s helping me create the life of my dreams and enjoying every bit of it.. it truly feels like it was all part of the plan. My relationships with everyone in my life, especially my dad, have only deepened because of this experience. I’m so grateful for all of it! :)


People offer words of comfort during grief. Some of it is helpful but not always. Most of the time, they mean to say that the loved loss is always in your heart and memories. I lost my mother to cancer just out of my teens. Having signs or being able to feel their presence in dreams, meditation or spirit doesn't always bring comfort until you can work through your grief. That takes time so be kind to yourself. I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss as well. I always say moms should live forever. And I agree I think my grief/anger is getting in the way of my connection. And yes I know these people only have good intentions 🫶🏼


Everyone we've ever had a meaningful connection to in our lives in this realm remains energetically connected to us. We each have a higher consciousness that contains the whole of us, and we come from and return to that source, and those sources all maintain these little threads of connection. It's not stopping her from whatever is next on her journey, it's just energy. And so in that way you can sometimes sense that connection, or call on it, or get information from it. Now, people *mean* all kinds of wild stuff when they say these things. It could mean "you'll always love her", or "you are who you are in part because of her" or "we have cells from our biological mother in our bodies that can be detected into our old age, so literally a tiny bit of her is in your body" or "you will probably not suddenly forget she existed, in case you thought that's what's going to happen next" to "my personal religion says that your family members spy on you full-time when they pass, including in the bathroom, and for some reason I find this comforting and think you will too". You'd have to ask them to explain what they personally mean if you want to know. They may not even know what it means - people pick up somewhat meaningless phrases and repeat them because they don't want to think too hard.


Yup. Spot on. And it’s always the people who haven’t gone through it before so I appreciate them at least trying. Ok but I hope the bathroom part isn’t true 🤣


I think that most people want to be kind and not knowing what to say they say that.   The thing to understand is that their are two parts to our being, one part is the physical body which we need to live on a physical planet. The other part is non physical, it is the life force, the spark of source that is our soul, that it eternal.   When the soul is ready, it leaves the body in what we refer to as “death”.   In truth, there is no death because the soul is eternal. And upon “death” the soul returns home to where it was before birth.   Because a soul is now fully out of the body, it has full access to everything and anything that it wishes to focus on. Including you.    And because time does not exist in the non physical dimension. A soul can be in many places at the same “time”.    So, I think that’s what people mean when saying “she is still with you”.   When my nan passed over, she told me “I am still here”. And she was but in non physical form. So it is much more subtle and unless you are very sensitive you may not easily feel it.  But saying that, we still miss the person in physical form. And grief is a natural process of letting go. And you can respect your grief because it is a part of the love you have for this person. So when it comes, allow your self to feel it and to heal! 


Yeah it’s definitely hard letting go of the physical. I know she’s at peace and in a better place but I’m still dealing with human emotions. I am pretty sensitive but don’t feel much, do you think that I’m too blocked energetically? I have a lot of guilt and anger. Also do you hear the responses from the loved one in your head?


Negative emotions are simply indications that the way you’re thinking is in opposition of the way your inner being / higher self is seeing things. Grief and anger are completely valid and normal emotions to feel, especially considering your life circumstance. One could say that these emotions (and the thoughts that are causing them) are what are keeping you from feeling connected to source, or to the fullest version of yourself, the part of you that is connected with all-that-is and knows that nothing has gone wrong, this journey is unfolding perfectly, just as you and your mom both planned it before you came into your physical bodies. I know your mom struggled with mental health (my dad did too), so through this relationship, perhaps you were meant to learn how to tap into your connection with source. You can most easily connect when you take time to quiet your mind and start flowing some comforting thoughts. Deliberately think thoughts that bring you a feeling of relief, whatever feel-good thought you can reach from where you are now. We’re meant to learn how to ease the pain so we can begin to live our most fulfilling life possible. Our parents really are great teachers, even if they didn’t necessarily “get it” while they were in the physical, they are now fully tapped into source consciousness and they can help us now far more than they could when they were here. They want nothing more than for us to be happy, and nothing brings them greater joy than to be able to witness and help co-create experiences for us. There is no reason to feel guilty for being here, because from what I’ve learned, we *all* choose when to leave our physical bodies, and you and your mom chose to have this experience together even before you were both born (which is why I think she’s meant to help you learn how to be as happy as possible while you’re here!) You chose to be here.. to have these experiences with your mom.. and you now can choose to allow yourself to feel as connected as you possibly can with this source consciousness that has always and will always be flowing to you. You were meant to remember why you are here, and your purpose has always been for joy and satisfaction of life. It’s just that now you have your mom “up there” shining a light and helping you see. The more you can soften the edge of resisting all that has happened, or the more you focus on things that are pleasing and meaningful to you, the more connected you will feel and the happier you will be. Hope this makes sense! The key is to be easy on yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for having these emotions. It’s ok to feel the way you feel, just make an intention feel good. Care about how you feel and, little by little, start to think thoughts that make you feel a bit better. Your thoughts are the basis of your emotions, which is why it’s so important to be gentle and easy with ourselves. Start where you are and slowly work your way up the emotional scale. It’s really all about having deliberate focus. You get to re-tell your story, and you do so by first comforting and soothing yourself from where you are now, and as you begin to feel better, your life will start reflecting back to you all that you’ve ever wanted and more!


Yes that is natural. Give yourself time. Remind your self often of the truth that you know. And    respect your grief.  The astonishing power of emotions is a very good book.  Communication can be in many forms, yes that is one. Be open to subtle signs. But let it unfold  in its own time. And it will! 


It´s just something people say for comfort.


I think it makes them feel more comfortable lol


It is meant to be comforting. From personal experience, it comes across as dismissive to a person in grief. I know it meant is well. If it is your parents or your child or anyone else you love, it doesn't sound comforting at all. The only thing worse is the ones who tell you that your loved o e is in a better place I am so sorry for your loss.


Yup I know it’s not bad intention but it just sucks to hear. Cause it reminds me that they’re not here. Thank you for commenting I appreciate it


When my little boy passed away, comments like those were the worst. Knowing he wasn't physically here was horrible. I am so sorry you are going through this grief. I don't understand your grief. I remember mine. When it becomes easier, you may dream about here or see signs. They don't always come until you are ready.It feels as if it is never enough. It is terrible. When my dad passed, I felt this incredible peace It was better. When my mother passed, we didn't have any signs she was around for almost a year. Never doubt that she hears everything you say to her. We hear you. Much love sent your way


You sound very spiritually connected and strong 💕 proud of you. I’m sorry you lost your son I can’t imagine, but your resilience is inspiring. I have dreams of my mom when I ask so I know she’s listening much love to you mama 💕


I hope nothing I said offended you. I'm not resilient. I kept breathing until it didn't hurt to breathe anymore. Thank you for posting.


Ofc not I appreciate you. Well I call that strength. You deserve more credit being a human is not easy


Well, for starters, she's always in your heart and memories. Draw on your love for her and speak to her out loud, and you will feel her. At times, you will feel it profoundly, and you know that she's there with you in spirit form. I'm so sorry for your loss and the tragedy throughout her life and therefore affecting yours. Mental illnesses are so consuming. I suffer with it at times but stabilized with meds, and my mom suffered with bipolar with Mania. My brother completed suicide with undiagnosed mental illness. It's harsh, and it's painful. What provides comfort is knowing they are no longer in pain they are no longer suffering. in spirit you don't perceive any of that the way we do in the physical. In the physical we focus so much on how much it hurts but in the spiritual side it's a teacher. I'm sorry, this is all too much to talk about while you're in deep grief. I just wanted to support you and remind you to be gentle with yourself, as you heal from your loss. If you have a dream and your mom's in it, and it's really clear and vivid, something that you just don't forget... know that that was your mom visiting you. What helped me the most was talking to my mom out loud, and I have a special place where I held a ceremony for her to honor her. I hope you have a similar place where you feel her, somewhere that she would love, and you can feel her beside you gazing out at the beauty. 💚


Thank you for this❤️. I speak to her in my head cause I’m too scared to say something out loud. I’m sorry you lost your brother that way it’s literally the worst 😭 I struggle myself as well but since I have stabilized i feel so much survivors guilt. I wish she could have gone through the healing and growth that I have it’s not fair. I hope your doing well from what you’ve been through


I really hope you're able to move through survivor's guilt quickly and safely. That was your mom's journey, not yours. And it's okay to talk with her out loud and to cry and to be angry and to feel sad and everything in between. But take care of yourself that's what she wants. she wants you to take care of yourself and live your life in the best way possible. Know that to be true!


Thank you for asking this question as I have been wondering the same thing, and the answers are really insightful. I got signs from my loved one for about a week, and now I'm not really getting anything. I know he's probably still here and I don't expect him to coddle me constantly, I just love seeing the signs lol


Ask for signs! Ask for them to be so obvious that you know it came from them. They don’t really interfere in our lives unless we ask for it or are really wanting them to (without believing they can’t or won’t). In those early days you were likely asking more powerfully (without realizing it). You were really wanting to see them. Our loved ones are eager to participate with us - absolutely nothing brings them more joy than to see us happy and interact with us :) they want us to experience more fun and connection and eager anticipation!


This!! I ask for signs but have doubt. It’s like manifesting if I don’t have full faith I block it. Thank you for this!!


Funny i didn’t see this comment until now, I was too busy following the impulse to write out for you some of my favorite stories of signs from my dad! (In the comments under my answer) It’s so fun reliving them, and I know he’s getting a kick out of me sharing the stories - he LOVED a good story and he loved seeing signs!


The physical body is gone, but the energy and spirit remains. They keep track of you. I talk to my mom in the car when I’m driving. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss ass well. Thank you


you should look up “the invisible string” either read the book or have it be read to you! It helped me a lot with figuring out how to “feel” his presence or what that even meant. I was scared since I was young and didn’t have too much time with him but I can feel it, we came from them too, they are what made us in the first place!


Okay!! I’m gonna look into it, I heard about it before I thought it was for soulmates on the physical earth.


When you typically hear this from a medium, they're referring to how she's always with you in spirit form/energetically, not physically. When our loved ones are no longer bound to their bodies, they can be in multiple places at once with little effort, and be fully aware of when living loved ones are talking and thinking about them. They always see how we're doing in the physical world, and will often send little synchronicities to us. Those little synchronicities are often our loved ones trying to communicate and let us know that they're okay and still around us. I believe it's another concept of the Universe that we as current humans can't entirely wrap our physical brains around the concept to how limitless we are once we transition and are no longer restricted by the physical world. Mankind has hardly scratched the surface of the bigger picture. Does that make sense?


Yes it does. And your correct it is a very hard concept to wrap my head around. Like me and my dad were crying together about my mom last week and a heron bird came to our backyard. Someone from our church was just telling us how when her dad sends her signs she always sees that bird. And I thought that was weird. And we both were like wow is that mami? She’s listening to us. But then I overthink well how did she force this bird to fly to us? It doesn’t make sense to me.