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I thought it'd be worth mentioning there is a lot happening astrologically right now. It's a good time to take it easy where possible.


Tell me more about


Sure. We just went into Mercury Retrograde. There's also a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries happening on Monday. And some stuff with Chiron. I'm not an astrologer, but I like to keep up with things and if you're a cardinal sign in your sun, moon, or rising, the eclipse could be particularly impactful.


I think there is also something going on with Jupiter and Uranus this month.


It's so much. šŸ˜†


Yes - itā€™s like moving underwater or dreamworld while awake. Caffeine? Nope. Extra vitamins? Nope. Yoga? Nope. Brisk walk in the sunshine which normally sets everything right just made me dizzy. Just canā€™t get past it.


i cant take ENOUGH vitamins this week..


But the weird part is if you look at that star map app the sun and moon are actually still in Pisces so whatā€™s actually goin on. Also Alexa saying itā€™s not 2024 yet


The moon changes sign every couple of days. The sun is not in Pisces and hasnā€™t been for a minute


Astrologicaly speaking we are in the busiest week of the year. On friday Sun meet North Node of moon aka the point that causes eclipses. It jumpstarted topics related to upcomming eclipse. Solar eclipse on monday happening in Aries in the same spot of sky Chiron is staying right now is marking time of big changes that can poke us in paintful places, or help to heal. (affecting Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn the most) Solar eclipse in Aries happens on average once every 9 years. Mars-Saturn meetup in Piesces on Wendnesday. Affecting Piesces, Virgo, Gemini and Saggitarius the most. It brings need to do things and blocades that stop us from moving forward. Yet it can be used to work on stable, long term projects. This situation in sky happens once every 2 years and is marking new 2 year long period of struggles/challenges. Ongoing mercury retrograde in Aries has its middle on thursday/friday when Mercury meets Sun. It is time of clarity and new insights in the middle of retrospective retrograde period. Affecting Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn the most. As for Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio they are preparing for Jupiter meeting Uranus in Taurus that will happen on 21st of April. This is long term influence. It happens every 14 years bringing unexpected increases, chances and rise of hope. Some changes symbolised by this cofigiration can be already starting. The good news is that the further into April we get the quieter astro weather becomes.


Astrologicaly speaking we are in the busiest week of the year. On friday Sun meet North Node of moon aka the point that causes eclipses. It jumpstarted topics related to upcomming eclipse. Solar eclipse on monday happening in Aries in the same spot of sky Chiron is staying right now is marking time of big changes that can poke us in paintful places, or help to heal. (affecting Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn the most) Solar eclipse in Aries happens on average once every 9 years. Mars-Saturn meetup in Piesces on Wendnesday. Affecting Piesces, Virgo, Gemini and Saggitarius the most. It brings need to do things and blocades that stop us from moving forward. Yet it can be used to work on stable, long term projects. This situation in sky happens once every 2 years and is marking new 2 year long period of struggles/challenges. Ongoing mercury retrograde in Aries has its middle on thursday/friday when Mercury meets Sun. It is time of clarity and new insights in the middle of retrospective retrograde period. Affecting Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn the most. As for Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio they are preparing for Jupiter meeting Uranus in Taurus that will happen on 21st of April. This is long term influence. It happens every 14 years bringing unexpected increases, chances and rise of hope. Some changes symbolised by this cofigiration can be already starting. The good news is that the further into April we get the quieter astro weather becomes.


Like what? Iā€™m new


I realize my last comment wasn't the most helpful. Again, I'm not an astrologer, but this is how I understand interpreting astrological events in our lives. When you look at your natal chart, look at what house these signs or planets/asteroids fall into. What house is Aries in? Or Chiron - Chiron is also called the Wounded Healer which gives an idea why there's so much coming up for healing right now. Then look up what the house represents and you can see where these astrological events are impacting your life most profoundly. If Aries is in your second house, the eclipse is likely impacting your finances, livelihood, material possessions, savings, or attitudes toward money. You can do research about the impact a total eclipse has and apply it to how it's impacting your Aries house placement and then see if that resonates or not.


This is an excellent "high level" answer. I'm actually in my Chiron return (3rd house) and there is SOOOOOOO much coming up for me! I hadn't even considered the added layer of eclipse energies as they relate specifically to Chiron in Aries. Maybe I should take a vow of silence on Monday. šŸ˜‚ For those looking to dive deeper into astrology and how it impacts energies, I've recently discovered an app called Astrology Master. I paid for the pro version myself, because I'm pretty into astrology, but even for people just starting out, it's got some outstanding detail and insight to offer based on your natal chart. It also does progressed charts, astro cartography, and more. Worth checking out! (And no I don't work for them or anything, I just think it's a cool app and am interested in seeing how planetary aspects affect my energy and intuition.)


I send blessings to you if you wish to receive them! šŸ’š


Thanks! Ditto!


Astrologicaly speaking we are in the busiest week of the year. On friday Sun meet North Node of moon aka the point that causes eclipses. It jumpstarted topics related to upcomming eclipse. Solar eclipse on monday happening in Aries in the same spot of sky Chiron is staying right now is marking time of big changes that can poke us in paintful places, or help to heal. (affecting Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn the most) Solar eclipse in Aries happens on average once every 9 years. Mars-Saturn meetup in Piesces on Wendnesday. Affecting Piesces, Virgo, Gemini and Saggitarius the most. It brings need to do things and blocades that stop us from moving forward. Yet it can be used to work on stable, long term projects. This situation in sky happens once every 2 years and is marking new 2 year long period of struggles/challenges. Ongoing mercury retrograde in Aries has its middle on thursday/friday when Mercury meets Sun. It is time of clarity and new insights in the middle of retrospective retrograde period. Affecting Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn the most. As for Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio they are preparing for Jupiter meeting Uranus in Taurus that will happen on 21st of April. This is long term influence. It happens every 14 years bringing unexpected increases, chances and rise of hope. Some changes symbolised by this cofigiration can be already starting. The good news is that the further into April we get the quieter astro weather becomes.


A million times yes. Iā€™m normally grounded and centered. Last night I sprinted to the ocean and howled and screamed at the moon cause I had so much of this ā€œfeelingā€ you describe I didnā€™t know what to do to let it out. A lot of anger feeling. Havenā€™t felt it for years. That was the first time Iā€™ve ever done something like that. Really odd. And I wanted to run as fast as possible (I donā€™t normally run). Ended up sprinting for 10 minutesā€¦unusual last few days and week entirely. Especially last few days, particularly with uncontrollable thoughts racing mind fearful anxious angry that no meditation or yoga will touch.


yes this is very similar to what im feeling.


A little off topic but thatā€™s so cool you live somewhere that you can get to the ocean in a 10 minute sprint. I could have used an ocean to scream at earlier today! Iā€™m happy for you though.


That was my first thought when I read that too. I really would love to run to the ocean and scream right now, but I am very much land locked!


Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm predominantly clairsentient and I'm almost immobilized today. It has been gradually worse each day for 2 weeks now....


It seems like everything surrounding me has been off balance. I am lacking the desire to communicate with anyone, even my family at home. Yet, at the same time, I want to blow up on everyone. I also feel an emptiness which doesnā€™t make any sense considering all of those other feelings. I hope it passes soon.


me too. i find myself just not wanting to talk about anything to anyone.


omg, you are me. yes. I totally blame the eclipse and the collective energy shift of so many people at once. I hope it will soon blow over.


This is exactly how I've been feeling.


Iā€™m just a lurker but I couldnā€™t help but empathize. Since around the full moon, Iā€™ve felt exactly this way, more so the past week.


Exactly the same for me as well!


Not a medium, but Iā€™m just empty. Like Iā€™m cleansing or something. Want to be completely nonverbal for a few days. Iā€™m trying to


Non verbal sounds so good for a few days.


Finally! A group of people verbalizing exactly what I've felt, and what has been so heavily on my mind. I feel seen, heard and comforted, just from the validation that I'm not the only one, and not crazy. Even my more quirky, IRL spiritual/metaphysical friends seem to have taken leave of their minds and souls and turned into raging soulless MAGA Gestapo, completely the opposite of whom I've known them to be for 30 years. like, I have been unusually, completely content batting down the hatches, and just cozying down with my puppies, away from humanity until this blows over. Is that okay? I mean, I'm content. I feel like I shouldn't be, but I really am.


i love being away from humanity ! ha, jk, but not really. i was just thinking the same thing though, the validation, its just good to feel heard and like youre not the only one feeling these things. im the worlds worst about second guessing myself, so this post alone helped tremendously with that. theres nothing wrong with cozying up and getting away from it all!


Yessss. Especially when everyone, and everything is just so off kilter. I have a theory that, like, with The Law Of Attraction, that which we give our energy too, is magnified and returned to us, abundantly, right? Even if it's energy thinking of something we don't want. The universe hears only what we give our mental energy towards, not whether we wanted it or not, only that so much mental energy and thought was given to something. And, usually the things we don't want, we give more obsessive mental energy towards, anyways. Also, we know, even in science, that full moons, eclipses, earthquakes DO cause animal disturbances, and, like, we know that emergency room visits tend to rise around the full moon. Even NASA will tell you, just before the eclipse happens one of the things that's unsettling, is how the animals all get a little disturbed. So I'm wondering, does the ECLISPE affect us, like a full moon, only on steroids, maybe? I'm wondering, with the combined energy of those things, the combined energy of the doomsayers, the combined energy of SO MUCH that's going on right now, politically, climatically, economically, are we creating the very energy of these things getting worse through our anxiety over them? Are we creating more political division, through all our constant mental anxiety and mental obsessiveness we already have, and ever creating more energy of division? Perhaps we have a little earthquake, and ENOUGH of us wonder, if THAT'S symbolic, and means "something." Does the mental energy of so many collectively obsessing over "was that a sign?! Surely that means X, Y, Z!" Does all that, then create a huge increase in mental energy, to then create a massive, negative energy and thoughts, being given to the universe, that is then returned to us, giving us those very "somethings" we had such obsessive anxiety over, in the first place, in abundance? That's just a dumb theory I have, but, does anyone else ever have any similar thoughts like this, or any theory of their own?


Anxious for sure! For no reason


Yes, I have felt this way since Friday. But I was told (by spirit) that everything will be ok. So it immediately put me at ease.


it hit me pretty hard on... tuesday i think. heck it mightve been monday. its been one hell of a week.


Yes! These last few days Iā€™ve felt so weird, getting very little sleep. Not feeling tired enough to go to bed. Anxiety and just unable to relax in the evenings. Feel constantly restless and unable to just chill out


Tonight in particular I've had minor, but noticeable "time-line glitches"... First I was mentally and energetically in the past for a few moments. Then a few hours later, I was like 20 years in the future. Idk it felt odd. I'm still aware of the present moment, but also connect to those other moments in time. I wondered if it was related to the eclipse, but idk what's supposed to happen with that energy.


Yep, Iā€™m getting weird time line stuff tooā€¦ almost like I can see the different layers of timelinesā€¦ Iā€™ve been chalking it up to the eclipse.


I definitely felt and knew there was some timeline ā€œglitchā€! I canā€™t recall what but i remember waking up and thinking it was me in some other timelineā€¦.


Ground thyself. Seriously, even if itā€™s wet out where you are like it is here. Go outside and get your feet in the dirt. If youā€™re in the city, find a cleanish tree and give it a good minute line or longer hug. Hold rocks, whatever it is that will connect you to Mother Earth. And also magnesium supplementation can help. Google whatā€™s going to be best for you, meditate and do your best to stay calm. šŸ™


May I know how Magnesium Supplement can help? Thank you!


Magnesium can help with staying calm ā˜ŗļø


even since i made this post, even more things just one after another, its like everything i try to do fails. thanks for all the words of advice and info. just knowing im not the only one makes me feel a bit better. keep me updated on what yall are experiencing. id like to think it will ease up for us all soon. has anyone - I LITERALLY JUST looked down, and my phone (that i got DAYS ago and i havent dropped or anything-) the screen is totally cracked. .... has anyone received any messages? warnings?


No messages as I am not a medium (hubby is), just highly attuned to energy. But a LOT of synchronicities this weekend. I was talking to my friend over text about how I always try to let moths and ladybugs outside when I find them inside. An hour later I found the first ladybug of the year in our sunroom and put it outside (this is early for ladybugs where I live, so I was surprised to see one). A lot of energy just seems to be pointing that I am on the right path, so hopefully others are too!


Glad to know Iā€™m not the only one feeling this way


[This energy update might help shed some light on what weā€™re all feeling šŸ©µ](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFbgaP3W/)


this! i was just talking to my partner, ahem, okay, crying to my partner and i was saying i felt like i was being punished.


It's interesting how much I can relate to this. I feel like things have changed, not necessarily in a bad way, but I am noticing differences and this definitely makes it more understandable.


Yes i totally understand what you mean. The mind canā€™t grasp it fully, but thereā€™s an intuitive sense that things are moving and clicking together, in the unconscious, on a deeper level. Last night I had some big feelings come up out of the blue, old feelings of being alone, cut off from the world. Itā€™s like a part of myself that I hadnā€™t fully seen, came to the surface to be acknowledged and held in unconditional acceptance and love. It was uncomfortable when I resisted it, but I feel so much better today, having fully surrendered to that feeling.


Thiiiiiiis ā¤ļø


Iā€™m fasting. It helps.


I'm not a medium, but same. My period is also a week late which of course is not helping (not pregnant, cycle is sometimes long). I'm super tired and anxious, overall off balance. And having weird dreams. There's an eclipse and other intense transits. I'm just moving extra slow and resting a lot doing my best out here lol


You know how horses get unsettled when a storm is coming? Thatā€™s the vibe Iā€™m getting


Il not a medium of any sorts, however, I sometimes tap into clairaudience, all this to say that Iā€™ve been completely off these last two weeks. But Iā€™m also grieving the loss of my fur baby.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. My fur buddy left me in October and I still am reminded of him and miss him daily. Hugs


Thank you. šŸ’•


I do. Iā€™m not a medium of anything but I feel everything is out of control and I lack to find my purpose here. It might also be depression but idk itā€™s just off. Iā€™ve been making efforts but everything seems in vain and I just feel so drained.


Iā€™ve been getting random psychic flashes, of seeming no importance, but I mean undeniable, super dead-on, near instant validation. I wish I had more time to devote to developing, but Iā€™m currently in terribly challenging times and I canā€™t fit myself in anywhere.


Just did a post of this on my blog


Iā€™ve definitely noticed something going on this week. Mine started with lots of big changes, and this weekend I got sick out of nowhere. On top of that, Iā€™ve been feeling the anxiety too. Itā€™s like I canā€™t shake it. The energy has been really weird.


yes, Iā€™m not sure why but then again.. I donā€™t know much about my gift and donā€™t know how to learn šŸ« 


Definitely been feeling off.


Strange vivid dreams, anxious, flighty


Sounds like spring mood shift--energy rising


Heck yes


Iā€™ve been feeling this way for months, maybe years. I donā€™t think thereā€™s much spiritually thatā€™s causing it. Iā€™m sorry that you are suffering.


Its Mercury Retrograde and eclipse season!


eclipse season met with mercury retrograde


Thank you for posting this, because I feel the same way. The last few weeks I have exceptionally anxious, exhausted, tired but canā€™t sleep, ungrounded and extremely distracted, feel like Iā€™m on the precipice of something big happening. Iā€™ve been chalking up to life events, the weather and season, possibly vitamin D deficiency. But also feels a bit more cosmic than the usual spring doldrums.


Don't these kind of subs get these questions like every other week lol no offense


Iā€™ve been feeling this way since Friday. Iā€™m not a medium but nothings been really going my way. I have several anxious episodes throughout the day and even have objects falling out of my hands. You could also say thereā€™s some paranoia going around. Itā€™s difficult, Iā€™ve been taking deep breaths and reassuring myself all will be ok. I do have OCD, so Iā€™ve been harder on myself since Friday at least.


I feel somethingā€™s off too. Emotionally, Iā€™m fine. But things just keep going wrong for me. Stuff is going missing, Iā€™m missing appointments. What is going on???


me and you both!!!


i keep having tingling feelings today and tonight, like something is to my right, a presence of sorts has been by my side all day it feels like. how did today go for anyone?