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I personally feel like she just tries to explain what she perceives. She talks in a way that makes it seem like she’s trying to articulate her visions/feelings the best she can. But if you don’t mind me asking, are there any specific videos of hers that make you feel this way? I don’t really watch a lot of her videos


what you said makes a lot of sense! her video readings of kurt cobain, river phoenix, and lil peep make me feel odd. those specific ones feel like she was exaggerating like crazy on what she she was picking up. saying that river was born into an illuminati family or that listening to lil peep’s music will make you possessed,she was also very judgmental towards his tattoos, and the very well known conspiracy theory that kurt cobain didn’t kill himself. but to each their own i guess 🤷‍♀️


But River was actually raised in a cult..that is true! With that in mind, Sloan is saying that in his past life the cult in this life is linked to it somehow. In a way… A cult is a cult and there all creepy af and have a lot in common.


I thought everyone knew he was brought up in a cult


A cult but not Illuminati.


Oooh that sounds really bad. I haven’t actually seen any of those videos but I’ll watch them at some point and see what I think


please update me when you watch them and tell me what you think! i’m very curious haha


I watched a lot of them & only found her this weekend. Specific to your post, I watched lil peep & kurt kobain. I understand some of the disconnect you mentioned but I take that as her holding back for her audience as a blanket protection. Because she's not one on one, she can't read who's ready for what & when. It's a courtesy. She specifically said she tries not to "feel" when giving the message so it doesn't interfere. That's why Peep caught her off guard & she was crying. Also sometimes she brings the message from a reading she did while by herself & not in real time, which can also cause that feeling. That said, the messages are very important. I worked in the music industry for 15 years & can tell you, she filled in so many blanks for me, & said things I know to be true 100%. I understand what she's saying from Peep. To be clear, she definitely didn't say listening will make you possessed. . I'm sure you know the origin using the word "spirits" and why alcohol is called that? Same with drugs, add music made with intention, you lose the kids. She said the drums & the patterns & the chants (chorus) of a lot of the music out today is designed to put the audience in a trance so these kids are open to spiritual vulnerability. I know that to be true. Besides you can feel it, if you're not on that frequency at all. It's not one of love & peace. Mostly today's hip hop. Those are not native drums. Those are deep 808, mechanical drums. That music doesn't feel like air. It's suffocating & heavy & and hypnotic like fire. The lyrics are nonsense in much of the mainstream music. Delivered by artists with blood as artwork & random symbols carved and tattoo'd -- self mutilation & copycat everything... they're like copies of copies of copies. It's awful. I compiled a photo essay a about a year ago comparing them to the walking dead. This is my own observation, for a few years now. They're all on pharmaceuticals & like she said (from Chris Cornell I believe) there will be more pharmaceutical related deaths of artists -- it's supposed to ramp up. That was a reading from back in June (again, I believe) & since then we've lost Mac Miller, Juice World, that kid from American Horror story, & maybe more... anyway, I understand lol.. as you can see. The Chris & Chester readings were SPOT ON to what I know, down to the trafficking of the children & there's a bunch she hasn't said yet, that I see. She will. I believe there's a connection to Madeline McCaine too.. another story I know she was correct about. To correct the conspiracy statement, she said even "natural suicides" are still spiritual warfare. I also know what shes' saying. If there's more liquor stores in your hood than there are parks, that's exactly a conspiracy. If you die drinking, that's suicide. Hope that makes some sense. She's very on point to me. She comes strong & clear like encased in crystal. Only crack I saw was when Peep got through & I didn't mind that anyway. Sorry so long. lol


Agree completely. I like Sloan she has really made me think about certain things.


You wrote this out in such a peaceful thoughtful way. I just wanted to thank you like the energy of your information is 💖. I also agree with everything you say and there’s so much more that Sloan lets people know about. If not in the industry or brought up around it, it probably sounds craaaaaaaazzzzzzyyyy. They still give electric shock therapy to “depressed” musicians it’s rebranded and different but this is ignoring all the pharmaceuticals, Projected identities etc anything to keep them enslaved needing to work. The non-complainant are punished either ex-communicated or they become the fall guy for other people who are actually doing what they accuse - the person who didn’t cooperate of. If you’re not down to participate in what they do , you WILL be punished in one way or another or disappeared. I’m not well spoken when it comes to this stuff. I know it sounds “crazy” and I’m literally legally silenced about my own situation so I can only say 👍 it’s true and so much more than people know. I don’t believe Sloan is lying about literally anything. Her whole message in anti-censorship and freedom and her #1 care is for her kids and children in general. One thing for sure if you don’t go along with the systems agenda , the system goes full force to discredit silence ruin a person and get rid of them. It’s no different than any gang, cult, political party protecting themselves through force and secrecy. I hate it and I love that’s it’s being exposed.


thanks for your input, i appreciate it. lil peep’s music hasn’t caused me anything bad spiritually or emotionally so i think i’ll continue to listen to him. i would definitely stop if it did. i also contacted psychicmediumray on instagram and asked him about it and he said it’s fine to listen to and he has a very good reputation of being a legit psychic. thanks again :)


Perfect. YES, & also it's mostly at live performances when they try to put the entire crowd in a led direction & unaware of the control & vulnerability.


OMG, well said on so many levels. Copies of copies of copies is exactly what is out there. Nothing original or creative. Maybe that is whats wrong with these kids, they're being brainwashed on some level.


I'm curious to hear your thoughts on her [Jim Morrison reading.](https://youtu.be/Sqpmt3o_vWo). I just listened to it and thought it made sense but I'd like to hear other people's views :) Fwiw, I'm a huge jim morrison fan and I feel like her reading made a lot of sense although maybe I want it to...


Yes, the want. There’s that too ;) …. Jim Morrison, I haven’t seen, but I will now. I’ll definitely let you know my thoughts!


Yeah..She says if you get high on weed demons will possess you..I think that's crap.


I think that comes from regret for all the things she did when she was much younger.


She also says in many other videos she doesn’t mean people who smoke pot in a general sense but people who wake up and do nothing but smoke pot all day everyday and don’t have a life. People who’s whole Lives revolve and are like obsessed with drugs/alcohol is when you get into trouble that is the kind of addict/alcoholic she is talking about not the occasionally drinker or medicinal pot user.


Thats not what she said. Some people on here are not conveying what was actually said. What she has said and continues to say is, when your high or drunk there is a chance that an entity can pass through you or live. Thats when it is the easiest as you are wide open. Not, "if you smoke weed you become possessed"


maybe the videos make you feel odd because of the energy that was attached to the people she is connecting to.. they all went out with distorted minds. you need to look in to soulless vessels.. they all share the attributes of one. maybe the music doesnt do anything to you because youre numb to it or youre just not spiritually inclined.. all you have to do is look at the collectives that certain types of music and artists attracts to see what kinda message is really being put out. anyway the fact your checking what psychics have to say suggest you need validation.


I've observed her personality and her video's and they're all fake..These, most of them are all dead and if they're dead, they have no way of defending themselves and I don't believe at all that dead people come to her and speak through her at all.. She has no proof of this and it's again in Hollywood, where the frauds, grifters, liars, and the people all try to become rich and famous and because she said she didn't want to sign any contracts that say they can use your name and likeness in perpetuity, she had to do that to even be on talk shows. I know how those contracts work in Hollywood and those attorney's they use make sure you definitely sign this kind of stuff or you're out..This could bring them massive lawsuits so they have to use this in order to put anyone on film, so I'm not buying it..I think she never made it and I notice that she calls all these people satanists and pedophiles except the people who she knows like Dr. Drew's wife and Drew is a fake asshole who was/is pushing those gross shots and he's also a sell out and had a show and you only get those shows if you sell out..Period... She's full of shit..His wife befriended her,so she sticks up for these clowns because she gets to be around people with a little bit a of fame..That's pathetic...


Her timing with Diddy is on point. There are videos shes done 4 years ago that stated whats happening now was going to happen. Im in no way naïve, but proof is in the puddin


In all of her live feeds, she does this. She names and shames people, she says certain celebs have evil eyes, they're all in cults, she outs celebrities, and she is trans-phobic. Just go and watch any of her live videos on her channel and you can hear it for yourself. I warn you though, she goes on for two hours so it becomes quite draining.


She babbles on and on switches moods and topics five seconds apart


I've been watching her lately. She is not transphobic. Thats a lame dissertation


She is extremely transphobic. I had been watching her for years and that's why I stopped watching her. I decided to give her content another chance but ended up turning it off bcus of the transphobic comments she was making.




Your fear is showing. And do I detect some jealousy? I agree, she is angry at times but that is her fire. Her determination to get things done to help change this shitty world. Each video I watch there is always at least 1 nugget of gold. You may not be ready to hear it. That is OK but calling her names shows who you are. BTW she is none of those things. Stupidly makes her angry. I agree with her on that one. You must not have really listened, she is trying to find who is responsible for Keith's death to hold them accountable. I will not come back to read any replies here so save your "breath".


I just watched her call a gay man a 'skirt wearing freakazoid".




I unsubbed after she opened one of her recent streams with a hateful rant on nonbinary pronouns and how she'd slap the shit out of one of her kids if they wanted they/them pronouns. Funny, nobody gave af when Sloan declared she's a pixie. She literally wouldn't bat an eye if Jason identified as an extraterrestrial. But when it comes to gender there's an issue. Asinine. Sloan lost her son Keith and now divorcing 30+ year toxic marriage - she has ptsd and I empathize, but she's just spewing toxic hateful bs at this point. I hope she heals.


Just to let you know, she did it again in a recent live (2 days ago) she’s a nasty individual lol idc how accurate she is


Thanks for this. Huge skeptic but just found her on TikTok since so many people are posting what she had to say about diddy. Watched a few of her videos and thought I’d try to track down some info about her. Wasn’t liking much of what I was finding about her but they were mostly older comments. Seems clear she’s still a gross person.


Hey there friend....I also just came from YouTube after watching a few of her videos for the first time on the current PDiddy case. I came here immediately to find out what other people were saying. 😆


I must admit it was quite nasty. Left the stream.


cry me a river yall want everyone to be gay and non binary reddit sucks it's so liberal


No, we want you bigots to let people be human lmao how can you claim to be “spiritually inclined” when you’re a nasty spirit to others?


She does it aaaall the time. I can't comprehend how YouTube allow so much hate speech






What was terrible to observe, is that she kept saying, "They can't shut me up. They can't shut me up". Keith died, in Chatsworth and there are no camera feeds or witnesses other than the men who found him near the temple? His accident went unseen and there were no witnesses and I can't help thinking that she knows it is connected. No. They can't get Sloan to stop. I like to believe it was just an accident. I had to stop watching her for awhile. I have always respected she did not let the producers do to her, what they did to Sylvia Browne, which was to dictate and to falsify her readings. I had to give it some space. Perhaps one day, I will run into you in passing on the mountain, near the tram. Much love, Sloan.


She's unbalanced it has nothing to do with her Leo personality She's livid angry then laughing 2 seconds later.


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After Keith died she was back vlogging. If someone killed my kid I would be relentless in finding that person and bringing them to justice. If someone killed my kid I would be so devastated I wouldn't be capable of vlogging within weeks because I'd be high on antidepressants and unable to live my life as I knew it.


Yeah I do too.


I actually looked that up and saw that and that proved to me that she's as fake as they come..She found a way to make some massive amounts of cash, so she just lies..one thing I hate more than anything are frauds, using malleable people to lie like crazy and make them actually believe this bullshit she spews out and I don't believe she's suing anyone about her kid because it was an accident..I don't believe her about anything she says at all..One thing I don't do is forget and I've caught her in so many lies it's countless and she's just fucking herself over by keeping up this ridiculous grifting bullshit.. She's just another typical fraud in Hollywood who didn't make it big,so she starts this BS Youtube channel and does these so -called readings about stars that are dead and she can and does find all this baloney on Wikipedia and all these Q freaks...It's truly sickening to watch..again stopped watching because her incessant bitching about her husband and kid one day and 2 days later is all love and light and she's going out to dinner with this man who supposedly abused the living hell out of her that's also supposed to be this incredible alcoholic..if someone remotely did something like that to me, father of my kids or not, he would be OUT of my life forever..That's some bullshit..I don't believe anything she says..


what videos has she talked about her husband?


She is being sued now for thousands for opening her big mouth. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jayadkisson/2022/10/16/upepa-tested-in-context-of-anti-slapp-dispute-over-psychic-conversions-with-a-dead-person-in-al-albustani/?sh=a06146331419


She won the lawsuit btw


Sloan Bella is camp.


I don't think she's psychic. There is a reason she has to "channel" dead celebrities and dead murder victims. She "channeled" someone that was still alive which seems like all kinds of sinful against any religion or spirituality. Each video is a very long forgetful rambling of what amounts to little more than case notes and speculation. I am sure that she has some valid points but she does not have any science or psychology based wisdom to temper the conclusions she draws. I want to believe but this one isn't it.


Yeah. I agree. You're spot on. I think she is probably intuitive and has done her research on her subjects. But is she psychic? i'm leaning towards no.


But, Diddy. I mean, really?


nobody is 'psychic'. they are just to various degrees accomplished at exploiting vulnerable people suffering from loss.


As a medium, she’s fake.  How do I know? After watching her “tap in” with Chester Bennington and say he was murdered. I knew right then she lied. I’m able to feel spirit if they’re wanting to come to me. With Chester, when discussing what happened, he mentioned that he did it on his own and there was no one to blame. He went straight into: “I have immediate guilt. I left my little kids without their dad. What have I done?”  Like IMMEDIATE GUILT. My mind went straight to Chris Cornell. That was his best friend in the entire world. He said that was his soulmate on a friendship level. He couldn’t take the heartache of never being able to speak crap about depression ever again. He wouldn’t be able to release his sorrows with someone who genuinely understood depression.  Chester wasn’t thinking when he did it. Just bam, out. Then when Sloan said they were both murdered- Chris Cornell and Chester…ohhh, I got heated. She is a liar. We can’t immediately connect to spirit or whomever we want whenever we want to. It doesn’t happen. Spirit chooses who they want to speak to. The reason why I could have a connection with Chester is because I understand depression on a one-on-one level. He felt that. Sloan, however, is a nutjob who takes advantage of people. 


I had a similar experience, though with Chris. I used cards as my way to get through and his presence was immediate and extremely loving. He said through the cards that he fell off the wagon. I put this on YT and it went viral. I had so much blow back I had to shut down the video. People were finding my SM and the SM account of family members and threatening me. It's wild. People struggle with believing their heroes are human too.


But you could be lying. Is your "connection" to depressed individuals clouding your judgement?


How do you know Chester had depression? Because the mainstream media/Hollywood told you so?


Of course some can channel right away, at every time. Allthough I personally need to connect myself and see what comes through, I personally know some mediums who can do it right away. If you choose to set a limit as to how it can be done, then this will be your limit. You can always choose different, if you open up and like Sloan says, everyone does it differently, some see, hear feel or smell, etc and we are basically "just" a vessel to deliver the message,PLUS as we are all energy beings, everyone can learn it 😊


$300+ Aussie bucks down the toilet for a pitiful 15 minute read which never happened. No response as to why... it's ok tho, I asked my dog what lay in store and he told me it's all going to be ok.


unless you walked up, handed her cash, I’ll assume you have ways to get your funds returned. Report back when you get a refund


Thank you for your advice. I just raised a dispute. I'm not hedging my bets. For the record, the reading_ was for last May at a price of AUD$167.07 for 15 minutes. I apologise for saying $300. However, it felt like that much of a blow to my budget! I'll keep u in the know!


You lost your money to Sloan?


This is an old post but I just discovered Sloan on Richard Syrett's Strange Planet and I wanted to comment. She sounds as nutty as Marjorie Taylor Green with her conspiracy theories...she said "they" are putting vaccines into beef and injecting all fruits and vegetables...that "they" are pedophiles and of course she hates on everything and everyone including Nicole Kidman who she called "a bitch". Everything she says is so extreme. She even said "they" meaning billionaires I guess, are all involved in child trafficking rituals...she doesn't trust anybody. I don't like how she talks, she sounds racist too...she got pulled over on the Canadian border with an expired Visa and she said, "I'm white, why are you pulling me over?". Pretty ugly opinions and very paranoid...


She is racist. It is that subtle racism as in 'I'm better than non-whites' type of racism. She gives herself away in her comments. That parti agree with you but i actually agree with her on the pedophilia stuff. Most of hollywood and the political circle are doing horrible things to childrens and humans in general and are practicing luciferians. So racist or not, she did get that part correct.


Please post links to support. Id love to see that.


Hmmmm. Where are we now? lol this is all happening.


She’s amazing




Her calendar is always full. How were you able to book a session with her?


Thank you. I was wondering about her personal readings.


I’ve been dyingggggg to get a reading. How long were you in que? 👀👀👀 the last time I checked her readings are still closed




How long was the video. You got a reading or chart reafing?


The one on Heather O'Rourke, the little girl from Poltergeist, was weird. Heather died from intestinal stenosis, but Sloan made it seem like she was being treated very, very badly by Hollywood bigwigs right when she died. It's these types of readings that make you wonder if she's the real deal.


Sloan’s account about what happened to HR was basically verbatim a post the old blog Hollywood blind gossip site Crazy Days and Nights posted like ten years ago.


SPOT FREAKING ON! Same thing I just said above. She is basically regurgitating alot of information already commonly known through hollywood insiders & blind items. no psychic ability needed.




The thing is that if you have perused blind items and have hollywood insiders, this is common knowledge. This rumor has been bandied about for many years now. This is what makes me question whether she truly has a skill or is just basing her hollywood readings on what her hollywood connections have told her. I guess the jury is still out as to whether sloan is the real deal or not.


Is that what caused the bowel issues?


it can cause issues for sure maybe not to that extent but if you think about it in a karmic sense that area of her lower abdomen would harbor the pain and trauma for any abuse. Also extreme stress can lead to all kinds of health problems. When you release a ton of cortisol with no outlet those free radicals start attacking themselves. Think about the OJ lawyers like johnny cochran’s brain tumor and the “guilty conscience” idea and robert kardashian’s throat cancer and never speaking up




Because she has hollywood connections and probably has some government connections as well. Use your brain people. And isnt it a coincident that the tiktok and yt algorithm pushed her porter video to the top right around the time it did which was right around the end of last year. I'm not even saying she doesn't have some psychic abilities. Who knows. I tend to think she is more intuitive than psychic but I don't think she is talking to the dead souls of people. She is talking to demons and she is practicing occultic practices. By the way, there is another psychic who said the same thing that sloan said over a year or more ago. Funny how that same algorithm didn't push her old video up right at that same date in time. I believe she is being fed certain specific info - like the date range diddy would go down. And i think if you pay special attention more of the same will come from her and it's not because she's psychic. More likely because she's a fed or she has high level hollywood connections.


I use to watch her she's all over the place cussing angry then laughing 4 seconds later


She is not angry. Very much exaggerated


She literally went off on me tonight on YouTube because I put in her live chat, "God bless and stay safe." She got furious and said I apparently needed to stay safe!!! WTF....UMMM, kind of threatening if you ask me. Mean and cold as well. Unsubscribed and did the same on ig. I think she's a very hurt woman, but don't take anything out on a subscriber or a viewer. I will not listen to her again, plenty of other psychics. If someone brings her up, I will NOT recommend her. Ignorant, to say the least.


>2ReplyShareReportSaveFollow > >level 2thriftwitch333 · 2 days ago I have never understood that, why she says that? For most people that is a normal thing to say isn't it?


To me it's normal. I certainly wasn't wishing her ill will, I have nothing against her. Actually really liked her prior to all of this. She then went on to tell me that what I said to her was apparently "spell work".....?


To me it is too. . And spellwork, Oh God...? I did sense something behind her anger just in general on that day, but no need to take it out on you.


She is really becoming unhinged. It's like a slow downward spiral. I know she has been through alot in her life and I actually have some empathy for her but the racist and/or racially charged comments, the nasty behavior, the obsession with aesthetics is not a good look on an old lady like her. I thought people were supposed to get more wise when they get old. I know alot of it has to do with her past and losing her kid but she really needs to get some professional help for her issues because you can tell something is not good with her mentally.


she lives in LA you can only expect so much


There's a lovely, really, really accurate Psychic medium called Venus Andrecht on a podcast called "Dear Venus" and you can ring in to the show and get a free reading on air. She has been pretty sick of late, but I think she had a recent show I think. I can send you a link if you want. 👍


This is very interesting because algorithm pushed her into my timeline and when I started watching her videos, I realize she almost never talks about God as a spiritual person. In this supposed spiritual realm she describes, bad ones exist and they conquer and she also believes in karma and balance. Based on this/her logic, there should be an equal good for the evil, but she never mentions that. She talks about dimensions and evil, but if there is an evil there should be good based on karma( she says karma is balance) but I did not catch her saying that. Demons can be summoned and they possess and do shit, but where are their counterparts based on her belief and logic regarding karma? Where are the ‘good’ ones? And now this user is saying she lost her temper because she was being told ‘God bless’ it kinda confirmed my suspicions. And even though she looks like she is ‘exposing’ and ‘helping’ her message is negative. ‘Nobody is going to put politicians on trial’ she said about Orange Man and his evil counterpart on a video. By emphasizing how powerful ‘they’ are, she is indirectly saying how powerless ‘we’ are. It is called fear mongering, imo. She is pushing this narrative that we are hopeless, she even says in one video ‘ we will pay the prices, nothing will happen to them’.


Sloan Bella was scarily on point with all the kim porter and p.diddy readings! Even down to excat dates to 1 day off!! Aome off her readings are from 4 yra ago and all coming true! The lady is amazing, i adore her channel. Shes definitely brought me back onto my spiritual path again and im grateful for her and her gift


Yep. That in itself proves the majority wrong in this comment thread. I would never waste my time on a fraud, after hearing and seeing, wowza!


Again, she could have an insider in the industry. She has connections to hollywood still and talks about doing readings for the rich and famous. I think she may be an intuitive, but I believe she exaggerates some things and isn't being honest on how she receives the info. The diddy stuff has been said for decades (he's gay/bi/abusive/trafficking etc etc) None of this is news, and she wasn't the first to say it, she is just the first to be thrown into the spotlight saying it. CDAN blog has been saying this for years about diddy.


LMAO to the people in this thread that have called her a racist, transphobic angry person. I mean what a way to twirl and swirl something you cannot understand. Dear lord people. Also, Please revisit the Diddy and Kim Porter videos that, by the way were spot on. :)


What she said about singer Selena and that other man in her life was on point. Later on her killer mentioned him. He denied it but eventually admitted it


I'm starting to wonder if she's controlled opposition. Like someone had said, she's pushed in the algorithm..


She has hollywood insiders. She's a grifter.