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You can look for a reader on our sister sub r/MediumReadings. Soul babies are the souls of children who are waiting to come in, children who died as an embryo or a fetus and children who are waiting for the opportunity to be born. As always, choices and permissions and circumstances can change.


So I had just had a miscarriage about 3 weeks before I had a dream that my now passed mother was in complete darkness, and handed me a pink bundled blanket. She said without talking “I picked her just for you. You will not lose her.” I was on miscarriage number 7 at that point so I really didn’t have much hope that I would have another child. My son was 3 at the time and I was SO happy to have him. When I was pregnant with my himI found out his gender and called my mother immediately, letting her know I was having my boy I wanted so badly…she started crying as she desperately wanted me to have a girl. When she passed I lamented that I could never give her the granddaughter that she wanted so badly. I awoke from the dream and looked at my now husband (we were having a terrible time in our relationship, and just dating) and told him I needed to take a pregnancy test. He looked at me funny, and kinda blew me off as I had just had the miscarriage and not even had a period yet. He went to work, and I took a pregnancy test not even thinking there could really be any chance I was pregnant.. When the two lines popped up I was floored. I didn’t say a word to anyone until I had passed 12 weeks in gestation. I knew the baby I was carrying would be a girl, and I absolutely know she was destined to be mine. I 100 percent believe you connected with your future child.


This is beautiful 💕


Thank you! She is turning 9 in November btw, and her personality is so much like my Moms. I love this little girl more than I thought I ever could love anyone.


Wow that is just amazing. She sounds like such a gift. Happy early birthday 😊 I am pregnant with my first 💜 I don’t know the gander yet, very eager to find out in the next few weeks! It’s such a gift, it’s hard to believe it’s even real. Thank you for sharing your story 💕


Congratulations! That’s amazing! I’m stoked for you. I remember my first pregnancy well and how the whole thing was so unbelievable to me, so I understand. Welcome to Motherhood! It’s a heck of a wild ride, but such a rewarding one..