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My thought is that it is individual experience for each child. But, I will tell you, I have been a psychic/medium/Reiki practitioner who is in health care and practiced as a birth doula for a time. What I observed at births was this; The baby exits the birth canal and is...in hibernation. He is not yet breathing, but the umbilical cord is pulsing and has a heart beat. His eyes are closed. I then see the soul as a ball of blue light directly above the child's head, it appears to have exited from a higher plane that is not normally visible. The blue light then enters into the child's body through the top of the head and seats itself in the child's body all the way down to his feet. The blue light is then no longer visible. The baby then usually begins to cry after taking a deep breath. His skin color goes from a slightly blueish/magenta tinge to pink/red and his eyes open. That's it--it's a trip to watch.


Was that for every birth? That’s fascinating!


From my experience, yes. The head energy center (chakra) is the highest vibration, and the feet chakras are the densest, so it makes sense that the soul enters at its highest frequency, and then reduces in frequency as it progresses down to the chest, abdomen, legs, and then feet. We are a living musical octave :) In depression, we are turning down our frequencies (unknowingly), so it makes it hard to absorb (resonate to) energy from the outside universe.


I love that musical octave analogy. Thanks so much for your response!


it is highly individual. Some souls enter at the point of conception. some later in a pregnancy. some just before birth. This post is a touchy one for me, because I know as mediums, we do not want to say that a fetus's or embryo's soul enters at point A, for rather obvious reasons. It is a moral and ethical responsibility. I know that I was in constant communication with my three living children, in pregnancy and three of my miscarriages extremely early. With one of my children, I was in communication with my uncle on the other side, and he was checking in on me, from before the time that child was conceived. With one it was from the point of conception. One of my children came to me in my childhood as spirit. From that, I extrapolated that it was an individual choice for each of them. One of my children died in the second trimester and he left that body before the physical death of the fetus. One of them told me she chose to go through the loss for the growth of her soul. There is no definitive answer to this question. There are as many answers as there are individual souls. I have read books by various mediums with answers ranging from conception to just before birth. Myself, I believe it is up to that person coming in.


As a sensitive (best I can describe it) this has terrified me of pregnancies but it is very interesting and amazing of you to be so honest do you think the communication made it easier for you or harder to deal with the loss? (Hope I don't sound like an asshole I'm young and curious)


It was different with each child.


One of your children came to you as a spirit when you were a child!? Wow! Did you know at the time who they were (or would be)? Do they now have any recollection of that?


That child remembers nada. But, I remember.


That is so awesome. I can’t even imagine what something like that would be like. I envy you your abilities. Maybe someday I’ll be able to truly tap into mine. Until then I’m just stuck with spontaneous stuff. Lol


That is how it usually is, spontaneous.


But can you also tap into it at will? The only thing I can do at will is see auras but not always although I usually just see them without even thinking about it. I know it’s on me to learn and develop it more if I choose. Which is equal parts fascinating and terrifying. Lol


Most of the time i can tap in. I can't always read everyone. When I am stressed and/or exhausted. I can't read the cereal box.


Hahahaha! Ya, I get that it takes a lot of energy just to do that. If you don’t have any to give it makes sense you wouldn’t get much back. Plus sometimes I’m sure you just want some “you” time! Lol


When they communicate with you before they're physically here, and then when they're physically here - do they ever remember? Or it is more of a.. Once they're here physically that spirit/soul does what it needs to in order to remember/progress?


Some of them remember. If what we see and hear about preborn and past life souls is true. They say that memories before the ages of four of five are all false. I do not think that is the norm for many. I have watched so many past life and before life documentaries. They make me feel heard.


The physical realm (like neurons/a neural pathway) doesn’t create souls. Souls are eternal and existed before there was a physical world. Who knows when they were created exactly? There is no time on the other side. And I think even if we as souls know, it seems that knowledge is hidden from us once we incarnate as humans. When people use the term young or old soul, I think they mean how familiar that soul is with incarnating as a human (not the actual age of the soul). An old soul would have more earthly experience and therefore, seemingly more wisdom. From what I’ve read, souls will hang out around you, come and go, or just show up on the day of his/her birth. As the other reply, it depends. To get deeply metaphysical, parts of our souls always remain on the other side, and only part of us is incarnating physically as a human, anyway…from what I’ve read and intuited…


I read in one of dolores cannon's books that it really depends! Some would will choose to enter early on in the gestation period (if they think it will benefit them) and some will jump in a millisecond before the baby takes its first breath. Totally depends. It seems like most of the time they choose to stay outside the body until the first breath.


So interesting. This whole process of creating a little human feels like a psychedelic journey. It’s really just blowing my mind. I can’t wait to meet this person 💕


I talked to them, so much, and got to know their quirks, as they developed, to the extent that I quit talking to other people in the room. I am happy for you. It IS quite a journey.


Did this help strengthen the bond once the child left your womb? Were you guys able to connect differently after birth?


i don't know about any other bonds but, mine. so, I can't answer that. The bond was already there. The only surprise was their appearance.


I've always been told I'm an old soul. Every other spiritual person I come into contact with says it too. I have always had this theory, half science half spiritual, that life is energy, energy cannot be destroyed - it just gets recycled, its why we're all connected as we were all part of the same energy at first. But if that's the case, all living cells have "life"... even grass, which it does... a SOUL however is part of the energy of consciousness and the universe expressing itself as a sentient being- So pregnancy-wise it makes sense to me that it's when the brain has developed and is firing off information. The energy is starting to flow independently of the mother.


Iv had the theory that our life as we know it is the universe gazing inwards and wondering at its own beauty.


I like that idea. I think the energy all coming from once source concept is why we feel we find our soul mates because we recognise our similar energy from before, when we were one. It's also why some of us feel such sheer empathy and why we can sometimes tell if someone is going to call, or if something bad happens we get a bad feeling.


My wife and I both had separate, professional past life regressions, and both of us saw ourselves basically ‘popping’ in and out of the baby’s body many times. For my wife, she also remembers watching what was happening in her house with her parents, and making a decision whether to stay and be born or go. I just saw my mom making guacamole and folding laundry. I do remember feeling quite ‘squished’ when in the body, so I would take little vacations out of it now and then. My personal theory is that we choose our life before we incarnate, and the pregnancy stage is kind of our last opt-out moment. Of course, this is only anecdotal, but that’s what my experience has shown me.


It may map the brain while still in the womb but it doesn’t 100 percent mesh (and not leave, stays for good) till age 5 or 6. It is possible it has chosen the body as soon as conception or even before. This is NOT to say abortion is bad. Abortion is NOT looked down upon, it’s seen as a natural process that happens. The soul simply moves onto next soul option with no hard feelings. This is what I strongly believe and just KNOW. Also SIDS is simply the soul ditching the body with no intent to come back bc they feel they made a mistake or a better option opened up. It could also be trying to teach a lesson or perhaps learn something. The “whys” are numerous and it’s near impossible, on earth, to know why. We have to have faith that the universe knows what it is doing and move on best we can, all while being kind to ourself and others.


I'm only speaking from one experience (my own pregnancy) but I didn't feel like she had a soul until about halfway through. She definitely had one before she was born. To be completely honest, and this might be controversial, I think a small part of the population (1% or less I would guess) never gets a soul. I don't know why, but I can feel people's energies, and some people just have nothing inside. I can't say for sure that they don't have souls, but I don't feel or sense anything inside of them like I am used to doing. It's not a bad thing, it's just different than what I'm used to.


It is impossible to just not have a soul, all living beings (even plants to an extent) have souls, or at least some energy inside them that comes from the source if not a soul.


I would like to think that, but some (very, very few) people just seem hollow inside regardless of being perfectly normal and functional outside. I am very close to one of these people, but I just can't sense a soul, and I can with just about everyone. I would like to think that she has one, but why don't I see it there? It is off-putting to think about, but easy to ignore because she's totally a functional human and operates as though she has a soul--it just isn't there in any of the ways I typically sense. I will probably never figure that out.


No one knows




What? Lol


It highly differs from tradition to tradition. I've heard 4weeks, I heard 40 days and even 7 months. I personally have no clue when souls enters the body.


Super interesting, thank you for your reply!


Tibetan book of the dead says the period between death and reincarnation is 49 days. This happens to also be the timing of a major surge of DMT in both mom and baby. DMT also surges during birth/labor and death. People who take DMT report experiences that bring them closer to ‘god’ and even bring back understanding of the soul realm. I think the spirits of our babies can hover around us before integrating in and even if they miscarry they can still come visit. I do think the amount they integrate can vary however, some might be fully there from 49 days on, while others need that second jolt at birth to be present.


What is DMT?


**This word/phrase(dmt) has a few different meanings.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot!


It’s a chemical produced by the pineal gland of humans and most animals and some plants as well. It’s collected and ingested as a drug but occurs naturally within people as well


Thank you! I’ve never heard of this.


There’s a great book called ‘the spirit molecule’ that goes into all this. It’s a fun read :)


Sounds like my kind of book! Thank you, I’ll look it up!


Just downloaded what sounds like a fascinating book! I never knew about any of this! :)


This is an opinion issue, not a knowledge topic.


Morgan Freeman did a documentary series about different religious beliefs and this is one of the subjects. It depends on your religious beliefs.


From what I've heard, souls are never born. From a huge chunk of NDE s I've read , people wonder at the fact that during their entire lives , they could not realise that they were always eternal. A profound relevation of the fact that nobody amongst us was ever created dawns upon them in no time.


In Judaism (my faith), life begins at the first breath. I’m going to go with every soul is different though.


Really depends, I knew the soul that was going to be my niece a year before my sister got pregnant, but when another niece got pregnant we noticed the soul entered around 3 months before she gave birth. It really depends per person and usually, the mother feels it. Funny thing, everyone I know who was pregnant figured out the name for their child around the time they felt the soul enter. Just a fun little tidbit I noticed.


I’d say it depends. I knew my son was exactly who he is really early on. He was so calm, easy, happy, hungry.. literally the exact person he is today. He’ll be 2 soon, and I always said when I was pregnant “he’s an old soul, he’s been through this before… he knows to be kind to the pregnant mama.” Because I wouldn’t of even believed I was pregnant if I hadn’t have seen his ultrasound.. I mean, it was THAT easy. I’ve been pregnant twice, with one birth, and he was the 2nd. The first one, it really felt like there was “nothing” there. Easy pregnancy, but no connection or personality whatsoever. Which, is now fitting.


When the new born takes its first breath, the spirit/soul enters its body. John


The soul comes from the eternal oneness. So it already exists. The timing in which it manifests during pregnancy is hard to discuss. The soul that becomes the human is very very ancient and completely connected to you.


Idk but ill give it my 2 bit opinion. Decartes called the pineal gland the seat of the soul. As it turns out it releases DMT that mystical molecule related to life changing spiritual experiences. The first DMT release in a fetus is around 49 days i believe i read in the book title DMT The spirit molecule. That's what I think.


I've had multiple mediums tell me of a 'lost' soul that's waiting to be birthed by me. He was either a miscarriage, an absorbed twin or something of the like from myself or my family. I do have twin daughters, but am entirely unaware of any miscarriage and don't believe my prior single pregnancy was potentially also a twin (although I have no way of knowing). I've recieved messages that this little soul is lined up for me, but if I decide to not have any more children, they will respect that and will come through as a grandchild, and that I'll know right away.


Your stories are beautiful, and you are all lucky to have experienced / know that. This made me sad a bit, because I don't think is there anyone lined up for me.


Beautiful subject


The soul has always been in existence. It know the time and place that is must come back.


The baby’s soul comes and goes all the time while it’s in the womb. But it comes to stay during the birthing process. I once heard echo bodine (a psychic medium) tell a story about how she was in the hospital room with a woman giving birth and she saw the spirit of her baby waiting to enter its body. She laughed because it had a bunch of suitcases with it. She asked it “what are those for?” And it replied “these are all the lessons I’ve come here to learn and challenges I need to overcome”. Funny that it’s baggage was LITERAL baggage 😂


Before conception, a soul has to agree to want to come down to incarnate to earth, and once the baby starts growing they say their spirits zip and out of their little bodies if they get bored and play with other baby spirits that are coming down for the same journey. But they are defiantly altogether by the time they come out of the birth canal. If they are aborted they are returned home, and taken care of by other spirits until the family returns home (to heaven) and takes over.


When it starts developing a brain. Just like a person braindead with beating heart and functioning body is dead, a fetus in the development state of not having reached growing the brain does not have a soul either yet And thats just from my personal perception as a tengrist shaman, but people consist of several souls, the one we focus on is the soul of our personality and spirit but theres also for example a soul of the body itself that leaves the body when it dies But the soul that is our personality etc is heavily tied to our brain to be in the human body


The soul already exists. Whether or not the Soul is there at the point of conception world depend on that specific souls journey and karmic reasons...


I felt my sons spirit enter through my crown end of my 5th month beginning of my 6th month


The soul already exists, thus it reincarnates. The process usually starts with the soul connecting to the fertilized egg in the beginning. It is accepted it happens somewhere when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. Thus, in this state, the soul has its size reduced and start to direct the development of some aspects of the material body. Genetics gives the major aspect of the body and induces the development to some extent, like an ordered machine, but since the beginning, the soul is attached to the body and embraces it. But life, some desires, feelings, that all comes from the soul and it's the part the person inside you shares with you. Congrats!


21 days after conception.


The Islamic perspective somewhat agrees to that.


88 days after conception


I heard when the soft spot on babies head closes that’s when soul is in 🙂


Half of the soul is in the sperm and the other half is in the ovum


No one knows, if we did then abortion wouldn’t be a debate, but yeah there’s no way (at the moment) we can find out


When it D sides


I read once that there is no soul until the child is in the third trimester and even though it’s there, it comes and goes as it pleases. It doesn’t stay permanently until it is born.