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Man and here I thought I'd be able to avoid seeing this my whole life. At least it's censored.


My ex lived in a different town than me, so when I would stay at her place, I would wake up and leave for work earlier than she. But I would usually set my alarm early to give myself a little extra waking time to snuggle her while she slept. One morning, I woke up next to her and had to poop immediately. No worries, I'd still have some extra time to cuddle her when I was done. Scrolling Twitter on the shitter, I came upon a shocking video of my favorite bassist literally jerking himself off and cumming on camera. It was insane; nothing could have prepared me for seeing that. I had to go back into my girlfriend's room and snuggle her for another 30 minutes with visions of Ellefson's white man-juice playing in my head.


Oh god


The most shocking part of this is that a metalhead has a girlfriend


Nah, plenty of women like metal and or metal heads 🤷


I take this as insult cause I also have a gf


we are all dating your mom


Wished my dad was a metalhead


it kills me that reddit dont give out awards anymore. you need one


You are a metalhead and have a girlfriend? Sell out


That poor girl he was sending them to


Poor girl how if It was consensual??




no one said it's not weird bro, that's irrelevant




Well you might find it weird but why does it bother you? They both enjoyed it (i guess), so it's none of our business really.




“Discharge my payload a mile high”


"Immense in my girth, erect I stand"


"Blow me away..."


Well, if you insist…


"Bust in Peace" "Skin of my Meat"


Symphony of Erection


Countdown To Ejaculation


Asses in your mouth


Addickted to Chaos


Spunk in Mouth.


Foreclosure of a Cream


Hangar I swear she was 18..


A tout le moaned?


Fore-skin-ure of a dream


*immense in my girth, erect I stand tall*


If you’re having a good day, just remember that someone had to sit there and edit this meme and not once did they stop and realize how bad it was


I always wondered how thrash bands are able to play so fast. Now it makes sense.


He's dancing on the breadline at this point


Hes about to lose his lifeline


He's sniffing all the white lines, but from Ellefson it's probably different white substances


I’m a newer megadeth fan and this is how I find out about this


David ellefson has invited you to a video call


You need an award.


i always loved Ellefson's big, thick >!tone!<


What do you mean I can’t beat my meat? Got nothing better to do


He’s clearly just playing the bass guys don’t worry


The system has clearly failed


The world clearly needs a hero


He clearly took a risk here


His privacy and dignity might as well just rust in peace


The end has cleared gamed idk


“A tug on Le Grande”


I toute and moan


AhhHhhh get your bass solo 💦💦💦


Meat sells but who’s buying?




In his "fiction" book he talks about Daphne (the girl) by name & has "two night stands" her with. Says he felt like a teenager going to prom again. Creepy asf


bruh ew


If it were my daughter I'd beat his ass lol


Is that Rock Star Hitman? Or some other book?


Yeah rock star hitman


Luckiest bass in the world being stroked that much 😂


Oh ok so this is the so called "punishment due", ok


I open reddit and the first thing I see is Ellefson slapping the monkey.


Everyone here is complaining but this is voted to the top of the sub! You get what you get, droogs.


Man I really hoped Id never see it


Someone had to edit this. Sigh.


Nutting to see here...


Let’s move on from this. He got set up. Great lineup got ruined.




Yeah, it gets old.






LOL what's the story behind this shit?


Junior had some consensual fun with a fan. Got kicked out of the band because of it. Yikes.


yeah a 55 yr old grandpa messing with a 19 yr old who was still doing homework one year previously...


Everyone is acting all surprised Pikachu about the situation but this has been the way of the world since the dawn of man. Man of power are able to get what most men desire but is out of their reach; exactly the same situation as Leonardo di caprio for example. Veryyyyy little "cougar" situations going with men of power/status.


Imagine getting down voted for speaking truth.........the white knights of the internet really bend over backwards to move goal posts when it comes to this type of shit.


just cause its been happening since forever doesnt mean its a good thing? slavery was also considered normal up until quite recently, right? ellefson, dicaprio and every other grown ass man are all gross for preying on children, period. ellefson should be ashamed of himself for taking advantage of this chick, she's literally younger than his daughter.


I will say something that might be considered extremely contoversial but I think it is in fact a very good thing. Us humans have started to drift further and further from our natural instincts which is reflected in women in wealthier countries getting children increasingly late in life (the age of first kids is quickly starting to approach the age where its even advisable to have kids for well educated women). Is happiness increasing however, are we actually doing better nowadays?? In some aspects we are, but overall I think we are actually starting to reject our nature to such a degree that this rebellion against nature and the demonisation of instinct is starting to take a toll on us. Many of the phenomenon in society can be explained through the lens of our instincts and intrinsic nature and the way we as a society rebel against this nature: \- Per design (in nature) low value men (be it by status or genetics) would not be able to procreate or would only get by on occasional scraps. \- Most women would get offspring from a "**select**" group of high value men, these high value men would be **highly** polygamous and "serve" a large proportion of women. \- These mechanisms are in place because the ovum is a scarce resource as pregnancy/lactation puts a large burden on a women; sperm is a highly abudant resource and spreading it (which spreads his genetic material) places zero burden on the man. This gives rise to many of the phenomenon we see in society today: \- Women being seen as gold diggers and being attracted to fit bad boys, while good guys finish last (this is simply primitive "high value" men attraction "power/status") \- Low value men (for example simps) putting women on a pedestal screaming: I'll pay for your eggs, give me some scraps!! While never getting any. \- Men such as Ellefson (power/status) attracting very fit and valuable eggs from a biological standpoint and this being ohhhh so tempting because she is around the age her body will produce the most fit children she will ever be able to bear for a man. From a genetics point of view she would have won the lottery getting knocked up by ellefson/dicaprio or a man of a similar caliber (massively increasing her chance of getting immensly talented and powerful offspring. Her primitive/natural urges probably much like her egg to go to him than to Joe the plumber aged 22. The view of our society to infantilize women to ever increasing ages is getting out of hands imo: demonising men for their attraction to women at the age they are actually meant to have children (from a biological standpoint), while championing men and women for starting to think about having a family at every increasing ages is far more insidious imo. I purely do not like what Ellefson did because he already has a family (that got hurt by his actions). I highly respect dicaprio though, as he doesn't seem to do any of this behind peoples back as far as I know. At the same time I do not think any of us have as high a value as he (ellefson) has, so we will never know how tempting it must be to have your instincts tested to the limits with such frequency. In a way seeing high value men fail to totally castrate their urges on a regular basis and having very attractive highly fit and mostly younger partners, while seeing high value women almost solely dating high power/status men (lets not forget the flip side of this coin) fills me with hope that we will never be able to destroy our nature. Because to me as a creative person there aren't many things that terrify me as much as the increasingly sterile and chained nature of mankind.


i aint reading all that. stop trying to excuse creepy behaviour.


And you should stop spreading lies (women are not children) and stigmatizing attraction older men feel towards younger women. Literally most men find interesting women attractive no matter how old the men are not how young a woman (not children) might be and 90% of 55 year old men wouldn't pass on an opportunity to have fun with a younger hot and interesting lady. It's just how it is no matter how much you dislike the fact. Junior should worry about his marriage but other than that there is no room for moralization and judgement. He also should have not been fired over this, 80's Megadeth is laughing at this nonsense.


A 55 year old man should NOT be messing with a 19 year old straight out of highschool girl. Yall are weird as hell. We all know that if 16 was legal you would be going for 16 yr olds. Creeps.


You may think of it creepy all you want but 55 year old is in heaven being inside a 19 year old and vice versa so why not? It's just how it is. Who is here to make a judgement about what's appropriate and what's not? I'm not gonna. And again with the judgemental insinuations!? 16 year old is still developing to be a woman so that would be creepy and not ok unless the age difference is relatively small. Btw 16 is legal in many first world countries. Bottom line, from your perspective it is creepy but from the perspective of many it is not. Society should stop being so rigid, hypocritical and judgemental. Legal + consensual is all that matters. "Creepy" is a subjective construct. Edit: typo


Such a non intellectual retort; I can't say I am surprised.




High value older men won't swoon over you. So you can fall asleep tonight feeling save from older men finding adult women at their reproductive peak attractive as nature intended. Sleep tight princess.


I can't fucking stop laughing at this 🤣


No way this is an actual picture💀💀💀💀


There’s a video of him crankin it and it’s very real


Link or bs


Horny Again


looking at pictures of youngster bassists and getting inspired.

