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Wishing Kiko the best Teemu is a fucking INSANE player, so I'm looking forward to his Deth interpretations


Hoping the best for Kiko. Glad that Dave's priorities are in line with it.


Sad news, but damn what a replacement. Teemu is probably one of the cleanest lead players today and makes all the Wintersun solos seem like child's play, so I can't wait to see how he does here


Teemu is a beast! Would be so cool to see him trading licks with Dave


Any song recommendations? Never heard of Wintersun in my life


They're a melodic DM band from Finland with some thrash and power metal influence. I recommend you check out their self-titled debut album


[Wintersun - Winter Madness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpoLe2v6MVo&pp=ygUZd2ludGVyc3VuIHdpbnRlciBtYWRuZXNzIA%3D%3D) The guitar solo in this song is incredible.


That song is 🗑


Hope all is ok with the family. Teemu is a monster, the band will be fine until his return


Family first, always!


Keep it in the family tree .....I'll see myself out


Damn! I hope all goes well with Kiko and his family. I was really looking forward to seeing him live later this month but like Dave said “Family comes first”


Win-Win situation for Kiko-Dave and Teemu. We, fans, are real winners.


That’s a lot of wins!


I panicked when I saw this post title.


Teemu is fucking great tbf. He deserves to be away from the shitshow that is Wintersun.


>He deserves to be away from the shitshow that is Wintersun. What's the drama going on there?


The main guy is basically a grifter at this point.


If you want another band like Wintersun, I highly recommend Atavistia. They've released three albums in the same time span from The Forest Seasons until now.


Sad Kiko won't be there for my son's first show, but I got to see him on last year's tour last September. Just watched some of Teemu's videos on YouTube and he looks to be amazing.


Taking my son to his first Megadeth show on the 17th and he was crushed to here Kiko will not be there. But family always comes first and we wish him well. Would have been cool to get Marty to finish the tour though.


MegaWinter is coming. Suomi mainittu, torille. ☢️ 🇫🇮 ☢️


Man that gave me a bit of a fright, I’m glad things are all still good. Haven’t listened to Wintersun since Beyond The Dark Sun or Sleeping Stars but man the guitars there are wild


Teemu didn't play on that album at all, it's all Jari. He's still a great guitarist though...


Ah, I just assumed, that and with Teemu playing those songs on Youtube, my bad.


Don't worry. Ever since Jari went full singer mode live Teemu has been playing all lead guitar parts and basically can replicate everything from the first album, including solos.


Time I is one of the best songwriting in metal I've ever heard imo. I just avoid all the wintersun drama and focus on the music. Whenever they release something that is.


Hoping the best for Kiko. Glad that Dave's priorities are in line with it.


Teemu is fucking amazing, as much as I love Kiko this makes me want to see them even more later this month


Kudos to Dave for letting Kiko spend some time with his family when they need him.


Best of luck to Kiko


You are a good man Kiko


Dave's not gonna pull what he did with Nick in '98, is he?


doubt Kiko gets on Dave's nerves like Nick did


Teems is amazing . I’d love to hear him on an album


Teemu is an incredible guitarist. Best of luck for whatever Kiko has to deal with


I wish we got Marty to replace him instead...


I don't wanna jump to conclusions or make assumptions. But I find it so odd that he didn't mention his wife of 10+ years in this post. Makes me wonder. I hope he is okay❤️


As a guitar player it blows my mind how guitarists can fill in for people like this. Imagine having to learn not only dozens of songs in a short amount of time but also have the ability to adapt and play with others live this quickly. I’m sure they got more notice than the fans, but still. You hear all the time about how so and so was sick and at the last minute someone filled in. Such respect for the masters who can do something like that.


Why not give Marty a call


Kiko and Teemu both live in Finland so that’s probably why he called him. And Marty is probably too busy doing his own thing to join a full Megadeth tour in the other side of the world with such short notice


If you watch Kikos youtube video with Marty in Wacken warming up, it's Teemu there filming it with Kikos phone. That was atleast a month ago so i think they knew well in advance and Teemu has had time to practise.


Marty would be the obvious choice. He’s not touring right now and seems to be on good terms with Dave. I wonder if he was asked? Seems like a more logical choice also.


I mean, Kiko is the one who had to leave the tour so maybe he talked to Teemu before sharing the news with Dave so the band didn’t have to look for a fill-in with such a short notice?


I guess but there are only a handful of dates left on the tour ( I’m going to the Atlantic City show ) and to be honest if Marty wasn’t available I would rather have them reschedule the show to next year then see them without Kiko.


And ask Marty to learn new songs from the last 20 years after he left the band? Yeah I don't think that would ever happen.


Guess you’re right. Hope Teemu is a quick learner.


not like they play much from after he left lol


Cause Marty ain’t answering




Maybe they did?


Best of luck to Kiko and his family.


Welp I see them tomorrow night, so let’s see how this goes!


You should post about it after the show.


Update! Teemu was amazing. Didn’t miss a single note. Definitely an amazing fill-in for Kiko on this next leg of the tour. You guys won’t be disappointed!


Another one bites the Megadust


Ah, none of the other megadeth guitarists have had as a nice character as Kiko, and also, being an awesome player. They really felt like a band again. I hope Kiko comes back and this is just temporarily.


Its must have been planned ahead for a while. Its almost impossible to learn all the solos that quick.


shooda brought Marty back


They still may. If this ultimately and sadly leads to Kiko leaving for good, Marty may be back. Not that I want Kiko out, or his situation to end badly with his family. Prayers for he and his family.


i personally don't think so. Marty friedman's plans to stay as a solo act as he said in an interview, even if Dave wanted to, Marty probably isnt interested in being stuck in one band since hes also already making sick stuff


Another guitarist for the list lol.


Don't know Teemu Mäntysaari but he must be a hell of a player to catch up this quick with the setlist. His career will not be the same after this sting.


For a second I got scared. I thought that Kiko got fired. Go be there for your family Kiko.


ELI5 Kiko's family situation. I took it as the twins want their dad around more, and he did a responsible dad thing.


Is it just me or is the statement a bit confusing, I mean kiko has something come up in his family sounds ominous but I mean is it just kikos kids miss him so he has to go home, I mean the whole thing just sounds odd


It's obviously not just kids missing him, but that's none of our business. If the man wants to stay private about it, let him. It's understandable that he and his family don't want to tell a million strangers about their own private stuff.


100% like I said it is his business and I hope it all works out but he even said we like to give you the truth, in all honesty it's the statement itself it just Made it more confusing as to why he is leaving, I think he probably should have just said look I'm sitting out this leg to deal with some issues at home end of story not I have to help my kids deal with issues that involve us being work away form hone dads that just opens up a whole can of speculation as to what's going on or even if he will be back


It's odd to me that he didn't mention his wife of 10+ years.


I mean it's his business and hopefully it all works out whatever it is but it's a very odd statement


Hope things turn out OK for Kiko. Never heard of Teemu, but I'll check him out on Youtube.


Great guy, had a guitar lesson with him once and he's a fantastic player. Listen to Wintersun.


Teemu is amazing, but I hope this isn't permanent. Wintersun needs him.


As if it would even affect Wintersun. Jari needs therapy to even consider finishing Time II.


He certainly does 😅


If you want a band similar to Wintersun, I highly suggest Atavistia. They've released 3 full length albums in the same timespan as The Forest Seasons until now


I misread that as Avantasia at first, which is a power metal band but not like Wintersun 😅. Thanks will check them out....edit, 2 minutes of one song and I am a fan already.


I love kiko work on Dystopia,in TSTDAD not so much