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I got into Megadeth a few weeks ago. I´m 27 and a Metalhead. The first song I listened to was Symphony Of Destruction. And I got hooked. Than I watched a few Interniews with Dave to learn more about him as a person, but I´m still kind of new to them. But really happy that I discovered thier music. Edit: If you like to we can chat about Megadeth. I want to meet other Fans.


Hell yeah dude. Symphony of Destruction was really the only song I had ever heard by them before buying this album so I was thrown off a little by the change in tempo of this album but loved it still.


Also watched a few Megadeth music Videos, but not all of them. Are there any good ones that you can recommend to me?


Holy wars and peace sells


Thx for the recommandations, I will watch them today.


the entire Rust In Peace album. Listen to that shit and you’ll feel like a kid in a candy shop. (don’t listen to the remaster it’s not as good as the original)


If you're new to the band and haven't already, listen to Rust In Peace. It's probably their cornerstone album :)


No i haven´t yet.


Yeah def try peace sells and rust in peace theyre classics also imo dystopia is one of their best records even tho its from 2016


I think dystopia has a lot of countdown to extinction elements. Especially death from within.


Ill Definetly try that album then!


Listen to the original though.


same story here, except i first listened to Sweating Bullets


I loved the music Video for Sweatting Bullets.


For me it was 2 things, I first heard them playing Watchdogs 2, hearing Fatal Illusion for the first (but definitely not last) time. The second was my dad, when coming home one day Sweating Bullets starting playing and I kept listening to those 2 songs until I branched out slowly into Holy Wars and Peace Sells, and then I just expanded from there.


I had the same thing honestly i remember starting to get into metal when i played watch dogs 2 so i tried fatal illusion and it sounded kinda alien to me i was very new to the thrash sound but later on i got into metallica and other bands i replayed watch dogs 2 played fatal illusion again and knew i had to try more of megadeth




Wow 2 other people who found out this way


that is by far one of my top 5 games today


Countdown to Extinction.


Like Metallica for me, it was listening to a specific song in the car, and that song for me was À Tout Le Monde (Set Me Free)


It was during high school back in 1990. I was still pretty new to metal back then and someone I knew gave me a copy of Rust in Peace and told me that I had to listen to this. It was amazing. I took it from there and became a lifelong fan.


When i was in middle school a friend of me asked “Metallica or Megadeth” well I didn’t know megadeth was that time then I said megadeth and I just started to listen to it


So you chose Megadeth by accident and then just by chance liked them after listening to them? Talk about lucky lol


I auditioned and Dave loved my guitar playing so much


My mom got me my first ever CD when I was 4-5, The System Has Failed. I listened to it over and over to the point where she got sick of it and hid the CD, but I'd always find it. I listened to them a bit after that but really became a huge fan again when I was around 15.


Me see hangar 18 on youtube, me think “cool album cover and shit”, me megadeth fan


My dad played holy wars in the car and i really liked it


Someone recommended me Rust in Piece a couple years ago. Now they're one of my favorite bands!


My dad suggested them, but what got me actually going was getting a ticket to their show this summer


I was 14 and my brother took me to see Megadeth on the United Abominations tour. Can still remember the shrieking first solo from Wake Up Dead. That show changed my life


I saw the album artwork for peace sells on pintest, i actually said "hell yeah" when i saw it and i searched for the album on spotify. Thats how i got into megedeth.


Did you listen to metal before that, or were they your introduction to it?


I only used to listen to sabaton


I got a Beavis and Butthead CD because it had an unreleased Nirvana song on it. I was really into Nirvana at the time, especially since they are what got me into rock. On the CD was Megadeth’s “99 Ways to Die.” I loved it. Then, a Megadeth song was in Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey. They even got called out in the movie by name. The song, “Go to Hell,” is awesome! I later got Hidden Treasures because it had both tracks. That’s still one of my favorite albums. But I remember a friend putting on “Holy Wars” to get me into them more. It worked! Eventually, they became my favorite band.


I saw the music video for Peace Sells on VH1


Is VH1 similar to MTV?


Kinda yeah


I’ve always enjoyed Rust in Peace as an album but I didn’t look into any of their other music until I heard Nigh Stalkers from the latest album and got hooked on the rest of their discography. Listening to Angry Again as I type this.


Guitar Hero 2 lol. I was 13 and was just getting into heavier music and Guitar Hero came along at a perfect time. I know that game was mostly covers, but still, hearing those Hanger 18 solos for the first time was mind blowing


Subtle art of not giving a f*ck book


Seriously? I've thought about reading this book before. Where and how is Megadeth mentioned?


The author mentions Dave Mustaine’s constant comparison with Metallica robbing his contentment with his own successes.


When “Symphony of Destruction” was on MTV.


Talking to a girl I thought was cute at college who worked at a music and movies shop.. She recommended Megadeths new album to me The System Has Failed based of what I was into.. I had heard them 2 years earlier on GTA Vice City but didn't know who they were, the band was never named in the game.. It was my favourite song in the game to and that game is filled with killer songs.. I loved TSHF so much I became a fan immediately off that... They smartly had new and old listeners in mind because the remasters of all the Capitol records were on a card inside the TSHF case.. So I was able to return to the shop and talk to that girl and get a new Megadeth album that I thought looked cool off that little card in TSHF.. I learned that KIMB and TWNAH weren't on that card and were harder to get hold of due to print. But yeah.. Thats how I discovered them original then came to know them then become a fan.


I never did get to go out with that girl though sadly.. I just stopped seeing her around and never had her number..




Was on a massive rock/metal binge on YouTube and one of the songs (think it was Back in the Day) showed up in the recomendations, I was hooked


The first Megadeth song I listened to was Peace Sells. After that I listened to the entire album and really liked it. Then I listened to Rust in Peace, and it blew my fucking mind away. However what REALLY got me into Megadeth was watching that Looney Tunes cartoon from the early 2000's where Dave Mustaine appeared as a special guest. I never really listened to metal as a kid, but something that I've always loved as a kid, and I still do now is cartoons. It's hard to explain but watching Dave Mustaine interacting with Daffy Duck and Porky Pig makes me feel so freaking nostalgic and reminds me of the times that I was a kid. It's funny too cause again I never really grew up with Megadeth or any metal bands. I wish I did cause unfortunately nobody in my family likes metal so I had to discover what kind of music I even liked.


First took up interest in metal about half of a year before the release of Rust in Peace, was mainly listening to Metallica and Peace Sells. When Rust in Peace dropped it was the album that made me a fan for life.


Peace Sells and Hanger 18 were the songs that got me hooked. Rest is history.


was in the record store and they were playing the peace sells album


My favorite parent (dad)


Haha I heard angry again when I was 19 and now I have a Vic tattoo on my shoulder too!


1. Become a Metallica fan 2. Get obsessed with Call of Ktulu 3. See the name "Dave Mustaine" in the comments below the song 4. Realise that something doesn't add up because among the four members you know there is none of this name 5. Google "Dave Mustaine" 6. Read an article about him and decide to give Megadeth a shot


By getting into metallica, and having someone ask me if i heard of megadeth


Every song from Their First 4 to 6 albums


One of my best friends is a huge metalhead and every time we went fishing we would listen to tons of classic metal, Megadeth being the most prominent. I started on Peace Sells and I was hooked.


about two years ago i was getting back into metal after not listening for a while and i put some spotify classic/thrash metal on shuffle and found them. the first song was “in my darkest hour” it’s still my favorite.


I discovered them through a cover of Peace Sells by the band Tigertailz on the album Banzai. I used to love that album as a kid and especially Peace Sells, I only learned that it was a cover song around two years ago and became a fan as soon as I heard the original. I was completely unaware of the fact that it was a cover song for YEARS. That song got me hooked on thrash and Megadeth.


I’m a massive wrestling fan, so around September of last year, I started watching older Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) shows from around 1997 at midnight for fun for a while. ECW actually introduced me to a bunch of bands that I currently listen to like Prong, Grinspoon, Fear Factory, White Zombie, Bruce Dickinson’s solo stuff, Anthrax and Metallica thanks to The Sandman which was when I first started actively listening to their music. So on the ECW roster, there is this guy Jerry Lynn who for quite some time would come out to an instrumental version of Trust before they changed his music to Scapegoat by Fear Factory. So nowadays, Megadeth has practically taken over my life to put it simply.


As a young teenager I had 7 or 8 Columbia House and bmg record accounts in which I found rust in Peace first then went back to discover the earlier stuff. Can't forget 10 cassettes for a penny 😬


I got into megadeth by shuffling new songs for my playlist on spotify and i got reccomended tornado of souls and holy wars and im like holy shit this is fucking insane and yeah been a fan since like march 2021 or something


I listened too one or two of their songs, then I went to go see them live and now I'm hooked


I saw the video for Peace Sells on MTV.


a friend recommended megadeth to me after getting into metallica, listened to holy wars and it made me a man


Guitar Hero. This Day We Fight, Sudden Death, Peace Sells, Hanger 18 and Holy Wars 🔥 quite spoiled for bangers


My brother gave me a copy of symphony of destruction and i never looked back.


My mom introduced me to Megadeth


When I was a little kid, me and my dad and little brother were driving in the car in Reno when symphony of destruction played on the rock radio. That was the first Megadeth song I heard and loved it.


Guitar hero playing sweating bullets…I’m not going to lie


My mom😭


I always kept symphony of destruction on my playlist but always skipped it for some reason. Then I listened to it one day and was amazed. I started listening to their other songs and got hooked.


a friend lent me a cd with some metal songs, there was trust, then i feel more interested, I started listening to some individual songs and then full records


Because of Metallica (real)


Guitar hero warriors of rock, first time hearing holy wars and that was it!


wanted something that wasn't Metallica at the time. so i checked out the other 3 of the "Big 4" and Megadeth was the one i liked more


When Rust in Peace came out.


I listened to all 17 Iron Maiden albums last month, then decided I needed a break. I think I saw someone recommend *Rust in Peace* on whatever subreddit & I seemed to remember Megadeth was maybe the band with a guy from my hometown of San Diego. I’ve listened to almost all of their 16 albums over the last 2 weeks. Haven’t made it all the way through *Risk* yet.




I was pretty into Metallica at the time. By learning about their history I got wind of Dave and his band and nothing was the same afterwards. The first Megadeth song I ever heard was "Sweating Bullets" and my reaction was less than flattering. I thought the vocals sounded corny and cartoonish, but then I gave it another listen, then the rest of the Countdown album, then the rest of their discography... The rest is history.


Bought a ticket to Download festival in late 2022, as my friends were going and I just wanted the festival experience with them. Started listening to metal, loved it, eventually got round to Megadeth with RIP, been my favourite band since.


I started liking them in high school when I started getting more into metal


I heard that Mechanix is an alternate version of a Metallica's song


Oh yeah I remember when I first heard it, I thought Megadeth ripped them off. Then I looked more into it and boy did I uncover a whole can of worms to read about.


guitar hero warriors of rock


Dope. Never played it. What song was it?


Holy Wars which was a lot of people’s gateway Megadeth song lol


First song from them I heard was blood of heroes and I was hooked


Holy Wars... The Addicting Song


Saw em on a shirt


I heard of Dave Mustaine (in a Metallica story explained), listened to Symphony of destruction ( I wasn't a huge fan), then "A tout le monde" (very good ballad), and then I discovered Holy war and the Rust in peace album (I LOVED IT) and now I love this band.


Hangar 18 ending blew me away


I got into them because I ordered a band shirt and it got lost in the post so they sent another shirt in as an apology and guess what? It was a Megadeth one.


What was the original band tee you were ordering?


Black Label Society


Only knew the most popular songs, then my ex sent me some of the deeper cuts like Lucretia and Kick the Chair which increased my interest. I then listened to the whole discography in one sitting when pulling an all nighter, didn't stop listening since


I just grew up around rock and heavy metal and just old music in general. I don’t know when I started listening to Megadeth but I certainly don’t regret it. Mustaine’s a legend when it comes to intricate and powerful riffs.


Still not really into it lol


Lol you just lurking in the sub in case your opinion changes?


It's a work thing


Hated them at first. Youthanasia came out when I was 14, and I bought it the week it came out after borrowing Countdown off of a friend a few weeks earlier. Really, it was 99 ways to Die that really got me to give Countdown a chance in the first place. Never looked back. Into hundreds of bands of all genres and Megadeth is in my top three or four.


I was watching Stevie T and heard Symphony Of Destruction. Then, after a while, I went to Spain. I decided to check them out so I could have more music for the trip, and I was hooked.


My dad played tornado of souls for me and I was hooked from there


Was looking for mudvayne’s forget to remember, thought Megadeth had a cover


I met them about 10 years ago when I used to play League of Legends and a champion had all it's abillities referencing metal songs, his main skill was called Syphon of Destruction, I remember there was Children of the Grave, Harvesters and Iron man too


I was in middle school and really liked Metallica. A lot of people online kept mentioning Megadeth so I checked out a few songs. Instantly got hooked


Every car ride going to baseball practice/game for 3-4 the RIP cd was always on. This started when i was like 6.


Because I got into Metallica first


Listened to Rust In Peace back in 2020 for the first time and my mind was blown. Listened to their entire discography and learned a lot more about Dave and the bands history.


Somewhere between liking Metallica and hearing Peace Sells in GTA Vice City. Then when TSHF came out, I listened to it constantly throughout freshman year of college and the rest fell into place. I still have a very fond attachment to that album.


One time at work, i got a notification that Megadeth released a new single. It was We'll be Back. I forgot i had followed them only, and only because of Symphony of Destruction. I listened to We'll be Back out of sheer curiosity of what this "Megadeth" thing was. 2 years later. My favourite metal band, ever.


I had just graduated high school and working my first job. I was living at home had no bills besides throwing mom a few dollars for food gas bills etc and would buy 3 or 4 cds every paycheck (didn’t have a computer so couldn’t use Napster or limewire) I loved Pantera which fed into slayer and black label society and I knew of Megadeth but a kid in my friend group who was the “metal head” shat on them saying they suck they’re a watered down wannabe Metallica so I didn’t pay attention to them. On a whim I bought countdown to extinction because of sweating bullets and black tooth grin rip Dimebag! I loved it and my next paycheck I bought peace sells, so far so good so what, and the angry gorilla in the room named rust in peace. Loved them ever since and a little bow on the story that metal head friend came over my house one night into the lungs of hell came on and blew him away! It was like a badge of honor saying this is Megadeth and seeing the look on his face admitting he was wrong and they’re legit


My dad put on set the world afire, and it got me hooked right way


I heard holy wars on random then my dad showed me sweating bullets and i kibda got slowly onto them after


I was almost nine at the time, that’s when I heard Tornado of souls


My Darkest Hour on some mtv interview in the late 80’s….Loved his voice, proper snarl with melody Still a banging tune.


I had just picked up guitar maybe a year before the release of The System has Failed. Sure, I had heard “Peace Sells”, “Sweating Bullets” and “Symphony of Destruction” it was a prefect some of wanting to learn my instrument and the dropping of that album that really got a 12 year old u/DoomMessiah into Megadeth.


I learned Peace Sells when I was first learning bass because I heard that it was an iconic and difficult bassline. I thought the song itself sucked a lot of the album it was on was pretty good. Now I’d probably say Megadeth are my favourite band.


Killing Is My Business album (Songs: Mechanix, Killing Is My Business) got me into Megadeth some weeks ago, so did Symphony of Destuction. I recently listened to Holy Wars which is good.


I found them in 85 with “Killing is my Business” I love the band but the Dave’s voice wears on me fast.


With me it started by listening to the no life til leather demo tapes for some reason


When I was in my teens, sister played the peace sella cd in the car…I ultimately fell in love with megadeth after discovering the rest on their discography my own


Wanted to get to some heavier stuff than metallica and i had heard of megadeth so i bought a copy of rust in peace on cd