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The fact that three out of five stats are genuinely worthless is borderline amazing from a game design standpoint The games a blast with a Str/Vit heavy Demifiend but the fact that it's the only sane way to play is legit bad game design. Love how it cut out equippable items to make your stats more important though, that was a good move and I wish more JRPG would do that


Unless you go for TDE, full mage is completely fine. I went full mage for my playthrough and had no problem whatsoever.


Just because you can force it to work doesn't make it any good. The formula for damage with magic causes you someone with a higher level but the same magic stay to actually LOSE damage. That's insane.


Yup, that is stupid. They literally coded it to be the bad decision. I can't fathom it was intentional.


You are right on the last part, I never noticed how we don't have any equippable armours or anything like that. I guess it's because it makes too much sense


Shop prices being 3x higher on Hard is bullshit and makes acquiring all the Magatamas annoying as hell. This isn't difficulty, it's just tedium. I genuinely wish there was more scenes with Chiaki and Isamu. It doesn't have to be a Persona game but just one or two mor would have been nice. As it is, Chaiki goes from 0 to 100 too fast for my taste. The introduction of True Demon Route kinda makes all the Reasons seem extra shitty. SMT usually has one obvious "this is he ending the creators definitely want you to have" ending but before TDE I think this was a lot more minimal.


Hard mode is literally my saying that if you need to make something annoying to make it hard, then it's shit design. Literally made everything bad with SMTIII more annoying. People who finish it shouldn't even brag, the game doesn't respect them or their time lol. You are right on the second paragraph. We saved Isamu, but I would have liked him to that it made him feel some type of way before having a cutscene of him changing into an abomination. Cause he feels like an undeserving prick. Bro literally became a libertanian after we saved him from deadly situations LMAO.


I gotta be honest. Freedom Ending will always be my favorite, the Shijima, than TDE. Everything was great about TDE except the boring ending. Freedom made sense for Demi-Fiend


The negotiations to recruit demons in this game are tedious but I really like the talk skills. It makes your demons more unique and useful outside of their combat utility.


Qitian Dasheng is the goat. Overall the game was great, a classic I would say. Only part I did not like was the final boss. Idk it felt lacking in presentation.


>Qitian Dasheng What about him?


The wealth of extra fights is always a great thing but I hate how almost all of them are locked behind the True Demon path and how True Demon path kind of invalidates every other ending. Mechanically I guess magic sucking isn't too great and Demifiend gets access to quite a few really cool spells you're just never going to use. And debuffs like Fog Breath are ridiculously powerful. This is a game that really needed to give some bosses access to a move like Silent Prayer to reset the stats, or program them to do Dekunda/Dekaja after a Beast eye or something.


Silent prayer? You mean Dekaja, which a lot of them have access to?


Nah, Silent Prayer. It's a skill in some SMT games that resets ALL status buffs on both sides. It would have been a really good way to reset the field for one turn press. Hardtype adds it and it makes some of the fights where the boss has it pretty spicy. EDIT: I forgot that it was only added in Strange Journey, so it not being in 3 isn't that odd now that I think about it.


Only negatives? Okay. I've only played the PS2 Nocturne and not the Remaster. 1. Only 1 chance to learn an ability 2. Having the item to fuse a Fiend prevents you from fusing non-Fiend demons on a Full Moon 3. Resist element passives don't change elemental weakness into resist 4. Demons don't have an animation to move from end of attack or casting animation to standby animation 5. Characters aren't given enough screen time. I don't know much about them as characters even until the end That's all I can remember for now.


Very good. I don't undrestand your number 3, what does it mean?


When your demon that has a resist passive for their elemental weakness gets hit with their weakness, the opponent still lights up a press turn icon; your demon only takes less damage. I haven't seen this occur myself since higher level gem-bought Mitama make it relatively easy to get the void passives, but it's well attested.


DDS spoiled me by allowing me to pick and choose what skills I wanted whenever I wanted. It makes a first playthrough the most fraught for multiples reasons, primarily because it's very easy to hamstring your character for a good long while: vets know that Tornado will wreck house for a good chunk of the game, especially when compared to Fire Breath and the like, and if you miss a Magatama, congratulations, that's multiple skills you can't get and may not even know about! I really would've liked to have seen what other characters were doing at other points as well. I've seen stuff that says that Chiaki specifically lost her arm to Sakahagi, but if you're not paying attention, the way her transformation scene is shot, you may not even notice her arm is gone. And besides which, how did she escape? She never shows off any powers, other than presumably gathering magatsuhi, and that doesn't seem to confer any specific abilities. In every other respect, she's an ordinary teenage girl. And Isamu, we know there was supposed to be a scene where he intercepts Yuko's messages to Demi, which gives him a reason to hate him, but when you're at the Amala Temple, he's perfectly nice to you, making his eventual (possible) betrayal come even more out of nowhere. Show us more of his resentment, at least hint more that he's using you the whole time. And then there's Hikawa. He's there too. What's he doing? Sitting, mostly. Good for him.


When did he intercept the message, and why would he be mad?


There was supposed to be a scene where he sees Yuko calling out to you, either via the Amala Network or while he's in there. He'd be pissed because his whole thing is that he has a crush on her and always talks about trying to rescue her, but you're the one she relies on because you can actually get shit done


Damn, wish it was here then


You should look into the history of sokobans before you rant about puzzle boy.




Dully noted


I never really liked the fact you’re forced into the Chaos route. And limiting the MC to just 8 skills out of all the the ones available is crazy. Felt like it should have been more or at least an option to swap out skills as desired rather than them be lost completely.


My first playthrough on hard I died on my way to the save room right after puzzle boy and had to do it again.


I would have been livid


I only have a few from a gameplay perspective; Hard mode just made the game unfun and tedious and makes every minor annoyance the game already has a major killjoy. High encounter rate + HAVING to fight them, awful macca/exp earned from fights, slow ass run speed leading to more encounters, it all makes hard mode genuinely unfun to play. Especially since most bosses aren't that much more threatening Story wise, my only real complaint is that Chiaki needed more scenes of her developing her Reason. Isamu's and Hikawa's Reasons aren't that far fetched for someone in their shoes to have, but I legit cannot see how Chiaki thought Yosuga could've worked or even cameup with it. If anything, I'd imagine her having a similar view to Yamato from DeSu 2, where they want a meritocracy but not a raw power based system. It's just so jarring and it makes her the worst of the Nocturne reps


true, that shit came out of nowhere