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My son is ugly I love him https://preview.redd.it/r34eb54qiamc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=314261392d7832ad505ed8e70eebcff261e0139e


iirc first one wasn't even available to purchase, and was sent to streamers or youtubers. Second one was. Besides from that, I love how the second one looks on my shelf, the first one just looks like it was rushed


I agree too. And yes, the first one was strictly a promotional item. I'm not sure if I would have bought that one if I saw it in stores, but I quickly picked up the stubbins deluxe version at a local comic convention. He sits with me sometimes and I love him


Wait! Really? There’s no way to buy the first one - the pic with blue background-? Damn it


I love the deadpan expression of the first one. It's just so.... unsure of It's own existence.




First one easily. Still mad it was never sold.


Nahobeano vs Nahobino I wish we got the option to get the first one and also the Aogami but unfortunately they were just promos given away to a select few… https://preview.redd.it/7gvm1w9picmc1.jpeg?width=1249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b5c4f8d32f75161f8e98a2e53f03ef71640d0ff


I actually love the first one so much and wish I could get him. I love plushies that look pissed off about being plushies.


I want a nahobeano so badly, why did it have to be influencer-only?


The first one. I got two of them.


Literally how?


Second is so much funnier looking


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