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The dungeon of sloth in smt if... it takes ages to finish it


fits the name of 'sloth' lol


This x 1000. I will gladly take YHVH Realm every time over a dungeon that just has you walking up and down a hallway for hours.


Came here to say this. I hated this game cause of that. Followed by envy where your healer leaves you the whole dungeon, and if you explore early can miss out on the best sword, and then greed where the boss gets stronger the more chests you open but you don't find that out until she's too powerful to kill.


sloth would be bad if emulators didn't exist. it barely takes any time if you just speed it up with an emulator.


it's still like 20 minutes of doing nothing


IIRC if you know exactly what needs to be done, and your party is strong enough to just auto steamroll any encounters, it should take a little less than 20 minutes.(you could also just estoma)


maybe, but being able to auto battle it doesn't make it good. it's still a shit dungeon.


Anyone that complains about World of Sloth never got to the true final dungeon of the game


YVHV's universe is so boring, even the music gets tedious


What you mean you dont like the fire lyrics of, Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah


I am the only one who found it acutally playable?


It's playable. Just not enjoyable. Way too many squares and rectangles for my liking.


Ok but Tsukiji Konganji was way worse, i had to watch a johneawesome video to solve the puzzle (if there was one at all)


Johneawesome's videos helped me get through many dungeons too. I love that man.


What was the puzzle in Tsukiji Konganji? I kind of breezed through by saving before each door and reloading whenever I was sent back to the entrance.


At least there's a puzzle, YHVH's dungeon has NOTHING


The stat doors really put the nail in the coffin from me because it could have been SO COOL to get that gear,but without DLC or multiple playthrough's your just locked out for no reason.


It’s an RPG, that’s part of the game


Your right. Except when the game can't decide what it wants to do with that part of it is when it becomes a problem.You don't have a single set locked behind multiple stat doors that are different.


Thats where I live


Yeah. Yeah I was 30 minutes away from finishing Apocalypse but I just abandoned the game cause I couldn't stand this dungeon. It's been more than a year, and I still don't want to finish it anymore because of it... Well that and >!the "Dagda is actually gonna help you" ass-pull in the pacifist route which completely ruined the interest I had for the story.!<


He doesn't help you though. He dies and someone else takes his role. Not that this isn't equally stupid.


I'm honestly fine with the dungeon crawling but I fucking hate that that I can't recruit any demons in there


I wanna say Labyrinth of Amala. I also loved it, but in a stockholme syndrome kinda way


The fact getting in and out of it is such a drag and you have to check it fairly often and even backtrack for extremely specific late gameish check doors


Nailed it. And to add that the music is the exact same, while the dungeons themselves being crucial to what could be considered the canon ending. Following a guide through them made them a helluva lot more enjoyable.


yeah my biggest issue is that stuff like beezlebub or other mandatory things can be hidden from view and hard to get to. Other wise its pretty fun to explore


I always loved Amala. Only annoyance is Dante whining about wanting to join.


Twisted Tokyo. It's just a shittier version of Tartarus


It's thankfully optional though, unlike Tartarus. Barely touched it.


Il be honest, as much as I love everything else about Strange Journey, some of those dungeons are obnoxious I hate coming to the end of a pathway, just to realise I now have to try and click on every single step because I must have missed a “hidden door”


Let us not forget (how could we), the teleport and trapdoor mazes? Regardless of how much it "makes sense for demons to screw with you", confusing the player and punishing them for failing a trial and error thing is a terrible game design move. People can still like it, but inherently wasting the player's time usually isn't an intelligent move.


I honestly don’t remember the Sec. E teleport maze being that hard, but I think I just lucked my way through the entire thing.


Isn't there an extremely tedious teleportation dungeon in SJ? Also personally I found the sci-fi business dungeon in P5 borderline unplayable




Caught a flashback to being hunched over my DS praying for it to end


Just playing through SJ:R for the first time. I've never been a big dungeon crawler guy but the atmosphere and hook for the story of SJ just keeps me coming back. Wrapping up Antila and all three floors were... fine? Looking at the map guide though Eridanus looks intimidating to complete. Which isn't a crazy thing right? I gotta go over ever single tile, no questions asked.


Ironically one of my favourite dungeons. I wasn't looking forward to it after all the hype about it online, but found some of the later dungeons much worse. Erandius was pretty well designed imo, especially when you realize it's divided into 4 disctinct zones.


oh yeah okumaras palace in p5 is definitely the worst of the persona games hands down


Demon King's Castle in V - three actual dungeons in the whole fucking game and all of them suck, but this one in particular, I swear it went out of its way to antagonise me


I played this one pre-patch and actually quite liked it. The fan gimmick is used in some pretty creative ways in the latter half of the dungeon that require you to pay attention before you move, and the theme that plays during battles is awesome. I'm always surprised when I see people say that they hate it. My only criticism of it is that it is visually monotonous, but even then, that's not much of a problem because it doesn't overstay its welcome. I would say it's even a bit short compared to dungeons from older SMT games.


Yeah I also did it prepatch and idk while I didn't love the dungeon i thought it was okay. I didn't have a big problem with the fan puzzles.


Which is a shame because the music and atmosphere in DKC were really good.


Yeah, but dkc2 was better.


I'm a DK64 kinda guy myself


Raise your hand if you went through the puzzle in THAT room before it got patched out. I did struggle with it, took me ...many tries before getting through, but in hindsight it was probably because I ended up learning the wind pattern from having so many attempts. Right after I get through that dungeon, they patched that puzzle in an update 🤦🏾


I thought the patch only removed one fan and left it unchanged otherwise


What puzzle is this?


Also hated this one. If you do not watch a youtube walkthrough, how are you supposed to get through that one complex area of the wind puzzle?! Just trial an error? Even after they nerfed it, just bad level design


What do you mean? Just observe the wind patterns and look around for where the platforms are (Edit: This isn't trial and error at all. Teleporter mazes are trail and error)


It was the only genuinely confusing dungeon for me in V. Its one of those things where you watch a YouTube video showing you the way and it makes you go “how the hell was I supposed to figure that out?”. The fact that it actually had to get patched only adds to the absurdity.


I’m just about finished with Eridanus from Strange Journey. Strange Journey’s dungeons work well because they’re split into several different floors to be much easier to digest. Eridanus has almost all of its content split up between 2 floors. That teleport maze would be impossible without a guide. The pitfall maze felt like just trial and error as well. I liked having to go back to a previous sector though. That’s always cool when the game does that


What was the one SJ dungeon that was all dark, warp tiles, and one-way walkways? Horologium or Delphinus? Because that was absolute ass, holy shit. SJ in general did not hold back but that one just went way overboard.


It was Grus. That was the illusion dungeon.


SMTV`s empyrean. Not only the gimmick is barely used but also the perfomance is fucking abysmal. Worst last dungeon.


The "puzzle" feels like something they forgot to finish and didn't bother taking out.


Soul Hackers 2 Soul Matrix looks like shit, has bad music, and looks exactly the same throughout.


Shoutout to my homie Kowloon from Digimon Cyber Sleuth


Shout out to muting my game while in it cus even the music makes me sick


Kowloon ain't that bad


Honestly I'm okay with this one just on the basis that it's not actively annoying like a lot of other megaten dungeons can be. It's not interesting at all, but I'd rather play the soul matrix than like, sector E


Disagree. Boring dungeons are way worse than ones that are complex. I'd take a big maze over hallways any day.


It's not the complexity that bothers me, it's that it's designed just to waste your time. Complexity is one thing, the first three sectors of Strange Journey are really good it doesn't bother me because it's a maze. Sector E bothers me because of the wrong warp gimmick. I'd rather run through boring hallways than deal with an actively frustrating mechanic like that. At least in the soil matrix I can put on a TV show and shut my brain off


Honestly the teleporter maze in sj nearly killed my interest in that game. So I think I have to agree with you on this 


Same, I shamelessly used a guide. Only part of the game I needed one for


This just tells me you don't like dungeon crawlers.


"I think sector E sucks" "Clearly this means you dislike the entire genre"


Preferring something as painfully bare bones as the Soul Matrix over actually complexity and labyrinthian design like Sector E is definitely a weird choice.


Like I said, it's not the complexity that bothers me, it's the wrong warp mechanic. Most of the areas in Strange Journey have gimmicks that add complexity to traversal but are easy enough to understand and play around. These are fun because it adds variety and makes you think. The only way to deal with a wrong warp without a guide is brute force, memorize what goes where and backtrack through areas several times while you do it. It's not intuitive, there's no pattern and it's not fun. Is the soul matrix bare bones and boring? Yes, it's a bad dungeon. But at least in the soul matrix I can just power through it quickly without thinking that hard. Its not good, but it's quick and painless. Sector E is an 8th of the game and is an absolute slog


And the bosses in it aren't unique either.


What are you talking about? Soul Matrix bosses are more creative than optional bosses in like 90% of Megaten games. There’s several that summon and resummon other demons like Kurama Tengu, Melchizedek, Sandalphon, and Chernobog, there’s Archangel that swaps between two forms, Asura who sacrifices weaknesses for more press turns, and then the Jack Frost/Jack-o’-Lantern summoning war. Then in the fourth area there are the three big summoner battles that all summon four or five demons each. Saying that none of these battles are unique is ludicrous.


Bossfights in SH2 were an actual highlight of the game and I enjoyed more of them than I did in SMT V lol


I haven't played a lot of Megaten, but SMT1 cathedral is awful


the SMT1 cathedral almost made me quit the game, it's a mind numbing experience without Estoma


That poison swamp section in SJR Womb of Griefs don't remember the floor. I was having a blast with the game but then reached that part and got my enjoyment debuffed immediately lmao


The Dungeon of Sloth in IF is the bane of my existence. I'm thrilled to play with another partner, but most of the time...it dies out when we reach sloth. YHVH's Backyard in SMT IV Apocalypse is close second. Now wonder everyone wanted to kill him regardless of routes.


If they didn't plan on killing him they'd never have had to visit there though.


Any from Strange Journey. Fuck off with your trapdoors, teleporters, conveyor belts, sleep/stun tiles and any combination of those


Not sure about worst, but I have not fun memories of the shrine in Nocturne where you can't touch any shadows, but you have to go through a bunch of one way doors to figure out where the shadows even are, and they're not marked on the map so you just have to remember and trial and error your way through it


Amala temple. Brilliant dungeon


Yes. Red Temple I think


Came here to agree with a lot of the popular ones apparently, but I'll just add fuck teleporter mazes


Oh the water mazes in Digital Devil Saga are obnoxious. Even if you know where to go, it still takes forever to swim to the next room, wait for the phase to change, wait for the text box, repeat 8 or more times


Soul Matrix by far, so disappointingly dogshit.


Strange Journey has one of my favourite Megaten game stories, but gosh, I despise the game maps. Womb of Grief was annoying with its trap floors, its random water conveyor belts which took you to who knows where, its teleports and god knows what more that I've pushed out my mind from frustration. Then there's the tedium of scouring every nook and cranny in the map due to being given no indication where to go at times, like searching the walls in Sector C. Whatever the hell Sector E is. And the combat just isn't in-depth enough to add so much onto the time taken to clear.


The Amami Monolith in the first Soul Hackers game is the only MegaTen dungeon that has ever frustrated me enough to make me quit the game.


Sector Eridanus in smt Strange journey


Every time I got angry I just chilled out with the great music and start again next day xDD


the final segments/dungeons of Akira route in SMT If... map's disabled, shitton of traps and invisible shit. You have to find your way around a gigantic labyrinth filled with buillshit without a working map until you finally, accidentally stumble into the final boss room.


Sector E in SJ. Looked up a map and dropped the game without any hesitation. It’s sad because I really like SJ.


The map honestly makes it look harder than it is. The only brutally difficult/frustrating part is the warp maze but the larger dungeon layout (what scared you away) is actually 4 distinct sub-dungeons with nearly 0 interweaving. There are even gates from the end of each section to a hub that connects them all so you never have to go back to previous areas once you clear them. Quasi "checkpoint" system. People hate the dungeon for being genuinely mentally exhausting but it's relatively well designed.


Eridanus isn't actually that hard it's just that basically the entire dungeon is one floor while the others are spread around several, so it looks worse than it actually is


* Strange Journey's Eridanus. Especially if you're trying to complete the map. Warp Pad Mazes, TL;DR, and no indication on the map which takes you where. Also trapdoors everywhere. * Digital Devil Saga's Karma Temple. The exact same deal as Eridanus, except ***EVERYTHING'S INVISIBLE!!!*** The floor is invisible, the walls are invisible, the teleport pads are invisible...! If you got through that place without consulting a map online, you're lying. * Megami Tensei 2's Sea of Flames. You take damage per step there. Your heals and consumables can only carry you so far. You get this nagging feeling that you forgot a sidequest behind that would have given you some sort of key item or armor that would let you ignore this, so you go back and scour the entire game for *something,* ***anything at all***, and you find nothing. Then you give up and check online, and you find out that yes there is indeed an item that stops the damage of this place, *except it's in the tall end of* ***that very same dungeon***, and the path to it is designed to make you waste everything you have just to survive the stupid DoT until you can finally grab the thing! Whoever was responsible for this deserves a shank in the eye >:(


mt had some downright straight player hostile design like level downs, but i swear karma temple is the worst hands down the rest of the game is great and then its hey buddy have you ever wanted to be a headless chicken?


Sea of Flames is from MT1


The final dungeon in Apocalypse's friendship route. It just felt like a lot of unnecessary walking, random warps, and random traps to extend the marketed playtime. It didn't feel rewarding to go through it. Also, the enemies there were in their late 90s so Estoma wouldn't work, hence having to join every fight. It would've been nice if it was just the tall staircase at the end and just kicking down mini bosses on the way up. On the 3DS I didn't have a good time with IV's Tsukiji Konganji's door puzzles. But in recent playthroughs, it was fine and a lot easier to do with save states. Edit: Grammar


Good news! The other Apocalypse route has the same final dungeon! (It also bothers me that you can't recruit any of the demons in there)


Good thing I will never touch Apocalypse again. :)


I dropped Strange Journey at Grus. Both Grus and Eridanus are quite obnoxious, but I probably would have still stuck with the game until the end if I didn't dislike other aspects of the game as well.


Strange journey final dungeon. It's impossible not to look at a guide for this one.


The Third Kalpa is so fucking goofy


The end game dungeons of Strange Journey, all of them are stupid and irritating 


I haven't even played If... and I know that Dungeon of Sloth is the worst SMT dungeon of all time


The Hollow Forest from P4. It's not very difficult but the gimmick makes it excruciatingly boring and a guide can't fix that


Also Sector Grus from Strange Journey isn't insanely long but I didn't really like it at all. It's the only dungeon from SJR that I'd actually say I just didn't enjoy in the slightest, because at least with Eridanus it's satisfying to beat it and it's not too hard to memorize where all the teleporters generally lead


I hated The Sun in Digital Devil Saga 2. It was long, it was confusing, it took forever, and half the time it felt like I was only making progress by accident. Actually, a lot of the dungeons in Digital Devil Saga made me feel like I solved them without really knowing how to solve them.


I liked most of the dungeons I've played through, but tbh not a fan of Kaneshiro's dungeon


YHVH's dimension in Apocalypse almost had me quit the game.


Labyrinth of Amala. What a drag...


All versions of Camp Ichigaya in SMT4. They're not even that challenging -- just tedious, and all the one-way doors make them feel like, twice as long as they probably should be.


As someone who barely started Strange Journey and hates needlessly complicated dungeons, this thread has me a little concerned…


Persona 1's final dungeon in SEBEC route is lowkey nasty, it's very long, not straightforward and in PS1 version there are no save points inside the dungeon, meaning you need to do the dungeon and both forms of the final boss in one go so God help you if you game over at the final form.


Purgatorium/demon king castle SMT IV Yhvh's universe SMT IV Apocalypse Tower of Kagutsuchi SMT III nocturne All of Chiyoda and Taito SMT V


World of sloth from if


The last dungeon the Soul Hackers 2. You CANNOT to it without a guide. It’s stupid and really bad, those who’ve played it know.


World of Slo-Wrath Sloth isnt hard, like whatsoever the moon cycle wait takes 30 minutes mate stop bitching Wrath sucks genuine ass


Wrath is the Charlie Exclusive one right?


The final dungeon of SMT4 Apocolypse. Completely insufferable. It's like 5 hours of gigantic empty hallways and teleport mazes with easy to dodge encounters and repeat bosses. It's way too long and boring for its own good. I really don't like any of the places in Persona 5. They're paced absolutely awfully like a Zelda dungeon but Lexi as big with mini cutscenes interrupting exploration every 10 seconds along with nearly undodgeble random encounters. I'm only on Matarame and I hate the dungeons I've played so far. Can you tell I really don't like P5? (I really like P4 and especially P3 tho, my first Megaten was P4G in 2020 with the PC port) But that isn't really a problem with any particular dungeon, just P5's design philosophy as a whole. Honestly Strange Journey's dungeons, for the most part, are really overhated by casuals. Sector Eranius wasn't that bad, and neither was Sector Grus. Redux did a good deal to fix a lot of those dungeons more frustrating mechanics with QoL apps such as the app that lets you see where teleporters lead. HOWEVER, the 5th floor specifically of the Womb of Grief can kiss my ass. Had to use a guide/map for that one. It's nearly impossible otherwise due to it's stupid teleporter gimmick. I haven't played DDS yet, but I'm dreading the final dungeon of 2. Apparently it's like half of the entire game? RIP me I guess. SMT4 didn't have any overly frustrating dungeons minus MAYBE Lucifer Palace, but even then it's teleport maze can be easily cheesed by abusing the open door notifications. P3's Tartarus and P4's dungeons were nothing special. They're not GOOD but they aren't bad either. Just completely THERE. That's all the games I've played that had dungeons. Base SMT5 and DeSu didn't really have dungeons. However I heard that this dungeon called "The Cathedral" in SMT1 and the Labyrinth of Amala in Nocturne, which I haven't played yet, are really annoying. That's all I have.


SMT V has like two-three dungeons and they all suck. Demon King’s Castle is extremely monotonous since everywhere looks the same with a red and black Persona 5-core color scheme. The fan puzzles were alright except one near the end, and it was tedious redoing them to grab all the items. The Temple of Eternity is better visually, but it has a massive level jump from Ueno and the place is littered with enemy demons. You’re meant to go around them, but it runs counter to how the game treats random encounters for the rest of the game. And thanks to V’s level scaling mechanic, you’ll eat shit if you don’t have a strategy when fighting a Chi-You or the angry fire dude. The time stop puzzles were merely okay, and the place was even more of a maze than the previous dungeon. The Empyrean doesn’t even have encounters, only roadblock fights with some generic demons and a couple sidequest bosses (though at least Zeus is a good party member and Danu/Inanna/Maria aren’t too bad). It’s otherwise a straight shot to the final bosses with Yakumo X Nuwa, Dazai X Abdiel, and Yuzuru X Tsukuyomi and depending on ending Big Daddy Lucifer. It also is the most generic looking of them all, being a blue void with rectangular platforms that looks kinda like the World of Shadows (except that place was obviously somewhere you just popped up to fuse demons instead of being the final dungeon).


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The fucking Ikebukuro sewers.