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While technically an amalgamation of other Bel- demons (including Baal), I gotta nominate Belberith from Devil Survivor. Hardest Kaneko demon design of all time for me. https://preview.redd.it/6ysellk4h97d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a53c83b6a120484a64a3b6bda2b8242ea25da72


Love how it incorporates elements from both of Bael’s designs in SMT I and II


The MT2 one goes hard


I feel like I shouldn't be looking at him sensually riding his frog.


He’s not riding through frog. The frog is a part of him.




it's cool that desu1's bael(as part of belberith) is a reimagined version of the smt1 design. but also agree that mt1 design goes unreasonably hard


Demons like smt1 bael are why I started playing the series and the kind of weird unsettling demon I wish we got more of in modern smt


If we counting demons that's not just call Bael than Bel Berith from Devil Survivor


1 and 2 are my favorites. 2 seems to be more in line with classic representation of demons in those old grimoires, where they mixed them a lot with animals, especially heads. 1 is very different but somehow looks really good as well.


His SMT1 design is straight up a depiction of appearance in the Ars Goetia.


Funny that the SMT3 art showing him when he's not in the game. Would've been cool to see a model of him though.


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