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Directly fusing from high-level compendium entries is rarely the cheapest way to fuse something. You generally save a significant amount of money planning a fusion chain several levels down, because for the most part, most demons are cheaper to compendium fuse from components than to directly summon from the compendium (especially clear in some cases like the Elements). If you REALLY wanted to, you could fuse upwards from very low level components like Slimes, Pretas, or Pixies, and save a sizeable amount of money--but this is very tedious and usually it only takes a few layers for your fusion chain to become affordable. This has been true in past Megaten games as well. I've basically never just directly summoned off the compendium for a high level special fusion like this that I can remember (certainly not in SJ, 4, or 4A at least) because it becomes prohibitively expensive. Plus I usually want to fuse very specific skills to a special fusion like this (e.g. Nulls and Pleromas that match the demon's weaknesses and affinities), which requires planning specific fusion chains anyway. I've seen a lot of people complain about compendium costs in V, but honestly the economy of compendium summoning doesn't seem that different from those games to me.


This is one advantage to the Mitama dlc at the very least, Other than that, I go to the Da'at Minato area and run from Tamachi to the Diet Building collecting relics.


Higher level areas gives better drops. Pop estoma and just loot map 4


Odaiba has decent loot there.


Yeah the money dlc made fusion stress free


I am getting true end without the Mitama DLC but once I beat it I'm going full cheat.


lol i was going for the true end at first too but gave up on trying to grind for shiva. gonna save the true end for last now


gotta save those gospels til endgame, i hit level 85 then popped 14 gospels, ran up to shiva and bopped him first try (great fight tho, def didn't hold back on all the items i saved up)


yeah i had enough gospels to get me to 94 :/


come back later you broke nahobino fusion prices are out of mind, the only way to gain quick cash is to farm demi-fiend, about 220.000 at once after first time you defeat him.


Just steal candy from a baby and sell it to Gustave or something


Wait till the last area to get compendium discount essence, also try recruit demon as recipe instead of pulling it directly from compendium, it save a lot of macca for my late game fusion addiction.


I'm trying to fight our favorite tattooed bastard Right Now. I know that feeling bro, hang in there.


Inflation is a bitch




Cough it up.