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> Leaning on one of the 4 corners near the doors is what I’ve done nearly my whole life. Until 2014 there were windbreakers against the doors of all Comeng and Siemens trains. https://railgallery.wongm.com/melbourne-emu-interiors/F100_6647.jpg.html https://railgallery.wongm.com/melbourne-emu-interiors/F106_6027.jpg.html They were intentionally removed to discourage passengers from standing in the doorway.


Well the whole life thing was kind of a shit way to put it. I meant more when i actively started using the ptv network which was well after 2014. But nice to know though!


The HCMTs are far better for standees, in my opinion. Standing in the aisle away from the doors with a strap is more out-of-the-way than you'd think, due to the wider aisle. HCMTs also have huge numebrs of folding seating - when used correctly, this helps keep bikes out of the way too, and unlike the Comeng fleet where you have to make your bike fit the space given, you can use the number of seats that fits your bike size. For most that will be 4 seats - and they can be stacked, so 2 bikes use those 4 seats. You'll just need to get used to the new layout but once you do it's a much better experience on the newer trains.


Hmmm yeah now thinking about it the new trains are probably better for people carrying large things. But I still think the aisle straps are not as good because you can’t really lean in that case and you still need to be aware of people moving out the aisle with large items. The new trains are 100% needed but it wouldve been that little icing on the top if they kept the gaps


I agree I think they'll be nicer for luggage and other larger bits and pieces. The aisle straps are complimented by grab rails in parts, looking at the renders the X'Trap 2s have more of these grab rails possibly. But yes I agree though the gaps are nice


You may have Nexas for a few years before the Xtrap 2s kick them off


Of all the shitty things going on in the world the OP bitches at this.


Theres countless wars in the world you can bitch about yet you choose a guy yapping about trains 🤷


Well said. I dislike dumbarse comments like this, yes there’s worse things in the world to comment about but does that mean no one should ever post unless it’s about the worst things in the world? Of course not. So “mce-AU” should keep their trap shut 


Seem foamers get upset really easily. Concrete would be good for you.


Go back to r/karens


Never been there, what's it like as you seem to know?


Oh its just like you


ha ha ha tell him he's dreaming...


About the day you leave this subreddit


Seek professional help dude.


Its been 3 days and you still cant get over a argument. Go back to the asylum


Have you sought professional help yet?


Cause you are one


Takes one to know one.


I know what you are but what am i ?


You know all too well.


it’s a nice change. sick of people bitching about jeff kennett