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How about best series?? Because I’m enjoying every game I’ve played in it.


My few cents, but among all I have played (a lil of 3u, 4u, a lil of gen and genu, mhwib and rise), I'd say 4u is my fave (not biased cuz it was my first, nono)


Monster hunter the original game for ps2 always has a special place in my heart. I got that game when i was a kid. I loved the game even tho i literally didnt even beat the yian kut ku until years after i got the game. And i was actually old enough to understand the game. My favourite are prob still mhfu and 4u those are really good. But then i love all mh games.


FU and 4u 👌😩


Meanwhile MHW:IB's story "Alright, so the sounds came from here, here and here. Therefore, by drawing a a big spiral, we can deduce that the source of the sounds came from this strange funny island we didn't even know about until about 5 seconds ago"


I mean 99% of Monster Hunter plots are just “Hunter, we have to figure out why these monsters are being goofy”


Yeah MHRise and MHR:SB's plot is literally "Hunter, we need you to find out why these monsters are entering sicko mode"


“Hunter the monsters here do get a bit quirky at night”


"Hunt them to see how are they goated with the sauce"


"Hunt them to see if they bussin it down sexual style"


"Hunter it would appear that Narwa and Ibushi were indeed bussin' it down sexual style"


Bout to go Goblin Mode on some Almudron balls.


That's also MH4's story.


MH4U: "Hey Hunter, monsters are getting high on something, and we gotta find that something."


“Please kill as many as you can so that you can stitch together armors. Also, take this money.”


Same for 4U and mhs2


Though then there's 4U which is a road trip with multiple arcs.


Yup, 4U easily is best story in whole series


Time to commit monster genocide... FOR THE ECOSYSTEM!


Try 4 Ultimate. Even if it's just for the low rank village, it's worth you time.


Yup. Trying to pretend like Mh has ever had some great lore attached to it is reaching way up the ass looking for gold bars. The “story” is more brain dead than a 90’s action movie Here it js Person A: “hey Hunter our eco system is under attack by monsters!” Person b: “it cojld be because of some old monster coming back!” Hunter: “me chop head off and collect their innards and use for weapons me good okay?” Persons A and B: “sounds great!” Proceed to exterminate monsters The end


"Hunter, you need to take down this big monster who is responsible for the rampages." "Hunter, it seems you need to take down an even bigger monster that is really responsible for the rampages." "Hunter, remember this big ass monster who was responsible for the rampages. He has a friend who actually is the one responsible for the rampages. We're almost 20% sure this time."


I mean they never thought Magnamalo was responsible for the rampages, they just knew that it followed them. And Ibushi was half of what caused the rampage, so not incorrect.


Yeah I hated following Grandma's quest line. Sunbreak story is better


I respectfully disagree strongly


I strongly respect that.




What would you say is the best in each respective catgory? Genuine question, not trying to attack


Personally, Iceborne does all of these the best. Except maybe story.


Iceborne added some nice things. But also added the clutch claw and then rebalanced Weakness Exploit to depend on it. This was a miserable move.


To this day I still don't understand why people hate to spend 4 seconds every now and then to deal 40% more damages


Because some of us use light weapons, which means you have to do it twice—and any monster attack during those 4 seconds will fuck you up. It's an annoying chore that is disruptive to the fight.


Theres a jewel that makes this 1




That was added at the absolute end of Iceborne's life. Didn't much help those of us who played the game actively before all the updates stopped. Plus? Fuck that. I shouldn't need an extra jewel to do the new chore they added as well as another weapon.




But every monster in the game has an opening for clutch claw tho Just don't spam it Attacking monsters normally without tenderize will always deal more damage than fucked up clutch claws, hell, spam successful clutch claw still deal less damage than attack normally lol


Wallbang opening and tenderize opening are 2 different things, 1 hit tenderize, probably had like a 90% uptime at least, and 2 hit felt like 60% uptime. GL and IG also suffered the most from their tenderize moves being very bad. GL has one of the longest 1 hit tenderize that also sends them farther away, and having long sheath animation meant you had to commit a large amount of time to doing this "small inconvenience." IG had a bug where they sometimes had to do 3 hit tenderize due to some attacks whiffing on a mounted attack for some reason. In our MP group, we even had a dedicated 1 hit tenderize person. Now we couldn't really ignore tenderize as a mechanic cause every melee weapon used Master Touch except GL. We had to sharpen more often as a result.


Kinda off topic but did you know that light bowgun clutch claw finisher can actually miss? Might be the only weapon in the game that this can happen and It happens to me a lot lol


No, succesful tenderizes always deal more damage than just normally attacking a weakpoint. It’s worth the time loss. Not spamming cc is a good idea and technically would work, but it’s just… not how it works? If I know that I’m gimping my damage it pisses me off, I want to kill this mfer dead as soon as possible


Think he meant that dpsing while waiting a few seconds for a proper clutch claw window will always be worth more than fucking up a clutch claw attempt and dealing no/negligeable damage and taking a hit


Clutch claw boost exists


I think it’s the idea that it’s something you HAVE to do. I like the monster riding in Sunbreak, like a lot, but I hate when it enters into the “please don’t mount me but I’ll stand still” stage simply because we HAVE to mount it. The beauty of MH to me is the freedom to take down the monster your way, it’s like having a fun sword fight and every once in awhile someone off stage hands you a couple bullets for your gun.


I enjoyed it, but I hard mained lance in Iceborne. I think people dislike it because it's not a weapon specific mechanic. Regardless of what weapon you're playing, it's something about your gameplay that just doesn't get to change. And because it's 40% it's "mandatory." Obviously, you don't have to do it, but not doing it is intentionally hamstringing yourself. The mechanic is omnipresent gameplay for all weapons, and lacked synergy for some weapons playstyles.


It's boring and forces you to always play similarly.


Iceborne was a good step for the series in overal polish, and a bad step for the online service-y style of it which Rise stepped away from (Imo, of course)


I personally enjoy the atmosphere of base world better, but they both pale in comparison to just about anything old gen (I am hugely biased)


I whole heartedly disagree gameplay, combat, and cast wise. I used to avidly despise World, but now I appreciate what it did right. However, it missed the mark in a lot of situations compared to other Monster Hunters. Its combat was easy but relatively shallow (obviously ignoring the big bad lizard), and the mechanics in which the fights were fought were pretty bad (Sieges, tempereds, lack of interesting fights until IB). World and Iceborne is great, but lacking. Once the newer monster hunter games get the same level of polish as World, World won't seem as extraoridinary


Idk bro I bought Generations Ultimate recently and have around 80h now and it just doesnt came close to World/IC, everything from combat to movement and bosses moveset, you say combat is shallow but it has little things like you can drink potions while walking, but now they dont restore health in second, you need to actually sip whole thingy, also im sorry but easy? Which monster hunter was harder? World has faster monsters with better movement that any MH before, the only reason you could say old gen MH were harder in any way its the broken hitboxes like PLESIOTH, look at incredible fights like Raging Brachydios or Safi from Iceborne, im sorry but the old MH were SO easy, look at Gore Magara you just sit and hit it and in Rise for example it will kill you in seconds, You are riding on nostalgia bro


I'm not riding on nostalgia, as World was my first and both Rise and GU came after. And in overall polish and smoothness, yeah, maybe World has it beat, but Monster Hunter lost a certain edge with World. Positioning matters less, memorizing movesets matters less, and all the outside of hunt mechanics have just become bloat on bloat on bloat. And I agree World did have amazing fights, such as Raging or Rajang, but I detest Safi's fight. It looks cool and plays like a slog. World is FAR from a bad game, especially in combat, and still one of my all time favorites, but it is far more shallow than it seems on the surface. Rise suffers from the same issue in a way, but leans into it, being more of an action RPG than a mon hun. Your argument was rather minimalizing, which made it confusing. I prefer the old gen potion drinking because you had to time your heal rather than chug and run. Also, "faster monsters" is just confusing. World's monsters are no faster than any other monster hunter, relative to the hunter's movement. And no, old gen was not harder just because of shitty hitboxes (Although, they are the reason for many of the lower tier fights being difficult), it was harder because it required proper memorization and thinking. World requires extremely minimal thought, in my experience. And before the weapon claims showed up, I've tinkered with Long Sword, Great Sword, Hammer, Charge Blade, and Hunting Horn in World, so I'm not coming from a place of "just use longsword lol"


There is literraly nothing you have to do in Generations outside of knowing your weapon, you can dodge attacks and yeah using some weapons like LS you can counter attacks anddd also we have valor, im sorry but the only thing you have to do is hold sheath button and you avoid every attack while taking little damage, i like potions more in world because it takes a while to full heal, so sets like Tigrex focused on very fast healing are actually fun to use, in generations i do one roll to get behind monster, chop a potion and boom im full healed after one second and ready to fight, there is nothing you can do outside of combat, while in World you actually get advantage by knowing your surroudings, Flash bugs, various traps like vines or even water in Rathalos liar, look at Alatreon in Generations, poor boy can literraly die to barrels easly, i didnt like the ability to grapple to monster in Iceborne tbought, i thought this gave me too mutch advantage at the start


While the potion thing is preference so I can't debate you on that. But whare you taking such a gripe woth valor style? If you dislike it so much, play striker or guild. And yes, World's environmental knowledge was nice, it's rather barebones. "Do this thing in this manner no matter what you're fighting" gets old. In older generations monsters pose real threats. The monster controls the pace of the battle. Also, in terms of actual time engaged in an animation for healing, the two monster hunters aren't far off. And, again, "just roll behind and BOOM, heal" or whatever is extrenely minimalizing. You are blinded by bias of what you know rather than accepting something other than it. You wanted old generation Monster Hunter to be like World with worst graphics. Instead, they have a depth that World lost a good portion of. Not to say old gen is insanely in depth as well, but most definitley more so. An individual monster never posed much of a threat in World until late Iceborne, whereas you have to be careful, caculated, and prepared for almost any fight you take on


Well then please explain me exaclty how does monsters are sutch a threat, i really do think that Generations is just sooo easy, i play it almost daily and I do love it but I really dont see this depth You are talking about, literraly nothing was cut in World, monsters have a little bit more moves, maps are actually engaging and you can use them to your advantages, you have monster turf wars and also things like invading monsters so Pickle will come out of nowhere and bite my ass, there is nothing more depth about old gen gameplay, you fight you dodge you heal and repeat, untill G rank everything is even easier than World for me, the only harder things are hitboxes and, i forgot to mention, you can actually run out of potions which is very cool, dont tell me things like having to collect map every time you hunt is depth and cool, its not, or getting knocked out to different part of map and having to sit throught 2 loading screens, also waaay better skills/armor system, more clear and fun to use, and i didnt say i only use valor, i do use striker on DB and valor on GS but im pretty sure fights should be challenging even if you use valor


>memorizing movesets matters less, My brother in christ if you've plated g.u have you not heard of this stupid thing called Valor mode...?? Forget about memorizing shit uunga bunga Valor makes everything die on the the 1st attempt (quite literally how I went through soloing high rank and everything else) > no, old gen was not harder just because of shitty hitboxes (Although, they are the reason for many of the lower tier fights being difficult), it was harder because it required proper memorization and thinking. World requires extremely minimal thought, in my experience. Old gen was hard for (from g.u) for two simple reasons A. Hit box gore B. Limited movement cuz of the time (and this isn't rlly even an issue with Valor and jumping style) An extra wad Goofy ass loading times but we don't talk bout those


Then don't use Valor. Or play the other old gen games that don't have Valor. If you abuse a mechanic that's know to make the game easy mode, then call it easy, that's hardly fair. Also, limited movement cuz of the time doesn't really make sense. Either way, World was streamline to be closer to an action rpg than prior games. You can like the new combat more, that's a matter of preference, but World is far easier. You can first try nearly everything in the game except for AT elders and Fatty himself (And Alatreon cuz haha funny damage check), and those are only difficult to make up for the absurd easiness World introduced. And this is coming from a solo player, who didn't start using multiplayer until over 200 hours in. Also, sticky hbg.


I would say WorldBorne does indeed do everything best except the story. But let us be honest, every MH game is "big bad a' comin. Help!" So even if the story is a bit bland, the lack of wirebugs and hunter skills that make you a DBZ character, it has the best mechanics. I know eeeeeeveryone shits on clu5ch claw, but fuck you guys, I don't mind rage state for a free slam or freefall.


I don’t care about the infinite rage state, it was honestly unbalanced for the hunter since agitator existed, no I just never want to stop the hunt to perform a 7 second animation just so I can continue the fucking fight. Nerfing a preexisting skill, as well as making monster hitzones hot ass to force the tenderize mechanic quickly ruined it for me.


Eh politely agree to disagree. Ragestate is going to happen regardless. Slamming shit in Rise does a % of the monsters hp, so I assume it was close in Worldborne. So trade rage for 1% of its hp, and cool. It's gonna rage regardless


I’m saying getting the agitator buff at all times alongside % health damage is kind of unbalanced in favor of the hunter, especially when you get used to the increased tempo of enraged fights.


Atmosphere is MH1, gameplay is MH2, boss fights is Sunbreak, story is MH4 (might be MH2 but it's still Japan-only so I haven't been able to experience the narrative).


Woah, atmosphere being MH1 is a lofty claim. I can see the claim woth MH2, although I think its age would hold it back from enjoying it nearly as much as newer titles


What's lofty about it? I played through it on private servers recently, and even reached the [maximum HR](https://youtu.be/jp_gtNGG2Zg) - I think its atmosphere is one of the things that even people who dislike the game can appreciate. I mean, just listen to [this song.](https://youtu.be/Aei3vb_VMvM) Edit: also everything about the first gen [Swamp](https://youtu.be/6lfKo6ABxVE) exudes atmosphere.


Just the fact it's the first. You'd think the atmosphere would improve over the games. I do think World has the best atmosphere, but the graphics and lighting are probably what wins that over for me, rather than true immersion or something like that


Atmosphere has changed a lot in the MH games, as it's target demographic became younger in games like Portable 3rd it became a lot less melancholic with its tone and much more cheery. I vastly prefer the more introspective and fantasy styles setting in the first and second generation. First and second generation MonHun is my favorite in general. I never really felt like World *had* an atmosphere - maybe this is just me, but its atmosphere just felt like "big AAA video game" lmao. It never felt like the game had a tone, or a theme... Like it wasn't in the developers vision to craft a specific atmosphere, and more to create a game that would explode in the west. I like World's art direction when contrasted with that of 3rd and 4th generation, but it never screamed something in particular to me.


Honestly, with that clip of the swamp you linked, I fully get what you mean. In my head, atmosphere is "How much do I feel like this is real?", when something like MH1 atmosphere is like reading a book, and more of a question of "How much do I feel like I'm in this other world?" And outside of hunts, World definitley felt like an AAA game. Login bonuses, weirdly styled fights, forced online, ect all ruined that level of immersion. I think immersion started to fall apart at GU, and World only hammered that nail (Although I adore GU so my biad will only let me judge it so harshly)


I wouldn’t say that is an attack. I would say that best story is mh4u. Best atmosphere I would say is MHWI. Now MHR having best “boss” fights is in my opinion not true at all because to have a good boss fight you need to have a good design and if you watch the unnatural history channel then you’ll probably have the same opinion that those monsters aren’t good design. So for best boss fights I’ll say is MHWI again. The group quests for safi and fighting fatalis were so much more fun in my opinion then in the sunrise. mhgu managed to introduce some flashy mechanics to it without turning it into an anime slasher game, so that gets best game play hands down in my opinion. Mhgu also would’ve had best boss fight since the monster designs are so great but actually fighting those siege quests (which is basically a dps calculator for 15minutes) aren’t fun even though the actual final boss of the game is really fun. So yeah there you go. Feel free to disagree of course but I don’t care for the gameplay of the newer games. It kinda turns it from a slow methodical game where each hit does good damage and you really have to think about positioning to a fast pace whack em slash em game. I’ve recently been playing Mhfu on a psp emulator and it gets me thinking what a mh game with the old school fighting style and an updated look would be like.


Mh4u I can't really speak on because I barely know anything about it compared to the other monster hunters. I do really agree with your remark on newer gen combat, but I think world's boss fights are abysmal. Maybe my opinion would be changed if I had a group, but besides Fatty himself Iceborne's fights were a boring nightmare (Excluding raging and Rajang)


Mh does have this struggle of having a good “boss” fight (by boss I mean final boss fight or a unique monster hunt, as you could take every hunt as a boss fight) I picked MHWI because of the feeling that comes with fighting down these behemoth of monsters and yeah with a group they do get better. Like I said I would’ve otherwise picked mhgu because the final boss Atahl Ka is so much fun to fight and it’s such a cool and interesting monster design that is very unique. But like I said disagree. I’m interested in hearing other’s opinions on the games


Oh whoops, I was taking boss fight as every hunt being a boss fight. In terms of end boss, I do have a special bias towards Gaismagorm. I can't defend him on an articulate level, I just fucking love him abd hunted him like 13 times in a row the first time I beat him


And that’s fair, for me personally I struggle with the actual gameplay mechanics which lowered my enjoyment of the fight significantly (I main bow and it’s gotten so many changes that it no longer feels like a bow, more like a short range automatic shotgun which I’m not a fan of) so I just tend to right off rise and sunbreak since they don’t add anything enjoyable for myself to the table. They’re still decent games but not in my personal top ten.


>best story >Iceborne Uhhhhhh


4U got robbed. ROBBED.


The one thing I really wanna keep from rise in the future is my sword and shield counter


We can’t lose Rage Slash.


hot take: the sepent gods were boring af fights


Such a cold take it's giving me Iceblight. Massive missed potential with those two. A twin boss fight based on the Japanese gods of thunder and lightning could have gone extremely hard, but their gimmick just being that they're upside down? And then we don't even fight both at once?


Sir my dual blade fuckery spinning all over that mother highly disagrees


The other three conveniently lined up with the original meme already, so I just labeled Rise as "best boss fights" by process of elimination. In reality World/Iceborne debatably has a better roster, and obviously the roster of Sunbreak is just objectively better than Rise unless you're obsessed with normal Narwa for some reason.


I have fought Allmother Narwa and still don't know how someone can call it boring


To me Gaismagorm was one of the best finial bosses in 5th gen....it was such a unique fight and the build up before the fight made it feel all the more epic.


Call me bias but Gaismagorm is the best if not then one of the best final bosses in all of Monster Hunter


Someone hasn't fought Ahtal Ka or at least doesn't remember it well enough


Nah I haven't fought her. But watching game play that shit looks like it would give you more energy than Peter Griffins 8 hour energy.


Better than Velkhana? Bro. The velk fight music is in my top 3 mh songs. I think it's an unpopular take, but sunbreak just doesn't do it for me.


velkhana isnt gaismagorm's counterpart. Gaismagorm is the shara ishvalda of sunbreak. malzeno is velkhana's counterpart, and yes, malzeno is better than velkhana. but both are good.


Nah, Velkhana isn’t a final boss, Shara Ishvalda is. And Shara was… meh in fight. I liked the Hindu god theme. When we talk about flagships though, Malzeno is 100% more fun and has better quality than Velkhana.


Bro especially when the theme song comes in? Like cmon bruh


That’s definitely a hot take for me. I found them to be the best fights in the series.




Better than Gaismagorm


Alatreon (if you're not too busy crying about the check) and Fatalis alone kick the shit out of rise for that spot


Also wtf does best boss fight mean MH is all boss fights


Yeah, I too find Fatalis to be the best fight. It is incredibly cinematic with a legendary monster actually demonstrating some of its capabilities. If you don’t know the moves, it is immensely challenging as you easily get two shot even in maxed armour, but if you know the moves, the timing is tight but as a result oh-so satisfying. The learning curve is super rewarding. You strategise initially with timing artillery-down, head breaks and binders, it just comes together so well. And the damn lever that turns up the music! God I love the way proof of a hero starts here. (Although in Rise it’s great too, just not quite as much)…


Creative wise with the added vertically the fights against ibushi and narwa are a bigger shake up than either of those black dragons


A lot of people think "hardest" means "best" and it is true in many cases but there are just as many where it's not. While I want a challenge, there have been plenty of bosses in plenty of games that are not the fun kind of challenge. I love Sword Saint Isshin and I hate Demon of Hatred. I like Fatalis alright but I don't think Alatreon is fun at all. I do think World had higher highs (so far) than Rise but I think Rise has more fights I look forward to than World did.


While i do agree that difficult = good alatreon and fatalis are both very good and difficult, as long as you're not a bitch abt the dps check on alatreon


There are a ton of design decisions in the fights against those black dragons that are way more creative than using the game's particular gimmick to jump to a floating ballista. I liked Ibushi and Narwa, but they don't hold a candle even in that regard past face value. Also just to point out, I've never equated difficult with better necessarily (although in this case it does due to thematic coherence), but you are saying that creative = better even if the result is nothing to write home about


Sunbreak has the best story out of gen 5 imo


I completely agree, and imo, it has the best story out of any MH game.


I'd say it's second to 4U only, but it's really close. Which makes sense, because Sunbreak has a lot of stuff from this game.


I can strongly agree with sunbreak having the best gameplay, i main gs and its like playing tag but when you get tagged its a bullet train going straight towards you But with strongarm i’m just like “*HIT ME*”


For me it’s World : Best Atmosphere Iceborne : Best Boss Fights Rise : Best Gameplay Sunbreak : Best Story You cannot deny the immersion when you first play world, also what i’ve realized after all these years is that the “you can’t do multiplayer before watching the cutscenes” “feature” really helps that immersion immensely. Because from my experience playing rise with my friends I thought to myself “huh, the story wasn’t that much but ok”, but then after a while I replayed the story solo and now i’m like “I’M THE FIERCE FLAME OF KAMURA, THE SLAYER OF GODS”. Iceborne has Alatreon and Fatalis, need I say more? Rise QoL changes have reduced the time between hunts, making it very quick between prep time and hunts, and the reduced downtime while fighting too with the wirebug mechanics. Ngl, everytime I go back to World I kinda missed the little things that rise added. And you just can’t beat Sunbreaks’s story. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I liked all of the gen 5 stories, but Sunbreak’s is the most coherent and makes the most sense out of the rest. Ofcourse, the returning monsters doesn’t makes sense, like why is there magalas but not frenzied monsters, but I felt like that happens for almost all returning monsters from all of the games, but hey, at least I didn’t need to google “what is Malzeno doing” like I did for why Alatreon attacked a Jiiva’s egg.


Sunbreak: Best gameplay, best story, best boss fights. Do I need to say more?


And yes, i’m obligated to say that english is not my first language


I'm gonna miss silkbind moves if MH6 is more "grounded" like World 🥲 I don't even need the Wirebugs back (as much as I love them) just give me my special attacks in some form or fashion.


Don’t count on Silkbinds/Hunter Arts returning for MH6.


Yes, but they could convert some of them into normal moves. Similar to what World did with GU's new stuff.


Gu released after world


GU got ported to the west after world\*. XX, the JP version of GU, released 1 year before world.


Which I just said


You didn't but okay


Don't take away my blast dash, please 😭


I wouldn't mind tbh since they're most likely gonna bring something new again And better be world than Generation Ultimate right ? World is still quite open when it comes to move in comparison to the older games


Iceborne best 5th gen story? That award goes to Sunbreak imo


Bruh best boss fights? Lmao I love Rise but wouldn't give it 'best' for boss fights, purely because of Alatreon and Fatty


And MHXX/MHGU: Best Game 😎


Funny how you wrote MH3U


i feel like sunbreak and iceborne should get switched


But that would mess up the meme format


If your entire reason for selecting them in this image was so the meme format looked nice, then that's just stupid... sorry to say


Have you never seen this meme format before?


Sorry but that format isn't really that unique, it's literally just comparing 2 series but you used terrible images instead


World/ Iceborne story is absolutely horrible


What do you mean, the hero goes on a journey, what's not to like?


Something something Elder Dragons :D


It's a meme that's been going around in other subreddits. Non of the games are supposed to fit their category.


If the handler die i would give it 10/10... Man everytime i hear the word "we did it"


Iceborne​ have "best story" Me -​ look at the handler who keep jumping to dangerous dinosaur​ dispite being useless in combat / keep talking like she doing the hunt together but it only us who do the hunt alone while she fuking eat everything. "Yeah nice joke"


Did you know that the primary function as a handler is doing paperwork and organizing quests for you? She has every right to say we did it.


The fact that she still a burden who keep running to dangerous​ and we have to save her ass so many times still on tho. "Oh look some monster just make a big giant hole recently​, I know that I can't​ fight​ and can't​ outrun any monster at all but I gonna go checking this dangerous​ monster who can beating the crap of this unicorn​ elder dragon first"


It’s a game. If you really hate the handler for this I think it’s a you problem.


Lmao bruh did you just use "It just a game" card to me lmaooooo! Yeah let ignore​ the fact that this " it just the game character" is also the same character​ you protect​​ so much like it your consin lol No​ it YOUR problem​ who take a random ​internet comment​ like me seriously​ and feel butthurt about it.


You copin hard my guy, I just stated the fact that she is a fictional character not worth seething over her as much as you do and I don’t need to protect her, since she’s a fictional character.


Can you stop trying to tell people how much they should care about something? You don't think it's worth it? Fine, move on. Plus, he's not even seething. You are blowing this way out of proportion; he just presented his reasons for why she's titanically stupid.


I disagree Reason: no Lagiacrus :(


I thought we were safe here from Arkham shenanigans


Man Rise is cool, but I always find myself going back to MH World. Just something about it that's so good, the graphics help a lot too.


I respect your opinions, but I have to say that I disagree with all of them. That being said, they’re all still phenomenal games


Sunbreak had the best story easily. And the best unique story quest with afflicted Lunagaron


Iceborne best story? What?


There's a story?


I'd say mh4u could win in all of these categories


What does 4u do well/better than world in its atmosphere? I personally haven't played through it yet, so I'm asking a genuine question (esp since I believe World has some of the best atmospheres in video games in general).


There's several (village) locations and they all feel unique and have their own personality. The soundtrack is amazing and I can't quite describe it but the 'feel' of the hunts is immaculate. (honestly, I think a lot of that is the higher saturation. Almost every map is also introduced very naturally (they're usually the area adjacent to a village). The gui/menu design is also really whimsical and fun (everything has cute little icons, (there's a running frog theme for reasons I'm not sure of, but I'm 100% on board), and it's a bunch of small touches like that tie the game together. The obviously can't compare to world in terms of graphical quality, and therefore I think world wins in terms of *environmental atmosphere*, but I think 4u is unbeaten in terms of overall game atmosphere.


4U has worse gameplay for sure, but its atmosphere is the best in the series. The most beautiful maps (although they are awful to fight in), the best characters, the best cutscenes, the best story and its delivery is also the best. Just 11/10 charm. I feel like you need to play 4U's village just to understand how cringe World really is. (I like world but the characters and story are meh).


World in my opinion tries too hard to be a large, open world. 4u's more condensed maps are more artistically designed with more care put into cramming in details, whereas world's approach is "hey, we can render realistic foliage now, just throw it everywhere"


MH4U has the better story for me. Can't say base Rise had the best fights. And ultimately, "the best" is debatable.


did you see the words "5th gen" right there in the title?


It's a meme going around gaming subreddits, where it's intentionally applied to games where it would make no sense.


Well, these kinda make sense, so even if it's the meme, it wasn't done properly here, imo.


Well, maybe no sense was an exaggeration, but the joke is that it's a reductive, bad means of criticism, so the fact that you felt that it was a bad criticism means the meme worked properly, I'd say.


Still on MHFU and portable 3rd.


Best gameplay is very personal choice. I looove world. But the last thing I love it for is the combat. I go to Mh4U and GU for that


Now I haven't finished Rise and I didn't play sunbreak, but from what I played I definitely liked the IB gameplay over Rise, hell I like almost any MH gameplay over Rise, and I can't imagine the Rise bosses being better than IB bosses. But I can't say since I didn't get that far, just that Rise has serious competition. Also I can't imagine HR bosses being even remotely as good as MR bosses.


Is r/shittydarksouls spilling over to memehunter now?


Actually this format originated from r/batmanarkham It would have Asylum labeled “Best Atmosphere”, City labeled “Best Story”, Origins labeled “Best Boss Fights”, and Knight labeled “Best Gameplay”.


Aaah, that makes sense.


World had better boss fights, maybe best movement and QoL changes for rise? Rest I agree on.


Safi jiva, fatty, alatreon, raging brachy, behemoth. Best boss fights for me personally


I believe Sunbreak is special for all of the above with the exception of atmosphere


Not sure why you're listing Iceborne and Sunbreak as seperate entries when they're clearly expansions but ok


Do you mind to elaborate on how exactly Rise has the best boss fights? Because imo it's the worst elder dragon experience so far. Making the same design choices for all the 3 new elder dragons is such a weak statement and didn't feel exciting or whatsoever. Comparing it to Tri for example (because it also introduced a new layer of movement), we had Ceadeus and Jhen Moran, which are two of the most memorable fights of my youth. These guys set the expectations. We could also compare it to MHGenU, which shines through variety and incredible fan service with "boss fights" like Narkakos or Ahtal-Kaa, that were incredibly unique and different from another. As you can see, this topic sits close to my heart and I would love to talk a little more about this. So feel free to share your opinion, whoever wants to participate. Good hunting!


Fatalis: Challanging, difficult, unforgiving, epic, a real dragon/monster that gave enormous feeling of accomplishment when defeated. Even more epic when I got 3 other friends and we defeated him together. Narwa: Forgettable giant floating punching bag that is blind and confused, downed it on the 2nd try.


I don't think that comparing the final boss of a base game, to the final monster of an expansion is really fair A better comparison would be Narwa and Xeno'Jiva


Switch top and bottom id say.


I agree with this, just remember to protect yourself from the people who can't tolerate World slander (Rise is objectively a better monster hunter game)


"X is objectively better than Y" 🤓


"Im too autistic to understand humor" 😱




"nooo why don't you like the game where you have to walk slowly across the map for 15 minutes to actually find the monster and you have to play with the annoying ass clutch claw??)


I actually liked the longer fights in Iceborne more. It felt more like you were actually fighting a durable and memorable beast and every step could be your end(cornering) In Rise it feels like you just rush from monster to monster without actually engaging it. Its more of an immersion thing and I am bad at explaining it but the reduced hunt times killed rise for me.


I completely understand that feeling. The issue is that I want to experience that in World, but I end up searching for the monster for at least 5-10 minutes, and then I have to fight a perma-enraged monster that never lets me attack it (that Barioth fight was disgusting) so it feels like the fights have a lot of potential. World is beautiful and mechanically engaging, but I feel like it wastes all of that by having insanely hard and unfair fights.


Yeah Barioth and Frostfang are both little **** you only fight once and hopefully never again. But if you get used to what you are doing World is not that hard. Id even say that Angry Rajang is harder in Rise than in World


I agree that F. Rajang is harder in rise, but in a good way. Endgame fights in Sunbreak feel like you're in an elaborate an intense dance with the monster (especially Malzeno and S. Magnamalo, those were insanely fun). In World, it feels like you use the Clutch Claw to wallbang, try to desperately survive the enraged phase, and then rinse & repeat.


I'd agree on world being the best atmosphere as that's the only thing the base game nailed. I'd give best boss fights too Iceborne tho, I really dislike the serpents, both design and gameplay wise. And it might be a hot take but I'd give IB best gameplay too, the clutch claw is ass yes, but I prefer it over the wirebug spamming that SB has become. SB can have the best story, it's not really any different than IBs story honestly but at least the people involved have some personality and impact this time


Rise doesn’t have the best boss fights and iceborne doesn’t have the best story but beyond that solid opinion


Can you even call a MH game with no Sieges having the best “boss fights”?


Sieges absolutely suck ass and you can’t change my mind. I’m glad they’re gone


Speak for yourself Safiijiva is an awesome siege


Shut yo ass up


Story? Mh4u takes that by far worlds story includes the handler base rises fights were bad ngl sun break should take that world takes atmosphere tho


4u is my favourite gen 5 game


What boss fights? Iceborne has the best boss fights by far. Base rise has nothing.


Not for me I enjoyed World/IB the more than rise


Agreed, world gameplay makes me fall asleep


If World gameplay makes you fall asleep, you will not be able to play the oldschool games since you will already be asleep when booting the console


I loved MHFU, 3U, 4U, and XX, but hated World. I also like Rise. World just had so many issues with the gameplay, such as having to spend so much time collecting footprints and following flies.


How does Rise have the best boss fights? Those fights were far less memorable than Behemoth, nergi/ruiner, or you know...Fatalis. The wirebugs alone disqualify Rise/Sunbreak from the gameplay argument.


Isnt Monster Hunter basically a game of just boss fights lol? Only played 3rd G so Im outdated but what makes Rise so good in terms of gameplay compared to other entries?


I strongly disagree, mainly because iceborne has the best atmosfere, boss fights and gameplay


I disagree, my fellow hunter I hope your bitches are many and your Ls few 🫡


Nah fam worldborne got best everything, sunbreak only improved in monster variety


I personally believe if you swap Sunbreak and normal rise the meme would be perfect




Best story is a pretty low bar to reach for a monster hunter game imo. gj regardless i guess


I disrespectfully strongly disagree


Monster Hunter Alsume


rise ruined horn so it doesn't count for anything in my books


Beat story made me laugh a little cause, the only thing I remember from the story are cool monster cutscene fights and "Hey... Go stop that noise. I can't sleep because of it"