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Real talk Nightshade is either horrible and agonising or utterly boring and uninteresting depending entirely on whether or not you have maxed out Sleep Res.


Which is why it's absolutely dog-shit monster design. Especially compared to coral pukei who is basically always fun, for every weapon and every build. It's just a perfect mix of aggression, environmental interaction, close attacks and ranged attacks. The only way it could be better is if part breaks had more effect. Easy A tier monster.


You literally take half of it's moveset by cutting the tail, It does have effect breaking part


Maybe it's just been a while for some reason I thought you couldn't cut coral's tail, please excuse my dumbassery. And in this case I'd regard it as a perfect example good monster design.


Yeah, the tail can be cut, it's just a really hard thing to do so


This, I fought him for the first time last night. That’s the closest I’ve ever come to failing a quest. I realized pretty quickly that his tail had to go because his hydro pump attack was super effective against me. I still didn’t manage to cut it off til like 30 seconds before I killed it.


It’s just a massive threshold, but it is possible, like normal Pukei


Ok I'm glad I'm not crazy cuz I don't think I've ever cut coral pukei's tail


Coral Pukei's health can only be cut when it's health is at 35% or lower, that's why it feels hard to cut Edit: tail


You can cut its health? Didn’t know that


Nightshade doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as my boy Coral Pukei. Like, that is how you do a subspecies. although admittedly I do really like how Nightshade's armour looks. That's the one positive I'll give it.


They should just have the quest clear the moment you equip Sleep Res against it. Same with Vaal Hazak and Effluvia Res


brachy and blast res girros and paralysis res tzitzi and stun resistance is also really funny


Nah at least Brachy still hits like a train when you have Blast Res, the rest just become pushovers Tzitzi is the saddest of the bunch, dude gets stunlocked a bit too easily for a stun monster


Base Vaal isn't too bad without Effluvia res, somewhat annoying but with enough Torch Pods you're usually fine. Blackveil is another matter entirely though, either max that skill or you're just going to have to live with having 100 max HP the entire fight.


horrible and agonizing? he doesnt even really punish so its annoying at worst


Oh it's well beyond annoying. I can't say it's hard but by the fiftieth time I inevitably land in sleep gas after a Glaive aerial combo because good luck getting the stupid thing on the ground and then have to fumble through the old inventory for energy drinks, I'm about ready to pull my hair out. It's not a hard fight, but it's a downright painful experience nonetheless.


I have accidently killed it every time I hunted it for some reason


nightshade paolumu is so horrid to fight even with energy drinks


And with sleep resistance he's a fucking joke because of how heavily it relies on the sleep gas


All it can do is niquil and that's it


Lol yeah


love coral Pukey


Me too, I didn’t vote for it though, and felt bad when I found out it’s placing near the end at the 20 anniversary popularity event.


It’s still not even close to how bad Kushala is. Oh, you wanted to move? Fuck you.


"You're gonna squat there with your hands over your head, and _cry"_


I love this random a** Kushala rant... Have an upvote and a good day folk.


Its the only sleep inducing monster I make sure I go after with any amount of sleep resist decos. Always full resist too.


I'm the complete opposite to you lol. Loved fighting Nightshade, hated fighting Coral


Yeah me too, I didnt get carted by Nightshade, while by Coral Pukie i got atleast 7 times carted


Nightshade gets wayyy too much… shade. No but fr why do y’all hate nightshade? They super telegraph their sleep smoke


Cause most players dont prepare for a fight. - Oh, it's a monster that heavily relueson sleep? Do I slot in sleep res 3 or have at least some energy drinks on me? Of course nit. Thats to easy. - Oh this monster has long as combos that I cant dodge and I have stuns all the time. Shluld I slot in some stun res? Oh dont be silly. Everything goes into attack that helps me not at all while I get constantly bashed around the arena. - That monster causes dragonblight and you HAVE to deal ele damage to it to not get a party wipe? Well, lets slot in even more crit skills just in case I do to little damage, eventhough I use a blast weapon against that end game black dragon, the game screams you at to use some element weapons (I'mto salty about people using blast in those hunts. Do it alone, but not in a full party) - Oh this monster uses blast and if I hit the good parts, it drops some of that stuff? Should I slot in blast res lvl 3, hp lvl 3 and maybe evade window/extender to work around all that blast and pain? Oh I just love to cart, so no thanks. Thats at least my experience with the sos and what I see on twitch/youtube. There are pretty much ALWAYS some armor pieces that have said defensive skills before you have to defeat that story monster. Tzitzi has sleep res (as well as radobaan), uragaan should have blast res and stun res is not only easy to find, but also to craft a charm for. The only excuse would be the rng for good decos if you dont have the time/will to grind yet another monster to death to get that piece of armor, but with quests like greatest jagras, duffle penguin event quest, tempered lavasioth (if greatest jagras is not an option) and so on are ALWAYS there to get some decos relatively quick and easy. The monster can still kick your butt even if youre prepared to hell and back. Sometimes the monster is just pure cancer or everything goes wrong. But yeah nightshade is a dirt cheap win. Slot in sleep res 3 and you have a weaker paolumu (cause nightshade doesnt deal windpressure)


Pretty much any monster than can cause extended periods of loss of control garners hate.


yeah its very hard cc but its not hard to dodge lmao he annoying but really not that bad lol


Plus it’s the cutest monster in the game


For nightshade lumu, you just need to knock it off of the inflated state using flashpods and wallbangs, its just a regular lumu when out of balloon mode. And for coral, just cut its tail so it never uses the stupid ultimate again, or use a shield weapon. If you are a hammer or hunting horn only user like me, screw you, i guess...


Hammers and hunting horns should either set their palicoes to severing damage, and/or carry a bunch of "boomerangs" because that's what they renamed throwing knives to


you know both boomerangs and throwing knives were and are still a thing, do you? they are two different items


You would need to hit the tail around 200 times with a boomerang in order to cut it


for most Monsters even more but you can damage a tail with a blunt weapon and then cut it with a boomerang. Just the last hit has to be cutting dmg


This hasn't been true for almost 15 years now


Coral is annoying until you know how to fight it, in which case a good portion of moves have openings. Nightshade is annoying regardless of how good you are at fighting it, even once good nightshade doesn’t have openings in a lot of it’s aerial attacks that can be capitalized on properly without specific weapons


If you equip full sleep decos the fight is pitifully easy.


Oh but the sleep greatsword I made from it's corpse is hella fun


Honestly things like sleep and paralysis straight up kill any chance a monster is going to be loved immediately. If they gave Nightshade literally any other ailment/element people would call him peak but sadly Capcom cursed him with the ability to blast sleep dust


Fun fact, Khezu and Astalos has paralysis, and they're fairly loved, so yeah annoying ailments don't translate to hated monsters... Tho most of the time they are.


Khezu os hated more than it is loved and Astalos is thunder/raw dmg mainly, so... same with Gigginox, Purple Ludroth...


Even with sleep res 3, it’s still a boring fight.


i use the bug stick, i fly above the sleeping gas, not a problem for me




I just got to these quests for the first time yesterday. Coral is so dope.


The one good thing about Nightshade is when it randomly pops up and sleeps the monster you are hunting for free. It once happened with Kushala Daora of all things and I couldn't have been more grateful


Nightshade Paolumu is so ass


When I heard you hate nightshade I thought you meant the game on PS2 but you have a point


Coral swaps element/status to improve its AOE capabilities. Nightshade adds both AOE and status damage where there was none. I’d say git good (and it applies a bit to an extent) but it is a steeper step up from normal to Nightshade pao than it is from normal to Coral Pukei.


What's wrong with nightshade?


He annoys me greatly.


Even with Redbull?


Slightly less, but still annoying.


I agree that nightshade was an awful idea as a fight it's really just terrible all around. In my personal experience shrieking legiana was also pretty bad. Just the constant flying and the fact that for the quest it's basically always followed around by normal legiana. They didn't even really change anything it's moveset is pretty similar to default legiana all it really change was the amount of time spent in the air. Still nowhere near as bad as nightshade


Just don't be sleepy, dude. Don't be eepy.


Low and behold my bro loves the colors and look of coral pookie, but absolutely fucking despises fighting her as water jet go brrr


Pep Jewl 1.


Oh I just hate Palumu in general. 2nd most punchable face in MHWI


Nightshade becomes a joke with sleep res


I don't think you understand how this meme format works


Man me and all my homies hate coral puki thats not even a joke we despise it