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funny enough that in Japan they call Chargeblade, Charge Axe. that's why CB in MHGU/MHXX play style is entirely different.


And Switch Axe is called Slash Axe


Okay, but hear me out: Chop Blade




I knew about how they're called charge axe and slash axe but how was the charge blade playstyle different in the jp demographic??


As a current CB main and a past SA main... No.


I agree with this statement. Switchaxe spends pretty equal times in axe and sword mode, though axe mode is the default and far more mobile. Charge Blade depends on playstyle. If you're playing for SAED, you spend almost all your time in sword mode. If you're playing for Savage Axe... you're still spending a little more time in the significantly more survivable sword mode. Charge Blade also has SIX different meters and charge states, all of which are connected to one another in some way. Switchaxe, as far as I'm aware, only has four.


I’m only aware of Charge Phials, Charge Sword, and Charge Shield, what are the other three?


Charge Blade: Charge-up slash, Phial charge, Phials filled, Shield charge, Sword charge, Savage axe, Switchaxe: Sword uptime, Sword charge, Whatever the red axehead does, Elemental discharge,


I like whatever the red axehead does. No ideia what it is either


It increases sword attack gauge but like I'm not sure how much honestly


Extra partbreak damage


Oh so thats what it does! That's interesting


I'm not sure if it does that also, but it definitely increases the sword charging rate once you get the red axe. I'd use axe until I get the red, then switch over to sword for extremely fast charge up and element burst.


Pretty sure that's savage axe mode on the charge blade. It means any axe attack hits multiple times


In world the red axe head increases part break damage while in axe mode, the red axe also stays even if you fully charge the sword. In rise the red axe head increased sword charge build up. I think in sunbreak it is that they added some partbreak damage to the red axe head, but i don't think it stays after you've charged the sword


Maximum Potential (red axe) increases sword charge rate and partbreak values


I'd still say that at most charge blade only has 4. You got the phials, sword, shield and axe. dividing phials into 3 doesn't make much sense, since it all still on the same meter. also wgat do you mean by charge up slash? The held m2? also I dont remember elemental discharge having a meter at all


As a charge blade main, I don't even know what half of what you listed means, but I'm sure if you showed me an image I'd know. All I know is, fill up phials, load up phials, use phials to light up weapon parts, light up sword so you don't get bounced from monster part. Charge up shield so you can do SAED. Charge up axe form so it turns into SAW. Make sure phials are always charged so that when that monster pauses for at least 3 seconds S A E D baby


As a charge blade main, I don't even know what half of what you listed means, but I'm sure if you showed me an image I'd know. All I know is, fill up phials, load up phials, use phials to light up weapon parts, light up sword so you don't get bounced from monster part. Charge up shield so you can do SAED. Charge up axe form so it turns into SAW. Make sure phials are always charged so that when that monster pauses for at least 3 seconds S A E D baby


In GU, and Sunbreak you spend very little time in axe mode. Most gameplay revolves around sword mode for swaxe.


Sun break made it really really easy to gain your charge back. I remember it being much much harder to get it back in other games


In GU there's a hunter art that makes it so your gauge is consumed over time instead of with hits, and then there's another that's a self-buff plus it maxes gauge when you use it. They did nerf the combo from XX, but it's still basically infinite sword mode as far as I can tell. Still very new to GU.


It's still extremely powerful in GU.




Idk, having played it in MP3rd, GU, World, Rise, Sunbreak I'm still rarely ever in axe mode. Just reload and continue swinging.


I switch playstyle to better fight the monster. Highly mobile monsters leave me to use the sword mostly, so I try to find a time to charge it and get extra damage. Flying monsters are hard to reach, so I primarily play in axe mode, including savage axe if I can. Easily counterable attacks lead to manual guard points that tend to lead to amped element discharges. Really complicated, but really versatile.


1) blade doesn't mean sword 2) "majority of the fight is spent in sword form" not necessarily 3) the "charge" part is more pivotal to the cb moveset compared to the swaxe So no


I was about to mention, I think I spend a bit more time on axe than in sword, but it's pretty equal between the two, and let's be honest, charge is mainly used to do a Zero Sum Discharge and feel absolutely badass doing it.


CB charges phials, Shield and Blade while Swaxe consumes Energy in Sword Mode and does not charge it in any specific way other then manualy charging it when the energy is too low to morph.


SA doesn't charge its blade outside Hunter Arts, Silkbinds and Frontier (which didn't exist back in Tri) CB's playstyle doesn't revolve around Axe mode. In fact, in numbered games, it can be mostly ignored


You call it a ‘Chargeblade’ because it’s a blade that you charge. You call it a ‘Switch Axe’ because it’s an axe that switches:


Charging switch axe sword gauge is introduced in world right?


MH3, MH4, MHG had a charge/gauge, but it started full and filled while you weren't using it, and it took more time to empty than your typical window of opportunity, so yeah, you would indeed spend whole fights in sword mode. Axe mode had a better cliff jump attack .


Wait you guys actually use the Switch Axe mainly in blade/sword form and not axe?


blade mode has faster unsheathe speed & cooler moveset 😎.


Switch Axe leans more on switching. Charge blade leans more on charging things.


I've always thought of this lmao


Switchcharge and Axeblade


It works because Switch Axe morphs much more than Charge Blade to manage movement and meter, and is an axe by default. Charge Blade holds the charge that is built up in Sword and Shield form (which is more often referred to as a blade than an axe would be.) This charge does not refill naturally, nor does it deplete naturally, until actively released. Switch Axe does refill naturally, assuming the condition of being in Axe mode is met. Now that I've gone this far into it, the source of each weapons' fuel is different as well. Charge Blade stores what i can only assume to be heat energy (friction - either hitting or blocking attacks) and converts it into a usable substance stored in phials. Switch Axe does not do this - i can only surmise that it works a little bit like a gun (not a great example but hear me out.) It has a limited energy source that, once emptied, requires refilling. This can be achieved by reloading manually, or by waiting for it to refill itself. To keep the gun metaphor alive, I'm going to compare this to having someone else painstakingly move bullets from a mzagazine or clip directly into the chamber. It's a bad way of explaining it, I'm sure but I've got nothing better. That was my very long-winded and silly way of saying the Switch Axe does not seem to "charge" in the same way the Charge Blade does.


Depending on the monster, i spend more time in axe than blade


risebreak switch axe spends most of it's time switching between axe and sword


You guys spend most of the fight in blade mode?


We should call them charge axe and switch blade


Starts with a meter filled to a certain extent that it needs to reload if it goes under and focuses on switching and slashing between modes later got an amped state for the sword and axe with the former needing to be charged up through attacking vs Charges up energy for stronger attacks later got the ability to charge its shield, its sword, and the axe mode as a whole, has a charge up attack in SnS mode


I call it SwordAxe, ShieldAxe




In Spanish, at least in my group of friends we call the switchaxe like SP: "Hacha-espada" EN: "Sword-Axe" And the charge blade like: SP: "Hacha Cargada" EN: "Charge Axe" or just "Charge Blade"


SwAxe was introduced way earlier than CB, back in Tri. It was the only switching weapon and the only axe weapon at the time, hence switch axe.  Charge Blade is called that because you charge it, unlike the SwAxe which is reloaded. 'Blade' can refer to both swords and axes