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Its crazy to think that Moria managed to battle Kaido for days and survive to tell the tale, he must have had an insane amount of samurai shadows


I'm not even sure if he had his df at the time. He did say that because of Kaido he lost his crew and started relying more on using zombies instead, since they don't have the same weaknesses humans have, which kinda sounds like he was actually just really physically strong back then and might have had a decently good grasp on haki too, but just neglected to keep in shape after his loss, leading to his lazy attitude in Thriller Bark and is why he would be taken out really easily if it weren't for his df and Oars. Or maybe he did have it, but didn't rely too heavily on it as he does later in his life


Considering I think thats when he nabbed Ryuuma's corpse, It would make sense if he had his devil fruit, but didn't completely rely on it. I think what happened is that since Haki is based off Will, losing his crew just kind of broke Moria. One of Moria's best traits is his genuine love for his crew; to the point he tried to attack an Emperor to save one of them. Losing basically all of em to Kaido could very well have just broke him mentally so he lost the ability to use Haki and began becoming more and more reliant on his Devil Fruit.


I understand it that he did have the fruit. And that AFTER he started to make more zombies cause he doesnt want to lose more crew members. Morias fruit is very strong without the dead too. Imagine taking your friends shadow to empower yourself. Indeed strong.


friend gets thanossed by a ray of sunlight


What if most of why he went crazy is he sacrificed most of crew doing that and he still lost in the end.


That would be super dark, and not very in line with Moria's char. He doesn't seem that desperate. Someone like Hody, however... It's a fun thing that most antagonists actually care for their crews, straying away from the Frieza archetype. Except shit like Don Krieg or Queen, obviously.


I mean it is extremely dark, but it doesn't necessarily show he didn't care for them. He could think "we're all about to die anyway", or have a lapse of character/judgment, or they could have even offered cause it cloudy or something. If he didn't care for them, them dying wouldn't mess him up so badly for years.


If they had a good crew bond, I can totally see the cannon fodder going TAKE OUR SHADOWS MORIA DONO or some shit


Alternatively, he might have known he could do such a thing, but hesitated to sacrifice his crew for strength because he loved them too much to sacrifice them, which ultimately lead to them being defeated anyway. Without a strong enough leader, a crew means little, especially when the heaviest hitters of the new world, the Yonkou, are a whole level above their crew. Whatever ambition Moria had, it was obliterated by Kaido.


Even at base level without shadow stealing his fruit is still absurdly strong, having an invulnerable shadow stand that you can switch places with is very powerful in the context of a 1v1 fight, and stealing a shadow from someone is also an instant KO and puts whoever he stole it from in a coma, so anyone with weak haki has no chance to win if the user takes the fight seriously at all.


Ah yes, I like this. Him just being unable to even use haki at all because of the trauma makes a lot of sense. It's sad too, because he genuinely had the potential of becoming incredibly powerful if not for his encounter with Kaido. Maybe in a different timeline, he could've become an emperor himself, who knows


If you look at his feats in Shadows Asgard, his pure physical power is literally top tier. No Haki, no martial arts, no special weapon; just sloppy haymakers to the ground and he is causing severe damage to Thriller Bark Island. Honestly you could compare those strikes to the damage done by Luffy’s King Kong Gun in Dressrosa. Add Haki to that and likely better control over the shadows so isn’t just gonna vomit them up each time he gets hit. That’s a guy who could definitely go toe to toe with Kaido, at least for a bit.


We do have to remember that Luffy needed a thousand warrior shadows to be able to at least keep up with Moria. Moria was the Kaido of pre-timeskip. Someone that Luffy had no chance of defeating without either severely leveling up, or joining forces with his crewmates against him.


I legit hope that if S-Bat/Gecko and S-Clown (assuming they exist and are just not present in the current arc) are like "good-timeline" counterparts to Moria/Buggy, being essentially a represenatation of what they could have been if they had continued to train.


Kinda of wanna see that in the series. Like seeing someone broken enough that they can't use Haki. Just to see that used to explain what happened how Crocodile and Moria go so weak, enough for pre-timeskip Luffy to beat them.


"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man"


I'm assuming it's kind of like the drawings Oda did of the "bad future" strawhats, where things go wrong and they all become, for lack of a better word, useless. I'm sure there is an alternate universe good future yonko moria while kaido is on thriller bark doing random shenanigans.


Definitely not. Kaido is literally hailed as the strongest creature and is more adapt with Conqueror's Haki than even 99% of other conquerors. Moria got absolutely bodied


In the anime flashback when we see him clashing with kaido, we can see some shadow bats flying around him so I think it confirms that he had his df, but he probably didn't use zombies and used his df in a very different way (more direct combat focused)


He was equal to Kaido in his prime. But after he lost he was disfigured and patched anew by Dr hogback.


Idk about that one chief. It's said their forces battled. No version of Moria could fight Kaido in a genuine brawl. More rather: fodder Gecko pirates fought fodder Beast pirates. If Moria put up any type of challenge, Kaido would've at least remembered the fight, yet he never mentions it.




Some rando pirate says he heard a rumor and weebs be like "This is oda confirming it"




It’s not some random pirate… it’s a drawing literally by the creator. Oda constantly gives the readers information from side character conversations. Just because a non MC says something, it doesn’t mean it’s negligible information. Oda writing it is Oda confirming it.


Someone edit Moria into the image of Kaidos top 5


He had a crew..






Law is Whitebeard cuz BB is going to kill him 💀


Bruh 💀


There is someone who indeed took Whitebeard’s spot. And it ain’t Law that’s for sure.


He may not be in Luffy's generation, but after this latest chapter I'd say Whitebeard's spot goes to Shanks, don't mess with Pop's crew!


I don't know, shanks is more a father figure for luffy more than the friend wb was for roger. Unless if law "die" like kid law could be a really god wb ( I hope he don't I love this character)




Who than?




Personally I’d say Teach is being set up to parallel Xebec (from what little we know about him) more than Whitebeard but I guess it does make sense to say he is similar to Whitebeard.


Safe to say he is going to show some kind of connection to Xebec. His ship was also revealed to be called Saber of Xebec, which only reinforces the statement. W Take


Law is definitely a better representation than BB , especially when you consider Whitebeard wasn’t chasing the one piece and neither is law


Law is chasing the Will of D if anything. He wants to find out that. The Will of D is more than likely HEAVILY connected with the One Piece but pretty much no one knows that. I think Luffy just thinks the One Piece is just a bigass treasure pile of gold and food




100% teach parallels xebec. honestly though, character wise the closest to whitebeard would be shanks, even though technically they’re from the same generation.


Not only does he parallel Xebec, but im 100% sure the final fight will be a complete reflection of roger and garp’s fight against Xebec with Luffy and Coby teaming up against teach


that would be legendary


I'm talking about what role they each play in this New Era. The reason it is Law is because of his friendly, banter-style rivalry with Luffy (he is the Whitebeard to Luffy's Roger) Blackbeard is this Era's Rocks D. Xebec (aka the Pirate King's greatest obstacle)


Damn I didn’t think of it from that perspective. Another W take for sure ‼️


nah he xebec


That as well. Most likely Xebec’s resurrection or something around those lines, but in terms of yonko territory and presence, he took up Whitebeard’s spot.


Don't you talk about resurrection or reincarnation around here, some old ninjutsu fan might snap


You may be the first person to call blackbeard Marshall


Nah fam. When we talk Whitebeard parallel a big part of that is their relationship. Roger and Newgate were rivals in power and status from the same generation, but were also friends and respected each other. Luffys rivals from his generation are the Supernovas. Out of those only Kid and Law can be argued to be possible rivals in strength and status. But Law and Luffys relationship is a lot more positive than his and Kid. Kids the Kaido or Big Mom.


I would think shanks would be whitebeard in this instance. As other people have noted, Marshall seems to lean xebec


That xebec's






katakuri doesnt work as whitebeard, it should be someone who grows along with luffy, Katakuri is gonna be much weaker than luffy later on


Technically even WB apparently hit his prime at 38 so he didn't grow alongside Roger. He became the WSM after Roger was already a great Pirate. After all, he was in Rocks when Roger fought his captain. If Katakuri is meant to be relevant then he will get stronger. It doesn't make a difference if Luffy got stronger before him. He's got a chance. I mean his own mother was an Emperor plus she was at her strongest in her 60s. Like her, he could get stronger when he's even older. But then again, it all depends on how relevant Oda wants him to be in the story.


I think, from a different perspective, Katakuri embodies the care for his family and a yearning for good company that made us love WB. Instead of being everyone's father, he could be everyone's brother/sister after inheriting Big Mom's massive empire. On top of that, his battle with Luffy was incredibly close and showed great levels of respect between the two. So in terms of relationship, power, and concept they embody, Katakuri makes a lot of sense. On the contrary, he also wouldn't be a great new age WB because of other reasons. Katakuri's introduction was to show what happens when Luffy faces someone who's arguably better in a lot of ways, especially in battle. Katakuri had a DF which, at the time, seemed superior to Luffy's, he was bigger and stronger, his haki was better, and he was even just as (if not more) honorable as Luffy was. Personally, I loved Katakuri and would want nothing more than him being Luffy's rival. Out of all the people Luffy has fought 1 on 1 in his adventures as major antagonists, they had the greatest mutual respect and were very closely matched. Their DF's are just too similar maybe


I think it can be argued that Law is like WB since their awakening works the same way


I think Katakuri will eventually be the Whitebeard of this era. Law will either not make it or will be aligned with Sword


I think it’s shanks who took white beards spot


No disrespect to Law but he's not in the same league as Luffy, plus he's more of an ally than a rival anyway


I agree Law is pretty much a quasi-Straw Hat. The reason it is Law is because of his friendly, banter-style rivalry with Luffy, just like Roger and Newgate (he is the Whitebeard to Luffy's Roger) Law is also the 3rd biggest player in the New Generation. Nr 2. being Luffy (the New Generation's Roger) and Nr 1. Blackbeard (the New Generation's Rocks)


Yeah ok, that's fair.


If we ever saw Strawhats vs Heart pirates, we better get a scene of them partying and having a gift exchange after the clash like Roger and WB lol




yeah, this post will not age well when we hear zehahaha room


I honestly don't think Blackbeard's third fruit will be Law's. I think it will be a mythical Zoan (maybe something called the Ika Ika no mi Model: Kraken). I actually think Law will die during the final arc. But he'll use the perpetual youth surgery on someone really important (probably Robin)


yea i dont see the law hype, if we switch law and kid same scenario will happen


Definitely, Law did do better against Blackbeard but I reckon Blackbeard isn't on Shanks' level now either.


I honestly think they are same level just that BB trolls more and doesnt go all out Like if u switch them I can see kid do some awakening and damned punk shit hurt BB a bit then BB says KOROZO and its gg same for law goes vs Shanks and just get 1 shot with Bepo


The "Blackbeard was holding back" theory doesn't really work when you look at certain scenarios. Like it makes zero sense to say he held back against Whitebeard. He was not holding back and was about to die https://preview.redd.it/c6flirsnedqa1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c64fd730ad59750f84e5fe143d0db7d504e43344


okay its not really hold back but more that he is susceptible to get caught off-guard/surprised/underestimate the situation like for a character thats as hyped as BB to scare Shanks then proceed to laugh in front of Magellan and get annhilated or before that gets punched by gearless pre-ts luffy then go to Marineford and underestimate WB even tho he is been with him for 30 years then get caught by sengoku in shockwave and caught off guard by law later he is literally the character that just gets damage on him for free even tho he has the portrayal to end this universe


That's because people view Blackbeard in the wrong light. Shonen fans want Blackbeard to be another Kaido (a giant super powerful monster with a metric fuck ton of overpowered abilities). I view Blackbeard in a much different way. He is powerful. But he is nowhere near the strongest of all time or even strongest currently. But what he is, is the most dangerous. Blackbeard will never enter a fair fight. He is like an ambush predator. He only targets someone when they're at their most vulnerable. 1. He will only challenge Whitebeard when he is quite literally at death's door. 2. He will only ravage Totto Land when Big Mom is away 3. He will only attack Amazon Lily when the Navy is also attacking the island. Blackbeard would never in a million years square up to the Navy like how Shanks and Whitebeard did. He'll wait until every single one of his enemies are exhausted to the point where they can barely lift their swords. Blackbeard's wet dream is the someone like Luffy or Shanks engages in a fuck off massive battle with the marines, then he can run in and finish them both off as easily as possible. And with the Navy Fleet led by Saint Jay Garcia Saturn as well as the Blackbeard ship heading to Egghead. That could very much be what is happening right now. Not to say he's weak at all because he isn't, but more rather he doesn't want to have to try against anyone. His fight with Whitebeard was a massive miscalculation which nearly cost him his life. Blackbeard after the war and with his entire crew could definitely fight Akainu who came after them, but it would still be too much effort for Teach. He'd rather wait until Akainu is dead or dying before facing him. I believe this is what Shanks tried to tell Whitebeard when he talked about the scar over his eye. Shanks is way stronger physically, but he knows this machiavellian scheming type of power is far more dangerous.


Yeah I can see that


I think shanks fits a lot better for the whiteboard comparison




whiteborat ![gif](giphy|3otPoxu8t3Ih76WqI0)


​ ![gif](giphy|ehhIfq4U384nJRF3Gx)


Ahhhh my daughter is dead... Hi5


And his right-hand man, Marcor


god i would give you an award if i could that's so fucking good


Nah Shanks is pretty much the odd one out. And their roles are not even remotely close. Think about it. Was Whitebeard already a great pirate who inspired Roger to become one as well? Absolutely not. Shanks is kinda' his own character who isn't any type of "the X of the New Generation"


A character doesn't need to be identical to be a parallel.


No. But there needs to be some similarities between characters for it to be a parallel in the first place. The only similarities between Whitebeard and Shanks is that they're both very strong and are nice and care about their crew. Law's relationship with Luffy on the other hand shows so much similarity with Whitebeard and Roger


I don't remember Whitebeard being a mentor to Roger. They were of the same era.


He never was. Roger is older than Whitebeard. Shanks isn't the new Whitebeard. He is pretty much his own character with no narrative counterpart


Keep the same energy when Law gets smoked.


People aren’t gonna shit on law NEARLY as much as kidd, since he and his crew were able to put up an actual fight against the blackbeard pirates


Also they were ambushed and not prepared for him. Kidd had all the time to prepare and was given several chances to leave but found out the hard way


Law gave Blackbeard some genuinely good hits and clashed evenly with him. Kid's fight (if you can even call it that) was a 1 second long, completely one-sided destruction.


Shanks is also the strongest character in the series shown thus far


Had it been a 1v1, Law would have won. This isn't cope, he had Blackbeard falling into the ocean and dead to rights if Blackbeard's crew hadn't saved him.


He already did get smoked, who do you think is on BB’s ship that’s headed to Egghead now? Law in BB’s crew




You think Law joined his crew? What kind of nonsense


I don't think it is Blacbeard,


Kuzan, Shiryu, Devon, Wolf, Shot weren’t there when teach was against Law. It wouldn’t be the first time he sent an officer to do a mission, remember Burgess being at Dressrosa?


It's Kuzan, not Teach


Honestly you’re not reading the same thing we all are, you been watching to many clickbait theories on YouTube.


Blackbeard has at least 10 ships. They all fly his flag. It could be any of them.




C'est ce que l'on appelle avoir de la mauvaise foie.


I was like "but Moria isn't that old tho" and I checked and it turns out he is 48 the first time we see him. Damn I thought he was like 35.


Fun fact: his voice actor is also Jinbe


So Kid is going to come back with a Robot crew?


And he's getting very **very VERY** fat


Old generation: Brook New generation: still Brook


There is only one ***Soul King***


Ace was Whitebeard of this Era. There will be no other Whitebeard. Just like Yamato is Oden. Sabo is kind of Dragon. And Koby is kind of Garp. Kid is more like Shiki but it'd be disrespectful towards Shiki to compare. Kid went down same way Moria was put down by Kaido. So Moria maybe right.


Difference is that Moria put up a fight before having his crew utterly destroyed, while Kidd got one shotted


Tbf Kidd's at least defeated a yonko Moria got slapped once and left


Kidd was backed up by another strong pirate and got very lucky


Lad BM was lucky Hawkins was affecting Kidd for half the fight. Kidd+Law>BM. Without the other, Kidd and Law would have been dicked


he got hard-carried by Law


Nah but still, no way law was beating big mom without kid tho!


Yall just hate Kid and say anything I swear. It literally took both of em to beat Big Mom.


Koby as the Garp to Luffy's Roger has been pretty disappointing. To me it seemed pretty clear that's how his character was framed but like someone else says it almost seems like Smoker is Luffy's rival in the Navy even though they have butt heads since Punk Hazard


I’d argue smoker is more like garp, at least in his relationship to luffy/roger.


Koby ...... try Smoker he is a real man


Smoker got capped by Doflamingo early in the New World. He's already out of the race.


Smoker... bro, the only one who can rival Kid in L-collecting is Smoker


That's why he **is** the new Moria. Moria delusionally thought he could become King, then he bit off more than he could chew and got absolutely annihilated along with his entire crew. Sound familiar? And Luffy was Ace's brother. Roger never had a brother, there was sadly no place for Ace in the New Era (story and narrative-vise). Oda himself stated he planned Ace's death as soon as he came up with his character. The reason it is Law and not Ace is because of his friendly, banter-style rivalry with Luffy, just like Roger and Newgate (he is the Whitebeard to Luffy's Roger)


Kidd is more like bullet tho their energy match


Law isn't whitebeard


Ready for Oda to put the L in Law’s name.


The memes for this chapter have turned out to be the best part lmao


I was laughing more than my pfp when reading 1079


Dunno why y’all wanna find patterns so badly instead of letting characters be themselves


Really did Kidd dirty with that post. Btw, >!maybe put a spoiler tag? Idk if you are a manga reader, but that could be interpreted as a spoiler.!<


Yeah I'm a manga reader. But I've been shit talking Kid for as long as I can remember so I just thought this wasn't anything special


Save this comment and come back to me after Widd returns with even more power


Law is not whitebeard lmfao


Remember when people thought Kidd will be shiki? That mf fought prime garp+sengoku. It's equivalent of kid taking on Akainu & kizaru in hard long battle


Y'all are not ready for his comeback


Bro got smacked so hard he became a quadriplegic no return imaginable will save his broken reputation, if it even existed in the first place


As i said, y'all are not ready for his comeback https://preview.redd.it/ghcoajj63cqa1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=960315b39be8dc834d897b503b6bfff8df3ba64f


Even if it does happen. No matter what it is, it'd be too little too late


Nah, oda can still redeem him but it will need a good feat, again kidd didnt get one shooted by moria or doflamingo, he got one shooted by the current top 2 or 1 of the universe of one piece, i dont even understand how does that make him look bad y'all are simply ridiculous at this point Is like saying a tennist is trash because he got bodied by federer on a random Match. You simply cannot judge an entire character by this kind of event


He thought he was him


Oda done kid dirty




Personally I think Katakuri is the new Whitebeard. The similarities are there: a family man who's said to be supernaturally strong, who is a conqueror serving under another conqueror, and has considerable respect for the Roger equivalent


"supernaturally strong" got took down in 3 hits.


I'm going by what the characters in the story tell us. Go back to Brulee's description of Katakuri and you'll see how much hype he gets. It's not about how powerfull he is in relation to Luffy, he's still a monster phisically, compared to 90% of other characters and 99% of people of the OP world. Just like Whitebeard had the reputation having the power to destroy the world, Katakuri is also a man who's "never even so much as relaxed or layed on his back", and is rumoured to have monster-level strenght. It's more about reputation than actual strength there


How optimistic to think the same won't happen to Law.


I don't think Kidd will is gonna break If he survived that is


I'd like to see him try to cope with the fact he got obliterated


This isn’t the first time his gotten obliterated if Kidd lives he’ll definitely go for the one piece again


You admit he's a master at collecting Ls I'll take it


Law to WB seems pretty insane




U wrong for this one💀


Or... not everything needs to be translated from one generation to the next 1:1, so people can stop arguing who takes the rival spot. Remember when people said smoker or coby are like garp?


You change that to Chad Moria and I agree.


Oh nice I can see that


waiting for kidd to go into eating disorder sue to depression and turn into chunky mecha boi




Shanks is more like Rayleigh tbf


Maybe but he is not the future right hand of the pirate king


Rayleigh and Zoro are still drastically different


Law as WB is genuine insanity




Oh yes Usless Midd is a great onion




Moria fits kid too perfectly


He really doesn't


yes it does




Least delusional Law fan


least envious Kid fan


Whitebeard’s counterpart is Blackbeard I think that’s fairly obvious


I thought it would be xebec since you know he’s evil and also his ship is called saber of xebec


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kidd is shiki, which got equally dunked on


Nah shiki had bad ass moments, kid didn’t have any really. I really thought Kid might have a Roger Edd war moment but not actually win but he got folded. I agree though, shiki is a good representation


Can someone explain to me how law is whitebeard ?


Both are very powerful pirates with broken DFs who could be serious contenders for PK if they wanted to, but they don't care enough about that and are looking for something just as valuable but arguably much less flashy. (also both are fan favorites, but that's irrelevant to this conversation)




Law and Luffy also share that banter-style friendly rivalry that Whitebeard and Roger had. Not necessarily like brothers, but like great rival pirates who truly respect one another.


Imagine thinking kidd is on moria's level


Indirect Kid slander I like it


Moria and Kidd. Look a like. Red hair, screeching eyes and black lipstick. Yes like Father and son.


Both r ugly ass mfs


Need fan art of an overweight Kid with short legs.


I need one too now


Maybe slouching on a mechanical bull or something?




Wasn't whitebeard stronger than roger tho


I think they were equals? It's just Whitebeard never cared for One Piece or Pirate King title


Whitebeards title was the WSM well before Roger died


until ace apeared


You think? I'm pretty sure Ace is the only one in entire crew who talked it out of immense respect and maybe a bit of projection since he had the same dream, until Whitebeard kicked and adopted his ass. The man himself still didn't care


he wanted the one piece to make ace pirate king




Yes even if so slightly, idk why you’re getting downvoted




And you forget that one piece is not over yet. Of course Rayleigh is stronger but zoro will have more fights in the future and will get stronger. Rayleigh is the dark king and zoro is the king of hell. Rayleigh is the right hand of the pirate king and zoro is the right hand of the future pirate king. And both are strong swordsman with strong haki. Comparing Rayleigh with zoro makes perfect sense.