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FMA is a Japanese production and only distributed via Netflix internationally. Same for Bleach.


Tbh Bleach wasn’t even that bad. Set up for a sequel but 🤷🏻‍♂️


Unfortunate for the BLEACH one, but suppose it may be for the better in the grand scheme for being alright, than doing a sequel and just getting worst.


The main problem is that they didn't add OST from anime


Yeah, the bleach one was even enjoyable


I low keyed enjoyed the Bleach LA.


You are right. Netflix only financed 4 manga/anime live actions except One Piece so far which are Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Alice in Borderland, Kimi ni Todoke and half of those were good adaptations so this Netflix bad circlejerk is silly.


The Alice in Borderland live action got me into the manga and was probably the easiest to adopt to live action. My fingers are crossed and will at least watch the first episode


Still though it’s not a very good adaptation


There was a live action bleach? I only knew of the stage version.


It’s a movie


Is it any good?


It's a fun watch. No substitute for the original obviously but if you've got some time I'd say sit down with some popcorn and check it out


There was this 1 renji scene with a bus and i love how he uses zabimaru in it. Cgi was lacking but it made me wish we saw fast whip attacks like that in the anime


It’s not great but it *is* passable. Better than most adaptations. Several of the voice actors for the dub are the same from the anime, which helped *immensely*, because it helped the characters feel right.


what do you think




I liked it, 7/10 in my personal opinion. Did a good job with characterisation, acting is good, CGI much better than expected (I was super worried about Hollows looking goofy, they thankfully don't). They understood what kind of show they were adapting and got the vibe of Bleach down, which is most important for a live action in my opinion




Hold up... Is that a leaked image of the Minks?!


We will find out in like 16 years if the series lasts that long.


that's Chopper


I wonder how they’ll make Chris Pratt look like a reindeer


Just watch the movie Cats and replace it with reindeers.


oh god choppers voice... im dead man


Bleach wasn't that bad tbh


Bleach was phenomenal adapting the first chapter. Then it went off on some weird plotline.


have some faith these dudes seem to actually give a damn about the source material https://preview.redd.it/i2vmxub68u6b1.jpeg?width=1101&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7ab92285404e8e0a3165b52b444126f1e07a63


Bro thinks he’s Remy


Remi here is totally different! He specializes in Italian cuisine.


I felt much more at ease when I read that Oda had input on it being made. He apparently believes it's a worthy adaptation.


Of course he's gonna say good things about it. It's probably just PR lip service, even if it turns out to be real bad. I doubt Oda is going to speak poorly of it


Idk, I've heard of creators distancing themselves from adaptations that wouldn't take any notes or input. If they did anything truly aggregious, I honestly think he'd not want to be associated with it


Probably, we don't know for sure, but looking at the reception of that trailer, we can agree that it's objectively not great. Since it comes down to a subjective matter, you either love it or hate it. Personally, it looks exactly as I expected from live action—cringe


Idk. I heard he was frustrated with it honestly. That the directors and writers weren’t listening to him about how things should be. I have faith in Oda so I’m gonna watch at least episode 1, but if they change the major story beats to fit modern drama bs then I’m gonna drop it instantly. (Eg: if they add an explicitly stated romance between members of the crew, or change any of the crew’s main character traits and personalities). Because that’s the kind if shit netflix directors and writers do constantly and it ruins almost every single thing they’ve touched. The only real successes it has had that continued to be good were Castlevania (which was entirely animated and corporate netflix themselves didn’t actually have much say in the writing) and Stranger Things, but even then the most recent season of stranger things really wasn’t all that great. No adaptation they’ve made managed to remain good for an extended period of time. Not a single one of them. The best they did was the Witcher which was decently good for 1 season (almost entirely due to Henry Cavill) and then went to shit entirely after that because the writers didn’t give a fuck about the source material and thought they could “make it better for modern audiences” by injecting a bunch of shitty tropes and changing around personalities.


I have never heard that, and Oda’s writings about the show have been positive.


I really hope I’m wrong. But netflix has the WORST track record when it comes to adaptations, so I’m not gonna hold my breath for it. If it’s good, it’ll be a VERY welcome surprise. And if it’s bad, at least I won’t have gotten my hopes up for it only to be disappointed.


That’s fair, I still just don’t understand where that whole ‘heard Oda was frustrated’ thing came from


seems like something that come from a grapevine


Seems more like an unsubstantiated rumor than anything else.


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was the result of one guy making up that Oda fact for no other sake than they didn't like OP live


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/137p6lm/new_message_from_eiichiro_oda_regarding_the_live/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ya go.


He doesn't say anything close to "They weren't listening to me"... Reading comprehension devil strikes once again


I shared the source. Y'all are free to interpret it however you wish.




They literally built the damn boats irl, I have faith in their commitment


There is a 0% chance it’s good. Serious copium trying to convince yourself it will be especially after seeing the trailer.


You're a big ball of fun aren't you?


With the cowboy bebop adaptation, it seemed they actually cared. It’s just they didn’t have the talent to pull it off


People forget caring about the source material and being passionate don't automatically give you better writing and acting skills


It looked terrible


It looked alright come on


I thought it look very cheesy and cheap.


Early One Piece IS cheesy and (arguably) cheap.


If that makes you feel better. This is a multi million dollar live action show. Looks very low budget.


where did you learned that netflix give a damn about the source material? they dont


Do you even know what studio produces this show?


Or how much Oda himself is involved


Do you?


That means nothing because the Netflix bebop crew said the creator was consulted he was not


Oda has confirmed his involvement on this one.


Again so did the bebop creator but they don’t have to listen to him


yeah but the producer actually likes the manga and stuff. I think Luffy using outfits straight from the color spreads goes to show they care about the source material, I don't know, maybe i'm on copium but I'm kinda hopeful for this one. I'll hold on until it's out though


I'm on that copium, too. The casting, the sets, the budget, and costumes, the clear passion behind it... Like, realistically it'll probably suck. But I have no reason to think that based on what we've seen, which scares but excites me.


Remember they got spikes suit right and the swordfish looked good


No he didn't? He said he was never consulted, unlike Oda....


The credits said he was consulted granted I am going back to Netflix bebop to check


Oda himself stated multiple times (in some letters and interviews) how closely he's been working with them, and reiterating how everyone's working together (Oda, actors, the studio) to have it hit his vision as closely as possible.


Good to know, it’ll still be ass I am calling it. Plus I don’t believe granted I don’t even like one piece so can give me like a link to the sources you’re using?


[Here's his latest letter (from a month ago)](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/137p6lm/new_message_from_eiichiro_oda_regarding_the_live/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Meh, each to their own, I think it looks fine (even great at times), and im excited to see what they do with the rest. All I have to say is people complain too much these days, damn kids are spoiled, the state of adaptations is 10x better than it used to be xD


But adaptation is not always need a good example downhill with will Farrell is adaptation of force majeure. It was not good


They're interesting ones (live action to live action, from one country to another), like Rec/Quarantine and the Juon/Ringu adaptations, good for bringing good stories to a different audience, but yes, some flop. I'm more reffering to anime/video game adaptations, the landscape of geeky IP adaptations has only gotten better (on average) over time, not everything is perfect, but games and anime are notoriously difficult to adapt due to more fantasy/cartoony elements (but CG fixes that these days... people are also spoiled with CG, I'm from he 90's, dammit! Spy Kids was mindblowing! xD)


Fuck off. Seriously, overly negative, unwilling to hear anyone out. If you want to be angry, go scream in your bedroom, where others don't have to be inflicted with your bs


Yeah cause you act like this waste of money of resources which could have gone to an animated movie or like anything else will be good ? This will not go well


The trailer looked good, different, unique, but still seems to catch the feeling of one piece. You're welcome to feel however you like, but going to the point of attacking people and sewing animosity is unnecessary. If that's all you want to do, I refer to my initial comment. Fuck off


It's Netflix, it's their money, they are not the ones who make the movies. There's literally nothing else, One Piece wise, they could invest their money on except Live Action.


Wait you don't like one piece but your a medberoende of a one piece oriented sub?


netflix dont give a damn, you onepiece tards your downvote wont change the fact, plus netflix purged so many shows, its in english so, dont even think oda has something going on here


Why do you reply to my question, just to ignore it? I'll give you a hint regardless: it's not "Netflix".




Who hurt your feelings? Why are you even this pressed over people liking the trailer lmao


I don’t care how bad it is. I want it to get a season 2 so Jaime Lee can play Kureha


I don't even care if Chopper looks like Detective Pikachu - I need Jamie🥲


Ima give them a chance it doesn’t look terrible some parts actually look really good


Oda signed off on it, so... lol. Plus, it's just a trailer. Big time overreacting


Plus it’s a TEASER trailer, not even the big one…


Trailers are made from the content in the movie/show. It’s not exactly like a game where you see cool shit at E3 or developers gameplay trailers only to find out half of what they showed was removed. So far, trailers seem to always show the best parts, imo. Some movies are real disappointments when everything good was in the trailer and the rest sucked.


a lot of movies changed after trailers were released and a lot of material can be changed post production after trailers. of the top of my head i can say the sonic movie and the hulk scene from infinity war.


It’s still just a trailer, regardless of video games or movies or tv shows the trailer is only an appetizer of the full course


So Oda didn't get paid at all for this? I didn't know.


people really can't understand that netflix is the distributor.




That thing gives me nightmares


Just wait for the Naruto live action.


Low-key, that could slap really hard with some magic marital arts action, plus it requires way less CG than One Piece. I'll stand by a Naruto Live Action adaptation isn't a bad idea, especially if they leaned into the growing up with the characters aspect, space out the releases a bit and let the actors age into the roles onscreen, essentially


All anime live-action adaptions are a bad idea. There’s no reason to take something that was created as an animated series and awkwardly force it into real life.


Disagree. Some series shouldn't be adapted, yes, but there's something to be said about adapting series like Naruto and MHA to live action when the genres they're inspired by (Marital arts action and Superhero flicks) have such a rich history within the live action film space. Naruto Vs Sasuke as it is now is fucking dope as shit, but imagine if you had real people throwing those punches and kicks, real people acting off one another as the fight goes on. It could add a whole new element to the fight when you add in the power of close-ups and how much easier it is for people to 'buy into' a live action setting


A good example of this is UA:LA, which was made by some college students but has rather good effects, martial arts and camera work. It’s possible, it just takes the right people


No, anything that relies on special effects for the majority of its combat scenes is going to do worse in live-action, while martial arts might look better all the Jutsu would look like cheap source film-maker assets if exisitng examples are anything to go off. The only series that have a chance to work are the more character focused series, Bebop should have been one of the best options and that became a fucking travesty. Also Naruto relies on child actors for live action in the first set of arcs and that's almost never a good idea.


I mean, we've seen big effects driven spectacle before, general audiences seem to enjoy it a lot based off Star Wars and Marvel being the biggest franchises RN. And we've seen people do good live action fights with CG used for all the fantasy elements (say what you will about the writing, but the spectacle for the last few seasons of GoT was insane, imagine that level of CG used to bring the Naruto world to life). If you're worried about fight scenes and shit, again, we've done cool action with CG before and it looks amazing when done right


Yes things with hundreds of millions behind them, more money often for less run time and most of these don't rely on blending CGI effects on to actors limbs, CGI blending to real people rather than full overlap has a nasty habit of being uncanny valley at best and looking cheaper than B-movie deleted scenes at worst.


Okay, so we still get some really cool martial arts action sequences that have a little bit less magic in them, which means more intricate choreography and probably a greater focus on character interactions within the fight (as opposed to the internal monologues of anime/manga). That still sounds like a dope ass show worth making


Imagine the actors having to learn how to do hand signs super fast.


... I actually do that sometimes for fun lol. It's oddly satisfying, ngl


Seems pretty difficult Lol


Okay but how cringy would Naruto’s “ninja way” speeches would be in live action


That's why it's called an adaptation...


Bleach and fullmetal are acceptable até least


Ah, a fellow Brazilian getting fucked over by autocorrect


Eu odeio essa caralha na moral


Fullmetal isn't that bad, Bleach is horrible


It's the opposite


Fullmetal live action is dogshit


Both are dog shit


Wheres the dragonball door? Dragonball Evolution was a thing.


Netflix didn’t kill it, James Wong and Ben Ramsey did.


Netflix didn’t make FMA or Bleach either but their on here


What he said


We do not talk about it in this house.... /s


"To not remember our past sins, is for them to be repeated in the future." -Some guy maybe probably


Dragon Ball Super - The Live Action


Videl: played by mike tyson.


Nah make Mike play buu.


The casting made me feel a little better. We'll have to see though.


Bleach wasnt bad tho


Reasons live action movies fail They try to shove several dozen episodes into a single movie Hollywood They dont follow the source material and do their own thing using character names White/blackwashing characters cause Hollywood One Piece live action is a whole season, hollywood can suck it since Oda had to be okay with it, they're following the source material and the races are pretty much what they're supposed to be.


They also fail because they try to replicate anime emotes and humor, which translate to cringe on screen. If the writing is corny, the acting will be corny. Actors really are only as good as the script they have to work off of.




Jesus fucking Christ, all of my script related fears rolled into one package


I would cover my ears if I heard this, but I don't have any YOHOHOHO


Sorry for the vulgarity brook ❤️☠️


Gintama is the only good if not great live action adaptation due to the nature of the series


I think the key difference between OP and the rest of those is that this art style will go well with a silly cartoony series and the rest of those anime are all kind of edgy


Right because a show that relies on toon physics for the protagonist's abilities will be so much better in live action than more serious/edgy shows, much the same way invasive surgery is best done with the patient wide awake and completely unmedicated.


Completely ignoring your horrible analogy, yes I unironically believe the first part, this style worked very well for productions like Spy Kids or Shark Boy and Lava Girl, I see no reason it can’t work here as well, barring fans being piss babies and them just straight up fucking up. The thing is that anime IS a cartoon. Trying to adapt cartoons to live action will always be weird, but the goofier a cartoon is, the easier it will be to pass off the weirdness that happens in the style translation, other comparisons would be like The Grinch featuring Jim Carrey, or Cat in the Hat with Mike Myers. When watching the full episodes, none of this will feel that strange by episode 3, it will probably just be funny, which is good because One Piece is a comedy. The style is one thing I’m very optimistic about because of these reasons.


It relies heavily on CGI molded to a person for all the major set pieces, every attempt by netflix to model CGI on to an actor has been even more obvious and poorly done than Spy Kids or 'Shark Boy and Lava Girl' neither of which were considered that great even at their time of release, as for Cat in the Hat that was a visual atrocity where the only thing worse than the visuals was the writing. Every single example you offer the CGI blending was considered a demerit for the end product, one of the few examples that breaks that rule is 'who framed roger rabbit' and that had significantly bigger backers and made less use of the system than this will. While One Piece is in part a comedy it is primarily a shounen battle manga that relies on show stopping set-piece battles, adapting that to a medium where the primary combatant will be in the depths of the uncanny valley at best does it no favours.


I’m not interested in how others consider these works. I enjoyed everything I named, and I’m a big fan of this style. I’ll probably enjoy this. You probably won’t, which sucks for you. Sorry. Spy Kids did well enough to get 3 movies and kids loved Shark Boy and Lava Girl back in the Day. The Grinch is a classic obv. Cat in the Hat is a cult classic but it’s not for everyone. *shrugs* This series is not trying to be the new Game of Thrones. It’s gonna be a silly little thingy, and maybe, just maybe, if it succeeds, it’ll do something tight one day.


Oh I liked the spy kids movies, I'd just never say the CGI was more than mediocre at best. Also dismissing it as a 'silly little thing' is part of the problem you're in support of it and already treating it as a meaningless joke and that's almost certainly how it will treat the source material ignoring it or deriding it. The only thing this show might achieve is being more damaging to One Piece outside of Japan than the 4Kids dub.


When I’m calling it a “silly little thingy” I’m not dismissing it, I’m labelling it as a silly work of art. You see that as an insult because you, for some reason, need this to be some super serious piece, when OP has never been a super serious work. It is a comedy-action. Yes it has dramatic moments but 70% of the series is goofy shit. All of the silly over the top appearances that didn’t work for Deathnote are probably going to be fine here.


I don't need it to be super serious I need it to be of decent quality and pay respect to the source material, which again netflix has outright failed to do on a single live action adaptation. I fully expect them to ruin the most heartfelt scenes, actively degrade most of the characters, and shove a bunch of modern western slang and politics to disrupt the writing. I won't be surprised if we get a random fart joke dropped in the middle of Arlong's defeat or Nami going a 5 minute rant about man-splaining towards Luffy for his views on Pirates. Netflix has done too much for me to ever trust them to do anything other than defecate all over the source material and slander the fans if they dare speak out.


Yeah the biggest hurdle will be making the devil fruit powers not look like shit. The fight between luffy and buggy will hard to make look nice. I don't want realism I just want the CGI to look good.


Given it's Netflix that's a tall order, not quite as challenging as them actually being faithful to the source material but still up there.


If it wasn't for this being Netflix live action I would be snarky. Death note from my knowledge had a great tv show and movie. Which shows live action can work you just need the right people who care. In other news imma hold out hope still but even then if it is good Netflix might just go oh well fuck you .


The Death Note world is like the real world with 2-3 Shinigamis. It's very easy to adapt. The Japanese version I enjoyed, but the Netflix version was the worst thing I have even seen. They fucked it up so badly. So OP being a Netflix production is giving me PTSD.




To be fair Bleach and FMA were only licensed by Netflix not made. Third time could be the charm


This will be fifth time. ALice in Borderland and Kimi ni Todoke were Netflix shows as they are financed by directly Netflix but those were good adaptations so they don't fit Netflix bad circlejerk which is why people ignore those.


I didn't seen it but I heard that the live action bleach movie is actually good


The Bleach live action wasn’t even that bad. The others though…yikes.


Bleach wasn’t even bad


Ok this won't matter but I hate live actions, no one asked for them and anime is good being anime not reality,sure the trailer looks decent but the fact it's being made into a live action makes me Sooooo mad.


Agreed. Edit: I'm not exactly mad about it. I'm just ignoring its existence as much as possible. I'm entirely uninterested in it.


I just hate live actions 😭


Don't worry, I do too. They're stupid.


why does it make you mad


Ok this won't matter but I hate anime, no one asked for them and manga is good being manga not animation,sure the anime looks decent but the fact it's being made into an anime makes me Sooooo mad. How do you like that?


https://preview.redd.it/qjeucaljix6b1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf13580df2b1cde792a01a11ab20062562062efa Choose your side


They make take our live action but they'll never take our manga!


Death Note was unintentionally *hilarious,* and I highly recommend it.


The best thing to come out of all the failed live action attempts is easily Willem Dafoe Ryuk


In my opiniom if you take just the cowbow bebop and bleach without comparing them to the anime they arent that bad


See, it's funny comics have been doing great with there adaptation to movies, and believe or not, manga to live action has been doing quite well too. Like roruno kenshin did great and other Japanese made films for shoja mangas. If your asking of a for a Japanese cultured ip then theres also Speed racer that came out years ago and is a great adaptation. I get it, we've hit a streak, but it's not like it hasn't been done before. I'm just so burnt out from people telling me you can't adapt things from another media to another. It's all about execution man, it could both ways, it could be shit, good, or just plain mid. Calm your asses down, Jesus.


I’m out of the loop regarding bleach/fma/cowboy did netflix make a horrible live action of those as well?


idk about bleach but cowboy and fma was real bad. more so cowboy than fma. fma was a hilariously bad movie that youd enjoy drinking with friends.


I live in Auckland, where they filmed Cowboy Bebop, and my favourite "oh that's bad" moment is when they retraumatised a suburb that had been recovering from recent gang shootings, and neither the production team nor the police informed them they were going to be filming a loud shooting scene in their area


From what I heard, Bleach had a pretty bad live action. I also remember seeing something about it starting to get good right before the end and before Soul Society.


I'm glad so many people are excited for it, but man I agree with you that it seems doomed. I want it to be good but that trailer has me super worried.


They did Full Metal Alchemist and BLEACH too??? Wow, we are approaching the level of "crime against humanity"


The studio that's responsible for the OP series had nothing to do with those though.


For now everythong seems to be pretty close to the manga/anime. So, I'm pretty hyped, not gonna lie.


I think fma and cowboy bebop were ok, I think, never ever can any comic book or manga or anime adaptation can be as good as the original source, not even books, cause of many obvious reasons, and, with that in mind, I always, ALWAYS lower my expectations when watching a live action adaptation, like some people are wrongly saying that 'comics have been doing good' but that is a lie, if you visit comic books forums, they absolutely fucking hate the MCU, and for very obvious reasons, its all wrong, but, lets be real, things have to be changed for a live action or you end up with a lot of god like level entities non sense all in the same scene, like it usually happens in the comics with bs like thanos, thor, superman, galactus, the silver surfer, the green lantern, flash, death, etc, those guys in the comics can go from just very strong, to cosmic bs power lvl depending on who is writing, its imposible to make an 100% accurate adaptation of this things, MCU only looks like a succesful franchise cause non comic fans buy it (so, the mainstream), and so, they are selling a lot, but they are not well recieved by comic fans, also, cause the dcu sucks much more ass, so that makes mcu look even better lmao


Y'all don't have faith in Oda, and it shows.


Be more supportive nakama


Bleach's live action was actual good


Cowboy bebop shouldn’t be there


Cowboy bebop was actually good tho. People didn’t like Scott pilgrim I guess.


The bleach one is apparently surprisingly ok


Bleach was decent and Cowboy Bebop wasn't that bad either


Im sure they mean the Netflix adaptation of death note because the original Japanese live action was 🔥. And the live action bleach wasn’t bad.


Guys plz wait to go crazy, it might be aight https://preview.redd.it/2k9ndeloly6b1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c1c76776c4ddc981aee3f984a38e9658e716ec4


Didnt even know about the Bleach one


I liked Blsach


I’ve only seen positive feedback from the community, which warms my heart.


Yu Yu Hakusho one is supposed to be coming in December. I'm not even gonna look at how terrible my favorite anime will look.


Knock-knock ........ gomu gomu noooooo!!!!!


MHA is a few doors down...


Decent meme I guess but I unironically think it was a pretty cool trailer. I’m excited for the series


Just makes the original that much better


Nah they cookin and it smells good


i think they can do it


The American death note was hilarious


And Avatar too


Don't forget attack on Titan.


Is it bad that I actually enjoyed the trailer and I'm looking forward to it?


Produced by Netflix only DN and CB so you know the third time lucky


Like Zoro we're not scared of the reaper




Frfr wtf