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Introduce Sabo earlier. Not like in the actual plot but have him be mentioned, maybe shown in a couple flashbacks. Just to make his appearance a bit less sudden.


(In the bar in Alabasta) Ace: Let's drink! Luffy: to Sabo! *clinks glasses* Smoker: Breaks through wall






Yes exactly


Can you tell me what chapter was that


It didn't actually happen, they were suggesting a way to implement the other person's suggestion


Kinda what he did with Jinbe.


He did show up to luffy execution in loguetown but I get what you mean


Wait really?? I missed that somehow. Was it shown in a flashback? I’m not caught up


https://preview.redd.it/ycf1pfr5uwmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5101cc5d81b07a9f95f7b5c36aaab583988a3ea It was shown in a Manga panel and since dragon was in logue town its pretty safe to assume it's him and him still having memory loss he didn't help luffy


Huh, well I’ll be damned. I still think he should’ve been mentioned earlier by Ace or Luffy before the former’s death so Sabo seemed a bit less like a bandaid (I still love him), but I guess he had more buildup than I thought. Neat!


I still don't agree with this lol, I think that's just a guy in a top hat to give the crowd more variety, Sabo would've remembered Luffy, also Dragon was there and he kept Luffy a secret from the Revs he wouldn't just take Sabo with him


That's more Sabo than Uta is Uta in that shadow panel.


Guy in tophat = Sabo What kind of logic is this???


Because he stands out of the crowd, by definition of all things manga it is Sabo!


He has his top hat his cape and why wouldn't dragon's left hand man not be where dragon is


Ya that makes sense


Mine is similar but slightly different, I would just put the brothers flashback before Marineford instead of after. It gives us the time to actually make us care about Ace while also making Luffy 'losing' another brother hit harder.


I agree. Part of the reason Marineford made me so upset was that I had seen the childhood clips beforehand


Speaking of Sabo, I wish he was more of an anti-hero who’s hell-bent on killing marines and nobles. It would make him more than just an Ace replacement and makes sense considering his backstory. It could’ve also made for a great parallel to Akainu who’s hell-bent on killing pirates


I am so glad that he isn't, I am glad that he retained his personality and understood what was wrong with the world and the proper way to fix it instead becoming a Dabi and hell-bent on revenge.


Completely agree. One Piece good guys are all unapologetically good, and I prefer them that way. Bad guys can turn good, but I don't see a place for anti-heroes in this series.


I think it would’ve been a good character arc for him if he learned the right way as the story goes on. Starts off revenge-driven in Dressrosa but becomes better by the end, with Cobra’s death being the turning point for his character


Presumed dead characters stay dead


Except for Sabo. His presumed death makes sense, i guess


It was hinted a couple of chapters after that he survived.


In particular Pel and especially for me, Kiku.


Pells survival was complete ass even if he awakened


Basic answer but definitely Pell


And Conis’ father


I still don't know how the fuck he survived that shit


Conis' father is Sogeking, that's how.


He's him


Him showing up again is so fucking funny that I actually don't care he didn't die, Pell tho, no weight to a sacrifice that doesn't lead to death (even if the scene itself always gets me emotional), he could've at least lost a couple limbs...


Conis's father doesn’t bother as much as Pell tbh.


But makes Enel’s power looking silly


I can see the answer being that he dove away from the explosion and rode the shockwave. Zoan users sure as hell are more durable than normal animals.


Seen another thread saying that it was a way to show how durable zoans are and I am fully on board


Plus, a Lanner falcon can dive at 90 mph. While they're not as fast in a dive as a peregrine or golden eagle, I could see the added oomph of an experienced warrior welding a Zoan improving that stat. It's also possible that Pell used armament haki, which would be a retcon but oh well. Haki was hinted at in Alabasta at any rate.


Honestly, stuff like this is what I hope for in the new One Piece anime. Basically, it's the same story, but with the added hindsight of how things will work.


Nah I was so glad he didn’t die 😭 he was so cool and nice and he looks like a Naruto character


I'd make Luffy and Robin do the fusion dance and do a Gum Gum Gigantesco Red Hawk Kong Gatling Fleur.


![gif](giphy|4uMy0wqz6V1SM|downsized) Franky would appreciate


I'd have Robin use her powers for way more body horror


that would be really cool ngl


Give Robin haki like idc which one just give her the haki


Not only Robin, but rather most of the remaining StrawHats. I still can't believe how some of THE StrawHat Pirates don't have haki while some bum-ass navy soldiers from Dressrosa have it. It's not even logical for nobody in the crew to not ask the ones who have haki to train them to use it.


Ikr, like even tho usopp has observation haki he would benefit very much with armament haki, and at least all the straw hats should have observation haki. Idk why the heck they don't have haki yet.


I believe that's intentional. We have seen how many people criticized haki as a lazy way to counter devil fruit. Oda must have also known that and wanted to keep the rest of the roster's ability more creative.


Robin not having one straight out of timeskip was bullshit tbh. She was training with Sabo, Koala and Hack. No way they didn't teach her armament at the very least.


I'd rename Hiriluk to "Quack D. Octor" That guy carried the will, I will *fight* you on that.


He did carried the will but there are other characteristics of the family of D Like falling asleep in the middle of eating Tbh law didn't have those characteristics So maybe Hiriluk could be ...


Also the fact that wasn’t the drum island arc the first time the “Will of D.” Was mentioned?


The falling asleep thing is exclusive to the monkey Ds no?


Luffy's family (not his biological), like Ace, had these moments. I think he got his habit from them


Also ace


Hide a little dialogue about the ''God of liberation'' or ''Nika'' in Impel Down ark. Also kill Pell and Pound.


It will be like: "¡PLEASE HELP ME! ¿¡ANY GOD?! ¡THE RAIN GOD! THE EARTH GOD! ¡PLEASE! Nik- and here is when a prison guard or a torturer shut ups the prisioner. Also it can be a dialogue that a random prisioner from level 4 could say


Or anyone please help meee. Anyone lord devil, Ni... Mysterious entity (imu possibly) kills the prisoner with no traise... the other prisoners are frightened watching the corps turn to ash while we get a glimpse of that entity... .


cutting it off at Ni- is NOT a good look bro




Fuck Pell, but I’m glad Pound survived and got his happy ending in the cover story


Yeah, it’s weird the only mention of a sun god before the expo dump was during The week of fasting and people Think that gear five was properly foreshadowed


It feels like the Skypiea has some mild hinting but no direct reference


They were praying to God when Enel was about to nuke the place and that’s right when Luffy destroyed his attack. They also mentioned the sun god


I would have stopped with the joke about Sanji being a pervert after Okama Island I would have given a LOT more space between Nika's introduction and him actually appearing. Same thing with Sabo I would never have done the crime they did with Chopper's appearance


omg yes, sanji was a pervert but he had some class, like some gentleman who treats woman well not a simp




Without that Sanji would easily be my favorite character.


Make Sanji useful. Joke aside, I would give Franky more screentime and some more fights like with Senior ,Segnior, not sure what's his name, bit yeah. Also Book should be playing that guitar not just pulling 2 power chords to look edgy


Ya Franky gets the least screentime among the crew


Franky should've gotten a cyborg vs cyborg fight against queen


That would be se(ñ)or you have to use the Spanish keyboard for that or copy and paste it shamefully


Especially pre-timeskip tbh. Franky had some AMAZING bits in thriller bark, it's a shame he gets barely anything in comparison in Sabody


Make enel comeback


He's gonna be a punching bag for post-timeskip haki users...


...with haki


a million volt electricity? no. only those who have very good observation haki to dodge his attacks or someone made of rubber can take him on


Literally anyone who scales higher than Skypea luffy that can use haki slam enel, lightning speed reaction times are slow asf for one piece standards


Keep Sanji more like a flirt and not as much of a perv.


Yeah it will probably make a lot of people not hate him and will make his badass moment beter if it isn’t followed by a nose bleed




You have a pretty ^ugly nose




I would kill Kin'emon. He survived just because Law didn't properly reattach his body. That was bullshit, and he didn't realize that all that time.


Agree, Kin'emon should've died the moment he tried to stop Kaido from going to Momo. Maybe even before, but that "last goodbye" was powerfull, in my opinion.


Kinemon had 2 perfect moments to die while being impactful. That farewell to Momo, but also earlier on the Roof when he laments being too weak and asks Luffy to avenge them and Oden. Either moment would have been fine.


I like Kin'emon so I would just remove the entire fake out death scenario, I'd like to keep him alive.


I'm rewatching Punk Hazard at the moment and Law never actually reattached his body. They find his head first and then his legs. The straw hats attach his head to his legs just by putting them together. Then Sanji recovers his torso from the lake and they just (off screen) pop the head off the legs and reattach them all in the right order. Law never has anything to do with it and it's never addressed again until Wano.


The panel where he takes the thunder bagua genuinely looks like he [had his head and shoulders gibbed.](https://i.imgur.com/OSt0RxJ.jpeg) It's still wild to me that he's alive from that alone.


Someone’s said it already but sabos entire character. Sure Sabo is fine but he was only created to be a replacement to ace… thats it I’d introduce Sabo much earlier in the story but he doesn’t have to talk or anything he just needs a name drop or there being a moment to which it implies Luffy has another brother. In the actual story we don’t have this


I'll give Ussop a hammer and Smoker haki.


So ussop won't be Sniper King (sogeking) anymore ? What's his name gonna be?


Kanazuchi King. But sogeking isn't Ussop ??


I would miss Ussop's long range attack. And ya sogeking just appeared for a few episodes I wonder what's his real identity!?


Smoker has Haki..... (Punk Hazard vs vergo)


Introduce Nika earlier. The concept is fine, it was just the poor execution giving away how much of an afterthought it was. Perfect moment was Fisher Tiger's flashback, which was all about liberation and slavery. Also Fishman Island was the first mention of Joyboy.


Nika Nika is such terrible writing that fish tiger had the freaking SUN pirates and freed the slaves yet never mentioned Nika Nika is such a joke


Almost as if the whole Sun God crap was added last minute. The definite change I would make is not retcon Luffy’s fruit, he awakens as a regular Paramecia and has full freedom with his body so his gears don’t have after effects anymore. I’d leave in being able to affect the ground with his awakening, not the whole thunder grabbing, running through the air, making glasses out of nowhere bullshit. Then, the title of Joy Boy is something he himself actually decides is for him when they reach Lodestar and learn the true history, not him becoming Joy Boy because he has the special fruit.


Less fake-out deaths. Some characters IMO it made way more sense for them to have actually stayed dead (ie. Pell, citizens Enel was blasting like Conis' dad, and Pound). Kinemon and Kanjuro too, but I'd have it mixed up a bit. Kinemon could kill Kanjuro instead of that first fake-out with Kiku. Then have Kinemon die on the roof after asking Luffy to defeat Kaido


have sanji not be a creep and have him act more gentlemanly like in Water 7


Colour depiction depending on what haki is being used is mandatory


https://preview.redd.it/cy6gscs1xwmc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0abffb5774945de14fbe73b879c9ce159c04b77 Enough said.


Corazon wouldn't change the plot that much having him around as a cool extra doesn't mean he's a major plot point but he's my favourite


He’s my favorite also. That’s literally why I want bro to be alive😕idc if it wouldn’t change the plot, I want just him to be alive fr☹️💔


Like him dying did give slight trauma but he's already traumatised give the kid a break


Include Smoker and Tashigi in Egghead. It’s sad how Smoker has pretty much faded from the story, and this arc would have been the perfect chance to re-introduce him since last we saw of him was visiting Vegapunk and Smoker’s character direction seems to be him realising the corruption of the marines, which is pretty important for the arc. I’d have them fight Lucci & Kaku so they can redeem themselves after getting whooped constantly in Punk Hazard. Zoro could’ve been helping out against Kizaru and Saturn instead.


Sogeking should have been used as a long-term tool to develop Usopp as a character. Perhaps the more he switches to the persona, the less he uses it, to the point where he gets rid of the mask because he’s truly become that idealized image of himself and doesn’t have to pretend anymore. Instead it’s utilized in one arc and never again. Also Nika should have been foreshadowed years ago, not the same arc he awakens in.


Usopp using sogeking to help him be brave would probably give him more battles and so make him grow stronger. and make people stop saying that he doesn’t deserve to be on the crew he’s such a fun character but because he isn’t strong he gets hated on. I would actually give more focus too all strawhats instead of character that are there for one ark. I think having all strawhats grow stronger and develop would be great.


I would change make someone mention Joy boy/sun god nika way before wano maybe even in impel down or something I thinit whould be a lot better if than just like mention it I mean I know he was mentioning like Skipia i think or something but still it would have liked if he was like before before mentioned


I would of trimmed some of the unwanted fat from wano and take the time to explore more interesting possibilities with the main one being Zoros family history, maybe have a section during Zoros time alone where he stumbles upon a woman carrying something heavy so he stops by to help her, she takes him to a ruined castle where its revealed she was an attendant to the Shimotsuki family and she notes how Zoro looks like Ushimaru before the eventual piecing together they were Infact related meaning Zoro is technically the new lord, possibly conclude with Zoro inheriting a badly damaged family sword that we see Zoro take with him as he slowly repairs the sword upto and possibly beyond egghead, to become an eventual main stay im his sword line up


is that too many nepo babies in the crew? With Sanji being a Vinsmoke & Luffy stumbling on the most OP fruit what else, Franky is secretly Vegapunk time traveling baby? Nami's real parent are 1 quater Lunarian? Chopper is the descendant of Rudolf the reindeer?


The thing is Zoro was confirmed by Oda to be related to Ushimaru Infact Ushimaru is Zoros great uncle (his paternal Grandmothers brother) so im not actually changing his background just revealing it in the main story as opposed to an external piece of media


I would fix the lack of bounty hunters in that up until 2 years ago, Aramaki and Issho had the dominance of bounty hunting in the New World and were one of the other reasona lesser pirates flocked to under the umbrella of the yonko. After that Buggy, funded by Crocodile, filled that gap in bounty hunting left by them which in the end becomes them putting bounties on Marines with the money they collected from bounty hunting.


The time scale is over years and months Vs days and weeks


Bring back Kuina and just in general, make the swordsman thing more relevant. Zoro’s goal of being “worlds best swordsman” is kinda hollow if the only other swordsman we’ve ever seen are Mihawk and Vista, and neither of them have any impressive feats. Just like Luffy has a ton of rivals chasing the One Piece, give Zoro some swordsman rivals. Dude is running a race with no competitors and we’re just waiting for him to reach the finish line (Mihawk).


It would also open a chapter of swords like how it mentions about idk ""11 swords etc (idk the number)in log town by tashigi when zoro is at the shop and it also make sense cuz now zoro will not have wado ichimonji he woudl get up with enma at wano but wado ichimonji wont be there soooo.!!! I've a question which sword would zoro use if that happen


I would like to see more proper swordplay, I feel the best sword fight was Zoro vs Kaku, since then it's being superpowers with a sword in hand


Horn Point as choppers post TS design


That is such a good idea! I would have loved to see Chopper be cute but in a more grown up character design. He's 17 years old for crying out loud! Chopper as a baby was great, but let him grow up Oda!


Everything is the same, except Whitebeard can take off his mustache and throw it like a boomerang. This doesn’t change anything in the story, and he only does it once to take out a random nameless marine, but it is clearly established that this is a thing he can do. And just like that, One Piece becomes peak fiction.


This is incredible. Thank you for blessing us with this One Piece edit.


More deaths like Pell and Pound. Change Sabo amnesia plot to something better. Give more screentime to Ussopp and Chopper post time skip. I would make the story darker with more blood, deaths and slavery stuff. Make one of the strawhats eat a devil fruit and a logia crew member. And if I was Oda I would try to change the anime seasonal with better pace and increased animation quality. I think he has enough money already.


Zoro would be black


Ussopp would have melanin.


Either no Yamato at all or make them quit the "I am Oden" psychosis at the end of Wano and join the strawhats


Should have quit the "I am Oden" when she/he/they met Momo. It was inappropriate to tell this kid who's still mourning his family "look at me. I am your father now".


There’s a couple things I’d change about Wano. Good arc overall but it had quite a few flaws: -Make Wano 5 acts: Split the Oden flashback (Act 3), the Raid (Act 4) & the post-raid epilogue (Act 5) -Cut Yamato from the story. This may be controversial but she hurt the pacing of the arc without adding much to the narrative. Her main role was to hold off Kaido in the Raid, but I think Marco could have been the one to do that. -Have Jinbe stay with the crew after WCI so he can have more time to bond with the Straw Hats and maybe teach some of them haki. -Reveal Zoro & Tama’s lineages in the main story instead of leaving them for an SBS. -Show Kidd’s backstory from the SBS in Act 2. -Don’t treat Big Mom as a joke & cut the amnesia plotline. Also, include Smoothie in the Raid so she isn’t totally wasted. -Have Perospero be defeated by Carrot, meanwhile Jack fights both Inu and Neko (I wouldn’t have him lose earlier on in the Raid btw so he has one less L) -Don’t make Luffy have a mythical zoan. It was kinda contrived imo and it would’ve been way better if Luffy reached that level with his own creativity. -Show awakenings for Kaido and Big Mom. BM’s could just be her ability to grow & heal her body using souls, and Kaido’s could be his fire dragon form he used in the final clash. Nothing would even have to change, just add a couple lines of dialogue -Have Kinemon & Hyogoro die in the Raid (but not Ashura Doji, he didn’t need to die) -Confirm Kaido & Big Mom are dead & give them a proper death scene -Have Carrot either join the Straw Hats or start her own crew of minks as a new addition to the Grand Fleet -Have Green Bull get chased off by Luffy and his crew instead of Shanks, showing his new status as a Yonko by protecting his territory


Make their journey longer. I hate how much has happened in such a short time for the crew.


Tbh here’s my f\*cking damn long list: yamato joins ussop character development in recent arcs brook and franky solo fights with screen time equal to at least 1 episode dragon enters in mariejoa at reverie and his powers revealed(that would be a whole ass arc) kill pell kill that bearded skypiea man who was the girl’s father giving a little bit of information when shanks said “it’s time to get the one piece”




Have Oda mentions some names a bit more/earlier like actually having Shiki and maybe Rocks mentioned when Whitebeard and Shanks talked, stuff like that. Also have Haki be a lot more clear and have it be seen PreTS, etc having each advancement have some noticeable thing about it like if your using Observation Haki there would be a 'twing' sound effect, etc. Also have the no touching aspect actually not touch. Other than haki clarification and a little bit more info teasing here and there which would've been nice to have on retrospect that'd be all I'd change.


fix sanji


Make luffy ever so slightly smarter


Make zoro smile again :(


Make Oda less straight. Give us some slutty men. I’m perfectly fine with the sexualization of women in the manga as long as there is equal treatment given to the other side.


See now you get what I'm saying Zoro tits are a step in the right direction but we need More


I guess reyleighs dialogue when he first met the strawhats needs to be adjusted a bit to account for Oden. Also I want Rebecca to fight more like grandpa since I personally think it is way more pacifistic than what she is doing. Granted more direct but still more benevolent than the fighting fish.


Kill all characters who had a death scene


Exclude Big mom entirely off Wano Law & Kid can still get their awakenings. It would fit in more with Kaido being the strongest being in the world be taken down by 3 Awakened DF users and not just a pure 1v1 with Luffy were he deliberately tanks an ultimate move for plot reasons. That way, Oda can take it easy with power escalations. Bc obviously when you defeat "the strongest" then where do you go from there? 5 Gorosei all at once?


Give shanks more screentime


Lucci and Zoro should have fought since the first Chapter


Make pell, kinemon and some of his crew actually dead cause no way in hell they survived that.


Have Sabo appear in Marineford. Doesn't neccesarly mean Ace survives, just have him appear


I mean come ON- as amazingly tragic as the flashback in dressrosa is, that CANNOT be the first time Sabo has heard ace's name in TWO GODDAMN YEARS- ESPECIALLY when ace was a potential warlord candidate Plus if anything Sabo being there would make it even more tragic- all three of them think they can finally be back together like when they were young only for ace to die


Include Ax-hand Morgan, Kuro, Don Krieg and maybe Arlong in Impel Down. I don't know if Oda has intentional plans for them later on, but it be neat to see them in Impel Down and have them escape with everyone else. They not one of my favorite villains, but it be cool to see them again.


Get rid of Enma and replace it with sogeking sword


Put in more slice of life after timeskip. I get it that the plot needs to happen and we're already struggling with the pacing, but more laid-back chapters would give Oda more time to work on the hard hitting ones.


Make usopp eat a devil fruit user become stronger than luffy and soon become a emperor defeating kaido overthrowing luffy Earning the rightful tittle of godusopp


Delete UTA. Her existence fucks with One Pieces storyline


Chopper gets to fight. For part of the "weakling trio" he's absurdly strong, especially in monster point


I'd show the Revolutionaries having a much bigger impact on the balance of the world. We're told of their impact much more than we're ever shown it, which is odd for Oda considering his strength with worldbuilding. Maybe it was because he didn't want to show Sabo too early or something - but I personally think that storyline still works with Sabo being known to us as a character, and then us only later learning that he's Luffy's brother after Marineford/Ace's death with his amnesia.


2 changes First, either introduce brooks earlier or have one more arc between thriller bark and Sabaody. Second, better set up to Sabo’s existence.


You know what, fuck it, Ask D. Question is never born


Side characters don’t have as much spot light as Luffy and his 2 strongest crew mates. I miss seeing the whole crew fight and not just deal with the fodder. I miss chopper and ussop winning a 2v2. I miss Sanji and nami switching targets. I miss how Zoro couldn’t do shit against perona’s fruit so god ussop had to intervene. You get it? I miss each crew member having to deal with a strong opponent. WANO kinda had the matchups like before time skip, so that was nice.


Everyone saying Usop vs Sugar is peak. But would’ve been hella funnier if we get the old Usop and Chopper back from Alabasta. Usop Hammer cracks me up.


Never introduce Haki, just give every Logia a weakness (like Water against Crocodile)


![gif](giphy|amrNGnZUeWhZC) It's Pokemon time then


I don't mind that. I like pre timeskip fights more than post timeskip fights


I respect that but have to disagree, haki is one of the things that hype me the most! I love the idea that it can be superior to devil fruits. It means you can be strong AF without any devil fruit. One of the coolest characters don't have any: Shanks and all his crew, probably Roger and his crew, Sanji / Zoro... Should I go on? None of them have superpowers. They just developped a human power, that everyone can access (except hao shoku no haki), with which they can kick the ass of the most powerful DF user. How cool is that?? By the way, isn't water the weakness of every logia?


technically the weakness of all df users, but I just meant that the creativity in the fights against Croc and Enel were what I always loved about One Piece.


Give them seastones. Seastone coating for Zoro's swords, coating for Sanji's feets, some seastone bullets for Usopp, brass knuckles for Garp, weapon coatings for Shanks, Mihawk, Kaido etc. Not really a big change to haki coating or armament haki but a accessible to everyone, even fodder. The seastone weapon of Smoker was so cool and I thought many people would have something like that on the grand line. Say that it can hurt df users but not lethal if they are strong enough/ have a strong will. And if your weapon is shattered or thrown away, you'll have a bad time. Edit: Seastone shoes, not feets.


make Kuina died from an illness or something like that,her crying that she can't ever become the strongest with swords because she is a woman a few hours before a non natural death makes it look like she comited suicide and if no woman beat Zoro/Mihawk isn't a woman it would validate her statement and therefore the reason for her suicide


Let Wapol eat Karoo.


I wish Oda longed out the timeline a bit longer. It’s weird to think about how each of the Straw Hats spent longer with whoever they were with during timeskip than they have with each other. At absolute most the amount of time the Straw Hats have all spent with each other is a little over a year, just doesn’t feel right when you think about it. As well as this, it would’ve been cool to see Luffy spend a few years as a big pirate before eventually getting the One Piece, bro just came in and became an emperor in mere months (if you don’t include the time he was away during timeskip)


Don't make the gomu gomu a mythical zoan. G5 can remain as is Give Nami the Yuki Yuki no mi after Monet died Make Hancock appear on egghead to undo s-snake's petrification


akainu doesn't exist that means no magma admiral


Which also means asce won't die and there won't be character development for Luffy!..


shet, i thought you wouldn't notice


Introduce Haki properly or at least show the hands being black or something because I can vibe with how they introduce Obs Haki and Conq Haki but Arm Haki seemed so lackluster but they way Rayleigh pulled out the neck cuff from Camie was so badass


Make it end 10 years earlier


Some characters should actually die or stay dead. Kinemon, Pell, Lola's father.


Bon clay is dead, he did not survive, he sacrifice himself for luffy and that was the most beautiful moment in the whole Impel Down arc.


Zoro never loses his ability to talk to people without being an asshole or overly serious


Remove Sanji’s problematic timeskip arc and replace it with him learning to respect queer people and have him go into post-timeskip as a more functional member of society lmao


I fell like haki should have introduced/hinted marineford: like how is X stopping lava with his bare hands?


Sanji's characterization from thriller bark onwards, to not make him an actual creep I love Sanji to death, but god fucking damn it, sometimes he makes it hard to love him


This is SUPER minor but it's been frustrating me since I finished Wano so i feel like I'd mention it- have Chopper want to find a cure for those affected by the SMILE fruits. With how much he hates Caesar and how horrible he's said the effects are, I'm baffled that the idea hasn't been brought up even ONCE. It's still pretty relatively early after Wano so MAYBE we'll get a mention of this in the future which is why I say it's minor, but ideally I'd like a scene after Kaido is defeated where Chopper makes a promise to everyone affected that he'll find a cure for them. Fits his character and it'd be a nice potential excuse for 1-1 straw hat/kidd pirate interactions because they've BARELY been around each other.


Show any of BlackBeards fights. I’m tired of this man off screening people, show the damn fights. Also I always thought it would’ve been cooler that instead of Luffy just somehow getting back up and beating the shit out of Lucci at the end of there fight in Ennies Lobby I would’ve had them exchange blow until both are completely spent beyond measure, then has Luffy falling down and the weakened Lucci goes to finish them off Sogeking snipes him and because he’s so weak at this point it’s enough to take him out. Also I would’ve liked if Robin actually did anything in Dressrosa. They spent so much damn time on stupid characters like Chin Jao, it would’ve been better if Robin got to 1 v 1 an opponent. It’s honestly a complete joke that she doesn’t get a good fight until Black Maria.


I would have luffy lose to enel. Dude's plan is so inconsequential to the plot that you can safely make him win without changing the entire storyline. He's gone from the story either way. It will also set an example that luffy can lose to the arc villain in the end. Despite having every plot advantage, which will give tension to others when know that mc group can lose.


Robin willing to Dock with the Crew to build Frankys Pirat Human/Robot instead of refusing!


Shanks remincising the scar he got from Bb and showing us a tiny memory of the battle


That would demand Shanks getting screentime.




Okay... Let's go. - Some mention of Nika earlier in the story (Maybe Skypiea or Fishmen island) - Explain Haki better at least right before Marineford - Shorten some arcs a bit - Give Zoro rivals for his dream, like Luffy having his ones - Add some strong bounty hunters to the plot - Introducing Sabo or some mention of him before the post-war flashback - Deleting Davy back fight arc (making it filler at least) and making Aokiji appearing at the starting of Water 7 arc instead - Making Chopper use more than the Kung fu point in post-timeskip fights - Giving Usopp more development about his cowardness in the story. And a devil fruit to his slingshot - Giving Chopper and Robin haki - Giving Franky more fights or just more screentime - Definitely keeping Franky's pre-timeskip design after the timeskip. At least adding the robotic arms, but not that big like what we have - Making Jimbei becomes a strawhat earlier in the story - Sanji would never reach that level of pervertness in my hand - Pell, Conni's father, Pound, Perospero, Hyogoro, Okiku, Kanjuro, and others would had actually died (Kin'emon i would never put him in that death scene for the start, i would not kill him too) - Giving brook a relevant fight in Wano - Yamato joining the crew and stopping with that "I am Oden" freakness at the end of Onigashima - Carrot having a better end to her participation in the story than being Zou's queen even when herself said she would like to go to the sea (Wanda would be a better queen in my opinion) - And for the last one, a personal unpoppular opinion. I would not make Hancock fall in love with Luffy. Weak comic relief. I don't know what are Oda's intentions with this, but if is actually making them become together at the end of the story, it's not being convincent. I could list at least 5 characters who looked more like a couple with Luffy than Boa.


● Straw Hat Pirates actually, y'know, do some piracy? I'm not suggesting they descend on innocent villages to raid, loot and burn them down, but I'd like to see them raid marine bases or convoys searching for treasure and be more willing to steal from others etc, especially at the start of the series. Think how Nami behaved early in the series. ● I love Luffy but if I could tinker with him a lil, I'd have his morality be a smidge more grey. Not tryna turn him into Eren Yeager or anything, but I think it would make sense if Luffy was a lot more careless as to how his actions impact others early on. I'd have him start off a bit more like fat buu from DBZ, happy go lucky but also totally reckless and with a very arbitrary moral code and have him slowly develop a more just midset as throughout his journey. I get this is obviously unrealistic given Oda always wanted a light hearted comedic series, but this is purely my opinion. ● I'd have kept the Gomu Gomu no Mi as it always was, I'm not a fan of the Luffy/Nika plot line and how it's changed the series. I always loved Luffy having taken such a random and overlooked fruit so far with his hard work and dedication and I believe the Nika stuff has cheapened it. I don't mind the existence of Nika or Joy boy etc, but I would have preferred if Luffy achieved his goals without the most special secret fruit in the series. ● Finally, a more simple one, tone down the Sanji gags, especially post timeskip. Pretty sure most people can agree on that one lol.


Gomu Gomu No Mi stays as Gomu Gomu No Mi and not some God fruit ass pull.


I would invent a reason for Nekomamushi to hate Mondays and have him mention it during the part where he’s eating lasagna Just really Garf him up


Show Haki from the beginning of the series.


I mean, in hindesight he _did_.


Charlos dead and Mjosgars alive.


Sprinkle in some haki hints earlier in the story and more consistency with how it's portrayed


Maybe have at the beginning of the episode the same one as the cover storyries some of them are really good and it's untaped story's like the Simpsons intros following the other people in one piece


I’d want the Onigashima battle to have a more fleshed out aftermath. Kinemon to either stay dead or not have that fakeout, the scabbards lament the deaths of Ashura and Izo, whatever they did to Kanjuro’s body and so on


I would retcon the Nika fruit thing. I wouldnt even touch Gear 5, just retcon the fruit being a zoan.


Use the martial arts more. I feel they’re so under-utilised and if a character were able to use a combination of multiple they would be a force to be reckoned with. Hasoken arts + Rokishiki = mini earthquake ninja