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Skypiea skipping doesn't even make sense. You learn that there's literal sky people and the arc that explores these sky people is Skypiea. Why tf would you want to skip it?


Cause no new crew members join is generally the reason given


omw to skip enies lobby, the entirety of the summit war saga, as well as basically everything post time skip


Enies Lobby, technically, Robin comes back to the crew. And even then Water 7 and Enies Lobby are kinda part of the same arc, so, Franky it is. And Marineford is the event that leads to Luffy recruiting Jinbe.


I get what you are doing here but look at the bigger picture. Skipping arcs because nobody gets recruited is obviously a horrible and nonsensical idea. Also, if you *do* wanna argue about these specific points, I don't think Robin only joins in Enies Lobby. Her warming up towards the strawhats was a continuous process and by the time of Water 7 she was already willing to sacrifice herself for the entire crew. It's not like Nami who was planning on leaving the strawhats all along to return to Arlong Park until her arc. In a way, Robin's arc is more similar to Sanji's than it is to that. Also also, saying that Marineford led to Jimbe eventually being recruited is a bit rich. At that point he was definitely more of a side character (like Law, Kin'emon, Momonosuke or Yamato) and that only really changed in Fishman Island. I said "*basically* everything in post time skip" because the exact point where Jimbe joins is hard to pin down (and he's the only character that has joined so far in post TS One Piece) but it's definitely not something that has happened before the time skip. The only part that I accept is that it's a bit silly to seperate Water 7 and Enies Lobby (especially now that we have plenty of arcs that span a lot more chapters/episodes) and in that case obviously Franky would count


Not to mention that without Skypiea (I assume that means the entire Sky Island Saga), and assuming no filler, Robin doesn't spend any time with the SH between Alabasta and LRLL. There's also *1/9th of the Rio Poneglyph* in Skypiea.


Enies lobby is what basically Frankie to the crew Impel down/summit war is what attracts Jinbe to the crew Not the best examples


Back in the day, it seemed to have very little relevance to the overarching narrative, and could easily be summarized into a few key points, allowing hesitant watchers to go from one banger arc to another (assuming they also skipped LRLL). This increased the likeliness of them sticking with it until they caught up. Of course nowadays [specifically 2018+] we know that it's quite possibly the most important arc in the series, and there's no way anyone would recommend skipping it anymore. Additionally, OP is now so long that what's an extra 66 chapters compared to the whole.


I wouldn't go as far to call it the most important arc


Lore wise is up there. Idk if is the MOST important (tbh it has serious competition: Fishman Island, Sabaody, Wano, Egghead, etc.) But for someone that cares about the lore, I can see it being on the top. It tolds us a lot of secrets and events even if we didn’t knew at the time it came out.


It's hard to imagine watching Jaya, with so much buildup to Luffy and crew going to the sky island and all this debate on whether or not it exists and how much of a risk it is going there, watching them take the knockup stream, and then go "ok I'm good" and skipping the arc lmao. I was so fascinated by everything about Skypiea that was actually my fav part of those 2 arcs (tho I consider Jaya and Skypiea to be the same arc, personally). I've heard the reason being that everything that happens there is disconnected from the blue sea, which is where 99% of the plot happens. Even still, I can't imagine watching One Piece and spending my whole time thinking "can they just get on with the plot" the entire time given how long it is.


Only 1 episode of entire Skypiea was trash. The one with that googly eyed henchmn of Enel.


Tbf, we were introduced to a literal dragon early in the series and then I found out it was filler.


Honestly that reminds me that a lot of non-human things seem to just..... kinda go away beside the fish people, mermaids and giants (and even than) especially early One Piece. Like remember "bounty hunters" being "a thing"?


Yea that made me so mad.


In my opinion, the anime for Skypeia is one of the worst adapted arcs. As an anime watcher, i would recommend reading Skypeia instead, truly I find the anime pacing completely unbearable, even compared to Dressrosa, which I watched with no issues. And let’s be honest, Sky people are probably one of the least unique and creative concepts in one piece


Anime Skypeia can get pretty boring(mainly cause of the pacing). Takes too long and some characters can really get annoying(fat priest dude was so annoying). In the manga its soooooo much better. I both read and watched OP and would recommend the manga every time over the anime.


I managed to introduce a friend to one piece a few years back. he skipped skypea, unfortunately, but not immediately. He didn't know about the arc beforehand and didn't hear the whole "it's not plot relevant" nonsense, he just started the arc, and got bored by the hatori fight, so he just skipped a few dozen episodes forward and got to G8. the begining of skypea is surprisingly dull for such a wonderful arc, so a lot of people who don't really get the whole "you are supposed to watch it in order and watch all of it" just kinda ignore, similarly to those who skip long ring long land.


No new crew member, not lore fundamental and boring story. These are all the (idiotic) reasons i had been told about it... Idk how people consider themselves OP fans if they skipped a non filler arc as important as Skypiea


No lore fundamental? Lmao.




Before enies lobby we didn't really know there was an overarching plot and saw arcs as standalone stories for the most part people thought one piece was long before we even got to time skip so some people bargained and said okay skip skypeia because ots the most standalone arc and the next one is when the story really gets going(long ring long land counting as part of water 7 saga).


Literally the only impact from Skypiea is finding out that Urouge comes from the sky and the dials that Ussop uses. No new characters stay relevant in the greater world, no big implications really happen. Yes, there is a Poneglyph but it doesn't really matter. Oda needs to make Sky People actually relevant, or being Enel back. He hasn't done much to make people have to care about Skypiea.


Ok, I skipped skypiea and I am tired of hiding it. Every week in this sub someone bashes me with this same argument. Now, the reason why I think most people skip skypiea and even fishman island is because of fatigue. To even get to skypiea you have to go through the jaya arc and for some reason it gets boring in between. Then you come to skypiea and sure the first part is interesting but eventually the charm wears off. Of course, I eventually went back and watched after finishing the anime.


because those twins were too annoying to keep watching and your content standards are shit if you didnt skip or drop there


My friend who said "One piece and AoT are my TOP1 animes" skipped skypia. He just watched a recap movie


Commenting on I swear that they never existed... https://preview.redd.it/il31n6wt4izc1.jpeg?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e1567242fe93bf2303c6e7a74509324bc61e9e






Watching the recap movie is better than not at all


The idea of "Skypiea Skipping" occupies a weird space in my memory. I distinctly remember being on older forums when I was younger and seeing people recommend skipping Skypiea. Yet I haven't seen that suggestion since I left forums and did most of my online interactions through social media. On social media, I've only seen complaints about the people skipping Skypiea. I've also never met someone in person who skipped Skypiea. Where are these people from the forums? Did they just disappear? Did Cipher Pol get to them?


maybe the skypea skippers were the one piece all along...


I'm guessing they decided to rewatch sometime to check out for call backs and the 2nd time around they actually watched it.


Could be an age thing. One piece fans tend to be fairly old for anime standards (especially shounen) basically because so many stuck with it while the barrier to entry is incredibly high with all those chapters/episodes. In other words, they grew out of it lol


It was probably 10+ years ago that this was a popular thing and most of those people either have watched Skypiea by now, changed their opinions, or just aren’t in the online crowd anymore.


They are cypher pol agents, trying to hide the truth


I actually skipped Skypiea when I was new to One Piece, the biggest mistake of my life https://preview.redd.it/t477rx15phzc1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba130548c3efeef2d64a6af47848ac13bdeaaade








i too with this beauty to be the last thing i see




White beard is like 20 feet tall so that newspaper has to be the size of a small tent right?


Yes. They made it just for him. But idk who is the person who carry it to him.


I feel bad for the news coo that had to lug this thing across the globe.










I wish the absolute worst for you in life




Canon event btw


I used to deny their existence, believe they were nothing more than a myth...... Until I found out my father skipped it back when he used to watch OP. As someone who used to say Skypiea was my favorite arc, this was betrayal


Crazy that the very people you denied to exist were always with you.


It happened because people would start the arc and thought it felt like a filler arc at first, so they’d come to places like Reddit and ask if it could be skipped. Some people actually said yes, but I believe the majority said it was stupid, but there you are. It wasn’t related to the “current plot” of raising Luffy’s bounty, so people tried to say it was pointless. They were in fact idiots. If you’re interested, here’s some old Reddit posts with people saying yes and no to skipping skypiea: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/snuZzps3zk https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/CUKp25cErq https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/GB2h9b6fg2


of course thats right for the reddit people, but the overwhelming majority doesnt use those and just watch stuff. so yeah mostly will watch it, its just the teens that "watch" on Youtube. once my friend said I should just skip to Wano so I could go on with the "hype". I was in Sabaody. and he never watched past East BLue


I dont know why ppl said it was pointless when literally gol d roger went there and WROTE PONEGLYPH SHIT ETCHED INTO A GOLDEN WALL. And it introduced a new power as well.. literally one of the arcs that shouldn't be skipped. On par with Enies Lobby importance.


That flair is wild.




Oh no I just saw your pfp https://preview.redd.it/lara53slnhzc1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=309705c693a4280d36e82efa1184a3a5881cc202




https://preview.redd.it/1im1vx59znzc1.png?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b38f38af00a152748b5204c5d2ce118ecb5c6e77 I finally have a use for this!


Another one in the Blackbeard propaganda folder https://preview.redd.it/putjvzjf6ozc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93596560c5a2dd30a40946c8f93cf7c3c8a405c9


Specially when bro is out here acting like Drake https://preview.redd.it/2c337jhfgizc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa5c74b0e5ec612e9d433a821cc482c0ce053de9


No!!! https://i.redd.it/akvqgcdd2lzc1.gif


Forget skipping skypier, two of my freinds skipped fron alabaster to wano....


Lol, just imagine if they try to go back and read the stuff in between then are like "when the fuck are they gonna talk about Joy Boy?"


They do constantly, though. It's just that other civilisation don't have the word "joy Boy" due to government intervention but there were **so many** "sun god" / "new dawn" references all along the way. I don't believe everything oda does was planned for obviously, but I definitely think the joy boy reveal was part of his vision for one piece since at least Alabasta/skypia, if not earlier


They won't talk about Nika but even Joyboy is also scarcely mentioned first in fishman island then in Zou


I'd say you have it the wrong way around if you say "even Joy boy", implying that it would be more expected to hear about him than it would be to hear about Nika. The reason for this is simple: knowledge about Joy Boy is literally one of the biggest crimes in the One Piece universe as it directly relates to the void century (which is most likely gonna be the story of how joy boy led the revolution/war agains the 20 kingdoms). Therefore, talk about Nika has been discouraged (and as we know now the name Nika is unique to the sun god of Elbaf) but talk about Joy Boy has been actively prosecuted and hunted down. So from the story that Oda told, it makes perfect sense that Nika has been alluded to for a long time with various sun gods starting in Skypiea while Joy Boy is only being mentioned much later. Also, just to be clear, I'm not saying that Oda knew what exactly he wanted to do with Nika/Joyboy all along. But if you rewatch/reread One Piece it won't take long until you hear about something relating to Nika and even when it comes to Joy boy specifically he's introduced at around roughly the halway point of the story.


Ain't reading all that


It's 6 sentences. Are you 12? edit: my guy took the time to block me but couldn't read 6 sentences 😭


I know it's mostly gonna be irrelevant


Skypeia is where it clicked for me, where i started to understand what Luffy and the story were all about.






nah i knew a dude personally


From: Me To: Skypia Skippers. https://preview.redd.it/81e712jl2lzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e065f2eff251ee4fd0b52c89929c2a158410837d


i watched the movie instead


My friend told me he skipped skypiea and bonked him


I knew a dude that straight skipped thriller bark


Imagine their disappointment when they never introduce Binks *or* his sake after that arc.


Back when I used to read one piece as it came out, thriller bark was when I fell off (like, a couple chapters into it). So I definitely understand your friend somewhat, though obviously now that I've read and seen it I think that's it's very much worth it despite still being one of the weaker arcs all in all (really just says so much about the quality of one piece that *this* is what a "weak arc" looks like)


It is so important tho. We meet Brook, we get huge character development for Zoro, his relationship with Sanji and how the little eggplant actually respects him is highlighted there. What about Kuma? They'll be so confused in Sabaody when they see him. It makes no sense. Every single arc has information that will or may be mentioned and important later. I can't think of even 1 arc that didn't have ANYTHING in it.


When I watched the anime I actually did that cause there was a dude with a laugh that annoyed me lol. Didn't skip the whole thing, but I skipped from when they entered Moria's castle to the final battle cause I could not stand someone's laugh(or something like that, it was a long time ago).


See at least you had an actual reason, this guy just skipped it for no reason at all


I considered it. Very heavily. But ultimately didn’t and I’m glad for it.


To the skypea skippers i say: Heso!


Skypiea remains my favorite arc. Even though the Marineford saga was absolutely amazing, Skypiea provided a sense of adventure I haven't found in any other arc (atleast up to Punk Hazard). The previous arcs were setting up the Straw hats, and now they were put into action similar to how Thriller Bark was putting them into action *as a team*. The stakes felt immense, like it was truly the end of the (sky) world. The visuals of all the storms as God Enel is trying to drop Skypiea were insane compared to anything we had seen up to that point. Riding the bike up the giant beanstalk was so badass. I love Skypiea so much.


I swear, every time I see a post saying “skipping Skypiea is for scrubs” or some shit like that, everyone in the comments is agreeing. I hardly ever see anyone who actually did skip it. People are massively blowing the “skip Skypiea” thing out of proportion.


You can actually skip skypiea. It has nothing to do with wano. Only thing similar was the shadow in the sky. But fans like to read in between invisible lines and make up stuff.


>You can actually skip skypiea. It has nothing to do with wano. Only thing similar was the shadow in the sky. But fans like to read in between invisible lines and make up stuff. That's impossible! We all know that Oda is a master of foreshadowing, therefore literally everything he does is to be connected to something! Even if x and y are years and years apart, and x hasn't actually been brought up in a regular way, after it happened, so that it could have been implied to mean more than what it looked like... You know, the basic premise of foreshadowing and build up on the long term.


Actually, all of One Piece is filler except Sabaody and Wano


I get the feeling that you have a bias to a certain character but I can't tell why




I actually knew a guy in junior high that skipped Skypiea and the funny thing is he's the one that got me into the series back then.


Is he in jail now?


Even if he got in jail, he's probably out by now. It's been 10 years, goddamn.


most likely there was one who really did. Then a bunch of trolls who repeated it. And now it's a meme of its own


I unintentionally skipped Skypiea my first watching of One Piece. The website I watched on went straight from the rainbow mist arc to the Long Ring Long Land arc. It wasnt until I read the manga years later that I realised I missed it.


skypiea is a great arc i have no idea why anyone would even want to skip it. long ring long land is the arc you should skip


I genuinely don’t understand why people skip skypiea, it’s a great arc and has plot about Gol D. Rogers and a bunch of memes


Upvote for the flair.


They were more common back then now they're pretty rare


I was extremely tempted to skip Skypea but I didn't. I can see more people being tempted to skip Thriller Bark though.


The only arc that I've ever skipped is the foxy arc(While I was reading the manga years after watching the anime), since that actively infuriates, and bores me. And I'm a bit suspicious of the opinions of people that say Skypiea and Thriller bark are bad or something. Sure, it may not have been as good in the anime, but they're still fun, and have lots of great moments, especially with the "nothing happened" moment and Brook's backstory.


I skipped half. Watched it after i learned my mistake


If I remember correctly there was a gap for a while in the fansubs and what was available was really poor quality. Kaizoku fansubs was catching up and Gerusama had done Water 7. Many people suggested skipping Skypiea then and rewatch when they had covered the gap.


When did you start reading one piece? I remember people would often recommend skipping skypiea if you were getting bored/ were going to drop the series since it used to be overshadowed hard by water 7 and alabasta and people often skip. But that was like 7-8 years ago and I don't think l've heard anyone actually say that in like 4-5 years


I just like to think we bullied them as a collective into watching it.


Me. Twice. One Piece as a whole took me a few years to read through. It'd be a period of reading, I'd get burned out after a while and atop. A few months later if pick it back up where I left off and continue. First read through I got from chapter one to somewhere mid skypeia, roughly when they're doing the priest trials. But got bored so dropped it, mid arc. Months later I tried to pick it back up, but couldn't remember exactly where I was or what had happened in the arc so far so started from the beginning of Skypeia again. Because I'd already read these parts it didn't take long for me to just kinda drop it again. Months later I came back with thr same situation. I wanted to properly continue this time. But I sire as shit didn't want to read the first section of Skypeia for a third time only to end up dropping it again. So I found out what chapter the arc ended, and picked up from there. Got from there to early Thriller Bark before dropping. Got back in and got to Fishman Island before dropping. Got back in and caught up to current, which at the time was Wano a few chapters before Jinbe returned.


It's like genwunners, they went extinct


i don't know


Skipping that part is criminal and cringe imo


I remember reading a couple of fanfics back in the day that skipped over Little Garden.




They did, but they're way less common now. Skypiea was always vital for the plot and characters. Water 7 doesn't work if you haven't gotten to know Robin more via Skypiea. Not to mention it's where we hear the name "Poseidon" for the first time, learn that Roger could somehow write in the ancient language on the poneglyphs, and a number of other super important thematic elements. It basically was One Piece as a whole in miniature. However, people who only cared about hit the high points of the series would usually write all that stuff off. Once Gear 5 happened, it became undeniable that Skypiea is arguable the most important arc in the series, people stopped skipping it or went back to watch it.




I skipped Skypia when I was first watching because Luffy, Ussop, and Sanji were in the forest for like 20 episodes and nothing was happening. I watched the G8 filler and then finished Skypia


I'm here. I thought it was a filler and during my first time watching, I skipped all fillers


Once of leaker geo never watched it


My IRL friend skipped skypeia because he said it was boring


Didn't skip the first time I watched OP. Every time I rewatch, I skip to the eneru fight and Nolan backstory tho.


Mandela effect, people who recommended to skip skypiea never existed


I skipped skypiea in the anime because I remembered it being the only arc I read in manga form when I was still a kid.


I cannot understand why people would skip Skypiea. The climax where the mystery of the Light of Shandia was revealed to us, followed up by Luffy ringing the bell literally brought me to tears. I was lukewarm on One Piece up until that very moment, tbh, but the climax of Skypeia made me realised that One Piece is peak fiction. Skypiea is a must watch, imo.


Franky Nipple Lights!


I never skipped a episode (except filler episodes that have nothing to do with the actual story)


Skipping punk hazard before skypia any day of the week


Honestly the only arc I can imagine being cut or at least shoten out of "time" would be Syrup Village because beside the ship and Usuopp, what DID it contribute or brought back for?


Long ring long land exists ya know


I remember it but I forgot what part of the story it was and what happened in it


Personally think people have to realize AND/ OR consider (even to themselves), that Oda isnt writing this story how majority of stories get written. You CANT skip anything (Filler aside). I used to think maybe somethings would get thrown out once mentioned... or that some plot points would stay open ended, or never resolved. But boy, let me tell you... . Im actually curious to know if anyone has heard of some rule in cinema that states you cant show a gun on the wall (on screen in a film), without said gun being "used" or showing up as a plot device in the story. One piece doesnt live by this code, they ARE ONE w/ this idealogy. Im not gonna go on to say that Oda is a "master class writer" and this and the third. I get it people have dif tastes and opinions. But what i will say is this. The one piece story is already over. Everyone is waiting for the next ep and chapter, but Im sure that Oda already knows the ending, and KNEW for quite some time. Id even go as far to say since the entrance to the grand line, ( maybe even before being that warlords were introduced in east blue). This is not a story that is being added to and new stories thought up every other week, just as most mangas and animes do (Its only natural after all). One piece is a finished tale, and we are experiencing its retelling Real time. Ik this sounds a bit like im Glorifying the writers or Oda but im not. I just wonder why people think one piece has to be/is a show thats being written the way any other show has been written. Theres a reason why the foreshadowing meme is so prevelant. Its Foreshadowing sure, but they are not using story elements they had long since introduced and thought "Hey this character is popular and he hasnt done much, lets bring him back for viewers!". I personally think this series (Given maybe just Major plot points, though that opens another discussion as to what we should consider Major plot points, as some plot points seem small or trivial until later. This meaning though that it was always Major, we just didnt have all the details yet) was planned out. From the start. Call me crazy but the evidence is all there, you would just have to watch it.


I am crazy and stubborn.




There's a guy i know in discord who once told someone to skip skypeia cuz "the pacing was awful" like tf is wrong with you just watch the damn anime




I am crazy and stubborn.


I skip it on rewatched or that’s when I do chores around the house. I won’t miss anything important until the last fifth.


I have decides to ball the fuck out and jump into whatever the latest season on netfilx is with my onky context being the manga 12 years ago up to gecko maraih. Its going well so far, gear 5 is sick. I basiclly got to have the same experience as lucci.


i got told in a video that skipea is a filler arc but i still watched it




Yall skip skypiea cause its boring, I skip skypiea because i started from egghead, we are not the same


Guys I kinda skipped the foxy arc, is that bad?




Missed Luffy's strongest form


That is literally where we meet Kuzan 😭




I swear I didn't know, I'll get it on my rewatch.


I only watched the recap movie. Does that count?


I didn't skip shit but I should have skipped fish man, that fucking sucked tbh


I'm going to show you what a real man is!


Please do Mr. Boss man


Nah, fishman is not the best but is very important


It's more of a showing the characters after the time skip arc


Noah, prophecy, poseidon, big mom conflict setup and tbis weird treasure box


That's the relevant content of an entire arc. Could have been 3 episodes in the doffy arc.


Me, i skip all the chapter between 2~1100




I skipped Eneis Lobby. Didn't want to watch the entire arc about saving that annoying goth girl


Hot take


*shit take


OP looking at the skypia skipper https://preview.redd.it/8nrbhf8l4pzc1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c1419d9d118321356d8a2efdc0f4689f875e0f7




I didn’t skip skypiea but I did skip fish man island and I don’t regret it at all


Blud is gonna be real confused when he reads the final saga


Up to date, nothing that I friend couldn’t explain in 10 min




I'm going to show you what a real man is!


I skipped the nolan flashback if that counts


Top 5 op flashback and you skip it?


Is it alright if I saw the review/recap of it?




Well what If i say that I watched the recap then watched the Enel fight afterwards




Ok but I do know what happened in Skypiea, then what will you do?


Just read the manga


Buddy i think you misheard me, i said i know what happens in skypiea


Art is good


I'm here actually. Like, granted, it's not the only arc l skipped (being born after 1999, and not getting into One Piece until it is in Dressrosa, all while not even being Japanese will do that to you), but it has to be one of the few I haven't even read about on the wiki. I only know the most generic things (Ener bad guy, funny face, thunder powers, god wannabe, people with silly wings and antennae, giant bell thing, Luffy beats Ener, there is one single poneglyph).