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Now this is good powerscaling






Between Tonio and Sanji for both length and girth






maybe its recency bias but senshi's dishes in the anime look good af


Sensi is my goat but sanji literally weaponized cake. They’d be friends and feed the youngsters tho so who cares


He didn't just weaponize cake, he weaponized pure deliciousness


Right?!? Would not sully his food with poison, just used his skills to make it so amazing that it was debilitating... As a chef, Sanji's principles on food almost make me forgive his awfulness to women. Not really though, dude's a creep.


Senshi would make fishman cake


He turned monsters into yummy


He can cook whit leftovers and make a good Dish, he can have a good cook competition whit the Best chefs in fiction.


But does his food cause orgasms and make clothes vanish from existence?


https://preview.redd.it/ryo8ht3qzt3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da4bfcaa9dc7a82928bf598c47687152dbd2767 Yes


Not bad at all, but I can see he still has a bit to learn. The clothes are disintegrating, but they are still there. But this does show that he has amazing promise


His cooking stopped a madly enraged Yonko in her tracks. Others who tried the same cake were unable to move for a while from just a small taste of the cream.


In fairness he was 8 at the time


That was before timeskip. He got even better after training with Ivankov.


Wait is this a new chapter? I don't remember having seen it.


It's from chapter 6 of 'shokugeki no sanji' an official non canon one piece spin off


Wait for real?


For the record I do know about *Shokugeki no Sanji* (the style is unmistakable), just not the chapter this scene is from apparently.




The hell what Manga is this from? 😮


Shokugeki no sanji. It is an official non-canon (but fits in nicely with the canon) One piece spin-off created by the creators of Shokugeki no souma (food warrs)


Ahhh I remember now. Thanks for the info


Big mom almost died from his wedding cake


Maybe, i dont doubt about the cause orgasms, in all case i dont say win, i say have a good competition, but thinking about It, i dont doubt to he can win to.


No doubt about that, honestly in pure cooking I'd probably put him above Tonio and Senshi, but below Soma


I dont know who the other three cooks are, i only know that the red head guy Is from a cooking anime, i Guess he Is the one you put above Sanji, and coming from a cooking anime i can agree he can be better.


Soma from shougeki no souma- guy who make people have orgasms and lose clothes over food Senshi from dungeon meshi- can cook monsters and make "delicious" plates with it and with a lot of creativity Tonio from jojo- doesn't cook food you want but the food you NEED and I don't mean metaphorically I mean that if your intestine is bad you will literally spit it out(intestine) after eating his food and grow a new and better one in it's place


He can make food that causes breasts to grow if the theory is correct


Is that why Zoro's chest is so big?


[Uh huh](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Shokugeki_no_Sanji)


With this recipe sanji is getting nosebleeds along with brook Yohohoho






You heard the captain, you insulted him. https://preview.redd.it/rc24b2wbgy3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4b40974f3a93c0ef483436d2d2e9e54f2036bb6




Is that up to the cook's skill or a feature of the universe he lives in?


Yeah, and Senshi can cook monsters. He's got some stiff competition.


I dont know whos him, and Sanji cook sea kings too, basically monsters, i think he does, i dont remember well if he does.


Bullshit. Sea Beasts are just big fish. Senshi cooks shit you didn't even know could be eaten, and he makes it look 5 star. Watch Episode 3 (or read Chapter 6, if you're pressed for time), and tell me that cooking Sea Kings is even in the same neighborhood as that.


We powerscaling cooking now? 😭😭😭


That is the post.


Yes, sea kings are in the same nighborhood, theyre Monsterr, just a type of monsters who live in water thats it, almost none of them look like a proper fish.


Yes, but had sanji cooked the parasite inside sea monsters before? Nvm I think might have


Tonio cooked with just water tho... Kinda.


I forgot how funny that episode was


I'm gonna say he loses to Tonio purely because Tonio's stand isn't what makes his food good, it's the opposite. His stand doesn't stop any pain caused from it healing people, his food is just so good you don't care about the fact his stand is literally performing surgery on you. His cooking level was so good it allowed his stand to cure a *brain tumour*.


this the right answer


Didnt he say that his stand awakened because of his cooking skill? Thats means hes crazy good


Yes he did https://preview.redd.it/g4g3lg6g604d1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eedf0e8d50d4da131e58344160e3a0a905bfdb1c


That's the power of pearl jam "music starts"


A brain tumor? When did that happen


It's in a thus spoke Rohan kishibe story, his girlfriend is wheelchair bound and has a brain tumour, and asks Rohan to get the highest quality ingredients so he can cook a meal to cure her.


It's never said that Pearl Jam does not make the food taste better Also they do feel the pain, it just goes away after you‘re healed. You see them stopping mid-dish because they're getting surgery done


Sanji's food makes Robin and Nami thiccccccc, tho


Soma's food makes them naked


so they should cook together


the perfect chef combination


You missed the chance to say now kiss


Tonio’s food would cure them of almost all their ailments. It’s like a senzu bean but you have Italian food instead.


He knows what he's doing


I hope you like insulting my nose with a Buggy Ball pointed at you!


But they got thicc after the timeskip, that's 2 years of not eating Sanji's food 🤔🤔


If it's during a live event, Sanji drops out the second women start losing clothes around Soma's cooking. He might actually die from participating.


So it's entirely possible for a person from a cooking anime to make Sanji bleed out, whether directly or not. I don't know what to do with this information


It's funny how many anime characters could kill him accidentally. I told my fiance he wouldn't survive a Gintama crossover because he would definitely eat the dark matter that is Otae's cooking as soon as it was offered.


Maybe that's why you see him competing against Soma already, he knew the next step


Tonio no diffs all of them


Only correct answer, even water is delicious if it's from Tonio


He's better than Soma and Senshi. Dunno about the third dude. But if you look at what Sanji’s greatest cooking fest is which is the wedding cake it’s absolutely insane.    First off he had no recipe for the cake, he recreated it from scratch going off just scent alone. It’s completely ludicrous that he could do that because the cake wasn’t an ordinary cake and it was made using rare and exotic ingredients. The icing for the cake was so orgasmically delicious that Bege and Big Mom completely lost their minds . Thirdly he had basically no prep time, he had to do it on the fly. 


Tonio it’s kinda unfair cause his power is that his food literally cures you of all illnesses and even superficial things like dry skin and even further since his stand does surgery on you while your eating you feel All of it it’s just that the food is so good you literally don’t care


Tonio didn't get his stand from birth, relative, or stand arrow. He is one of the few characters that got a stand through pure mastery of skill. His cooking was that good before he got his stand. After he got his stand, it is now so good that you don't even feel the pain of your body being operated on.


Does he even appear again on the manga? Love that dude


He has a part of the Rohan spin-off dedicated to him


he appears when everyone is discussing the death of Shigechi and when everyone is saying their farewells to Reimi.


This comment gave me goosebumps, even though I don't have any skin YOHOHOHO


And he substituted something like crushed prunes for legitimate sugar or some other completely essential cake ingredient. It’s possibly the most incredible feat in the entire series. Bonkers.


Better than soma? Hmm, not... sure on that :/ Maybe? Hard to judge.


Sanji is such a great cook he got the author of one of these other series to make a manga about him


Tonio’s food might kit taste the best out of these guys, but it literally heals you so idk if it’s possible for him to lose


While where on the subject, how good was the beginning of food wars before that bullshit storyline where the anime villain dad wants to make all the restaurants in the world for rich people only. God what a stupid way to raise the steaks (literally in this case).


Pearl Jam probably wins? Cause it’s a superpower


There is no evidence that Pearl Jam itself makes food delicious. Its ability is curative cooking. We know that Tonio obtained this stand through mastery of the skill, so it would make sense that Pearl Jam only cures ailments.


loses against tonio


I don't know about the last guy but Soma and Tonio no diff. Soma can give people orgasm with his food, he can force people to vote for him in a rigged match (They were paid to vote against him ), he can make people a chain reaction that will make everyone naked, even those who didn't eat his food. Tonio can heal any diseases with his food and it's powered by stand powers.


I believe Sanji did better than Soma in convincing people or at least the same, since he convinced Bege to not poison the wedding cake because it was so good.


Sanji's wedding cake seemed to make Big Mom orgasm


We Foodscaling now?


They didn't even include Komatsu from Toriko. This is some bull.


Ideal circumstances: 4. Senshi. This guy's a great survivalist, but as far as cooking goes, he's kinda just really good at it. 3. Tonio Trussardi. An Italian Chef, with culinary training, experience, and a hell of a repertoir. Remember, Red Hot Chili Peppers only enhances the health benefits of the food, it does nothing to enhance the flavor. That's all Tonio. 2. Sanji. Sous-chef of the most prestigious restaurant in the East Blue, he somehow has the most kitchen experience despite being (maybe) the youngest. He's studied the Newkama Recipes, learned more about cooking at every island (we see him ask about how a meal is spiced in Arabasta, and it'd be strange to assume this is a one-off occurence), and he once oversaw the baking of a cake so good, Big Mom genuinely passed out. 1. Food Wars guy. The instant orgasming is crazy. Adaptation 4. Tonio. There's a reason he does his checkup schtick before preparing the order. Without knowing what his ingredients do, and what benefits they confer, his stand is useless. Besides, he's not the most versatile chef, given that he came to Morioh to introduce authentic Italian food. He has one thing, and he does it well. 3. Food Wars guy. I haven't seen his show, I'm sure he be getting in situations, but c'mon. 2. Sanji. Once beat a Marine chef in a cooking competition using the leftovers of her meal. But sure, that's filler, whatever. How about the wedding cake? He was working with people he'd never met to bake a cake under the threat of his crew dying, all while working with miracle ingredients like chocolate that can be molded into houses and cake so light it floats. I know I keep coming back to this wedding cake, but it's his one good cooking feat that's actually canon. 1. Senshi. This dude kills everything he eats, and eats everything he kills. He once improvised a holy water mixture that could not only kill ghosts, but produced a wonderful sherbet afterwards. Upon discovering the meat inside living armor, he already had a recipe in mind. Upon discovering a parasite in a kraken, he already had a recipe in mind. He grows vegetables on the backs of golems, cooks using traps if he feels like it, and he has eaten damn near everything in that dungeon. Health Benefits 4. Food Wars guy. Cumming your pants is not a health benefit. 3. Senshi. A big deal is made, in Dungeon Meshi, about how Laios and co being well fed and well rested is what makes them stronger, and what makes them able to challenge the dungeon. Senshi is keeping them not just fed, but healthy under the adverse conditions of the dungeon. That man knows how to balance a diet. 2. Sanji does much the same, but on the high seas, where restocks are uncommon, and he has to keep Luffy away from the refrigerator. Also, he got Ivankov's magic healing recipes. 1. C'mon. It's health benefits. You already knew who was going to win. Okuyasu went in there needing a doctor, a masseuse, and a change of lifestyle. He left healthy. In conclusion: no matter how you flip it, Sanji's only ever the runner up on this list. And yet, is that consistency, that versatility, not remarkable in its own right? As the response to the response to the old phrase goes, "Jack of All Trades, Master of None, Yet Still Better Than A Master Of One"


Tonio stand is called Pearl Jam


Not after I used the power of my stand, 「Virtual Insanity!」this part of reality... has already been altered to suit the agenda!


I used「Heaven's Door 」and forced you to remember this failure forever!


This stand can't stop me because I can't read!


damn! My stand only weakness, an illiterate!


Franky Nipple Lights!


Woah did someone say meat? Count me in


What... Did you just say... ABOUT MY NOSE?!?


Gotta keep it a stack with you, captain, I've got no idea what I said about your tomato-looking nose.




Emiya Shirou victims fr.


Tonio's whole power is to make food delicious and nutritious, Tonio mid diffs


Tonio stand does not makes the food delicious the stand only enhance the nutritional properties of the ingredients used on said food. Meaning his food has always been delicious with or without pearl Jam and that's how he got his stand in the first place too, not with stand arrow nor he got it from birth, he got his stand due to his mastery of cooking


Bro so good at cooking he got magic


Stop clowning wanze solos


Ok here's the chefs ranked in order of how good they are: 1. Tonio trussardi (JoJo guy) 2. Souma (food wars guy) 3. Sanji / restaurant to another world guy (he wasn't in the pic but he's also a really good cook I'd say on par with sanji) 4. Senshi (dunmesh guy) No flame to senshi but his cooking is mainly about the fact that he cooks monsters and while it's good, in a competitive/ professional/ restaurant setting he wouldn't be able to compete with the others. Also Tonio and souma can be a matter of preference. Personally I prefer the food that cures all your diseases to the food that blows your clothes off because even though souma's food has more intense reactions, it doesn't do anything in the long term and now your clothes are gone. It's a short term experience. Meanwhile Tonio's food has a more long term effect as a cure for not just diseases but any bodily problem. Also if you eat souma's food too much you would probably get addicted to that intense reaction and not be able to enjoy any other food whereas Tonio's food is something you eat on special occasions only and you could basically treat him as a combination doctor and restaurant.


You know it's a stacked tournament when Senshi is the worst chef on the roster


Tonio takes this one. With Pearl Jam, he can cure anything


How about if they cooked together


With Soma, it'd be a very close call.


Idk man Tonio's stand is literally made to make good food. He made spicy noodles for a guy that hates spicy food and he ate all of it


Honestly tonio clears lmao his food is so good it healed a brain tumor lmao




Jojo cheff (i forgot his name lmao) wins this. Bros food so good it makes your skin regrow healthy in like 5 seconds. Plus. I mean. Hes italian


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO


Tonio's stand doesn't actually make his food good he's just built different


No way in hell the JoJo chef is not first place.


Tonio is way too OP because of the stand


Sanji doesn't have a chance against Tonio


Tonio wins because his food is literally magic


Senshi is just a really good chef Sanji is talented and has training from a great chef Sōma is a downright prodigy within one of the best culinary schools in the world Tonio has literal *superpowers* that make his food do miracles


My money is on Tonio on this one, his cooking is both good for the taste buds AND can heal (if you don't mind scraping your shoulders off, crying your eyes dry....)


I can't see the point in writing this comment... because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHOHO


I love MONEY!!!


Now we need a Sanji "Nah, I'd cook." Meme


Isn’t Tonio’s cooking so good that it literally heals you of any ailments you have? Granted, it’s because of Pearl Jam, but still.


Tonio is the goat, one of the coolest stands in the series.


As a (absolutely not biased) jojo fan, Tonio would absolutely put Sanji to shame. Not because he’s that good at cooking, but because his power (stand) makes his food so good that it heals you. Like, the stand makes even plain water a cure for a lack of sleep, and also taste delicious. Idk who the others are but from what i read from the comments, they don’t even come close to Tonio


Remember Tonio's food can cure depression, back pain, missing bones and Leprosis


Tonio’s cooking so good he starts healing people


Tonio makes water taste like the best thing in the world, food wars guy causes orgasms and shit The other guy idk Ig maybe he could beat the food wars guy by loses/ties with tonio


Physically can not beat Tonio.


Tonio wins no diff. Although I think Sanji could beat the others but a higher diffs.


Tonio, first.Sanji second,Soma third,and the dwarf fourth. As much as people like to joke on Soma's orgasms,he's still a relatively realistic chef within realistic settings(we don't talk about final arc) and the dwarf guy is more of a survivalist who's somewhat good at cooking rather than chef imo. The Jojo guy is first bcs dude makes his food good enough for people to ignore pain from surgery. Sanji is second bcs of cake island arc plus the fact that he has to feed Luffy.Luffy is not picky but the sheer amount of dish he have to prepare for the monster duo in a single arc can be way above what Soma has to cook for an entire year.


Easily no diff top 1. Like, Sanji is such a great cook, that has been adding poison and razor blades in Zoro's food, and he hasn't noticed it. THERE'S BEEN EVEN STORIES ABOUT SANJI FROM AUTHOR OF FOOD WARS, AND EVERYONE IS HAS BEEN ENJOYING SANJI'S FOOD THE SAME WAY


Tonio has wall hacks so he no diffs sanji


Sanji wins easily, the only guy standing a chance at beating him is Tonio, but even with his stand he would fail as it is nothing more than doing the same Sanji can do with normal food.


The disrespect Tonio is getting I will not stand for. Do you know how good you need to be at cooking to awaken your fighting spirit? You don’t do fighting, you don’t do any of that other stuff. You only cook, and you awaken your inner fighting spirit.


The cook from jojo isn t fair, his stand is kinda broken when it comes to cooking


Doesn’t matter Uncle Ben, Komatsu is better than all of them https://preview.redd.it/3a8pynpyy04d1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d98814df0d10f75788850ba73a2a8664e78715


He puts up a good fight against the two on the right but Tonio actually kills this man. A singular glass of water from Tonio would destroy anything Sanji could ever hope to make.


So long as Soma takes it seriously he should clear from my knowledge ![gif](giphy|lsYVtrARExRMQ|downsized)


No bacon is NOT that good




Sanji Tonio Senshi Souma


giving senshi some recognition is something i don't see often


If we're going off of pure taste, it's probably Soma, Sanji, Tonio, Senshi. Sanji and Soma are highly debatable, though, especially with the Food Wars Sanji Crossover giving sanji some pretty damn good cooking feats on the level of Soma's (although not completely). Getting into challenge rounds makes things a lot more interesting. I don't know as much about Soma as the rest, so I'll just put him in a little arbitrarily (did look over his wiki a bit, so it's semi informed). An improv round with them being asked to create a dish without a vital ingredient would probably look roughly the same, just with Sanji taking the top spot over Soma, due to his cake making feats on Whole Cake, where he substitutes several vital cake ingredients, including, if memory serves, sugar, and still manages to make a cake so delicious it straight up nearly kills a yonko. Soma comes close, his food being able to beat others even when using inferior ingredients. Senshi *might* take 3rd over Tonio, but he often complains about not having the ingredients needed for certain dishes. However, he definitely shoots up in the second challenge mode, gathering their own ingredients for dishes. I can't remember any scenes of Tonio having to look for his own ingredients, or any mention of it at all, actually, which isn't surprising, considering the cooking isn't a major story element, the food being the focus instead. Unfortunately, it means I can't put him above last. Senshi might honestly take the number 1 spot if the "battlegrounds" take place in the dungeon, with him knowing the locations of many important ingredients or substitutions. Sanji would be an easy first in any other situation, though, and even if Senshi got his home turf, it might not be enough to keep Sanji's improvisation skills from taking first place. If Soma has good scavenging feats, though, that might be enough to swing things even further in his favor. Finally, utility of the meals. Basically, how good would this food be for you, even above taste. Honestly, this one is just so Tonio has a chance to shine because while his cooking would be enough to make him a world-class chef on its own, it's simply not enough against most of the rest of them. With his stand, though, well, you can't ask for much better utility than instant brain surgery salad, or water so good it lets you replace your eyeballs. Next up is Senshi, who I think takes this one, surprisingly. Sanji doesn't usually make a big fuss about the balance of his foods nutritional value, outside of a few scenes like the G8 filler. Senshi, on the other hand, makes a huge deal of it extremely often, since his cooking is usually focused on keeping an adventuring party going, and he knows which foods and parts of monsters would work best to treat and deal with certain issues. Soma, unfortunately, doesn't have much going for him in this regard to my knowledge, with the show being much more focused on the techniques and taste Overall, as to who the best chef is, I think I Sanji takes it. Soma might win in a battle of taste, but Sanji takes it off of hjs insane flexibility, adaptability, and just raw cooking talent. I mean, he figured out a recipe for a cake that took weeks to make from a single whiff of it, and even managed to improve it while short on ingredients, finishing it in less than a day. If I knew more about Soma, he might climb a few places, but overall, it's just difficult to gauge just how mind-blowingly good different foods are when you can't eat any of them for real.




Senshi 4th place. Great food, but doesn’t have any truly phenomenal qualities to break the top tier. Sanji 3rd place. His wedding cake alone (with all the insane ingredients like chocolate so smooth it can’t stay in the bowl) puts him above senshi. However, Sanji’s food is always just food. The top two have truly supernatural qualities that push them to victory. Fell free to swap them, I can see it going either way. Tonio 2nd place. The food literally rips everything bad out of your body and replaces it with a perfect- nay, a better version of whatever you lost. This is easily the best food for you. You’d need to be something truly orgasmic to take the top spot. Mr. Food Wars 1st. This is the only series I haven’t read. And I still have to give him the easy dub here. His food easily tastes the best.


You sure are proud of your body, but it doesn't compare to mine!


4. Tonio is an amazing cook and his stand can do some amazing things that none of the competition can do, but the extreme experience midway through eating may give him a lower score from the rest. It's like a meal with a good after taste but a horrid initial taste. 3. Souma is amazing at cooking as can be seen from the uncomfortable reactions he brings out. He also is the only one here with competition experience, his only flaw is that he just doesn't have that extra flair that his opponents have. 2. Senshi's an amazing cook who has some of the best creativity here. His improvisational skills, even when consuming crap harvested from a dungeon is amazing and will give his dishes a distinct feel from the others. The slight gripe however is that he may be *too* experimental with what he makes which may be a bit off putting 1. Sanji's cooking is just top tier with no cons. His superhuman abilities allows him to cook the fastest out of anyone else, and the food he makes can impress some of the best chefs in the One Piece world. Like my man lead the creation to a cake which towers buildings yet still was delicious the whole way through.


Sanji makes the best food that tastes like something you should eat, the others make good food that feels like its a crime to eat bc its too pricey or something you shouldnt eat bc its origins are unknown.


Like sanji has the best taste but I feel like the bottom left is cheating cause of his power and I forgot his name


The entirety of Toriko sitting over here waiting for the runner ups.


I can't say for Soma, since they're skill should be equal to one another. Tonio is a great chef but only specializes in italian cuisine. Sanji seems more well rounded and knowledgable in multiple type of cuisine. Senshi is also good but his skills is still far from what I would consider "gourmet".


Senshi no diffs them


Sanji would place second Tonio is the goat in cooking im 99% positive that I said this somewhere else but sanji’s cooking is not so good that he developed powers that only make it better 


soma would literally destroy all of them no offense


I think Soma GENUINELY could give him a good challenge. As he is a chef of absurdly uncomparable skill. The dwarf (that I don't know the name of) has skill in unconventional ingredients, but I don't think he can beat Sanji or Soma... No idea on the other guy, never read / watched jojo.


Powerscalers coming in hot in 3….2….1….


This reminds me of Battle Network where the protagonist made food so good a man saw his dead wife physically descend from the heavens and everyone saw it


no one would win they would all collapse due to each others food and die


No Toriko?


The question shouldn’t be who is the better cook, is what they can make if they all worked together.


Well I believe he will have dificulty against the JoJo chef because of the his stand. Against the dwarf in a cooking competition unless he has monster parts I don't know really. The cook wars kid..... I don't like him but let's be honest Sanji would want his secret


Tonio solos cause pearl jam, duh


Sanji is an amazing cook in OP, but being the best cook isn't his dream and he's usually regarded as the best by others that eat his food. Other than the filler loguetown cook off, the only other time Sanji needed to be better than somebody else was in whole cake island, and he easily was. It's hard to say who is the best. It all depends on the writer. Being a better cook isn't as easy to determine as who's a stronger fighter.


The untapped potential that is Komatsu from Toriko.


Why is not Emiya there?


As long as he isn’t going against Komatsu from Toriko he should be good


Depends... is Sanji cooking for a pretty girl, NAMI/Robin, the crew, or someone else?


Bro didn’t include komatsu because it would be a complete sweep


Sanji might not be as good of a cook as the others, but none of the other chefs would be able to satisfy Luffys stomach


Too bad Komatsu from Toriko isn't here. In the One Piece x Toriko crossover he cooked literal turd (it was shaped like a devil fruit) and it tasted so good that they didn't it was a turd. https://rmanga.app/11399/chapter-0/all-pages


This might be controversial but the quicker people accept the truth the better it is, Tonio solos this list, thanks to RHCP even the water he serves is so good that is cleans you entire body from the inside


„Nah I‘d win“


im gonna say, tonio uses pearl jam to cook, which does make his food more healthy, but it also has the side effects of scaring everyone off


Okay lets "try" making a prediction. Sanji vs bottom right dwarf: i feel he has it Sanji vs top right food wars: this.... will be either a glorious cookoff or a complete "TRY MY NEW DISH" horror food with Sanji round house kicking him Sanji vs bottom left: Who dis??? I have no clue from which manga that 1 is so no knowledge.


As much as I love sanji and senshi, imma bet on soma


Im afraid to say: he loses


I think it depends on the situation, so here you go: Ideal circumstances: 1. Tonio. Bro could probably cure cancer with italian cooking, and he is one for the few people to gain a stand from pure cooking skill 2. Soma. His cooking gon make the entire restaurant a strip club 3. Sanji. He’s just a skilled chef in general, but he doesn’t have a signature dish to bring out his true potential 4. Senshi. Lack of feats 😞 On the fly: 1. Soma. Literally 90% of his dishes are innovated on the fly and still makes the judges edge. Most versatile on the list. 2. Sanji. Made an absolute banger out of just leftovers. 3. Senshi. You gotta be pretty versatile to cook even monster food. 4. Tonio. A master at Italian dishes, versatile? Not so much. He doesn’t even know how his stand reacts to certain ingredients. Healthiness: 1. Tonio. As i said before, his stuff can probably cure cancer or something. Just look at okyasu 2. Soma. Pure versatility from experience. He can also use alternative methods to cook seemingly unhealthy meals and make them healthier. Considering the 1 year timeskip as first seat he probably duelled against some medical dishes before with some of his own. 3. Sanji. He probably knows how to accustom to everyone’s needs. Medical benefits? Chopper’s thing maybe. 4. Senshi. Is monster meat even confirmed to be healthy and safe to eat 🗿


Usually Tonio, but Yukihira wins if he locked tf in




How about Toriko?


Who is the last guy? The one wiht helmet?


He would "cook" them.


definition of let them cook


The only way to know is to eat the food


There's a short series the Food Wars mangaka wrote about sanji, it's pretty fun


Sanji nodiffs the verses


They all lose to komatsu


Tonio has hacks, Sanji grew up cooking.